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e required qualities of the utilities and if adaptation is not possible on the consumer side,

appropriate measures must be taken into account on the utility planning side. Such measures can
be e. g. pressure reduction and cooling of heating steam or additional filtration and drying of
compressed air. For wastewater, the disposal of which is often also part of the black utility
planning, additional pre-treatment, such as neutralization, may be necessary. Thereafter, the
wastewater can be discharged for further treatment in the central collection network at the site.

Since additional measures are usually associated with additional costs, this requires a detailed
coordination between the planners. Only in this way can efficient and cost-effective solutions be
found. The coordinated data must be available to all planning partners at the end of the basic

Also Important: The Entire Piping Engineering

At the beginning of the detailed planning, the interfaces are coordinated at the level of pipeline
planning between the planning partners and documented in the Pipe and Instrument Diagram (R
& I). This includes the specification of the nominal diameter and material of the pipeline, the
pipe class and the design of the transition points. Here also e. g. a change in the pipe class, which
can occur at the transition from the technology area to the clean room area, must be accounted
for by planning and installing suitable transition pieces.

Scheduling: Timing of Measures

Parallel to the above-mentioned planning services, an inter-trade schedule must be created and
maintained at an early stage. This ensures that the utilities are available to consumers at the time
they are needed for commissioning or preparation of the commissioning. In the event that new
generating facilities need to be procured and installed, the time between planning and provision
of the utilities is often very long. This should be taken into account properly at the beginning of
the planning.

The exact definition and careful planning of all shown interfaces in black utility planning are
very important in all projects. Sound planning of the interfaces shown must be the focus of
planning services. Due to the extensive experience in the areas of plant design, the use of a
competent expert in the implementation of projects makes sense. This is the only way to ensure a
smooth design process and a timely, successful commissioning of the designed plants.

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