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Apart from the face-to-face classes that we’ve been waiting for, I was also looking forward to this year’s
Hibalag. The notion that I would be experiencing Hibalag for the last time made me feel quite emotional,
despite the fact that I was happy to finally experience it in person after two years of doing so only
online. For me, participating in Hibalag in Silliman is such a special experience since it allows me to learn
more about the university and meet all the students who are enrolled there, something that is not
possible during regular classes due to varying schedules. One aspect of Hibalag that I particularly miss is
the vibrant booths. I also enjoy meandering among the various food stalls at night during Hibalag. Lastly,
the Willfreedo Band is the feature of Hibalag that I miss the most.

T4: Role Theory

Role Theory is a theoretical perspective in social psychology that states that it is based on the premise
that people conform to norms defined by the expectations of others. According to role theory, to
change a person’s behavior, it is necessary to change or redefine his or her role.

I used this theory because it because it somewhat explains how I felt or responded to the situation in
which we were expected to play a part.

On August 25 we were required to attend the Alumni Homecoming and Fellowship and I, along with my
friends Rea and Gwyneth, were asked to serve as ushers at the event. We arrived at the venue quite
early because we were told that ushers and usherettes should arrive early, along with my friends Rea
and Gwyn. We were confused and a little lost when we got to the venue because no one was giving us
instructions or giving us reminders so that we could be guided when assisting the alumni. In addition,
there were a lot of us there when I thought there would only be 10 of us asked to be ushers, so I was
really confused. The same sentiment was said by my friends who also felt confused as we stood around
waiting for the alumni to arrive and felt like decorations with no real purpose for being there. Some
ushers have gathered and are waiting at the staircase where the alumni are arriving. We therefore
thought that there were enough ushers, particularly those who were waiting at the door, to usher the
alumni. As the event was about to begin, we made the decision to go inside and find a place to seat.

T5: Social Learning Theory

Social learning is learning by observing other people with the goal of adapting one's behavior in social
contexts. With social learning, we use this technique to adopt the behaviors with which another person
has been successful in order to achieve the desired result. Motivation, work ethic, and learning
techniques are examples of observed behaviors you can imitate to achieve a desired result.

I used this theory because I feel inspired and motivated by the speakers and I think this theory is
applicable because behaviors learned through social environments can have a circular impact and
inspire others in the same social setting.

When the event got underway, we listened to both the speakers who had been asked to speak at the
Balik Talent Lectures and the alumni as they shared their testimonies about their time spent studying in
Silliman. They are so amazing, so listening to them was enjoyable. I was in awe as I listened to them
narrate their life and all of their achievements. It is evident how they accomplished each of those. It's
really impressive and motivating to hear about how they handle their life, their passions, and how they
perceive the world and their careers. They are very upbeat in their speech, which adds to the lecture's
interest. This lecture has been really beneficial to us, and I believe it will aid us in our future professional
paths. Since we will be leaving Silliman's walls and entering the outside world the next year, I can say
that I am anxious about the future.

T6: Social Cognitive Theory

Social Cognitive Theory considers the unique way in which individuals acquire and maintain behavior,
while also considering the social environment in which individuals perform the behavior. The theory
takes into account a person's past experiences, which factor into whether behavioral action will occur.
These past experiences influences reinforcements, expectations, and expectancies, all of which shape
whether a person will engage in a specific behavior and the reasons why a person engages in that

I used this theory because it explains why I am experiencing some kind of feelings.

R2: Yes, You Do Become More Introverted With Age

Do we get more introverted as we get older? Probably, according to Susan Cain, author of Quiet. In a
post on Quiet Revolution, Cain confirms what you've probably suspected all along—we act more
“introverted” as we age. Psychologists call this phenomenon “intrinsic maturation,” and it means our
personalities become more balanced as we get older—“a kind of fine wine that mellows with age,”
writes Cain. Generally, people become more emotionally stable, agreeable, and conscientious as they
leave their youth behind. They also become quieter and more self-contained, needing less socializing
and excitement to be happy.

Even though we were aware that the Hibalag Booths will open on that day as well, we chose to head
directly to our home after that event. Initially, I wanted to attend the opening, but my friends weren't
interested because it was muddy at the Hibalag Booth, making them hesitant to go. In addition, they
were already worn out from spending the entire day at the event. Although I genuinely miss the
experience of taking part in the parade and the events during the opening, I decide against going since I
would not want to go there by myself. Though I have friends besides Rea and Gwyn, I no longer felt the
need to socialize. Maybe it was true what they claimed about how your energy changes as you get older,
and stop being as enthused about everything and as eager to experience the enjoyable things as you
were when you were freshmen.

I went to the 5 a.m. Sunrise Service on August 28. One of the events from this year's Founder's Day that I
really missed was the 5:00 am Sunrise service. I have always gone to this event on Founder's Day with
my friends, even when we were still in senior high school. After two years, I was fortunate enough to see
the beautiful sunrise in the Amphitheater. The service, as predicted, was full of joyful welcomes,
heartfelt music, and motivational quotes about how much the university means to its speakers. Dr. Betty
Cernol McCann, the president of SU, is one of the speakers that introduces the celebrations. Her
message is so motivating that it increases my gratitude for God's blessings.

On August 29, I was quite enthusiastic to attend Hibalag's closing day. I persuaded my friends to go, and
they eagerly agreed, so we went. We took a stroll through each booth, made purchases at each stall,
and then had fun raving to the many bands that night, notably the Willfreedo, who are a local favorite.
Since they were the grand finale, we waited until very late for them. Although it was extremely muddy
and even rained, it was the best experience since it felt like being a freshman all over again. I can say
that my last Hibalag experience was remarkable. My friends and I had a great time, and I went home
pretty content despite getting completely soaked by the rain and having my shoes sink into the mud.


Behavioral change models. The Social Cognitive Theory. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2022, from

Role theory in social psychology - iresearchnet. Psychology. (2016, January 19). Retrieved September 9,
2022, from

Social Learning Theory: Benefits, examples, and best practices. Valamis. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9,
2022, from

Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). Yes, you do become more introverted with age. Psychology Today. Retrieved
September 9, 2022, from

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