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Dling Daca Handbook G.GABOLDE. 17. NGUYEN Procedures IER and MLV. CARTALOS a air ‘M. MOUREAU, G BRACE GILLES BOURDAROT Engineer, Elf Aquitaine WELL TESTING: INTERPRETATION Translated tom the French by Barbara Brawn Batt Center for PETROLEUM ENGINEERING AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT | I | ' | 1998 | EDITIONS | TECHNIP t rile FSG Bats Cacon 15 SRE \- WELL TESTING: INTERPRETATION METHODS Bons [Essa de pts mstases nrpeaion .Baucart {© 1886 Canons Tec ang stu anc u pevele Iso 270.0975, © 1996 inn Tec Pais ntti pel tla ISBN 2-7108.0738-6 i ISSN 1271-8008 At gh reed pt of pi mabe eprint fe orbs mean sian meant ming poco ein asf ee “Can oe sae pte rien prin Sipe Contents ‘Symbols and abbreviations PRINCIPLE Chapter 1 Principles of well testing 1.1 toteduetion 12 Darcy's law 1.3. Compressbilty 1.4 fusion equation 1.5 Solving the dusty equation 1.6 Compressible zone 1.7. Radius ol ivestigaton 18 Flow regimes 1.9. Principia ot superposition Chapter 2 Wellbore storage 2.1 Datntion 2.2 Naturally enuptive wes, 23. Pumping walls 24 Oroers ot magnitude 25. Pressure variations 26. Botiomnole tow 27 End of tw wellbore storage effect Chapter 3 Skin 3.1. Defnion 3.2 laiitesmal shia 19 19 20 21 2a 28 28 a 33 34 35 35 37 a 20 39 3.3. rite thickness skin 34 Effective 1848 oan orn ‘88 Generalization ofthe skin concept INTERPRETATION METHODS Introduetion {Chapter 4 Conventional interpretation methods 4.1. Drawdown test. 4.2 Pressure buildup: Homer's method 4.3. Pressure buildup: MOH method 4.4 Alter varying flow rales... 45 Simplification of the fow vate story 48. Buidup radius of rvestgation Chapter 5 Type curves 8.1 Intodvetion 5.2 Gringarten type curves 53 Interpetaton method... ‘544 Using type curves during buidup Chapter 6 The derivative 6.1. Representation 82 Properties ofthe derivative 63 The derivative as eagnostic too! 6.4. Analysis with type curves 85. Direct interpretation by means of te detivaive 66 Conciusion RESERVOIR BOUNDARIES Introduction "chapter 7 Linear sealing faults 7.1. Description 7.2 The method of mages “0 4 4a 8 a” st 54 60 68 a7 or 6 70 75 9 79 a1 a or cy sag ‘6. eouRoAnor 7.3 Conventional ntereattion method 7.4 Type curves: the derwative ‘Chapter 8 Channels 8.1 Description of ows 8.2 naar tow 83 Conventional intereetation 84 Bounded channels ; 8.5 Pressure buildup with varying flow rates 8.6 Pressure derivaive, ype cures Chapter 9 intersecting faults 8.1 Conventional analysis 92 Type curves: pressure derivative / Chapter 10 Constant pressure boundary 10.1 Conventional interpretation method 10.2 Type cunes: derivative “Chapter 11 Closed reservoir 11.1. Producing wel, pseudosteady-state regime 11.2 Shubin wel, average pressure Chapter 12 Productivity index 121 Datntion 122. Productivity index ding the infinte-acting period 12.3 Productniy index during the pseudosteady- stale law 124. Real and theoretical P RESERVOIR ASPECTS J Chapter 13. Naturally ractured reservoirs 13.1 Geomety 132 Porosity 133 Capaciy 13.4 Permeabity 135 Moliiclractre exchange: 6. sounoanor 2 0 a 136 137 10 0 198 a 139 ats 0 1m 1 1% Me ett ue 121 Chap , 181 te 18 ta 188 1h 184 1 iss uy 188 157 Mt is ut is8 1424810 145 chant 1 181 “8 162 i ies 1a}, sar Chapt ura 1501721 182 1 133,173 va 175 , Ae 4 1 152 14.6 Testing @ Wwolayer reservoir 13.6 Analysis of fows 13.7 Choosing between the pseudosteady-state and tne wansiont interporosty tow models... 138 Type cuve anaiysie. 13.9 Type cures dervatives : 18.10. Two examples of interpretation ina haclured ressoe Chapter 14 Two-layer reservoirs 14.1 vodvetion 142 Description ofa two-layer reserve 143° The Bourdet model. WELL ASPECTS Chapter 15 Partial penetration weils, 15.1 _letroduction 152 Flow around a partial penaivation wel 15.3 - Radial low atthe perforations 15.4 Spherical low 15.5 Rladal tow over the whoa net thickness 1566 Extrapolated pressure, average pressure 15.7 Pressure dewvatve 15.8 Ambiguous interpretation 15.9 Comparison wit core sampios 18.10 Paral perforation ana tractured tesanvies Chapter 16 Slanted wells, 16.1 tntroduction 18.2 Flows and skin lactor for slanted wos 16.3 Influence of permeatity anisotropy Chapter 17 Antificialy ractured wells 17.1. Description of tne fracture 17.2. Flows around an articaly iractured wall, Conventional terion methods 17.3 Type curvas the derivative 174 Type curves 178. Canetusion 159 162 red im 175 181 181 181 182 184 191 199 193 195 198, 197 199 203 203 208 200 210 an 213 219 ai 22 228 231 c-eounoAsor Chapter 18 Horizontal wes 18.1. Description ofa horizontal wel 18 Flow arcana hnizontal welt Convent teats ‘methods 18.3. Type cures, the derivative Chapter 19 Injection wells 19.1. Description ofan inaction well 19.2. Deserption of tows 19.3. Type cunes and derivative 19.4 The objectives of esting an inaction wel FLUID ASPECTS Chapter 20 Gas wells 20.1. Pseudopressure 20.2 Deviation rom Darcy's tow 20.3 Inierpretation of a gas wel test 20.4. Presentation of absolute open-fow potential tests 20.5. Conventional AOFP tests 206 Interpretation of AOFP tesls: Houpeur's method 20.7 Interpretation of absolute open-ow potental tests ‘empirical method 20.8 Other test proceduies Chapter 21 Multiphase flows 21.1. nroduetion 21:2 Perna mathod hypotheses 21.3. Perne's method 21.4 Proguetiity index of an ail well preducing unde the bubble pan Voges equstion INTERFERENCES Chapter 22 Interference tests 22.1. Presentation, paricuars {222 Interpretation methods in a homogenous fesenoe .aounoanor 233 203 203 239 2a 2a 202 266 288 287 291 299 203 22.3 Interference tests in tracted reservoirs 22.4 Infivence of fow rate history 22.5. Skin and weltbore storage icc! 22.8 Objective ofinteterence lest, two examples Chapter 23 Pulse tests 23.4 Presentation 28.2 Interpreting puse tests: the Kamal and Bigharn matng Practical units Roterences Ingex 299 303 308 313 313 315 225 27 6 sounoaror Symbols and abbreviations a drainage area ofthe well a {stance from the wel 10 the end of the channel AOFP absolute open tow potential 8 volume tector 8, (985 volume factor s ll volume factor : a water volume factor e compressiity ¢ wotore storage Gy drainage aroa shape fector % dimensionless wellbore storage oo “Smensioniess welloresiorage of the fractures Colm dimensionless wellbove storage of he fractured reservoir Com imensioniss wellbore storage of the matrix Con ‘dimensionless wellbore storage versus a tacture equivalent comoressibilly tracture capacity G icant capacity ofthe fractured resenor 5 88 compressiity q q. ‘capacity ofthe matrix oo oll compressbity S ore compressibility oe compress othe voids located in the races f on ‘maltix pore compressiblly Y @ relative conductity of he fracture & {otal compresstity oy lolol compressiity of the hectares ‘6 sounowror ne ' ‘ 1 h k k Fe m0 0p p9 ffrrrnage RPO RBBB RE Ree rE + = Pt Bin Loa compress o the matic {oil compresstity nin wate one water compresstty ection of devon tom Dary's tw Gstonce em tho we oa ray fzirry of ho wel nb hare ‘a0 oth pulse angi 1 he ota yl length dng a pu test gravity aceaeration = cine ae Deke foyer ensiess tckess in an aisonic reser (88 devted thekness ofa seen na two-layer esonci perforated thickness ee heros ait pereesbiy facture permeabiy prmesoaty to gas Ronn! prmeabity rat“ pemeabaty Dine rections ol pemeabaty tensor umeabity toot Skin parmeabaty Serer! parmeabity vera pamesbay ‘encal parmeabity oa sreen Permaabity to wate bread tesorcomoonent ‘th of he chara lenin ofa horzotal dese rae wht ole goe Sloe of he samog stag ne slop of ra sagt tne on hens fow plot Sie of ne somo sgh tne neo tone $18 of ie stag ine on tne spree four pat spe othe somo sagt tne nthe water ene characteris dimension ofa marr bos pressure ressure ceratve valu one deriaine coresponding oa sibiaed derhative Brest ead a= = nonin amg sa a areage pressure 6. sounaanor mansoniss pressure :Poucn Mila Oyes Hucirson cimesionlss pressure P exrapotted pressure % ‘earopolated pressure onthe staph ino characteristic of hacar tow m estrapouted pressure on ha Sanit ine chavatose ot sphancal tow produchaty doe a ‘tal pressure Pe Standard presse a flowing Botomnole wel pressure Pe sulin boltomhole wet pressure a wend ow ate a Dotter tow cole a welnead tow rate of 2 Gey, tama mutionase wel ow rate a sled Now rate of gas standard conditions 4 ‘ota ottomnate ow ate a ‘weiad fow rte of water a ‘cea! gas constant i Gistance tom a pont thaw 0 timensioniass stance p=) oy Cimensioniess dstance fom tha wel to the end ofthe channel ‘ rads ol vestigation ‘ inction rac Ba water moby rao in characteristic langih of a matrix bloc a of dectuton rato teal tin eds & radive of he euivaletspiticl sourca & wret agus § geome! stan ss Skin & ‘kin due to angoliopy in & hosizontal wel s geometrical skin do tote tcture es Sas sluraton s Skin ue to wel inctnation & oi saturation s plugging skin in a horzoral wll 3 paral penetraton ska s. ‘rater saturation 6 eovsoanor 9 BES Deena gs tec gecccc ag ineducibe water saturation tine temperate sierstores ine Gerenseries time versus cringe oes dvansioness tie coresporcing 10 the Begining of peeuseraca flow around a fracture ° ao ‘a sentra me coesponding ot Gienserless tie wins rlerncelrgth Pszotal imensionless time with ‘as a reference length. (channen) = lenseriess time wh 3a veterorce anak Gevenserlss tine ol the intersection ofthe sgh nes mand 2m tne cotespencig othe sieecton ofthe somasy soa, wath Sopem and 2m tie fg cure a ple lest dlvesenies tie versus deveseriesspreduclon ihe versus the asinage area corsa fw rte prodocton ine fecuven! proucton une Stancad empaaive vesoty vote ‘eve volume ote Factres compared to tha of he sample eras volume aired bythe wel Yolune of rected ator ‘kine volume of he mati Bor whe Solane othe we per unt nth ‘olin the wet wet ol hace vith othe around a Woctire Tctiee nat ngin G85 compress ator Svan gas comeressby octor Astanee Between the hong! wel and he foo ofthe reser heacensticcoticent ol mathe bce gesmany Sharacersie dmensoriess Berameter of Wansiion lr tans fows na actu reset tress difeoren uF op oe to skin time otena! 6 BounoaRor ae ay ‘Agarwal equivalent time a, uration ol @ pulse during a puse test ° Taio baiween the citushiy inside the tactue and that of the orome tween ' ro x Mancrissy contest between two ayersin arate esonct x exchange parameter between mati ang haclures 0” between layers na wo-tayer reser X vyacosiy ; rs ‘average gas viscosity i oivscosty water vscosiy s apacy cents! between the mate and facies or between Wo layers in a wortayer reserve ¥ pseudopressure function ‘ ¥ ‘average pseudopressure function i To flowing psevdopressure function : ° density a y ° factor cherecteraing well eccentric . wot wa ° angle: between two intersecting felts, of the devoted well le ‘ porosity u fracture porosity ' fy mate pores Functions ; 1 ow vergence , Eis) exponent integral function : ‘exo exponential funtion GE) Sonday hncon fh tate ged gradient n Neperian garth 09 ‘cima logan, . 6 7 6 uration of a cycle during a pulee test i Principles 1 two Chapter 1 Principles of well testing a we nese The principles that ave discussed in this chapter and the methods that are dealt with in ater chaplers consicer one-phase low of olin a reserva Chapters 20 and 21 shaw how the principles and methods difer when the fui s a gas oF when itis multiphase, 1.4 INTRODUCTION Generally speaking, the aim of well testing is to get information about a we ‘and about a reservor. fic To got tn information, the wel ow rate is varied and the variaton tre the existing pressure inthe reservoi Measuring the variations in pressure versus time and interpreting them gives data on the reservoir and the wet ‘The pressure can be measure: ~ ln the well where the How rate has been clanged: this is the method used in mast test: oN = rin another wel: Ii isthe aim of ntaerence tess. .eouroanor 8 sesines cre res The variations in pressure are interprated using @ number of laws of tid mechanics, This chapter wil introduce the major ones that are used and their £ S consequences, 1.2 DARCY'S LAW Darcy's lw is used to describe fuid fow in a porous medlur, Let us look at ts eea of appcation and its consequences on a wel lest + Presentation of the law: According lo Oarcy’s law, the flow fale ofa Mud flwing through a rock samples proportional o ~ 6 pressure gracent appt to the rock sample: ~ the sample's cross-section, S; the moby of he Rd, W. Darcy's taw fats within a time interval when the flow rate and other poramete's are constant does not depend onthe pores ofthe medium. or onthe comptessbilty of ether the fuids or the rock + Vectorial expression: ‘The vectorial expression of Darcy's law is as follows: Sgadp ay ‘A wel lest studi the variations in pressure that accur after @ fow rate Watation, Since the tow rate has varied, Oarcy’s law ean nol be sophcg ‘macroscopically to describe the flow around the wen, 20 6 sounoenor (aber eernenuesoF eu ese A Darcy's law can also be expressed as a function ofthe fid's fitration rate: Ved (1.2) 3 ee Size wa ers ay (neta ects to te aSSaoa ene pos msn + xremon Wendt ee eee K an 2 4) ay a a 1 abo renee been wo ei of Senki he Wd a a = ve sei = 2a) Pur“Pe oy o7ere nk 7 a 1.3 COMPRESSIBILITY ‘he information from a wel tess oblained because the rock and the Mids are compressive a fo Ws wa] and rf ‘ues a ‘material's volume pee wd Yelame ca 1 (2) e 0 (22) +() 0 * Total compressibility ofan oll reservoir: 'n an ol reservoic several components ave compressible = the oi ~ the water, even at iteducble saturation ~ the pore volume ise = byex ol: water: ~ by a decrease in he pore volume Vy ‘The pow the Bthostatie When decompression eccurs, the fk Pressure remains constant \Wmen decor pression occurs, the id is proouced pansion of the ids V9 =~ 608,¥p 49 2My == 6ySyy AD Fre (0 volume is balanced between the ile of the fhid pressure and pressure Coad Sepa hid pressure decreases while the hosiie The pore volume cecreases, thereby causing general Vp =-6,¥, 49 ae (1.10) Incontas, th compress othe mata ise negigtie in comparison, The oleal compressby ofa pore vokme unt is dub to tho sum ofa ‘Compressible components: ‘neu ool The coms © 66, 2 Press capacity of a unit wolume ofthe porous meu is equal ‘c.souncanor + Equivalent compressibility: ‘The reservoir is modes by: A at Fete poravs19ch win a pasty f AS“ a). — yn I wat waded ) ~ and a uid of equivalent compressibiy e Bot Sut Sp seh eg OT aay ca + Order of magnitude ‘The oxder of magnitude for compressibility s as flows = for ci 310 10. 10-5psit = for water: 3.10°8psr! ~ for pore spaces: 310 100. 10°8psr 1.4 DIFFUSION EQUATION ‘The alifusivity equation governs the vavations in pressira in the reservoir versus lime is based on two laws and one equation of sat + Fluid tlow equatio ongtie tis assumed tat Darcy’ aw gov hd ow. . ary’ aw not applicable macroscoptcaly ove the wk ean oh test: tho fow af has jst vale, ho had an pot bo conered canynteanan However, tis apptee meroscopicly cui the era nt when he venous pavaretors ad the How ale can be considered Snstot ‘The expression usad isthe same as equation (1.3) Ga koa ee 3) Ini expression, gravatonal cesar o:896"06. In isthe hypothesis that mace in most wel tet interpretations. 3 a «.eovnosnor a + Materia balanc: The variation in he mass of tid contained in the reservoir volume unit is equal to the Giference between the amount of fid input and oulput during the tene itera iv pi. 2100S) _ (ita) Equation of state: The Grail ofthe fuid varies with pressure and the variation ie shown by the cuialetcomoressity ofthe owing Nos. a7 Dison equation: Let us consige the material balance equation (1.12) and express firion rate ‘2nd ensy versus pressure using Darcy's aw (1.9) and ine equation o state (1.7) We wil get tne folowing pressure expression Sad p28 20 op +6, (ad p2~244 Ig 1.19) (ea py? ES, ae c Providing two assumptions: “Mid 8 low and constant: this is the case for a fauid not for 2 gas ~ Pressure gracions are low: this is the case in esenots where low rales are smal; 6, (9840 is smat compared 10 the two other lems of equation (1.19, the cuts edsced an ern city ecvoton rer) = 54 called the hydraulic diffusivity of the porous medium us, is the ratio between the mobility of the fds Wj and the compressible :apacit ofthe resenci €, 2 6. 20unoaor mobi? Ty of the Mui, cin BE Cape ol He hydiobe Sofas cu ‘The ditusivity equation is written as folows in racial Now: ' TAS oh State ri ee, 2 1119) + Boundary conditions: ‘The equation thet describes the variations in pressure in the reservor versus tine and the cistance from the wells obtained by solving the otsiily equation withthe boundary conditions. These condtions describe ~ the pressure a the beginning ofthe test: =the reservoir boundaries: = tre wel 2s, + infinite homogeneous reservoir solution: ‘The assumption that is usvelly made is to suppose that the reservoir is 18 wogeneous, isotropic, with constant thickness and limited by impermeable; 24 hom tropic, with constant t by reservoir Tackress. The Pa Reursares The wel peneales Ih loll eben iitess. The fad comoressbaly | znd vscost ae constant and uniorm using the lolowing bouneanyestaions | ono iTaT eRe: Dy 5 44 = init reser, Q {constant tow rate inthe woll that i considered fo have an infinitesimal ‘aus Hee The variations in pressure versus time and the cistance rom the well vey the equation: /p-P9 (1.18) Fee) a well bore ‘where Ei (xis the exponential integral function defined by: an aia I “expt gy 6. courant 25 ‘The way {0 solve the difusivity equation is inefcated with various sets of boundary conaftons in the book by F, Davi (Ret 1), ‘The equation is written as follows: Using he folowing dimensioniess factors: re ss Pressure: “py = fi St units) “09 : 0° a) (in Stunts) “oe i Pos fr practical US units) Tarzaer’? — Morectical US units) to fn practical metric wits} © Por rapeaer ? — Mmreteameticuni Longin: ge a ete re Time: = hat (Stunts) oH 0.000264 k at tye 2000264 Kat fr practical US units) He, 2.00035 at Gn practical marc unis) bug, 2 1.6 COMPRESSIBLE ZONE The flow at a distance «trom the well atime t can be determined based on the microscopic Darcy's law expressed in racial ow (14) and based on ection (1.16) which describes the pressure variation ar 028. ott Behe 6 eouncaRor aay Is the wathead tow rate; —= “ 8 Is he bottomhale tow rate, — Figure 1.2 shows the fow profte at tie t versus the distance from the well ae, ee lg 1.2 Flow profile e vor On tne fow profi it can be saen that between the wetbore and r, the flow ‘ate has almost the same valve as near the wellbore. Darcy’s law is applicable macroscopicalyin these aveas, | There is 2 negligible tow though the areas located beyond The pressixe drop between rand an infnite distance is nego Let us look at the variations in the flow profile between two times t and t" (Fig. 13, ae 2 Fig. 1.3 “Twauy te aves located between ine wes and r, there Is @ tow close to ge From 1 to the peessure drop between the well and 6 small 6. pouroaaor 2 ae ae Orted Beyond net yet ited in the fw. The pressure drop between 13 and an inet distance remains negigble, jerntan. 2nd the pressure crop between an nnite distance and the wes therlore may due o wha is occuring between Bnd Oto aaa thatthe reserc's campressoly, allowing the Now to go ‘rom 010.08, comes into play. Tis aea is caled the compressions seo ee RIesSUe crop atthe wl since the inl pressure is equal othe pressure ‘top between an infte distance and the wet :. x The pressure drop in the well maid reflects the reservoir properties in the compressible 7 the compressible zone Jrpaepinnng ol he let the pressure chop reflects the resent propertes fe heyy ofthe wel. Later on ets reaches areas hat ae ne a ee THis what enables a wed lest to ~ facts the eveage mepertis iar way kom the wel, pemesbty tr example, 7 elect HR Feerogenetes: 7° cently pormeabity barns Nota bene: e 3A, The cofiept of compressible zone i¢ used ocala the reservar area that is af- tenet lan Paton a racic! way Tis & dees te en “ont.16) shows tte wl resent fectedss soanes heel enone coat ceva et be presse satan in te crop propre rebegaton velocity. in fact. the perturbation ie sicees eee cote weld eam. Eavatin (1.14) isa aasen eaalon & porn evation would nove a second oder cilerental equa vere oe 1.7 RADIUS OF INVESTIGATION one esa varavons atthe wel give an indication of he properties ofthe Comoresate ent eve in the compressa zone. is mportante bene we rection’ 0% a INS is whats iwotved in the conceplals eevee investigation, 2 6 eouncanor Ose SSS OF TESTS of the radius it industry iterature offers a large number of diferent defiions ot investigation. The article by H.K. Van Poolen (Ret. 3} provides a good summary the detitions. Among them, the following can be founds + Jones's definition: [The radius of investigation is the point in the reserve where the pressure variations represent 1% ofthe varations,cbserved atthe wel [ea shunts) (18) aus, + Posttmann's definition: The radius of investigation fs the point in the reservoir where the Row is equal 101% ofthe wel tow rate yn 420 / Erg + J. Lee (Ret. 3] and Muska (Ret, 2) definition: (Stuns) (119) The actus of investigation isthe point where the pressure variations are the fastest ‘The variations are given by the equation below (1.16) == 8 a (-*) pr erae SofFE) ‘The pressure variations are equal to: i 9 = 9Bu expt 19 (1.20) ot axkh aK tor 2B -o,te.tor at Tevtatonis aa masirum fr SP a In other terms: (Stuns) (2H) 6. souroanor { | wag ox (29 a Simulations performed with a gié-lype wel simulator show that an eve a faut for example) is percervad inthe well pressure variations at a time close to “hat computed with the last formula mentioned above. f seems to be the most sutable ore to vac iniocaling a wel les's avs uf rivesigalon ange In practical unis its expressed as folows: =0.032 4/2 | faprectica US unis) (122) og, {i practical meric unis) (123) 1.8 FLOW REGIMES % Ip pref ae + Transient ow o 7 Until the compeessible zone reaches the boundaries of the reservoir or comes Lunder me intuence of another wal the reserve behaves asi it was Infinte Tor tering purposes. we uring is period he tow regime is alec transient + Pseudosteady-stata flow: |When the compressible zone reaches a series of no-low boundaries, the flow ‘regime becomes pseudosteady-state, This is the type of flow in a producing reser with no Now boundaries, Pens BOS Sy + Steady-state flow: \Wmnen the compressibie zone is affected by some constant pressuce outer boundaries the flow becomes steady-state, This is the type of fow in a reservar Producing under gas-cap or water crve conditions when the mobil ofthe water is high compared to that of the ol A well est most aways performed a transient fow regime even though ‘some boundaries are reached. ~ ‘G.sounokaor 1.9 PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION In section 1,5, equation (1.16) elects the pressure variations when the well is pene How can the pressure be described in he reservoir when Several Nove rate varations occur? r ey ‘The usual way of deating with this problem isto use the lact that the pressure vafation equations are Waar versus flow rate ‘The pressure variations due to several low rates are equal 10 the sum of the pressure drops due to each of ihe diferent low rales. This property is called superposition + Two flow cates: i. 14 Diagram for How rates 1 5 = 28H phe presse cop ue 16a tow ae 9, besnng at En tne, The dagram shownin igus 14 can be coreidred ste sum = #predcton a ow ae gy since =, onc 1 production at Row ate fy a sree The presse varon det th wo ates seas to ‘ 3) Bi exh Patty) (124 = 8 2x + mPa G.eouroaRor a + Pressure buildup: (One case is of particular interest: when apis zero mmaoyoltesis se Tis is case forthe great yt i. 15 Shatin test Equation (1.24) becomes 2. Bm= 28H og ty + at -| Po lat] (1.25) + Multirate testing: For multirate testing Fig, 1.6) peu) = 9,1) Pt =4,.) (1.26) wath dg = 0 and ty «0 ‘6 BouRpanor eect eae bos 2 Pee I eeu: Ost PE ELON BM EE rately cell lem Vest i chapter 2 | Wellbore storage 32,3627 4 2.1 DEFINITION ‘A.wall test begins witha sudden variation ia the wel low ral. The variation cece HIT To WOEad ual) or Dover TS He Gen na DST oF ith a bollortole sh ‘The flow out of he formation undorgoes a racval vation because of the Compressibiy ofthe fd column in the tubing between the bottom ofthe Role and | the shutin po Fig. 21 ‘The surlace fow rate when the wellis opened is assumed to go al once trom 0 to.q, but the bottomhole flow rate does not increase instantly from O to qB, The bottom ofthe wel begins producing gradual Fig. 2). eouraanor 2 ASG ed A eg 1) O Bais ace? enone some a 8 period when the bottomnole tow vanes is called the welkee sage effect period, a Wetbor storage dtned by co-ae ey Se wee: {Vis the volue vraion of Run tne well unr wl conons: {0th vation n pressure app to ine wel 1 Weltbore storage is homogeneous with the prodvet of a volume by a compressbity A dimensionless actors related to wetbore storage defined by SoS in Stand practical metic units) ea ‘ation aac ne, 3T or {rn pracieat US uns) ea she 2 and 2.2 NATURALLY ERUPTIVE WELLS ln a natualy eruptive wo the variation in uid vlume depends on the compress ! he fd nthe vl aV=-0v, ap wrerore: Oem cy) wer: ate volume ofthe wabore "isthe compressiby ofthe fu The compressliy ofthe fd inthe wotboris very often ‘rom ri ver oan much greats hon "Sy | totthe oii reser constons cecause theo losses go J-The price of gas causes wellore siuiaye 1 vary Gutng festng, pte a ‘te begining and les afterwards ean 9 ee “ 6. sounoent 2.3 PUMPING WELLS tn a pumping wel the vaation in Kquid vekime 1s dua to the changing quid velit he al av=V, an were: ‘is the volume ofthe welbore per unt ef langth ¥, is homogenous with & suriace); _ahis the variation in Ric love 3p apg an, 23 8 atrece gay lhe his cian he webs Gena ‘eeainp oon on verde one es ae Leptere storage of cueing wis eonseaey gate han welbore ‘pressure bun a purpig wel canbe corse 3 nvr lea he were Sage tet uss en ef goo oss a Bll he Tle te pesure ble sia 2.4 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE By way of comparison, here are a few wesboce storage orders of magnitude: osr: 2.0001 to 0001 mE |e, Eruptive well: 001 01 m/bar Pumping wel: 0.1 to Tear storage 2.5 PRESSURE VARIATIONS ‘Just alter the well has been opened, the bottomiiule pee alfacied by ina wellbore storage ello 25 6 eourosRor vel a spendacl Condition wl storages constant, the btomhole press long 28 walbre storages acomncien ease JThe slope of the straight ling wher Yersus lie, is used lo compute C fig, 22). Cu _ 98 Bxsiope —— MP*ECICaIUS and metic unit) eg bron plenue Fie may expan the oot ~ #0 much tine sis between measuremer Period is ending when the second me eee = Vorbie weitere strage anton ~ Mid segregation inthe welbore, 7 eae Share the welbore storage ele surement ie mede: oP test 36 6 Bounoanor ( rocical metre and US units) co) (in emensioness factors) en Potlomhole pressure drop is plotted owe 2 weuBone sroRce 2.6 BOTTOMHOLE FLOW 4 whe When the well is opened, the wallbore storage elect delays bettomhole production, ae Bortommole flow under standard condtons is given by pene? “ Fett heed sondecd __ajnas 240.80 29 eee BS Rgsweter malt f qy=a[1-c, 20] 210) rae 2.7 END OF THE WELLBORE STORAGE EFFECT ertpeay 8] Tiree criteria are proposed in ol industry iterate 1o determine the end of the waar storage effect ‘A+ Ramey's criterion: tp=(60+355) Cy en) |e, approximately: 1 = (200.000 + 12.000 §) ¢ {in practical US units) (2.12) hie ‘where $s the skin ofthe wal (2 Chapter 3 * Chen and Brigham’s exterlon: tg = 80 Cp exp(0.14 8) 2:19) Le. epproximatey MOCO E0101 S) Gy practical US unt) 14) koa + Pule of thumbs: ‘This criterion can be applied to the representation used for Wype curves (Chapter 6). This representation shows pressure variations versus ime on a log-log eph, ‘s-s0unenor a ae omni sot eu rete 2 wesose sonace ‘The period when the wall storage etfect Preval fine witha ope ot 1 slorage atfact Brevals is represented by a straight The rule of thumh locates the and of the wollbore storage et intersection of the measuxement point curve and the ine inecocio fhe mestrman i the Ine paras 0 the slope 1 line atte 1 Bask op Ducts Tehe Dib e LT ae 2 Dla cloorn Sole Be # ‘6. sounaanor Chapter 3 Skin — #4, el 3.1 DEFINITION. ‘Te vighi of he wellbore has characteristics that are diferent om those in the eseror as a eau of ling and we eaten operates ‘The skin elect reflects the diference in pressure drop thal exist in the vicinity ‘ofthe well between: = the reservoir 9s tis, and << as t would be iit characteristics (especialy permeabity) were uriform right {up 10 the walbore. ‘The skin affect reflects the connaction between tha eservoi and the well. The iiference in pressure drop in the vicinity of the wellbore can be interpreted in ‘several ways! = by using infritesial skin: = skin of a fie thickness: © = or the elective radius method. 3.2 INFINITESIMAL SKIN ‘The adciional pressure drop due tothe skin effect is detned by euBu ap, = Habe S en swith; | = 12 6 Sl units) i ania (9 practical US units) | a= 18.66 (in practical metric units) ; ene eae Yan Evecngen's approach Ral Se cvessre crop cw to Sn lect oat ns ent tn fn arcurd ie wore Fe, Fo. The stn eet S. homogeneous wih a dmenioness pressure top. 3.3 FINITE THICKNESS ‘SKIN c ‘Another representation consist in assum nat tt : ing the pressure drop is located in an Permeabitty ks around the wel (ig 3.2). Fig.92 en the compesse ze leaves this aro, the Pseudosteady stale ands governed by Darcy's law, '* 'OW 68M BE considered «© 6 wounpanor ‘The diference in pressure ckop between the real reservoir and a reservoir Uunlirm right upto the welbore is expressed as follows with Darcy's law: pg= Sy — 98H gf Beugh ie ami PS < By expressing dps with equation (2.1) we get: Se[k-a)nse 62 p Mts 4 ! shin ef¥ect 4 : - er oer ine! | Equation (9.2) shows that a difibe tig < ) coresponds 10 a positive skin /_ ‘men the nity ol the welt ls Bugged sn CaTTENE tery SSS SIOEE TS more permeable the mechum and the greater the damage, the righer the values. Nota bane: ‘Wel treatments, such as acidzing for example, are performed to improve the ‘near-wel permeabily and thereby reduce the skin vahue Equation (3.2) shows that an improved permeability corresponds toa ¢ ‘ What valve can negative skin reach? Lel us imagine a sufficiently etfectve treatment so that Wk i smal compared {a 1 on @ racus fg of 2 m around the wellbore, Considering a wellore with a radius (of, equation (3.2) shows that under these conditions the skin is. ee Improved germeabilty distributed homogeneously and involving 0 radius of ‘over 2 m around the wel would not be very probable. B ‘2 improvement in pemmeabty in the chit ofthe webore can corepond to contbuton of betwoon 0 and -2 to tne sk. A sale Sin vole must Oo Fw Seso ‘ewpaned by other phenomena, 0 actures, issues. 3.4 EFFECTIVE RADIUS The elfective radius method consists in replacing the real well with a r3ds ry ‘and skin S by a fitlous wel witha radius ¢, and zero skin Fg. 3.3), ‘c.sovapanor a cue -cany prea Padus ¢ is anterned to hav a pressure sre top Deen and in ha fetus wet uo the pressure op between gana nine redaee AP le S= 0) A fe S) Exoressing the pressure drop with Darcy's aw: SBM na 8 nS yg) iho fective radius method is used to represent the skin analytically inal ossbie cases, nclucing whan tne skin's negatins, expresses the effect of wel veatments, This canoe suated by he case of a rave case oa gravel pack, The afecive asus 0 vol shed roy fal between tho scent aus ond he orton oie An eetive rac ta sess ran tei ads wale ews ho ‘iS particularly inettective, oeete ‘The skin retacts ha connection b+ . etwean tie Borenole and the reservoir. This Why if recommended to use the inner radius of the borehole as race te 2 ‘6. s0urosnor {compute the skin: the inner casing radius when there are perforations and the inner ‘adi o! he tners whan Ine ie 2 gravel pack, 3.5 GENERALIZATION OF THE SKIN CONCEPT ‘The skin presents an adetonal presi cop located i he vc a he womore Inthe preceding sections the actions resi cho was due to variations sa pamasbityin te nearwes iomaton Te skin concept canbe generalized to ary sdtonal presse crop stusted sate sea nee ha wa Se: Tha shin canbe used to account fo 1 Pelratons Fieve The sin de 0 paroratonsincudes seve phenomena: go, Gusst =the fow resticion due to the pera nl: 9 postive skin: 7 oo = punted reservar de le peoaty operation feat a negative ‘skin (rrinifracture); ———_ % = het ha on Some ofthe pedratons a aive: a postive skin ‘These diferent phenomena are generaly nat dissociated Irom the damage ec ofr + Inclined wells (see Chapter 16): Se i osictne Lee. The inclination of a well improves tow in tha vicinity of the walbore and wFcorustutes to negative si + Partially perforating the reservoir (se Chapter 15 Perforating only part of the thickness ofthe reservoir causes a resticon in the stream ines near tha wellbore and contributes to postive shin + Hydraulic fracturing (see Chapter 17: Hydraulic fracturing considerably improves the flow around the wellbore. It produces a negative skin, + Ahorizontal wel (see Chapter 18h Ahorzontal wal can under certain conctons be treated a a vertical wel wth negalve skin due tothe improvement 0 How trout about by the wel ors rar (6 soxnoanor ° * Gas we: deviation trom Darcy's law (68 Chepter 20} Te fui velocty inthe vty ofa gas wels ote high. Flow doesnot flow Darcy's aw near tho wel, active sk, depending on he fow rat, shows the addtional pressure crop (20 othe deviation rom Oary's lw per + Injection skin (eee Chapter 19): Inection of tid (water, pohmers, etc.) into the resent creates a zone of eran moot nthe went ofthe weloore, I causes accilonal posture fl can aso be considered as askin wn te compressible fone eae ee Tid ijection radius, ee * Geological skins. 2 ‘A wall in alow-input lens can be relected by askin ~ BR reser has the characievaics of the stant regions that supply the lens; on = the skin elects the characterstics of the lens, wha Lo eae nats I accitonal pressure crop inthe vicinity ofthe welbore can be ofc Weta Be a son roid at he fow te kn can be Consered mentite Fortis tobe tue the compresstie zone must have reaches Devore Meare on raecept of the vicinity ofthe wellbore may cover @ number of very ferent things in actual fact ~ nen Zetzing Nas been performed, the adctional pressuce drop emotes a distance of less tnan 2m around the wel trnen vSaulc fracturing has been done, the test needs fo have started iMecting regions located several tens of meters trom the wel belong Wee Fracture can be considered in terms of shin “a @. eouroxror Interpretation methods i | | a Introduction Alot of diferent methods can be used 10 analyze a wel test, Iney can be cassie into two main groups: = methods using lype curves; = conventional methods. Inside each of the two groups the methods depend cn the type of wel, reservor and reser boundaries. This invroduction deals withthe features that are commen tothe methods in ach group. In the folowing chapters we will consider the los inthe reserve as a one phase flow oo ‘The fst three chapters il introduce interpretation metnads in the simplest ‘case, 2 avartesl wet nan infiite homogeneous reservoir ‘Then we wil dacuss bounded reservoirs and more complicated reservoir-wall ‘configurations. Gas and multionase resarvols wil be covered in Chapters 20 ‘and21 Fist ofa lt us look at what the methods in each group haven common with each other, + Type curve matching: These methods bagan to be used in the saventes, but ony became ‘developed and widespread inthe eighties. (6 eourossor a egal"! ®9080ed in the form of sels of curves using dimensioness parameters. Te crs wrogosinoting hpctses be ea resorted a en ‘Severely limit their conditions of use. " i Ropar ie crectyrlted tothe encxmous progress made n computer computer,” (M2 Considerable reduction in CPU time on increasing somenal computers rraimeans thatthe pressure variations expected throughout the wal est can nay ied 2ecoring tothe chosen reseroi-wel confusion ty reeks oan ‘analytic mode! with 2 minimum amount of simpitication, [3he cunts proded by 3 well medal ona PC have eiminated mot ‘method's limitations. nest ole rom G88 00. be cure methods were greatly improved as they wore used comming on,tth the pressure dervatve. Wal type cunve metnoce Tove recorded Guay in take into account atthe same tine al the pressure voretoey ‘corded during ine wet est tis alows the detenrinaion eth cre’ fows eccring ing the test and then a diagnosis of the wel and the reservoirs. "s casa 5, cite Now periods alow the appfcaon of conventional interpretation ‘methods corresponding lo the determination ofeach tow, * Conventional mettiods: orentond methods wee deveope inthe Pies nd were the ony available until the seventies, “e "Yores sry, Consist in identiving the diferent periods ol charactrste ow in svecession on fe represented by Using on cranbacks: the pressure recording, Fimaelerstc Mow (racial, linear, etc) the pressure variation is atime scale adapte to have a sri ine forthe particular fw WY convene nts to anaae a tet ad fo ceva 6 pounoanor Into account ~ Interpretation takes onthe point located onthe stright in "he pont Soresponag o he vasion utwacn wo tows a rota. Because of ths, aen happens tht ony a smal propa’ o! the Cot ved conventona ara ee It sometimes ditfut to daw the “Foper eight fro. In many ‘errtations several sight ines may seem to aopent hs oten deat {0 determine which staght ine coresponds tothe react anahits. Some Staines ot corespondo he angen fo cure who it cabo ae a Interpretation procedure: SSnce ype curves have bon inlegrate in ana, the rocedure has baer considera mediod * Tho process now in vei es otows “ segienes of tvs Diagnosis: Diagnosis stows the cetominalion of tha secu on opening surg (he est. ientivng the fons Coarmioes wach reser al Contra when be ute forte leet, “he ciagness is made in on the basso the pressure dena. Analysis: Analysis aime 10 quantily the parameters of the reservir-wet contguaton Hs poomed wih -hpe Gewo, te es, Sosaive ood omertere!rtboo alidaton: Anis aided by geen 3 ype cove siusing te dats ands davai Cowes pesoe bp mothe on eave esd soot toe renewal conan aoe ecrce an te The it parometrsin he model een dg ean has ‘teal ehtont of pararaars i vuaynacesenry 1 teeta bet, expec tara Votes Gent ow pines, |G. BOURDAROT ° chapter 4 Conventional interpretation — methods A eee st uring a wel test on an infinite Nomogensous reserve two Hows can be seen it the test lasts long enaugh = llow that is elated to wellbore storage: ~ radial Now over the whole reservoir hickness, Analysis methods wil be presented for this conkiguration—the simplest one that can be found—then developed in later chapters with moxe complex resenci wall contgurations, The flow r6lat6d 0 wellbore storage and its analysis were deat with in chapter 2 In Chapter 4 the effect of wellbore storage is considered to he over and the mathods covered are used Io study radial ow around a wel that has been perforated over the whole reservoir thickness, eo Tree flow rate conditions are examined = the drawdown test sen ~ the buildup Lest, wilh pressure buildup preceded by one constant flow rato a = the test folowing any number and type of previous low rates 6 eouraror st Me ETON EAMETS 4.1 DRAWDOWN TEST ine aati that describes pressure variations versus ime and efstance from the well ater opening the wel at 2 fered et ater opening th wala constant fow alee was ened 285 (-2 ~ oh, [= noone alsa) ws wih K = k/juc, hyeraue dts, When the lead nt PESSHE 8 messed inthe wel where the fw ate distance i eel Assoonas © 10° which usualy cours ay < 10% which usuaty occurs belore the wellbore storage ‘ects ovr, he & function ean be replaced by its logarthnie approximation 42) Taking pressure crops in the skin into account, this expression becomes: Pad) = BH ty Kot Pal = Sto 2001 «253 “3 Mean also be witen in other equa arms: =n pracea! US unis: 162.6 08 Par HEBEL song “27 s08r9) me a4 in practical metic unis: 218 Bape (oo etn peer] Pe, ae as + #84 dimensiones eqation fo} Oniysoat +25) uo 6. eouncaRor 0.84 S hte Consumo Enea METHOOS + Interpretation: Equations (4.2) to (4.6) show that bottomole pressure varies logarithncaly versus ime, op TOE nat botlompele the pressure measured at the bottom of the hale ie plotted on @ graph versus the logarithm of ime, a straight ine with a slope of m can be observed once {he wellbore storage effect has end: me 128.088 (fn practical US units) an ij agg ma BS ABL apace metic unt “o) ‘The slope, m, is used to termine the reser's kh oy = 2803 988 in Sh units) (6a 4am hn = 162.6284 fr practical US unis) 6.10) kn 2215 BH (i practical metic units) an ‘The skin vale is usualy computed using the pressue measurement al 1 hour fon the semi-iog straight line: fo his pont log $21.15 (PCP _ jog K4.3.25) fm practical US units) Wj ug. (62) = tog £43.10} ferprectcal mec units) (4.19) ong Corg_mu sl be taken to-read. the pressure 3 line and not by interpolating among the measur il ~oals may BBE lected by the wellbore slorage elect Fi, 22 rot ery the semlog sali re eats 6. e0uRDAROr 3 i i ns Cro Come ron renonerAroN ETHOS pw wo to 10 ry 4.2 PRESSURE BUILDUP: HORNER'S METHOD Nest cna itamaon tom awa comes fom nrg he press buildups. - moe . lxepraiog a dows esti ted byte tow ato hans Saf to beaducton, The Ruckatons caus presaureveatons at me pean ee eS Gl st han ie passe varaion ne al chee a The 200 fow aa that corespnds to pressure buldups doesnot cay the ‘ype ct problem The symbols sea are presented a Foye 42 Pa the towing pressure: moe Cou tom when the wets opened Pasa the passe cing te Bicip phase: tna k courted on wnen vewells statins Pl Pail) Pressure buidup is analyzed using the flow rate superposition principe ‘mentioned in section #9; P,P yal =(6)-Pydty + 9] =[04~ py fat] 19 5 (6 s0uRcaROT i q i ] | | igi Ir a oy a Fig 42 ‘The variations in flowing pressure are given by equation (4.3) once the wellbore storage effect as ended. Replacing the two rgh-hand tems of equation (4.14) by the semi-togarthic exeression of rail How (equation 43) gies: rat pga) = 28H Iq 0 (215) Pi Pal ry Oi which is wton In practical US unis: 2.6 ABH jog oat P,~Pyglal = SZEABH og (616) Pe in rn in practical mete units He peter at ren P.-Pyglt = 2ES8BH tog a + Analysis: ‘The equations and analysis method were presented by Horner in 1951 (Ref. 6. Equations (6.16) to (4.17) show thal the bottomhole pressure veres nearly Lyeat wero tog 2 6 sounoARoT I (ecm #-coswennon mtewmeTaTOV MeTCOs Urthe valve of the pressure measured at the Bottom of the hole is plotted eat versus he gant ot a at 10" 8 graph, once the welbore storage elect has ‘ended 9 straight fas wit a Slope of mcan be observed, m~ 1828.980 ( practical US wits) (19 m= 215.98 fo practical merc units) is ( prac ) 4.19) + Reservoir ky ‘AS wilh crawrown, the value of stope mis used 1 compute the reserves ine ‘28.80 (in practical US units) (4.20) ky = 21.5. 08p (9 practical metic units) (4.21) + Skin ‘The skin value is computed from the diference between ~ Falgngeita eressure recorded ater + hou of buildup on the semi-iog straight line (Fig. 43}: B-B(1 nw BZESBL ogy, ~ 8P¢ the value of he pressure at shut-in tee: Pe Pall) = MEOH p69 «op 223.0079) ot tHe wydin! s_ 14 Stbeactng neo erent om, skin canbe acne Pn Pall | ty Sat.ts (Pm Pell soo '*t og ka ug (a2) oS He, Pn Pod) | S115 (PB oy tog —K—-+9.10] (metic) a2) ™ tag Teter log 2" sual negkable competed othe ter ems rs to ean 107 Fig 4 + Extrapolated pressure: During inal tests the amount of uid produced belore shut-in is usualy nectoiecompured wine arent olla ce. | the pressure buildup was to continue indsiniely, the bottomhole pressure ‘would be equal Io the intial reservoir pressic. , The ‘nial reservoir pressure can be read on the pressure buildup for teat 21 (Fig. 43) a This pressure value is caled the extrapolated pressure and is writen ‘Nis equal to the initial eservoir pressure in mest intial ests 1s ued 1 compute te vrage presse when moon lve compared to the amount of lin place. The mathart tad 0 pressure by means of pis covered in Chap 11 o G.90esoM0r mot Comer ueamRETATOW HED CCS n+ Conn TEAMETANH ET OOS 4.3 PRESSURE BUILDUP: MDH METHOD i + Interprotation method! ress vas Sneaty versus the att of ire. By HONG 3x4 The preci secon showed ta a buldip Ihe presse varies Enea Cee eee awe eran oe sexs tnefogortn ote aa sot senngcit m ‘Ris expression canbe wiln na simlifed frm whenever precucton tne a accl US units) (29 ‘pls large compared to tne prsaur titan ne at 1828.08 (a proctea US nts wea a are 215.984 (practical metric units) 4.25) eae m= 2a Equation (4.18) becomes: = Puy = = 28H fo atin PP — asa 2 ‘Te bottombole pressure varios lneay versus pressure buldup tie, ‘This means that during buildup he pressure crop due fo previous production 's dsregarces, Foxe 44 susrates tis etepetton mated developed by Mar Oes ard Mucinton Fa 8 etre MOM mee a ~ the real pressure buildup isa: the pressure buildup dealt wit bythe MOH is yoy ah Fig 45 a 1 oe ‘The siope is used to compute the reservoirs kh kh = 182.6 48 {in practical US units) (8.26) iy «215.988 practi metic unis) wan ‘The skin is computed the same way as inthe Horner method: = bal sta Svs Pe Fe og 2 +329) us 20 The diference between 4p and Apr is negligible when at is sma es comparesaty =P atthe Begining of buldup: sa 1.15[PmPalld og +20) (roti) (2 oral ped at corbion ow at = 019% ‘6 sounoAnor 6. s0uRDAROT 9 ‘Sue + comguno sutamneranon verons The advantag, ‘major crawbacks: ‘+i can not be used to find the extrapolated pressure: ~~ Kean be used ony for values ofa that ae sm comnares ty ssn, odcton te is short oF cose Io At lil tests on a wel, te last ‘us pos a laid uncer the Tetcies a hey aoe representation (Fig. 4.6), at hemor 3° OF this method is that iis very simple, however it has two 3] Z| al ae 4.4 AFTER VARYING FLOW RATES A lest alter vaning tow rates is interpreted Using the How rate sunersetion ‘Principle discussed in section 1.9: naire Ne ewperpost Pi Pad = BEF (9,-0.4) Pg 1, Bran (4.30) Once the welbore storage ellect has ended, the bby equation (4.9). Equation (6.30) then becomes: Pad in ——*" soars (@. (oS82-omes) san ©. BouRaxnor iat change in ‘The interpreter is interested in the pressure vartions since the Now ate, jy. The pressure variation a the time when the change look place: Kita) eS g-ayh BE aan ‘The pressure buldup since the time when the well was shut in is expressed by: Seam hs Pal ~ Pal is ~165- Gq) HEB o.1 251] (4.32) tis the tine lapsed since the lst change inflow rate canbe written as totows: nt Sates Pat) Py) = 82888 (5 (9,0 00 at fn practical US units) ~(0y~ Gy fos at + 109K - 3.23 0.87 | ong, | aes frm Senha (a alan = BEEBE (Fc gog “es (i practical meric vis) ke | ~(4y~ 4.) fog at + og 9,104.87 8) Ss one, | + Interpretation: The pressure varies linearly versus the right-hand member (between parentheses) of equations (433) and (434). The member isa Kuncton of fow rates fang tme and fs called the superposition funtion |G. BOURDAROT “ ue 4 conennow sresrreTanon WeTHCOS tho value of the pressure measured in the bottom of the hole is plotted versus the superposition function, astaight ine wih a slope of m (Fg. 4.7} ean be se8n once ha eset af wellbore storage Rae end mu 182.68) 28 (i practical US units) 35) m22t5Bu 2S (i practical mete units) (6.98) ° 100 aac ss Suparpostion Fig. 47 Tre stops is independent of tow rate. This isthe advantage of tne ‘epresaiaon: the sts obtained wih cteent tow ales canbe Coca ee the same graph. me sat itd an exeson of m we pune on ow ate canparaie 0 'cbaned win Hears maltod a sperpooon clon nas ny divided by the last flow rate. ses oni tobe + Rasen ‘The slope, m, ofthe straight ine is used to determine the eservoi's kh in 62888 (i practical US unis) (an Khe 21SBe ( practical metric units) (4.38) 6. e0uroanor Cu conten mtonerAnOW ATOOS + Skin: ‘The skin is determined need on the pressiee value teat an the straight Se 1 nour afta a last flow rate variation: Pin Plo tog 920) tn pracica US units) (4.38) a= 99) Gn sesas( Pm~ Publ _iyo[2h Pade gg 4,10) tn practical metic units) (4.40) (= 3) ang + Extrapolated pressure Wns last tow rate vaiaton isa shutn, the prossure reading fr ifite tine, ie for a value of the superposition function equal 10 zero, is used to dotermine the extrapolaed reservoir presize (Fig, 4.7). ‘The comments made in section 4.2 on the meaning of the extrapolated pressure are applicable ere too. 4.5 SIMPLIFICATION OF THE FLOW RATE HISTORY ‘The superposition function takes the tow rate history nto account. It doss not cause any problems when the intenveter has a computer to deal wath However few would try manual calculation even wilh two or theee flow rates. \What equivalent function coud be used inthis case?” + Equivalent time: To analyze the final buildup, the simplest method consists in reducing the flow rate history 10 one single rate and using Homer's method for the actual interpreting, ‘The single-ate production data thal replace the n-1 multirate reality must be ‘governed by the folowing prncilas: .scunnanor a (noe + Commurenes eresereranonuericos = flow rate = the ast rate: ~ equivalent production tie: Ea-4) ee aan ‘The production ime is designed to provide a tot! Production value identical to ‘the production that was actualy secordon, The real production ti equivalent Now rate * Validity of the mothod: me shoud not be used in any case 10 compute an Jeet eee TE: sivoiving the How rae Nisory can be considered to ine aa eager when the Bolu Graton is es than tke Pe ae Ol the ast constant fow rate Betore shun (Fg 49 6 be Pes tow tes Sip How ren 9-48 Simpitestin ot fow rate star introduces hte enor nicaeania le vais cocued shorty belor shui, the simplfealon Sau ere wider the variions ane the Coser thoy neces Sao shutin, the greater the enor iniocuced, Fie 4.9incicales the rection tho ero akes ona Horner plo 6. sounnanor pean tye ig. 48 Simplitcation of ow rate slr introduces eror Lett be the buidup duration (Fig. 4.10). The simplcation of flow rate history (iy ~ 201) and ty can inrocuce error inthe nterpretation, Simpicaion Belove ty ~ 84) \Bualy trodes only a sight gree of ero. . ayia» oo ee, r wot et Porton o sine dla Sid data lg. 410 Simptifeation of mutate history 6s .c.s0unaAnor 4.6 BUILDUP RADIUS OF INVESTIGATION ‘The theoretical radius of investigation depends only on the duration of the Pressure bulcin, ‘The radius of investigation can be estimated by using the formula proposed in section 1,7 KT Gn practical US units) (4.42) ee, x03 4f Bat , ug, Iti theoretical independent of the duration ofthe drawdown perio. (i practical matic units (44s) In contrast, he practical buildup radius of investigation i limited by the ‘2ccuracy of pressure gauges. When the pressure buildup is long compared wn {he duration of the drawdown period, then the pressure drop recorded loward te end of ne buidup may become too small be measured. To increase the practical radius of investigation ofa pressure buldus, several ‘metneds can be used ~ use more accurate pressure gauges: = increase the wel tow rate to increase the pressure crop before buildup; increase the duration ofthe drawdown penod for the same reason Care must also be taken since the production of other wots may intrtre with the shut-in of ie wel self during a buidup pero that is too long. in this case, the ‘nal measured would be nothing else but an interorence signal {eee Chapters 22 and 23), LUkewise, when buildup lasts several days, moon tides may disturb the pressure buildup by cyclic variations with an amplitude of approximately 0.1 psi (see Chapter 23 on ierterenee). % 6 eouncanar ‘Type curves > INTRODUCTION ‘oe curves fst appeared in ol industry Strature i the seventies vera kinds, a5 listed below, are used 10 ntrpet a tat ina vertical wel win “Vita homogeneous reservar: Agarwal etal. type curves Mckinley ype curves wlougher and Kersch type curves; Guingaten eta. type curves. Daviau [Ret 1] has examined type curves in data in his book on new wat Sst inlepretation methods, He suggests thal the Gringasten st al. curves are the “Sst complete and practical 10 use. They are also the most wacely Used in et Sst fteratute, They are the only ones presentog here. GRINGARTEN TYPE CURVES type curve represents the variations in pressure versus tine for a species sv aval configuration, tis calculated using an anaiyic model and expressed in dimensionte amas “wynavaor ‘nme nae cumses ‘Tho analytic model used by Gig geen lo describe a vertical wel in an ifeite homegeneous.resenovisciscussed DyF. Daviau (Ret. j]in Chapiers tand @ + Dimer nless varias: ‘me variables used are as folows in practical US uns: Presue: = 60 Por Taiz aon oP Tine 2.000264 K 4p 6 1G. Wee storage C= -089 ¢ 69) hee. Skin s + Representation: In vertical wot in an int le homogeneous ‘eserair he dimensionless ressure variations depend on tee ‘actors: ime, welbore storage and skin, Type curves tnerelore correspond to an exaession ofthe folowing fom: Po=Po lo. Gp. 5) Representing ie skin by an elective ads ee section 2.4 ‘wistepaceddy erent g) ‘pBresiecedty ts exp25) Coisrenlacedty yeaa. ‘The pressure is reoresented by an exoresson of the following form: Po = Po la exI25), Cp expt25)) with Gringarten using the foem below 6 eouncanor omer s-necunes * B vob ert £08 enazen srounauoua o 6.e0unosA0r Fig. 5.1 Type cites fora wall with wallbore storage and sin aft homogeneous reserol) The upper tures in the set cordibong to high Cp exp(28) velues Considering areas ange of webore storage gro. hese Nh wan canton becbiained wi gh shins ey coves to damage wets 7 Likewise, the lowest Co exp(25) values correspond to acidized or even Tracts wets, : ole During the period of dominant wellbore storage elect the dimensioniess pressure (620 caction 2.5) is ecial to. Py . % The pons coresponilng to this period ae lacated on the straight Sno wth a slope ot 1 tat goes rough the lene ori ype cures have te Sra In oe =u asimplote for shod tines. ‘Two cuves in the sel indcaia the end ofthe wetbore storage eect: the upper one corresponds to type cuves where Cp exp(25 gest than 1 tha bur one coesponds to hase wnere Co ext) sas an 5.3 INTERPRETATION METHOD + Procedure: The lntpetation mathod is tstalad in Fgue 5.2 and consis inthe fotowing sos Fa 1 Plt ne measured pressre cop on rains Wn on he type ces, sig tg acl of ne pe cuves a 2 Look or the port ofan indeyng type cue matching the data best (Fig. 5.20). 4 On arto alowed cin ha st, eepig he vo Gis prate 3 Nota ine specication of he ype cure wrth messed pote mae they corespond toa vata of Coen) 4 Pek match po, M, whose coonates canbe rea in oth the type cure spo of aes lo, Ce) 08 ol as falda soem aoe The point M can be chosen anywhere on the plot. not necessary cr thy ‘cure (Fg. 5:20, 0 ‘6 wounoanor e «a. souroanor wb ws, £04 ameend cencinuna sl= & cs Dimensionless tne grou Fig. 828 n owes nc CURES ye 8 woes me cumes .6.souncanor + Interpretation: The orcinaie ofthe match point is measured: = nthe type cure aystom of sx08! py ci EF In ela aera system of axes: 3p, as ae Pp= i ap, ( practical US unis) 1412 Bu The proportionally factor between pp and dp can be used fo determine the reservoirs kt 64) In the same way the abscissa of tne match point, M, is measured in the ype curve system of axes, fo/Co and in the field dala system of axes AS fy 2 2.000285. gy Gn practi US unt 65) rr Skis already determined, ‘Tne proportional factor between fy/Cp and at can be used to calculate C, the welbore storage: 9.000235 kh (304 | in practical US units) 68 wlohe ‘The type curve where the data have been matched is characterized by Coeeni28) pis tnen calculates: y= 2896 (i practical US units) en 9S 1 ‘s.sounoanor ‘The value of Cp exp(25) is usea zo determine the sin (©, exes 2 6 6a) 5.4 USING TYPE CURVES DURING BUILDUP Type curves were estabshes tee constant flow rate procuction (deawcown} How can they be used to analyze pressure Ouklup? + Using the curves directly to analyze buildup: ‘The curves can be used directly :2 analyze pressure built QtEe ty aller a constant ow rate; ALE Ipyey alter a mutate rsstory Rel. 1, 9. 94-35} |pjsiy*® duration ofthe last eroduetion period belora shut-in, ‘These conditions are the sama 2s ior using the MOH mated (see section 4.3) It these conditions do not exist. using the type cues directly may lead 10 inaccurate results. w (pesioscnninewttenioniiee se —| ess 3-138 ot i io oF 7 Fig 89 (6 soynoaoT 5 woe see comes The etlect of shat production time can be seen fa toning ut 8 seen in toning out ofthe oo une th bul cone inde he srewecn pe cave FES) aoe g eH force a match between the buicun dala ports snd a Saweour cine wed eee 8 ype cave located to high onthe se of curves and helo nsneceoe ne + Agarwal's equivalent time method: The most useful method of using drawdown type curves for buldup is ‘Agarwal’ method fel 1, pp. 32-33 and Rel. 7, pp. 32-23) I cords in ploting each measurement versus an equivalent tine defined below instead of versus at: aces spat sa The equivalent time is very cose to At for At values that are sma compared he eae 3 are smat compared to The equivalent tie canbe much sma than st when at becomes amared io The measured ports are concenaed ona wey kee ren the type curve and maiching loses reliabiity. weyteneg ‘ Te bd mend pons ltd Yrs ya bested on a enw can ond he fatony fet oad eases ee come Fema 76 6 sounoanor ous s+ rrecumes F. Daviau indicates that Agarwal's method can be used for buldup provided thatthe sem-og straight line was reached during the previous drawdown period. + Advantagee and limitations of type curves, well models | Type curves help the interpreter to: ‘make a Glagnosis about the type of reservoir and understand the flow 4 regimes: se conventional methods by determining the sequence of fow regimes; in @ homogeneous reservoir type curves can be used lo locate the end of the \welbore storage effect and thereby situate the semi-log straight ine corecty ‘The lype curve representation has two important limitaions in an infinite homogeneous resent ~ the wellbore storage efact is represented by a constan! value ~ a lest needs to be interpreted with ype curves estabished for drawdown, ‘The second lnitaion can be eliminated ifthe interpreter uses a well model instead ofa set of ype curves, ‘A well model isan analytic program used to generate type cues taking the flow rate history into account. ‘Acdlionaly, tne repcesentation by a sol ol curves several lis the numberof parameters that can be taken into account, twas possible fo estabish a set of type curves to interpret a test for an infite homogeneous reservoir since only three parametors govern the pressure variation: wolbore storage, permeabily and sk, When the reservoir-well configuration is more complex, the number of Parameters becomes f00 large for a type curve representation. A well model fs'the ‘nly way 1 generate appropiate type curves. ‘Type curves represented in sols or gonerated by a wet model undergo the same fattening out effect dve tothe logarithmic representation Pet ‘The scale allenvates pressure variations. Because o! this nterpoing with type ~~ cones is often tricky. For a long time the problem discourages interpreters who were used to the senstinty of conventional methods. gre, 2 ‘The use of type curves combined with the pressure dervalve has complotely tenated this uly e.eourosnor ” Got =P steady sue eee Boscee (BE) Ter Chapter 6 The derivative ~ up IAS at ‘The preceding chapter showed the advantages and ckawisScks of type cues: advantages related to the fact that one single curve can dea! nih a whale tast and ‘rawbacks related tothe log-log representation that makes ofc fo observe smal relative pressure variations. ll Methods using the pressure derivative take advantage of he advantages of the type curve eepreseniation and counteract the drawbacks of the logarithmic representation, ‘These methods aro based on an observed fact: in a wel test the pressure votson swore sgican than the pseu. dsl. Th slated by he fat that @ te slope OF Tie femog siaight Ines (hal fs eed fo gel ntrmaion on the reser i conventional methocs Diferant forms of derivatives were proposed ino incusty erature in the ‘eary eghties, Among them the most interesting 1s D. Bourde’s approach (Ret, ‘which is tne only one presented and used inthis book, 6.1 REPRESENTATION ‘The pressure dorvave as represented by 0. Bourdet is calculated in relation to the time function of racial flow in the transient regime. c.scurcanor 7 coy y/o) fer adawsonn en fps at fra bua ater a constant crys iO tow rte petod 6a °Pe/@ (supeoson lunction) more genera, with avaningfowrate (63) ‘The derivative i presented on a og-og graph tke a type cuve 6.2 PROPERTIES OF THE DERIVATIVE + Radiat ows Inradal fw dmensiriess pressure is expressed curing drawdown by: P=! nig+0.81 +25) 64 Nan ao be itn #2} (r&r061 mc oon) 65) Te ress hates crete a lows wh he aa fow tne ron ite ps FO 60) Prete Re & 2a pe ures eros have he 0.5 ornate sigh ine as on asympote ‘rng radia tow (9.6.1). = + Wellbore storage eect . iner ine wellbore storage elect prevals, dimensionless pressure is expressed by: 4 “2 67 (see section 2.5, 8 6.souncteot Ow 6 ne nema ‘Tho pressure dervalve is expressed by: yen ta 2 ea) an glo ce & ' poe fo 6a) & ‘Thorelor, the derivate tke the pressure has as an asympote the unt slope stright line that passes Uough the origin of the coordinates on @ log-log graph 9.6.1) Po potest wt ain acy ots) Seapine Tanten 'o!05) Fae 6.3 THE DERIVATIVE AS DIAGNOSTIC TOOL + Flows with a power function equation: Generally seaking, whenever a tow presants pressure variations ofthe type: °, =f +b 6109) 6. souRoaR0T a th dat fo pes dr he ow isa oronla} en So) 1 er woe he dette apse on 9 og eg apn ab sth re wh Sopeet + Flows wn logarithmic ction equation va eerste pre oP sysah[h eo ‘he derivative ofthe pressive during the flow is equal to Pos a 6.19 in other words the derivative appears on a log-log graph as a horizontal stsight ine wih an orcinate of a + Diagnosis: ‘Most flows that can be seen during a wel test have pressure variations that ae either near versus te logan at time or inear versus & power of tine. ‘The characteristic shape ofthe derivative in both cases makes i an excelent agnostic toot ~ al Rows can be seen ca the same graph; = each flow corresponds to a horizontal straight line of a straight tine with 3 soe of. ‘The fact thatthe pressure drop is represented by the derivative attenuates the fattening out ettect of te log-log representation. Interpretation sensi is similar to that of conventional incepeetaion 6.4 ANALYSIS WITH TYPE CURVES D. Bourdet's type curves with a derivative for hamageneous reservoirs are ‘shown in Figure 62. 2 6 eourcanor acrimtonwentincin | seein Te we Dimansoness ime group cece me occa His set of curves is simlar to Gringarter's (Fi er 2 es ingarten's (Fg. 6.1), with the adaiton of the As indicated in section 6.3, derhative type curves As neta ve TYPE Curves have the folowing estate, Ne 8008 1 sigh tne passing though the ction ofthe cooa asymptote as long as the welbore storage ‘tect a = They have the 0. ordinate st storage atfect i over. ight ine 2s an asymptote when the welbore + Analysis method: ‘The analysis method is similar tothe procedure without the derivative. 1 Fe measured fed dla pons and thi cahatve simutancously on {racing pape using the scale provided bythe type cures fay & se 2 Look fora ype curv to match the fed cata wth 3 Nole the (Cp ex02S) value of he ype curve matching the data bes 4 Pict & match point in both the type curve coorcnate system and the deta system, 5 Anatyze, ha oa » teed 6 eounomor ‘The mejor advantage ofthe derivative Is the considerable help it gives in the ‘matching step. The interpreter does I in two stages: ~ The points ofthe derivative of radial low measurements correspond 10 9 hovzontal sight tine. The polis are matched on the U2 ordinate horizontal straight ne on the set of curves. The grealy simples vertical matching (Fig. 6.3). = The points of the derivative of wellbore storage elect measurements are located on a slope 1 straight fine. They ae maiched on the slope straight line passing through the origin ofthe coors on the set of type cues Fig, 634), Once these two operations have been performed the measured points and ther derivative are matched simultaneousy on a ype Curve and ts derwative, The ‘only remsining stop isto read the vale of Cy ex). * Beginning ofthe semi-log straight ln ‘The beginning ofthe semi-og straight ne is determined with the derivative by Considering @ deviation with respect fo the semi-log straight Ine: ~The semiiog straight fine is reached theoretically when the deri stabized. tis then equal to 0.5 in dimensionless parameter. = The sem-iog straight line is considered as having been reached hn prectoe when the deviation o the derivative in alaion to slabization fla than 10%, |e. in dmensioniess parameters when the derivative on the set of ype curves ‘sess than 0.55 for valies of Cp exp25) greater than 1 and when iis greater than 0.45 fr values of Cp exp(28) tha ae lowe than er equal 0 ‘This isthe cievion used to incicate the start of the sem-log siaigh ine on the sels of ype curves without dervatives. ‘The slat of the semi-og straight tine does not appear onthe type curves with rivalves since the interpreter can judge by using the derivative how lar the data {ate rom the semi-og sraight ine, Nota bene: The use of seis of ype curves with derivatives assumes that the Interpreter has pressure measurements and their derivative, Its ctiticult to calcu the derivative simply by hand fortwo reasons = The flow rate history has even more impact on the derivative than on the {ype cuveisel. The derivative should therelore be ealeuated using the Fw ‘ale superposition ntion to be comect, c0unoxnor emeyoa owes moeve6owou 2 ‘owt 1 v8 ABH 9 i Om #0) FOR BEAL 2 seerov0= 22. tos aun senomowe a o a ZG ee Leet) : Ce ari, ae a brouases enosustowe ZH sez0000~ syd Uys ue 286,018 e0ghoa ym om #10 nina edt noteuseonon eo fig 2, x Rn 7 cantons wo 2 or sab en, sivas assan ssaposs2ug 1. eouroanor eouroanor ~The devatve measues the pes vartons produced by the va tow rates. Unrate ato messes is nose cased eee the pressure sa Th is wy he ceva usher ee ae smoothing goin, which shoddatenual the mate ah oa oral whe reser he man aches eae 6.8 DIRECT INTERPRETATION BY MEANS OF THE DERIVATIVE Fuser pemesbiy, welt serge and shin can be deemed deciy using Ie, pe cuve and is denatve povided Mat hs Goce tt derivative has been reached, ° airmen + Reservoir Parmsbity calculated base onthe valve A, 64) coespenig o the stabizaton othe dense EES Ol coment we ay 1 ge J ive oF this derivative expressed incimonsioness terms i known, if equations, ‘The expression oan, n relation to 0.5 i equal o 4 11.2 a8 Ais EZ ABH 9 5 (ir procticalUS units) 46,14) G 6 eounasnor tis used to calculate the reservoirs kh n= 141.2 on x (practical US unis) (6.18) + Weilbore storage: \Wellbre storage can be cslcuated i the coordinates ofa point locsted on the ‘lope sireight ne are known: a0, and At i. 6.4) uring dominating wellbore storage etfect ob, = SB at 619 “P18 24g Sh rence: mn + Skin: ‘The skin can be calcusted if the coordinates of @ point located on the sem log straight ine ae known: ap, A, Fig. 6.4). Le skin est caloué & partir de Fexpression conventionnele donnée parla Ici ‘semilog. Pour une remontde de pression suivant una période & dbl constant: —_*_} eh seitsy log In the case of @ varying fow rate, 3 superposition function must be used 10 caleuste it 6.6 CONCLUSION Uke type curves, the derivative offers the great advantage of aflowing CComplate wot test 1 be Iaken info account ain interpreted using one singe curve. c.00uRoanot Each type of flow exnibits @ characttistic lacies on the derivative which ‘epresents an excelent diagnostic too. By matenaling pressure variations the Gzivalive is similar to 2 200m onto the data, amiiving variations that woul ene ot be raed fauna ot by he logartnc representa. The following onsale fastrate tne cofiouion of the derivative in more complex resenvor-wellconiguations. a © Smathing algonins are required to ‘véicmie the main imitation on ts use ‘due to the noise a he sna The derivative is practicaly impossible to calculate by hand: a computer is necessary. Ithas become one of tne major Ico in well test analysis software, 0 6 eounoanor Reservoir boundaries Introduction [A the beginning of a well test the compressible zone generated by the fow ate varation moves away trom the wellbore without reaching any boundaries, Te reservoir behaves as iit were infinite \when a boundary is reached i is perceived characteristic change in the pressure a the wel ‘The following chapters indicate the allferent pressure shapes and the Interpretation metiods that can be used wien some characters: boundaries are perceived curing a wel tet: ~ lear seating let learn intersecting near boundaries; = constant pressure boundary: = dosed reserva Fer each ofthese cases, we will examine the characteristic tow coresponding to the elect the boundary, As conventional analyse and the effect tne Bow on the derivative andthe hype cuves, : 6 eouroanot 2 Chapter 7 Linear sealing faults 7.1 DESCRIPTION Tne boundary condition coerespanding to a linear fault is the linear no-tlow boundary. Fig. 72 Several field cases produce tis boundary conction: the inear seating faut cot course (Fig. 7.1), bul also disappearing faces (Fig. 72) and a number of 8 9. 7.2) “art Fe.23 7.2 THE METHOD OF IMAGES A no-fovs ine ata dstane, dom th wes cianes . 0, Kom he wel ound analy wih method of images by superposing: rica ‘ the pressure cop lhe wetin a ne acting rsenr ~ Ie brashure Gop be toon Henicl wet ih tore tow rate hit {peated at a distance, 20, liom the well and symmetie 1 the ace, Fig. 7.4), — " “ny WK Fi, 74 Ropreseniation a oo boundary ‘bythe methog of images 16 sounoanor tn the presence o 9 nosiow boundery, he press atthe welis expressed by oF Poo: o * 1.8) + Po tte: 2:0) wy T t presse dro ressure crop sma cue me mege we is the distance from the tnear sealing faut to the well in ‘dimensionless variables, where 7.8 CONVENTIONAL INTERPRETATION METHOD Assuring that the wellbore storage elect ends soon enough, the pressure rop at the wat is writen ror pln ye oes o28-of oa oo + Short times: 2g? Unt the compcessbie zone has reached the aut, 2” i arge and the {exmis almost equal 0 zero My “The pressure drop isthe same as that of a well ia an infite reservoir. Once the wetbore storage etfect has ended, the pressure drop can be expressed using the semilog stvaight sn: , oe Eiinig +088 +25) v9 + Long times: \when the compressible zone reaches the faut, the term cortesponding tothe Image wes po oager negigiba, ‘Once the lait has been reached, the pressure drops faster tha ia an init ‘reservoand the measurement points depart from the m-slope semiog straight ine. «6 s0unoanor o ae Wen is ong encuahn praca as sonas TEE i less than 96 te term corresponding to the image well can be calculated by its logarithmic approximation (210)? -»[-22) a ‘oma wn fr tn sos (higs 0815) os | the test is long enough, the fault appears a8 a straight line with @ slope ub that ofthe inital one. This property car be saen both in drawdown and in buildup (ig. 7.5) aa sits team ie Le i “a i go i ea eee + Distance from the linear sealing faut: Two methods ae to determine how far away the faults = The fest uses the "oint of the twe sami-g stesight fines. = The second uses the investigation range of the test at the tie when the ‘compressible zone reaches the fal. 86 ‘G.sounnsror + Intersection of the semi-iog straight ines: Lot, be the time whan the straight tings wilh 2 slope of m and 2m intersect. Te distance, d, om the wall to the fault fs detomined based on equations (7.3) and (7 Si font VOOR My wa trom which dis deduced: ors (Stunts a 20012 (inpractical US units) 0014 fr practeal metric units) For this metnod to be applicable, the double slope straight ine must be reached, This is seldom the case + Radius of investigation ‘The distance from the wall fo the feut can be determined by considering the ‘adus of investigation of the test at the time when the measurement points leave the fst semi-iog straight ine, Lett, be this time (Fig. 7.5), The distance Kom the fal is equal to: daa a=2 fn Stunts) 0.092 fin practical US unis) %=0.038 fin practeal matic units, ‘The advantage of this method is that it can help detannne the stance tom the well of any event perceived dug a wel est eee {thas two major drawbacks: isnt very accurate: its har to determine exact when ha measurement points depart rom he semiiog stright ine ona sero gragh @ scunoanot 99 Teun ead" Saracen he erent: 8 double slope siragh ine Tat ha eas Presence on aut wih some degre of sete te ent a ane Eat IM SOMA skh Ine goat St alow Fase event lo be determined. a ‘ne * Extrapolated pressure, inital pronsure pelted ene ere SOM Tle Nery, te fs sariog straight ne canbe ccrpolaied pants me Be. p+ aA ton a homer gn eee Caled tne erate 2" I's Ueed w the MEH method eee Oro ee Calculate the average reservoir pressure poate tee 282° Se bg sgh Ine (tha slope of 2m) i fxrapolated to deteine the inl reson sco oir pressure, p, when only one Row Boundary has been peceved by ihe estp ys 7-4 TYPE CURVES: THE DERIVATIVE The presence of 3 {ms character by the ac thatthe spe ofthe som |og straight line doubles. * he Smeg sa ne haan on ne eg pt py wean 215 tii of he dent a an ep 2 09 wr Cy ecemigsgnne rcs eset a 100 .s0unonnor wong of ow ee a ce 2 ease rea smmacaes a ss rf tt ann Spans mea teenie te ire aasoeremncareee 6. Bouroanor Chapter 8 Channels 8.1 DESCRIPTION OF FLOWS ‘Tne boundary conestion deat with under the tam “charaels" corresponds 10 ‘wo infinite paral no-Row near boundaries (Fig 8.1). WW i. WMI “Channels should be understood in terms of Hid mechanics, It does not necessary correspond to the geological acceplation Te dynamic channel can be due to @ number of causes such as: ~ two parallel sealing faults: (227 ~ a sedimentary depest channel ~ wo paral ateral variations in facies, oe ‘6. eouroenoT 109 sig anne is defined by its width, [and by Ihe distance, d, trom the wel to one atts edges, Ourng'a wel est inside a channel, several ows folow one anther: ~ petal flow uni @ no-fow boundary has been reached. The fow eexbite Ie saline reservor Behavior: a semi-iog straight tne and statscatin tthe cevvalve at 0.5 i the welbore storage elect ended son enaven ~ Fest edge o! the channel: aut elect. When the compressible zone reaches {he nearer channel edge, the boundary has exactly the samme eis ae a Seaing feu in an infinite reser: the slope of the sem-log sight ine bles wit the derivaive going rom a sabilzation at 0.5 to sletioaling ay Tis is Sbserved ony ifthe wel is very much off center in the channel ‘otherwise the hwo edges are reached al Ihe same time and mo fa chet observed, ~ The channel Wen the compressible zone reaches the two edges ofthe {Shanoel it expands tnearly paral to the edges ofthe chan ‘The following sections present the properties of near flow, the cor {esponding conventional analysis method and the variations in the pressore erivatve ding the tow. 8.2 LINEAR FLOW she {ime function characteristic of racial fow is the logarithm function SREP 4). uring racial Now the pressure vanes. as’ a tine logueney ‘wPetPositon function with superpostion depencing onthe flow rae hisiens (revise, the characteristic function of linear flow is the square root of tine. RRtng lear ow the pressure varies as a superpostion of scuare meet ol es ‘unctons wih superpostion depencing on the few tate hetoy, Je knction that governs the pressure varaons ding linear fow when the 1wel's putin production ala constant few rat is deserved balou + In dimensionless terms: Pell) = Mati v0 4s an (6. eounoaror ‘wher to isthe cmensoriess tre calevatd by taking the with, (ofthe channel 25 arelefence length (Ret. 10 a ea tue? ly (in Stuite (i practical US units) (ir practical metric unis} ‘a = 0.000264 12 = 0.000355 «characterizes he ecentty of he welin the channe Foe L en) 63 i the eocentrity ofthe wat is the eccentricity. 4 en in practical units: Tit (+8) = pA) =m T+ ee 056 fn Slunits) 28.13 Pnpracical US unis) 25 practical metic unis) ‘mis the sope ofthe semi-log stright ne. 8.3 CONVENTIONAL INTERPRETATION Linear tow is used to determine the wigth of the channel and the eccenticty ‘of the wl Determination is based on the siaight ne oblained by platting the pressure ‘ro versus the square oot of time (Fg. 8.2, © 9.82 ‘The siope, i, ofthe straight ne determines the width ofthe channet en 56 fn Stunts), @=8.13 —— (inpractical US units) @2125 —— frpractioal metic units) ‘The ordinate, pp. of the straight line at the time oxgin determines the eccentricity, 9, ofthe we Po ashas with the slope oft semi-oy stash i: lex | Arcsin lz ota) 28) 8.4 BOUNDED CHANNELS uring a test the compressitie zone may sometimes reach one end of the channel located at a distance, a torn the wal (Fg. 8.3). This case is deat with analyiclly by the method of images nthe same way {28 the case ofa no-fow boundary in an infinite reservoir. 108 6. eouroenar crea oes Fo. 83 ‘The eect produced by the boundary is similar to that of a lau in an inte resenor. 12. 2 cloubing of the ope of tne “Semi-square oo" svaight ine which is characteristic of inear tow (Fig. 8.8) —— aoe par 160 Fig. 84 ‘Ths equation of tne double-slope stsight ne is as follows in dimensionloss tems: | Pot) = 24a sarees 89) wt of == Atty In| 1 ~ exp Ze] =Lin[t = 2 ese 21608 (2) + 804 Any : Ein() = 2 exc 247608 xe + ex Aa 10) — e where: en) + Distance to the boundary: ‘The distance fo the boundary can be obtained by using the intersection ofthe {wo straight ines with 3 slope of mand 2m, Lett, be the tine corresponding to te intersection ofthe Iwo straight nes ‘nd let tpg be ts dimensionless expression VERS = Oey + (1 ~ exe 2) ~ $I +2 e101 Aer) 60s (ane) + I Ary) 1 This equation imp in r,s nol simple to solve except when the is at a greal distance compared to the widlh of the channel. In the case te, taal to right-hand terms of equation (8.12) are small compared to the frst orm and: = [2Rioy = 2atoy hence the cistance to the end ofthe channel [Fe fossurasy (8.13) ae, one (St uit @=0.040 ——_finpractical US units) 22004 In practical metic unis) Wen the well is not far enough away trom the end of the chennel, the fist *somi-square root” shiaight tie may not be visible, making inlerpretalion Site. ie ouble-slopestsight the may be misisken lor the fist m-siope straight he. Tis leads to uncerestination of te width of he channel and lature o lake he baundor in the channel into account. The pressure dermalne analels or cling the interpretation with geotog Indetermination 108 (6 sovnpaor om s-cuens 8.5 PRESSURE BUILDUP WITH VARYING FLOW RATES rates is deat Quidup. or more generally speaking a test with varying flow with an teeny ttn ee etn 1) Sire ete evap for tacal Now. + Buildup following constant flow rate: During buildup fofowing a constant How rate period with a duration off the superposition function is ween: = Dg (0) = my (i, BLY) e0 Taking 28a relerence the pressre py) 3 shut tne: Healt ~ Dull) =m (Mi + VOT Fa) + ‘The variations ia pysA versus «/f>+ At - YT tig 8.5) correspond to a staph line wih lope m, with an inate pp at at = 0 (i. Mg Fat - Yat = MB). (ors) 6.15) a ° ‘grater Fo. a5 The slope, m, of the straight line is used to determine the width of the channel / e198 io, 109 @=058 —— (aStunits) @ 2819 Gnprsctica! US uns) 1.25 {inpractical metic units) The value of the extrapolated pressure atthe origin pg is used to calcusle ‘and 10 determine the eccentricity ofthe wal 1.381 [Po Padi] -S ean s+} can|gt- ental) + Initial pressure, average pressure The valu ofthe pressure extrapolated at infrite buicup time, TAT - YT = 0 is used to determine an extrapolated pressure p; This pressure is equal the inal feservoir pressure i ial tests (negigibie production compared to the amount of ‘lin place). ‘The average pressure calculated by the MBH method (eee Chapter 11) must however, use the pessure p* extrapolated onthe fst semi-log straight in, 8.6 PRESSURE DERIVATIVE, TYPE CURVES + Characterizing the channel: The flow characteristic of a channel is near flow. Oucing linear fow the Pressure varies ineary versus the square root of time or a square root of time ‘Superposition funcion. When the pressure varies as a power, n,of time, the derivative has the form of {straight ine wis Soper on aloyroy yrait (Chapter 6) [A channel is tnerelore characterized by a straight ing with a slope 1/2 on the pressure derwvatve. 110 6 eourotnor + Infinite channel hen ates peste na chanel tn flowing fos canbe dagnosed nine pessute dave Holed ona dmansaies aah 6) Webs storage eect sagt oe win a ope 1 “Ragot cect Slaolaion a 8. Ts fow canbe mashed bythe ware Strae eto Etat of ft ede ol he chant iatitaten at 1 The st edge of te noma benaves ta sean lao The ea eve on towel ot entered enougn nthe coal (iO) Ohare ha crc ow ihe chard prcved tat Crea fw te San oe wit 9 pe of 05. Ts he Row ‘racers fhe presence of hora + Bounded channel: ‘A o-low boundary al one end of the channels perceived by the doubling of the slope ofthe sami-square root straight ine (ee section 8.4). ‘On the lag:tog lott cortaspands to a pressure derivative going Irom an intial 0.5 slope straight ine to a second 0.5 slope straight ine. The daubing ofthe slope ‘on the conventional plot coresponds to the translation ofthe second straight ne by 2 on the log-log plot. Figure 8.7 shows the dativatve for diferent distances from the wel to the boundary, 6. eouroanot aD Once -owners Fear When the boundary is close to the well, the st wl, the steep increase of the derivative (ie, slope greater than 0.5) belore teaching ihe 0.5 sioee one gate en ting the 0.5 slope is used to diagnose 3 ne 6 souRosnor Chapter 9 Intersecting faults During a tost two intersecting no-tow boundaries (Fig. 2.1), fauls for exarole, ‘can be peresived SS F.a1 ‘Tha distance from the well to each one of them can be characterized by Conventional methods [Ret. 11] and by using the pressure dervatve. 9.1 CONVENTIONAL ANALYSIS The presence of two inlersecting no-ow Boundaries may be ft by the transition rom anita ops semog sight ine toa second one wh 9 slope of 2am (in radians). the wale focaled cose of Ine boundaries than the oer, a straight ino with @ slope of 2m may come belore the transition Lo the fone wih a sone of Dem igi? shows he covresnanding repeenentnn O° ‘Sem-log graph fox buoy 6.s0uroAnor 13 per Fe Fi. 92 The angle belween the two boundates i characterized by the ratio of the slopes ofthe two semiiog straight ines: onan ‘The distance from the wol to the closer boundary can be characterized by the adus of investigation ofthe test atthe time wien the Goundary is perce'ved at the wet Most of the time itis necessary to match the pressure and the pressure ervaive data wi a wel ies! analytical model to determine the cistance rom the wel tothe farther boundary more precisely + Extrapolated pressure, inital pressure: Jn buildup tne extrapoiated pressure p* is read on the first semi-log straight line at infinite at. This pressure is used in the MBH method (see Chapier 11) to ‘etermine the average resarvor pressure. During initial tests, the initial pressure can be read on the second semilog Straight ine (he one wath tne slope of ami) at inti at 9.2 TYPE CURVES; PRESSURE DERIVATIVE ‘Tho presence of two fouls wih an angle 0 betwee et fs characterise by tne pressure dervativa going liom an inal stabszation at 0.5 to a second one a¢ 11/8 (8 in radians) en a eémensiolesslog-0g pot (Fig, 9.2). na ‘6.sounpaRor —— ‘The smaller 0, te longer it akes to reac the second stabization, A ctabitzation at + (1 boundary) may come belore the stabilization at n/0 ithe wali located much closer io one o the boundavies than the other (Fg. 9.3), a a a ‘oo Fig. 93 \wihen the angle is very smal, the two fauits can be considered as practcaly Parallel: tney behave tke a channel. The transition between the stabéalion at OS Zand the one al 1/9 corresponds 10 a quasi-inear low wily the derivative increasing £85 8 1/2 slope straight ine ig, 9.4). ——— /2 slope straight ine Fig. 9.4). ~ > «6 bouroanoT 1s chapter 10 Constant pressure boundary ’ constant pressure boundary elect can be seen during a wel test in several cases (Fig, 10.1) = ween the compressible zone reaches 3 93s cap lateral “inmen the compressible 20n8 reaches an aquifer wilh the mobiity of the water much greater than that ofthe of — constant pressure boundries - ig 101 ‘A constant pressure boundary is eblained analytical using the method of images. ‘The image wel is symmetrical to the tested wel in relation to the boundary. has a ow rte opposite that ofthe tested wel (Fig, 10.2). .eounowroT “7 | eee

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