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Project Description Are you looking for ways to

give back to the community? If yes, then consider
donating some of your time or money to
organizations that are working towards improving
our society. Rafael B. Lacson has always been
known for its excellent academic programs and high
standards. In order to provide students with better
learning environments, UST has established several
facilities such as libraries, laboratories, and
classrooms. Unfortunately, due to the limited
budget, these facilities are often overcrowded. As a
result, many students are forced to sit on the floor
during class hours. This problem is especially acute
in HUMSS' classroom where the number of seats is
already limited. As a way of giving back to the
community, Rafael B Lacson alumnus have come
together to raise funds for the construction of
additional classroom seating. They hope to
complete their project before the start of the school
year next month. How often do you sit down at
your desk? If you don't have enough comfortable
seating options, you might be missing out on
productivity gains. You spend over half of your day
sitting, and research shows that office workers who
sit for long periods of time suffer from back pain
and other health issues. The solution? Get some
ergonomic furniture. Ergonomics refers to the study
of human design and function. Ergonomics is
concerned with designing equipment and
environments to reduce or eliminate discomfort
and risk of injury. What do you think about school
chairs? Are they comfortable or uncomfortable? If
you have ever sat in them, then you probably know
the answer. Chairs are often overlooked, but they
play a crucial role in our daily lives. They provide
support and comfort, especially during long hours
of sitting at a desk. School chairs come in various
shapes and sizes, from simple wooden desks to
ergonomic office chairs. The type of chair you
choose depends on your preferences and budget.
School chairs are important because they help
students focus and concentrate better. In addition,
they also improve posture and reduce back pain.
There are several types of school chairs, such as
swivel chairs, adjustable chairs, and task chairs.

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