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MOCK TEST 1-TERM (2019-2020)

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
Question 1. A. gender B. enroll C. preference D. secondary
Question 2. A. birth B. other C. youth D. think
Question 3. A. produced        B. wanted                  C. needed                D. naked
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
Question 4. A. wedding B. engage C. happy D. party
Question 5. A. technology     B. illustration             C. definition             D. electronic
Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence; best substitutes the underlined part.
Question 6. We _________ in silence when he suddenly _________ me to help him.
A. were walking – was asking B. were walking – asked C. walked – asked D. walked – was asking
Question 7.” Dad. I’ve passed the English test.” “_________”.
A. Good job! B. Good test! C. Good luck! D. Good way!
Question 8. Gender discrimination must _________ in order to create a better society.
A. eliminate B. be eliminated C. be eliminating D. eliminated
Question 9. Is it acceptable to touch _________ person on _________ shoulder in a conversation?
A. a – the B. the – the C. the – a D. a - a
Question 10. June has become _________ month for wedding in many countries when the symbolic flowers, roses,
usually bloom.
A. more popular B. less popular C. the most popular D. the least popular
Question 11. Paper was first _________ to make paper money, playing cards or the world’s oldest book in the 2 nd century
by the Chinese.
A. to invent B. inventing C. being invented D. invented
Question 12. A laptop can be a great learning _________ but you need to think of how to use it effectively.
A. benefit B. choice C. invention D. tool
Question 13. Women are more likely to be victims of _________ violence.
A. domestic B. household C. home D. family
Question 14. In Nepal, child marriage and _________ to school have prevented girls from reaching their full potential.
A. lack B. access C. lack of access D. access lack
Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence
Question 15. Smart phones are very versatile, as they can do many things like making phone calls, taking pictures, or
listening to music.
A. capable B. helpful C. interesting D. multifunctional.
Question 16. There are many traffic jams during rush hour.
A. congestion B. riders C. road signs D. transportation
Give the correct form of the following words in blanket.
Question 1. The_________ ceremony is one of the three stages of a Vietnamese traditional wedding. (propose)
Question 2. The elimination of gender _________ would make women have a chance to express themselves more.
Question 3. When scientists discovered genetic engineering, they considered it their greatest _________. (achieve)
Question 4. Susan believes in ghosts and the world for the dead. She is so _________. (superstition)
Question 5. Lan sings _________ than Hoa. ( sweet )
Put the verbs in brackets in suitable tenses.
Question 6. Where is Tony? He _________ (be) to the travel agent’s, and he hasn’t come back.
Question 7. I can’t believe that you ________ (finish) all the three exercises. You just started 5 minutes ago.
Question 8. You seem to have a pain in your back. I _________ (help) you to do it.
Question 9. “Hi! What _________ (you/do) here?” “I _________ (wait) for a friend.”
Question 10. What _________ you ________ (do) when I _________ (call) yesterday?
Fill in each blank with one word in A, B, C or D to complete the passage.
When you are driving abroad you should make sure that you have all your documents with you. These include your
passport, your driving licence and insurance papers. It (31) _________ be very inconvenient if you lose any of these or if
you cannot find them quickly. You must also make sure that your car has a nationality plate which shows the country
where the car is registered; for (32) _________, GB for Great Britain, F for France, N for Norway and so on.
In some countries you have to pay if you don’t (33) _________ motoring laws and this can sometimes cost you a lot
of money. For example, you may have to pay immediately if you are stopped by a police officer for taking no (34)
_________ of traffic lights, speed limits or if you allow children (35) _________ the age of twelve to (36) _________ in
the front seat of a vehicle.
Question 1. A. should B. would C. must D. can
Question 2. A. once B. instance C. general D. fact
Question 3. A. do B. allow C. obey D. continue
Question 4. A. mark B. look C. see D. notice
Question 5. A. under B. lower C. over D. behind
Question 6. A. follow B. pass C. travel D. wait
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Role reversal has not really become popular. Couples who swap roles are still few and far between. Is that
because women are better at rearing children? Or are men just afraid to resist tradition? “The isolation was the
worst thing,” said Andrew Timpson, who left teaching to take care of his home and children for two and a half
years. The idea of swapping roles-for the father to stay at home while mum goes out to work - is still a relatively
new one. In the 70s it sounded like a great idea. Let the newly liberated women make progress with her career
while the New Man stays at home and takes care of the house and children. Now, 10 years or so later, it seems as
if we were a l i t t l e premature. A recent report by the Family Policy Studies Center concludes: "Despite
important social changes, particularly greater female employment, it is still women in families who undertake the
great bulk of house-work, cooking, child-care and taking care of elderly relatives - The much hyped New Man
remains a rare species.” Certainly some would argue that a man cannot replace a mother - that mum is the
natural homemaker, while dad is the provider. Some men might give help with shopping and cooking, but most
would do little more. Some men even believe that doing housework is an insult to their masculinity.
For many couples who swap roles, traditional attitudes are a major problem. Frank and Joan Roberts found that
they were confronted with strong views when Frank left his job to look after Michael, five, while Joan continued
with her career. Frank says, "It is not socially acceptable where we live. People here are reared to believe that the man
goes out to work and woman stays at home."
Question 7. According to the passage, couples who change roles has been
A. still rare B. very popular C. popular D. not happened
Question 8. The Family Policy Studies Center concluded that
A. at present, women still do most of the housework.
B. many women change their traditional roles, because there are many jobs created for them.
C. the men stay at home to take care of the house and children.
D. A and C are correct.
Question 9. In the last paragraph, Frank and Joan Roberts were confronted with strong views because
A. Frank went out to work and Joan Roberts looked after her child.
B. both of them went out to work.
C. Frank was unable to look after his child.
D. Frank left his job to look after his child, while his wife went on with her career.
Question 10. The word “ swap ” in the passage most nearly means________
A. improve B. make better C. share D. change
Question 11. The word “ major ” in the passage most nearly means________
A. big B. primary C. necessary D. best
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
Question 1. I’ve never attended a more romantic wedding. (most)
=> It’s the ………………….…………….…………………………………………………………………….
Question 2. Somebody has to pick the visitors up from the airport.
 The visitors ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Question 3. I can go out with my friends at the weekend. (allowed)
-> I am ………….……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Question 4. His brother isn’t as intelligent as he is. (more)
=> He is ………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….
Question 5. They were unable to finish their game of tennis because of a heavy shower. (prevented)
=> A heavy shower ……………………………………………………………………………………………

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