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Full wave rectifier




Roll No.
31th December 2022


I LOVELY YADAV declare that work done in the present project entitled
“Full wave rectifier” has been done thoroughly by me and not copied and
taken from any other literature related to this field. The related literature is
used only to review the advancement and benefit of the research in this field
and has not been submitted for any other degree. If any plagiarism is found
in this work than I shall be totally responsible for it.


Roll No.

D/o Sh. Shyam Singh Yadav

Address: H-16/1271 Sangham Vihar New delhi-110080
Mobile. No.:- 7678536261



While bowing before the lotus feet of supreme lord, thankful

sincere acknowledgements to all those who have directly or
indirectly extended their support in accomplishing this work.
I am deeply indebted and would like to express my heartiest
gratitude to my project supervisor Dr. NAND KISHOR
Department of Physics Institute of SPM S (Coed) V, CR Park,
central board of secondary education New Delhi who gave me
inspiration to pursue this work and guided me in this
endeavour. I express my deepest respect to him for his consent
motivation, encouragement, kind support and valuable
suggestions have always been there for me. I feel privileged to be
associated with a person like him during my life.
I am thankful to Mrs. USHA CHOUDHARY “Head of School”
central board of secondary education for his kind cooperation.
I would like to extend my thanks to Mr. H.N
Sharma ,Department of chemistry for his precious suggestion,
valuable advice,discussions, support and kind encouragement.
I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Atul pandey for their
valuable help and support. I also thank and all members of for
their kind co-operation and support.
I owe my great sense of respect, reverence and veneration to my
beloved parents Mr. Shyam Singh Yadav and Mrs. Nirmala
Yadav for their untiring struggles, selfless sacrifices and
magnanimous showers of love and affection during our
upbringing. Being my ideal source of inspiration, they’re always
encouraging and motivating nature fills me with enthusiasm to
achieve my goal easily.
I respectfully acknowledge the co-operation of my classmates,
Farha and Sadiqua
Last but not least I am thankful to almighty God with whose
blessing I have been able to complete this work.


Roll No.
12th. (PCB), Session :2022-2023
SPM S (Coed) V CR PARK NEW DELHI 1925060

Date – 02 January 2023

S.No. Topic Page no.
Introduction – What is a
1. full wave rectifier
Centre tapped full wave
2. rectifier
• Construction of
centre tapped full
wave rectifier
• Working of
centre-tapped full
wave rectifier
• Output waveforms
• Filter circuit
Full wave bridge rectifier
3. • Construction of
full wave bridge
• Principle of full
wave bridge
• Filter circuit
Full wave rectifier
4. formula
• Ripple factor od a
full wave rectifier
• Efficiency factor of
a full wave
• Form factor of a fu
wave rectifier
Advantages of a full wave
5. rectifier
Disadvantages of a full
6. wave rectifier


A full wave rectifier is defined as a type of rectifier that converts both
halves of each cycle of an alternating wave (AC signal) into a pulsating
DC signal. Full-wave rectifiers are used to convert AC voltage to DC
voltage, requiring multiple diodes to construct. Full wave rectification is
the process of converting an AC signal to a DC signal.
Circuits that convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) are
known as rectifiers. If such rectifiers rectify both the positive and negative
half cycles of an input alternating waveform, the rectifiers are full-wave
Full-wave rectifiers achieve this by using a group of diodes. A diode
permits current in one direction only and blocks the current in the other
direction. We use this principle to construct various rectifiers.
We can classify rectifiers into two types:

1. Half Wave Rectifier

2. Full Wave Rectifier
When we use a half-wave rectifier, a significant amount of power gets
wasted as only one half of each cycle passes through, and the other cycle
gets blocked. Moreover, the half-wave rectifier is not efficient (40.6%), and
we can not use it for applications that need a smooth and steady DC
output. For a more efficient and steady DC output, a full wave rectifier is

We can further classify full wave rectifiers into:

• Centre-tapped Full Wave Rectifier

• Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

Centre-tapped Full Wave Rectifier

Construction of Centre-tapped Full Wave Rectifier

A centre-tapped full-wave rectifier system consists of:

1. Centre-tapped Transformer
2. Two Diodes
3. Resistive Load
Centre-tapped Transformer: – It is a normal transformer with one slight
modification. It has an additional wire connected to the exact centre of the
secondary winding.
This type of construction divides the AC voltage into two equal and
opposite voltages, namely +Ve voltage (Va) and -Ve voltage (Vb). The total
output voltage is

The circuit diagram is as follows -

We apply an AC voltage to the input transformer. During the positive
half-cycle of the AC voltage, terminal 1 will be positive, centre-tap will be
at zero potential, and terminal 2 will be negative potential.

This will lead to forwarding bias in diode D1 and cause current to flow
through it. During this time, diode D2 is in reverse bias and will block
current through it.

During the negative half-cycle of the input AC voltage, terminal 2 will
become positive relative to terminal 2 and centre-tap. This will lead to
forwarding bias in diode D2 and cause current to flow through it. During
this time, diode D1 is in reverse bias and will block current through it.

During the positive cycle, diode D1 conducts, and during the negative
cycle, diode D2 conducts and during the positive cycle.

As a result, both half-cycles are allowed to pass through. The average

output DC voltage here is almost twice the DC output voltage of a half-
wave rectifier.

Output Waveforms

Filter Circuit

We get a pulsating DC voltage with many ripples as the output of the

centre-tapped full wave rectifier. We cannot use this pulsating for
practical application.

So, to convert the pulsating DC voltage to pure DC voltage, we use a filter

circuit as shown above. Here we place a capacitor across the load.

The working of the capacitive filter circuit is to short the ripples and block
the DC component so that it flows through another path and is available
across the load.

During the positive half-wave, the diode D1 starts conducting. The
capacitor is uncharged.
When we apply an input AC voltage that happens to be more than the
capacitor voltage, it charges the capacitor immediately to the maximum
value of the input voltage. At this point, the supply voltage is equal to
capacitor voltage.

When the applied AC voltage starts decreasing and less than the
capacitor, the capacitor starts discharging slowly, but this is slower when
compared to the charging of the capacitor, and it does not get enough time
to discharge entirely, and the charging starts again.
So around half of the charge present in the capacitor gets discharged.
During the negative cycle, the diode D2 starts conducting, and the above
process happens again.
This will cause the current to flow in the same direction across the load.

Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
Construction of Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
A full wave bridge rectifier is a rectifier that will use four diodes or more
than that in a bridge formation. A full wave bridge rectifier system
consists of

1. Four Diodes
2. Resistive Load
We use the diodes, namely A, B, C and D, which form a bridge circuit. The
circuit diagram is as follows.

Principle of Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

We apply an AC across the bridge. During the positive half-cycle, terminal
1 becomes positive, and terminal 2 becomes negative.

This will cause the diodes A and C to become forward-biased, and the
current will flow through it. Meanwhile, diodes B and D will become
reverse-biased and block current through them. The current will flow
from 1 to 4 to 3 to 2.

During the negative half-cycle, terminal 1 will become negative, and

terminal 2 will become positive.

This will cause the diodes B and D to become forward-biased and will
allow current through them. At the same time, diodes A and C will be
reverse-biased and will block the current through them. The current will
flow from 2 to 4 to 3 to 1.

Filter Circuit
We get a pulsating DC voltage with many ripples as the output of the full
wave bridge rectifier. We can not use this voltage for practical

So, to convert the pulsating DC voltage to pure DC voltage, we use a filter

circuit as shown above. Here we place a capacitor across the load. The
working of the capacitive filter circuit is to short the ripples and block the
DC component so that it flows through another path, and that is through
the load.

During the half-wave, the diodes A and C conduct. It charges the

capacitor immediately to the maximum value of the input voltage. When
the rectified pulsating voltage starts decreasing and less than the capacitor
voltage, the capacitor starts discharging and supplies current to the load.

This discharging is slower when compared to the charging of the capacitor, and
it does not get enough time to discharge entirely, and the charging starts again
in the next pulse of the rectified voltage waveform.

So around half of the charge present in the capacitor gets discharged.
During the negative cycle, the diodes B and D start conducting, and the
above process happens again. This causes the current to continue to flow
through the same direction across the load.

Full Wave Rectifier Formula

We will now derive the various formulas for a full wave rectifier based on
the preceding theory and graphs above.

Ripple Factor of a Full Wave Rectifier (γ)

‘Ripple’ is the unwanted AC component remaining when converting the
AC voltage waveform into a DC waveform. Even though we try out best
to remove all AC components, there is still some small amount left on the
output side which pulsates the DC waveform. This undesirable AC
component is called ‘ripple’.

To quantify how well the half-wave rectifier can convert the AC voltage
into DC voltage, we use what is known as the ripple factor (represented
by γ or r).

The ripple factor is the ratio between the RMS value of the AC voltage (on
the input side) and the DC voltage (on the output side) of the rectifier.

The formula for ripple factor is:

Where Vrms is the RMS value of the AC component, and Vdc is the DC
component in the rectifier.
The ripple factor of a centre-tapped full-wave rectifier is equal to 0.48 (i.e.
γ = 0.48).

Note: To construct a good rectifier, we need to keep the ripple factor as

minimum as possible. We can use capacitors or inductors to reduce the
ripples in the circuit.

Efficiency of a Full Wave Rectifier (η)

Rectifier efficiency (η) is the ratio between the output DC power and the
input AC power. The formula for the efficiency is equal to:

The efficiency of a centre-tapped full-wave rectifier is equal to 81.2% (i.e.

ηmax = 81.2%).

Form Factor of a Full Wave Rectifier (F.F)

The form factor is the ratio between RMS value and average value.
The formula for form factor is given below:

The form factor of a centre-tapped full wave rectifier is equal to 1.11 (i.e.
FF = 1.11).

Advantages of Full Wave Rectifiers
The advantages of full wave rectifiers include:

• Full wave rectifiers have higher rectifying efficiency

than half-wave rectifiers. This means that they convert AC to
DC more efficiently.
• They have low power loss because no voltage signal is wasted
in the rectification process.
• The output voltage of a centre-tapped full wave rectifier has
lower ripples than a halfwave rectifiers.

Disadvantages of Full Wave Rectifiers

The disadvantages of full wave rectifiers include:

• The centre-tapped rectifier is more expensive than a half-

wave rectifier and tends to occupy a lot of space.
• It is difficult to locate the centre tap on the secondary
• The DC output is small as each diode utilizes only one half of
the transformer's secondary Voltages.
• The diodes used have high peak inverse voltage.
• Full wave rectifier requires more diodes ie two for centre tap
rectifier and four for bridge rectifier
• When a small voltage is required to be rectified this full wave
rectifier circuit is not suitable.


To design and simulate a Full Wave Rectifier circuit

with working theory and the analysis for the full-
bridge rectifier circuit. The full-wave rectifier allows
us to convert almost all the incoming AC power to


I Lovely Yadav of class XII,F (PCB) hereby declare

that I have done this project with the help of my
parents, friends and subject teacher.
For finalizing thus project I have used the following
sources –
• Physics ncert book


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