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BIAL – Corporate Procurement - RFQ – Ver.



Reference Number: BIAL/RFQ/ 1000028997 /000889 dated 20.01.2022

Objective: This RFQ is to seek a quote from Original Equipment Manufacturers (‘OEMs’)/System
Integrators (‘Sis’) or suitably qualified and experienced suppliers/ firm/ company/ authorized dealers
(‘Bidders’) for “Earth pit construction and reconditioning work for the electrical installation at
various locations to enhance the electrical safety and compliance CEA regulation” (“Quote(s)”) at
Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru (“Airport”), as per the requirement, standards,
specification, drawings, timeline, quantities and other details as more fully detailed herein

Name and address of the entity seeking RFQ:

Bangalore International Airport Limited (“BIAL”).

Administration Block, Alpha 3,
Kempegowda International Airport,
Bengaluru560 300
Phone No: 080 -66782656/9538882656
Kind Attention: Head – Procurement and Contracts

RFQ Dates/Timelines (subject to revision as per Corrigendum if any):

Sl. Schedule Date

1 Date of Issue of RFQ 20.01.2022
2 “Due Date” for submission of Quotes 25.01.2022

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1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 3
2. DISCLAIMER & BUSINESS ETHICS & DEALINGS: ........................................................... 3
3. OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................... 5
4. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA............................................................................. 5
5. EVALUATION CRITERIA ...................................................................................... 5
6. GROUNDS FOR DISQUALIFICATION ......................................................................... 5
7. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS .................................................................................. 5
8. QUERIES FROM BIDDERS ..................................................................................... 6
9. ADDENDUM/CORRIGENDUM ................................................................................. 6
10. PAYMENT AND DEPOSITS .................................................................................... 6
11. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDER ................................................................... 7
12. LOCATION AND DURATION .................................................................................. 7
13. AWARD PROCESS ............................................................................................. 7
14. GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 8
ANNEXURE I ......................................................................................................... 9
ANNEXURE II ...................................................................................................... 10
ANNEXURE III ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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BIAL – Corporate Procurement - RFQ – Ver.1/2021


Bangalore International Airport Limited, a company within the meaning of the Companies Act,
2013, is operating and maintaining the ‘Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru’. For more
information, log on to



1. The information contained in this RFQ or subsequently provided to the Bidders, in writing by
BIAL shall be subject to the terms and conditions herein and/or as may be updated in BIAL’s
website from time to time.
2. This RFQ is neither an agreement, nor, an offer by BIAL to the prospective Bidders or any to
other person. The purpose of this RFQ is to provide the Bidders with the information, in
formulation of their Quotes. The information contained in this RFQ is indicative in nature and
need not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct in all respect and BIAL shall not be
responsible for the accuracy, inaccuracy, or otherwise including any interpretation or opinion
under law or otherwise. The Bidder are required to make their own independent inquiry,
investigations, analysis and due diligence as may be appropriate with respect to the same.
3. Information provided or made available in this or pursuant to this RFQ may relate to wide
range of matters including interpretation of law and may not be exhaustive in respect of any
or all of the matters detailed herein and shall no point in time held against BIAL or used for
the purpose of arriving at any opinion, unless the same has been specifically agreed with BIAL
in writing.
4. BIAL, its employees, advisers and agents makes no solicitation, representation or warranty,
and shall not be liable or made liable to any person under any law, rules or regulations or
tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment, negligence or otherwise for any loss,
damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of
anything contained in this RFQ or otherwise.
5. This RFQ, including its Annexures are not transferable or assignable. This RFQ or any
information provided by BIAL are to be referred or to be used by only those Bidders who have,
been authorized to receive this RFQ and/or received after following the due process
prescribed herein and it should not be copied or distributed (either whole or in part) by the
Bidder or any person on his behalf to any third party (other than to the Bidder’s professional
advisors under appropriate confidentiality terms). This RFQ and any information hereunder
must be kept confidential at all times by the Bidder/recipient.
6. BIAL may, in its sole discretion, with or without assigning any reasons amend, alter, revise,
supplement, update and/or vary any/all information, terms and conditions, assessment
and/or assumption in this RFQ, at any time, prior to the Due Date for submission of Quotes
mentioned herein.
7. The Bidder shall, without any consequence on BIAL, bear any or all its costs of whatsoever
kind associated with or relating to or ancillary to the preparation and submission of its
8. BIAL reserves the right to accept or reject Quotes; qualify or disqualify any or all of the
Bidder(s) without assigning any reason and is not obliged to correspond with any Bidder in
this regard.
9. This invitation for RFQ does not give rise to any right in rem and is not an offer or invitation
to offer of any kind whatsoever.


A. Strict Prohibition on Fraud and Corrupt Practices

1. The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe the
highest standard of ethics at all times.
2. The Bidders/selected Bidder or any person on their behalf shall not indulge in any corrupt
practice either in past, present or future.
3. Any form of solicited or unsolicited attempts either directly or indirectly to influence the bid
process, persuasion of any kind, to or seek favour for a particular Bidder, canvassing by way

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of unsolicited letters or in any form, communication in any form in respect of any of the
above and/or make an attempt to make any correction and/or deviation from the RFQ process
(pre or post bid) by offering better terms, etc., will result in the disqualification and/or shall
invoke a summary rejection of the Quote, by BIAL without being liable in any manner
whatsoever to the Bidder or otherwise.
If it is brought to BIAL’s notice (whether during the time of bid or after the award of the
bid/contract, that a Bidder/selected Bidder, as the case may be, has directly or indirectly,
engaged or attempted to engage in unethical, corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, undesirable or
restrictive practice (as the case may be) in the bidding process or otherwise in the conduct
of their business, BIAL shall (without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to BIAL
under the bidding documents or otherwise under law) at its absolute discretion, be entitled
to any or all of the following (i) forfeit and appropriate the Earnest Money Deposit/similar
deposit/fee, (ii) not to entertain or allow such Bidder to participate in any tender or RFQ
issued by BIAL for a minimum period of 2 (two) years, from the date such Bidder is found to
have violated this condition stated above, (iii) disqualify from the bid process and/or
terminate any or all subsisting contracts or engagements with BIAL, without any liability of
whatsoever nature on the part of BIAL.
4. For the purposes of the RFQ, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter
respectively assigned to them:
i. “corruption” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, or attempting
any of the foregoing, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the
actions of any person connected with the bidding process of BIAL (for avoidance
of doubt, offering of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Authority who is or has been
associated in any manner, directly or indirectly, with the bidding process) or
make any kind of offers to officers, employees, agents and /or advisers of BIAL,
including any incentive, gratification, gifts or personal favours, business
courtesies or entertainment, whether in cash or kind of whatsoever nature
whether or not, for a gain, a preferential treatment or obtain or retain any
business or contract, perceivable as improper, attempt to influence a business
decision or for discharging or forbearing to discharge, or for showing or forbearing
to show a favour or disfavour to any person in the discharge of, any function on
behalf of BIAL.
ii. “fraudulent” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or suppression of
facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the bidding process
of BIAL;
iii. “coercive” means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any person or property to influence any person’s
participation or action in BIAL’s bidding process;
iv. “undesirable” means (i) contacting or attempting to contact any person
connected with or employed or engaged by BIAL with the objective of canvassing,
lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the bidding
process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; or (iii) any activity of the Bidder
either under the bidding process or under any subsisting contract with BIAL that
has or is likely to have an adverse impact on BIAL; and
v. “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or
arrangement among Bidders with the objective of restricting or manipulating a
full and fair competition in the bidding process.

B. Whistle Blower Policy

1. If the Bidders/successful Bidder suspects or observes any unethical practice or behaviour by
an employee of BIAL or any person claiming to be employee or otherwise authorized by BIAL,
the Bidder shall immediately report such instances to the following email id:
2. Such intimation will be treated as strictly confidential and BIAL assures appropriate action
on such reported matters.

C. No Purchase Order - No Payment Policy

1. The service providers/ successful Bidders/ suppliers / vendors should ensure that a valid
purchase order is in place prior to delivering any goods or services. The service providers/

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selected Bidders/ suppliers / vendors shall at all point in time ensure that they peruse the
valid authorization from the concerned at BIAL in respect of any contract/purchase order
that has issued in favour of such person. The service providers/ selected Bidders/ suppliers
/ vendors, who do not have a written contract/purchase order duly executed by an
authorized signatory, shall not have any claim against BIAL and acknowledge and agree BIAL
is not liable and obligated to any such claims.

The Bidders are expected to communicate these terms and conditions, restrictions and
stipulations to their concerned involved/participating in this bidding process.


This RFQ is to seek Quotes from the Bidder’s for the Purpose as per the requirement, standards,
specification, drawings, timeline, quantities and other details as more fully detailed herein.


Minimum eligibility criteria shall be as mentioned under Annexure I.


Evaluation criteria shall be as mentioned under Annexure I.


BIAL may, at its sole discretion, disqualify/reject/cancel any bid/Bidder/Quote on any of the
following grounds:

1. Any Quote having lower Validity Period.

2. The Bidder submitting more than one Quote.
3. If the Bidder is found to be involved in any corrupt, Coercive, Fraudulent or Undesirable
practices in the past.
4. The Bidder will be evaluated on their past performance and prior dealings with BIAL (i.e.,
failure to meet specifications, poor workmanship, late delivery, etc.).
5. Supporting documents/declarations/statements (as applicable/required) not being
accompanied with the Quote.
6. Failure to comply with the requirements of the RFQ, or the Quote being non-responsive to
the requirements of the RFQ.
7. The Bidder submitting conditional, incomplete, ambiguous, obscure, incorrect, inaccurate,
misleading information, or, the Quotes containing any alterations or irregularities of any kind.
8. Any Quote is received after the Due Date as set-out herein.
9. Any Quote made by the agents, consultants, retainers, representatives or any entity other
than the Bidder, without authorization from the Bidder.
10. If the Bidder is found to be in violation of any of the conditions stipulate under Part I or II of
Clause 2 above.
11. Withdrawal or refusal by the successful Bidder; or the Bidder becomes incommunicado/non-
12. Additional grounds of disqualification shall be as mentioned in Annexure I.

In case of disqualification/rejection/cancellation or if the Quote(s) are misplaced, BIAL assumes

no responsibility or liability whatsoever.


7.1 Bidder shall adhere to the RFQ dates as mentioned herein. The Bidders shall mention the RFQ
reference number and submit their Quotes either by email or by courier, or registered post or
by hand delivery, to the communication address mentioned herein, duly signed, sealed during
0900 to 1700 hours Indian Standard Time, on or before the Due Date.

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7.2 The Quotes shall be submitted as per the format stipulated in Annexure II along with the base
price (all inclusive) and tax breakup.
7.3 The Quotes shall be unconditional, unambiguous and clear with definite number together with
a confirmation that such Quote submitted are valid for a minimum period of ninety (90) days
from the Due Date (“Validity Period”). If for some reason the process of the award of
bid/contract requires additional time BIAL will be requesting the Bidders to extend the validity
of Quotes for a further period of sixty (60) days. BIAL shall, notify the Bidders, at least fifteen
(15) days prior to the expiry of the Validity Period.


Any queries/clarifications relating to this RFQ may be submitted to the mail id along with RFQ
reference number mentioned herein, on or before last date specified for the purpose of
submission of queries/clarifications. Any incorrect, irrelevant and repetitive queries shall not be
entertained. All response to the queries from BIAL shall be through email only. BIAL do not assume
any liability in respect of any errors or ambiguities in the RFQ, irrespective of whether such error
or ambiguities are rectified subsequently.


BIAL may at its discretion (with or without assigning any reason), at any time prior to the Due
Date or bid opening date, modify the RFQ by issuing Addendum/Corrigendum in respect of this
RFQ or the subject matter herein. Any Addendum/Corrigendum so issued, shall from a part of
this RFQ, and shall be uploaded in the BIAL website or communicated by email to all the Bidders.
In an event of a Bidder, who have already submitted their Quotes, do not modify their bids, as a
result of/pursuant to the Addendum/Corrigendum, such Quote submitted shall be treated as final
Quote submitted by such Bidder, and shall be deemed that, such Bidder do not intend to modify
its Quotes already submitted. In case of issuance of Addendum/Corrigendum, BIAL shall reserves
its right to modify/alter the dates in relation to this RFQ.


10.1 Retention Money: Such percent of the amount as mentioned in the Annexure I shall be
retained by BIAL as “Retention Money”. Retention Money shall be retained from payment
against running bills of the successful Bidder. Alternatively, the successful Bidder can chose
to submit a bank guarantee in lieu of deduction towards the Retention Money, in a format
prescribed in Part A of Annexure III, subject to obtaining prior written approval from BIAL
for such alternative security. The successful Bidder shall submit such bank guarantee from
a scheduled commercial bank in India acceptable to BIAL, and which is also having branch
at Bengaluru, in the format prescribed in Part B of Annexure III and pre-approved by BIAL.
Such bank guarantee shall have provision that enables BIAL to invoke the bank guarantee
and the amount so demanded/claimed shall be paid to BIAL at Bengaluru. BIAL will return
such Retention money (without any interest)/bank guarantee (as the case may be) subject
i. after adjusting the deductions if any, and/or,
ii. on issuance of No liability/ clearance certificate,
within thirty (30) days of completion of the Defect Liability Period/ Warranty Period
or the claims expiry period mentioned under the said bank guarantee, whichever is
later (as appropriate).
‘Defect Liability Period’ will be such period of time as mentioned in Annexure I.
10.2 Liquidated Damages: In addition to any other remedies available under law, (without
limiting to injunctive reliefs if any) that BIAL may have, the Bidder shall pay an amount of
1% of the contract value, per week, and subject to a maximum of 5% of the contract value,
which shall be deducted as liquidated damages for delayed period for completion, beyond
the agreed timeline. Parties agree that the Liquidated Damages is the genuine pre-estimate
of the loss/ damages that BIAL is likely to face as a result of such delay. The Bidder
understand agrees and confirm that the payment of Liquidate Damages is not in form of

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penalty and shall not be construed as the final costs and expenses of any kind.
Notwithstanding anything contrary, the payment of liquidated damage by the selected
Bidder, shall not relieve or absolve them from any of its/their including performance of the
contract and the Bidder shall continue to be liable and responsible in respect of
performance of the contract.
10.3 Service Level Credits: Not Required
10.4 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG): Not Required.
10.5 All undisputed payment by BIAL shall be made only upon BIAL being satisfied about the
Purpose or acceptance, within such period as mentioned in Annexure II from the date of
receipt of clear and certified invoice.


The successful Bidder shall:

11.1 achieve the Purpose in all respect to the satisfaction of BIAL in timely manner and as per the
specifications and guidelines provided by BIAL from time to time;
11.2 At its own cost and expense, undertake, comply with and perform all its obligations and shall
comply with all the applicable laws and regulations including BIAL’s safety and security
guidelines and other policies, procedures, conditions, issued/applicable from time to time;
11.3 Adhere to the Service Levels mentioned in Annexure I (for contracts involving the provision
of services).


Location and duration shall be as mentioned in Annexure I.


13.1 BIAL will, as per its procedures, evaluate the Quote of only those Bidders, who have
technically satisfied the criteria and complied with the other requirements of this RFQ and
only such Bidder who has technically qualified and who has Quoted the lowest price, will be
invited for further discussions. Regardless, BIAL reserves the right to invite the next lowest
bidder, so as to get the best pricing in favour of BIAL, on a case to case basis, and pursuant
to such discussions, the Bidder (whoever quoted the lowest price) will be selected and
awarded. Such selected Bidder shall be bound by and adhered to the terms and conditions
herein and policies of BIAL stated herein and/or otherwise published in its website, during
the bid process and also term of the contract being awarded. BIAL may, at its discretion
without assigning any reasons cancel and/or terminate the award of the bid/contract of the
selected Bidder, in case of any breach, without any further notice or liability and BIAL shall
not be held responsible for /or obligated to make payment whatsoever.
13.2 BIAL reserves its right to accept any Proposal and to reject any or all the Proposals received
at its discretion without assigning any reasons or can change the process of the selection at
any time during or after the RFQ process or withdraw the RFQ or any part of the bidding
process or to vary any of the terms at any time prior to award of the contract and BIAL shall
not be held responsible in this regard.
13.3 Upon communication from BIAL, selected Bidder shall be bound by and obliged to enter into
an agreement with BIAL within the timeline in this regard . The agreement(s) between BIAL
and the selected Bidder will have the detailed terms, conditions, scope and Purpose. The
agreement to be signed by such selected Bidder shall be consistent with the agreement
enclosed in Annexure IV.
13.4 If such selected Bidder do not comply with the instruction stipulated herein and in the
relevant communication, in this regard, BIAL reserves its right to take any action against such
selected Bidder including seeking specific performance and/or any other remedies available
under law. Without prejudice to any of its rights, BIAL may, in such circumstance, further
reserves its right to proceed with other Bidder / Quotes or cancel the RFQ procurement
process, as it deems appropriate.

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14.1 BIAL may, at its discretion, cancel/annul/terminate/withdraw/re-tender this RFQ process at

any time without any prior notice or assigning any reason whatsoever and without any
obligation or liability whatsoever and BIAL shall not be responsible for /or obligated to make
payment whatsoever.
14.2 By submission of the Quotes, the Bidder unconditionally agrees to all the terms and conditions
and agrees to submit the most up to date information, documents/records as may be required
by BIAL from time to time and/or the Bidder deem appropriate and also declares that the
contract with BIAL (if any) not terminated in the preceding 3 years. .
14.3 BIAL may, at its sole discretion (with or without assigning any reason), extend or modify the
Due Date, in which case, original deadline will thereafter be subject to the extended deadline
on the same terms and conditions, unless the same have been modified or amended.
14.4 BIAL’s determination as to whether a Bidder is qualified and selected, will be based upon the
information submitted by the Bidder in its Quotes, statements and/or affidavits (if requested
by BIAL), interviews (if applicable) as part of the bid process and from other sources to the
extent the same considered as valid by BIAL.
14.5 The successful Bidder shall achieve the Purpose in accordance with the scope and promises
that the deliverables shall be free from all defects, damage, deficiency and free of faults of
workmanship, be of the highest grade, consistent with the established and generally accepted
standards and “fit for purpose”. In the event the purpose is not achieved or the
products/services/deliverables are found to be defective or not in accordance with the
scope, quality or the specifications prescribed by BIAL, the successful Bidder shall
replace/rectify the same forthwith at no cost to BIAL.
14.6 Any or all information furnished or given or made available by BIAL to the Bidder shall kept
confidential at all time by the Bidder and such information shall be used only for the Purpose.
14.7 Any assignment of this RFQ or of any rights hereunder, in any manner, by operation of law or
otherwise, without the prior written consent of BIAL, shall be void.
14.8 The Bidder shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all permits, sanctions,
consents, approval and also shall comply with all the laws, orders, regulations or other
instructions issued by all relevant and appropriate authorities.
14.9 Where applicable, successful Bidder shall adhere to the instruction/order issued by Bureau
of Civil Aviation from time to time and shall obtain the security clearance as appropriate and
to the extent the successful Bidder is required to perform any activities in the airside or the
peripheral of the airside, the successful Bidder shall ensure that all its personnel/employee
are properly trained and security measures, if any, shall be treated as a serious offence and
dealt with the same accordingly, including forthwith termination of the contract/award at
the cost and expenses of the selected Bidder.
14.10 BIAL reserves the right (but not the obligation) to verify any, or all statements made by the
Bidders in response to this RFQ, and to inspect the Bidders’, places of business, etc., if
necessary, to establish to its satisfaction about the Bidders ability and expertise to achieve
the Purpose and Bidder shall fully cooperate in this regard.
14.11 All documents and/or any other information submitted pursuant to the RFQ shall remain the
property of BIAL.
14.12 In case of disqualification/rejection/cancellation or if the Quote is misplaced, BIAL assumes
no responsibility or liability whatsoever. BIAL shall not be liable or held liable for any loss,
damage, expenses, costs or liability arising out of this RFQ (either directly or indirectly). BIAL
shall not be held liable for any damage or loss caused to the Bidder due to injury or death of
any of its personnel.
14.13 This RFQ and any arrangement hereunder shall be governed by the laws of India and the
courts at Bengaluru shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.
14.14 Any communication with respect to this RFQ, shall only be in writing and to be addressed to
the person designated.


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A. Technical Specifications/BOQ/Scope: As per Mentioned in Annexure-II

B. Eligibility Criteria: (if applicable): Each of the participant/Bidders should fulfil the following
eligibility criteria: Commercial

A. Warranty Period (if applicable): <<“2 years from the date of handing over of the product
/commissioning or OEM warranty, whichever is higher”>>

B. Location and Duration:

Location: At Airport. BIAL at its discretion shall have the right to change the location any time.
Delivery/installation: <<Within [30] (Thirty) calendar days from the date of Purchase Order>>
Contract validity: << [45days from the date of Purchase Order/Agreement (whichever is later)>>

C. Payments Terms: 30/45 days from the date of receipt of clear invoice and acceptance.

D. Additional ground of disqualification (if applicable)

E. Other Terms/Conditions (if applicable)

F. List of Approved Makes (If Applicable)

No. Description Manufacturer
NOTE: 1. All the non OEM Bidders should be authorized dealer of the products/services or should
have a written approval of the brand / manufacturer before execution of the Services and also
provide maintenance support if required.
2. Materials which are not part of above list and required for execution has to be approved by BIAL
prior to execution of the Services.

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<<on the letter head of Bidder>>
Date: XX XX XX


Head - Procurement & Contracts

Bangalore International Airport Limited, Administration Block,
Alpha2, Kempegowda International Airport, Devanahalli
Bengaluru – 560 300

Dear Sir,

Sub: Submission of Quote

Ref: RFQ Ref. No: BIAL/RFQ/ 1000028997 /000889 for Earth pit construction and reconditioning work
for the electrical installation at various locations to enhance the electrical safety and compliance
CEA regulation. With reference to the Request for Quote number mentioned above,
I/we hereby submit the quotation for Earth pit construction and reconditioning work for the electrical
installation at various locations to enhance the electrical safety and compliance CEA regulation. as

Quote Format
Unit Total
Rate Amount
Maintenance free earthing EA 10
Supply, Installation, testing and
commissioning of Chemical
earth-pits as mentioned in RFQ
with FRP chamber, identification
of earth pits with paintings as per
IS 3043, concrete or FRP
chamber cover to withstand 2.5
tons of weight
chamber cover (2ft X 2 ft) Concrete
or FRP chamber cover to withstand
2.5 tons of weight.
600X600M Earth pit chamber cover
3 (1.5ft X 1.5ft) Concrete or FRP
chamber cover to withstand 2.5 tons
of weight
Earth-pit reconditioning work EA 40
Replacement of Earthing funnel
Bolts, Nuts etc. earth pits need to be
provided with appropriate Bolts,
nuts and cable connected lugs along
with chamber cover and marking.

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Earth-pit reconditioning work EA 2

Lifting of the earth pit rom depth
with necessary required materials.
This work needs to excavate the
5 surrounding area and conductor
shall be connected to existing earth
pit to working range height &
reconstruction of earth pit &
provided with chamber
EA 40
Earth-pit reconditioning work
Adding compound booster for the
high resistance earth pit as per given
6 list. Bentonite / CUREC+ - Ionic
preparation to treat and enhance
grounding systems This preparation
classification has been done
Duties levies or any additional costs
(if any)
Grand total

Terms & Conditions (if any):

1. Delivery period:
2. Payment terms:30 days from the receipt of invoice & certification by BIAL engineer incharge
3. Warranty & Defect Liability Period.

I/we have read and understood the term and conditions of the RFQ referred above and do hereby
unconditionally accept all the term and condition of the RFQ and submit the Quote as above.

Additionally, I/We are hereby submitting the following documents for your ready reference:
1. In Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable) / In case Partnership Firm – Partnership Deed
2. MOA & A0A and Board resolution/Power of Attorney in favour of Authorised Signatory
3. Balance sheet for past three years duly certified by the statutory Auditor and/or Company
Secretary/Managing Director/Director,

Thanking You

Authorised person
Name and Signature with Stamp of the bidders

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