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1 . In my own words meaning of ethics is :

• Ethics can be defined as code of moral principle that sets standards of good or bad , right
or wrong , in one‘s conduct and thereby guides the behavior of a person or group .
• Ethics provide principles that guide behavior and help people make moral choices among
alternative courses of action .

2 . Application of ethics and morality is :

• Religion aspect : Human being relationship with god .

• Natural aspect : Human being relationship with nature .
• Individual aspect : Individual relation to themselves and to an individual code of
• Social aspect : Human being relationship with other human beings .

3 . Three forms of caring is :

• Caring about someone : This relates to the kind of concern and interest that one can
have for things or ideas where there is no second person in whose subjective reality one
become engrossed .
• Caring after someone : This relates to caring for someone who requires our support
or services because of some limitations that one person is experiencing .
• Caring for someone : It is the kind of care shown by a mother to her child which
is engaging and deep , with feelings an emotions .

4 . In my own words trust is :

• Trust can be define as ‘ reasonable belief ’ such as keep their promises and tell the truth .

5 . Non - Malicious Threats is :

• Threats to information systems security can come from authorized users who are not aware
of their actions .
6 . (4) components in the ethical and social concern in information technology is :

• Privacy
- People are afraid that their privacy may be invaded by third parties , where personal
identifying information is often collected by businesses and stored in various formats .
• Accuracy
- Effective decision - making is driven by accurate information .
• Intellectual Property
- Intellectual property rights have become the main concern of organizations , especially
issues of intangible rights of ownership in an asset such as a software program , which
includes the source code , object code and idea .
• Accessibility
- By using electronic shared databases , one has access to the information for a cost .

7 . Problems or impacts that may occur within civil servants is :

• Major scandal – loss of power – ruin political system .

• Weaken the system – government unable to fulfill their roles in efficient , effective and
ethical ways .
• Increase public’s suspicion and disappointment with the government .
• Ethical problems may become habits / routine and will not be recognized unless the effect
will jeopardize their lives / career .
• Punishment will be prioritized instead of improvement because misconduct happens
regularly ( especially in developing countries ) . Punishment is only a short term solution .

8 . Corporate governance means :

• Corporate mainly refers to large corporations , i.e . public listed corporation / companies (
PLCs ) .
• Governance comes from the Greek word gubernare , which means “ to steer ” .
• Corporate governance (CG) refers to how a board of directors steers a corporation on behalf
of its shareholders .

9 . Ethical issues in corporate governance is :

• Financial manipulation .
• Inflated directors remuneration .
• Excessive business risk taking , lack of risk control .
• Poor communication of information .

10 . Difference between bribe and grease payment is :

• Bribes : Relatively large amounts of money given for the purpose of

influencing officials to make decisions or take actions that they otherwise might not take .
If the officials considered the merits of the situation only , they might take some other
action .
• Grease payment : Relatively small sums of money given for the purpose of getting
minor officials to :
- Do what they are supposed to be doing
- Do what they are supposed to be doing faster
- Do what they are supposed to be doing better

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