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Sealants-their properties
and performance
Michael G. Kasperski
Jerome M. Klosowski

THE VARIETY of caulks and sealants The increa,singly wide selection Sealing materials in these
available niay seem almost of sealants aval/able to specifiers applications function primarily as
limitless-acrylics, butyl, oil-based "fillers" since there is little or no stress
today offers rewarding design
polysulflde, polyurethane , silicone : on the mi1terlal. Because the primary
one-part, two-part, low-modulus and so flexlbl/ity and sureness of con- function is tilling holes and cracks,
forth. Each sealan t has characteristics struction. However, no single sea- almost any sealing material will work
that make ft suitable for some lant is ideal for evety application and material cost becomes the
applications, but no one material is and it is· important to understand deciding factor. The major part of any
best for all uses. sealing job Is labor. so installation must
the sealant of your choice. also be easy. Extensive joint cleaning
Caulks and sealants are used to fill Here is the first of a two-part
and seal joints-to weatherproof by or preparation adds significantly to the
preventing drafts and the intrusion of
Specification Associate feature cost of the sealing project. Special
wind-driven rain and dust. En,rgy on sea1ants--compl{ed specially handling requirements, such as
conservation mandates that buildings by research experts with Dow heating or mixing of a 2-package
be sealed to prevent drafts and reduce Corning Canada Ltd. We are in- sealant, must be considered from the
the energy requirements for heating viewpoint ot added time, added
debted to the authors for their equipment. and added chance of
and air conditioning. The penetration of
water through joints can cause thorough treatment of the subject, applicator errors.
structural damage and almost always and its consequent value to our The sealing materials must bond to
results in unsightly water staining. readers. • the substrates and must be able to
While the initial cost of the sealant and accommodate the limited degree of
its Installation may comprise only a joint movement that occurs in these
consideration in selection of a sealant joints. II should not take a permanent
small fraction of the total building cost,
for any joint must be the amount of set when held in extension or
failure of the sealant may result in joint movement.
disproportionately high bills to repair compression. Within the temperature
structural and aesthetic damage. range expected in this application. the
Non-Working Joints sealant should not become brittle at
Energy costs will be greater than
needed, too. These are joints in which there is low temperatures or soften and flow
little or no movement of the joined when not. It should not dry, harden, or
Specific applications for construction crack over its needed life time.
parts. Movement may be restricted
sealants are as varied as the sealants It is important to know the life
because the parts are connected with
available, and selections of the "best" needed on the job to match to the
mechanical fasteners : the size of the
sealant can come only after careful stated fife of various sealants. Other
unit is small ; or the joint is in a
matching of the sealant properties with factors may also be important, such as
relatively constant environment.
the application requirement. " Best" ability to withstand sunshine and
Maximum movement is typically limited
means the product of lowest cost that weathering when the application is
to 5 percent of total joint width. Some
will do the intended job. exterior, resistance to traffic for floor
examples of nonworking joints are :
While applications vary greatly, Interior heel beads in glazing joints. resistance to chemicals and
functionally there are only two types of Glazing of small and Individual resistance to color change or staining
joints-working joints and nonworking window lights with age. These factors should be
joints. The essential difference Copings and gravel stops considered when selecting a sealant:
between these joints is the degree of Reglet !oints 1) Cost
movement. While a few special Stabilized settlement cracks in 2) Ease of installation
applications may require special masonry walls 3) Amount of joint preparation
sealant properties, the first Residential perimeter glazing. required

Specification Associate/September-October 1971 29

! I
Depuis quelques annees, notre admin- articles, qui seraient necessaires pour
istration federale a travaille ace que !es contrats du secteur prive, n'y
nous savons, personnellement en tant apparaissent pas. Toutefois, un devis
que redacteurs de devis, et en tant directeur n'est qu'un instrument, et ii
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productifs dans notre metier. Lente- prime ou ajoute des articles.
ment et sOrement, d'abord dans un
certain nombre de ministeres separes, Devis de Construction Canada, a la
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qui, dans I' administration, preparent negociations, a reussi a convaincre
ou font preparer la documentation des ses propres membres, au moyen de
contrats (instructions a ceux qui cons- representations faites aupres du Con-
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du governement) ont reuni un devis que !'administration tederale, que
directeur, connu sous le nom de Devis cette association, qui represente le
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construction, devrait revoir le DOG,
Des employes et des conseillers de et, par la modification de ses textes,
!'administration federale, dent plus- elaborer, a partir d'un document a
ieurs ant ete, ou sent toujours, mem- orientation gouvernementale, un texte
bres de notre association, ont realise qui pourrait servir toute l'industrie de
ce travail qui, en general, est conforme la construction et tous !es Canadiens
aux principes et aux pratiques mis de qui desirent ou doivent construire. II
!'avant conjointement par Devis de s'agit la d'un processus graduel, qui
Construction Canada et le Construc- doit s'etendre sur cinq ans (une annee
tion Specification Institute des vient deja de s'ecouler), et, a mesure
Etats-Unis. que !es modifications seront faites, ce
document va devenir, section par
Devis de Construction Canada a passe section, le Devis directeur national
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revision, en plus de tout document mis
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a jour qui deviendra disponible au
deja, de le mettre a jour.
cours de la deuxieme moitie de 1978 -
devant etre publie d'ici la fin de
Ce "Devis directeur du gouverne- l'annee.
ment" est redige en fonction des pro-
jets du gouvernement, et, par conse- Des abonnements demise a jour sont
quent, ii contient certains articles qui aussi disponibles pour chaque annee
ne s'appliquent qu'aux contrats du supplementaire, tel qu'indique sur la
gouvernement, alors que d'autres liste de prix des mises a jour.

28 Specification Associate/September-October 1978

4) Adhesive and cohesive strength Curtain wall joints ... panel to panel . measurement of movement in
5) Dynamic movement capability panel to mullion expansion joints in two different
6) Stability-not embrittle when Masonry control joints buildings while constantly monitoring
cold or soften when hot Perimeter glazing temperature. Results of the study
7) Weatherability Structural glazing showed that while temperature may
8) Intrusion resistance Pools. reservoirs, canals not be the sole cause of joint
9) Chemical resistance Highway joints movement, calculations based only or
1O) No staining or discoloration Joints between dissimilar materials expected temperature changes can
Lap joints in corrugated metal sheets give a good estimate of the movemen
What types of materials meet these for roofs and walls that will occur.
requirements? All but the cheapest Skylights Temperature is also important in th<
mastics have some area of practical the substrate temperature at the time
Working joints may be of several
use, and any "good" sealant satisfies of sealant installation will determine
designs-butt joints, lap joints or a
to some degree most of these areas. the type of stress on the sealant. If a
surround joint. In a butt joint, the
The high performance sealants satisfy sealant is installed in a butt joint on a
panels being joined abut each other
to some degree all of these areas hot summer day, panels will be near
and the sealant is subjected to
except initial low cost. their maximum size, joints near their
alternating tensile and compressive
The high performance sealants minimum , and the sealant will primaril
forces . In a lap joint, the panels
designed for use in working joints undergo extension stresses . If
over-ride each other in a sliding type of
generally offer only improved installation is done in midwinter when
movement, which results in shearing
extension and compression panels are at a lower temperature anc
stresses on the sealing material. The
capabilities, improved weatherability joints are wider, the sealant will
"surround joint" is a combination of
and somewhat extended useful undergo primarily compression.
butt and lap joints. In this joint the
temperature range. Installation at temperatures between
sealant may be subjected
For most nonworking joints, some of the extremes will result in some
simultaneously, or separately, to these
these prope rties are requi red. If the extension and some compression.
sealing material is used only as a filler The effect of temperature changes
with no movement intended, and the The amount of stress the sealant on joint movement of various substrat1
life required is no more than two to five must withstand depends then on how materials is another factor to consider.
years, then the oil and much the joint moves, the All materials expand and contract, but
bituminous-based caulks and mastics configuration of the joint and size of they do not expand and contract at thE
and vinyl latex systems are probably same rate. A 10-ft. section of plate
satisfactory. These materials are
referred to as low range caulks. "' ...,\ ~
glass, for example, will expand or
contract less than 0.1 in. over a
If the joint will be moving (but is still
nonworking) or if a longer service life is
\ ..' '" temperature change of 150 degrees F
The same size precast concrete panel
required, a medium range sealant is will change slightly more than 0.1 in .,
desireable. These materials include
\I " ~ and some plastics may expand or
contract a full inch.
the butyls, acrylic latex systems,
cholorosulfonated polyethylenes and
\ Wind can contribute to joint
\. I

chloroprenes. These sealants can \ \ movement. For example, a 1O ft. x 8
provide satisfactory service for up to ft. x "Al in. plate glass light in a curtai
1O years when properly installed. wall frame will have a deflection of
more than 1 in. at its centre in a 120

These low range caulks and medium
range sealants are generally the right I
\ \ mph wind. This causes compression
sealant for nonworking joints because I and extension fo rces on the sealed
they do provide adequate performance \ '\ joint. Besides the positive windward
\ ~-
and are lower In Initial cost than high .,..::::::----- and negative leeward forces, the wind
performance sealants and premium
quality silicones. In some cases, even
----- --- causes actual deflection of tall
buildings, increasing stresses even
Solar panels call for sealants with·
in nonworking joints, a premium standing high stagnation tempera- more.
silicone sealant may be more tures. Joint movement can also be caused
appropriate because of its abil ity to by changes in the relative humidity,
withstand. long term exposure to water, especially with wood products . Other
sunlight, and weather. Long life, easy the joint. How much a joint moves forces that cause joint movement are
cleaning, and appearance depends on a variety of factors. vibration and settling , but these are
considerations may be reasons for Temperature is very important. In a generally unpredictable.
choosing a premium quality silicone 1970 publication, K. K. Karpati and Calculations to estimate joint
sealant. Residential exterior E. V. Gibbons of the Division of movement are relatively simple. If the
applications and sealing around Building Research, National Research panel material, the panel size and
bathtubs and showers are examples . Council of Canada, reported a high desired joint size are known, the
correlation between dally temperature architect can determine the expected
changes and expansion loint temperature range of exposure and
Working Joints movement. Statistical analysis of the estimate the installation temperature.
The second functional type of joint is daily data indicated it could be Only after the amount of joint
the working joint, designed to extrapolated to annual movement. This movement has been determined can
accommodate movement. Examples was confirmed by actual the sealant be selected. Sealants are
are : measurements. classified by federal specification
Isolation joints (expansion joints) Data for this study was obtained by according to the amount of movement

30 Specification Associate/September-October 1978

Material Pre cast
Coefficient of Expansion 6.5 x 10- s

in / in /° F
Panel Size 30 ft.
Joint width 112 in.

Installation Temperature 70 F
Expected Temperalure
Range - 30 F to
130 F
Movement (panel size) (coefficient
of expansion) (temperature ra nge)
Maximum Expansion
I (30')(12 in/ ft}
(6.5 x 10 - 0 in/in/°F) (100 F)
.234 in.

I 47 percent
Maximum Compression
(30') (12 in/ft) (6.5 x 10- 6
in/ in/°F) (60 F)
.141 in.
28 percent

they can tolerate, and in working joints,

the mos! important sealant property 1s
the ability to withstand (as a minimum )
the designed amounr of movement. To
do this the sealant must maintain Sealants facilitated glazing concepts at Toronto Hydro.
adhesion to the joint surface without
developing so much Internal stress that another important sealant property. installation costs constitute the major
it rails cohesively. Ability to withstand While 100 percent recovery is not expense in any sealing application.
"designed movement" is a minimum essential. a high degree of stress The cost involved in replacement of a
requirement because tolerances in relaxation or compression set will "bargain" sealant will rapidly exceed
panel dimensions and erection rapidly result in sealant failure. If the the initially higher cost of a premium
procedures will result In some sealant fails to recover form extension, quality sealant.
variations from the designed joint it will be pumped from the joint during As with sealants used in nonworking
width. Thus, the sealant must have a compression, putting a large stress on joints. some applications may require
sarety factor in the degree of the bond and sealant, and will special properties such as resistance
movement ii can accommodate. eventually fall. If the sealant has a high to abrasion or penetration, chemical or
How the sealant' accommodates the compression ser. compression will oil swell resistance.
movement and what happens when result in a permanently reduced In summary, the properties required
the stress Is removed are also sealant bead width. Once this occurs, of sealants to be used in working joints
Important. A good working joint sealant any subsequent extension may exceed are:
should be able to be deformed without the strength of the material resulting in 1) Ability to withstand significant
putting excessive stress on the cohesive or adhesive failure. dynamic movement
adhesive bond. Modulus Is the Finally, sealants used in working 2) High recovery
measurement of this stress. With joints must retain these critical 3) Good weatherability .for a long
rubbers and elastomers, modulus is properties over the service service life
not a constant but is the stress temperature range expected and on 4) Low "life cycle cost"
required to produce a specific degree prolonged exposure to weathering. 5) Special properties, such as
of deformation. Low modulus sealants The sealant that becomes brittle as abrasion resistance, chemical
are more easily deformed; that is less temperature decreases loses its ability resistance, oil swell resistance.
force is required to cause a specific to withstand extension at the very time Sealants with properties required to
deformation than with a high modulus that extensibility is most needed. Good perform in working joints are classified
sealant. weatherability is dependent upon the as " high performance" sealants. These
Low modulus is an advantage sealant's ability to withstand ultraviolet include solvent-type acrylics,
because it results In less strain on the radiation, ozone and other atmospheric polysulfldes, polyurethanes and
adhesive bond and the substrate. This conditions, all of which can cause silicones. All these have higher joint
Is Important if adhesion is marg nal or it severe degradation . movement capability and better
cementatious substrates are involved. Other properties that should be weatherability than the low range
(A high modulus sealant with good considered when selecting a sealant caulks and medium range sealant but
adhesion can put enough stress on a for a working joint are requirements for each class also has its own
concrete surface to cause 'failure by joint preparation. primer needs, and characteristics.
rupture of the concrete near the ease of instailatlon. I
surface. The concrete surface looks Unfortunately, only the initial cost and •j
Ilka it has spalled.} not the Ille cycle cost is usually The concluding part of this article will
considered. As already mentioned, appear in our next issue. ·'
Recovery from deformation is ii

Specification Associate/September-October 1978 31


Silicone !urethane roofing and tank insulation.

High-heat silicone sealant protects solar collectors. t

superior to polysulfides (about 80 to 90 The silicones can be applied over a silicones in Canada have a high
percent), and weatherability and wider temperature range than other modulus and excellent adhesion to
ultraviolet resistance are comparable. materials, from - 35 to 140 degrees F. many substrates. This had led to use
Depending on the brand and Its use in They also have a wider service in a myriad of adhesive and sealing
relation to sun and weather, a 1O to 20 temperature range (-65 F to 350 F) applications ranging from affixing
year life is expected. Joint movement and recovery from deformation is information signs and lettering to
capability for polyurethanes is usually superior to all other materials, structural glazing.
±25 percent, and in a pure extension approaching 100 percent The high modulus silicone sealants
cycle some modified urethanes are Weatherability is also superior are the only materials that have the
capable of up to 40 percent movement. because silicones are not affected by necessary adhesive and cohesive
Adhesion of polyurethanes is ultraviolet radiation or by typical ozone strength, durability and weatherability
normally quite good though priming is or oxidation conditions, and they to perform in structural glazing
sometimes re quired. Water immersion possess excellent high and low applications. The silicone sealant s
resistance is not as good as temperature stability. After 1,000 hour used for the weather seal and the
polysulfide and ca·n result in adhesion tests in a weathering machine , transfer of applied loads from the glass
failure . Presence of excess moisture polysulfides develop surface crazing panel to its perimeter support.
during cure can impair adhesion. and harden. Silicones exposed to the Another major application for this
The cure of one-part materials is same conditions for more than 6,000 sealant Is in dual seal insulated glass
slow, sometimes requiring. severa l hours exhibit no increase in hardness units. It is the structural seal with a hot
days to become tack-lree . Cure rate or surface crazing. Silicones also do melt butyl sealant being used as a
for the two-part materials is not not lose adhesion on ultraviolet vapor barrier. The silicone gives the
significantly faster and very thorough exposure as do polysulfides. units strength alon_g with exceptional
mixing is required . Working life is one Because of excellent weatherabillty, ultraviolet and aging resistance. These
to four hours. The working temperature silicones are used extensively in many silicones have a high moisture vapor
range is adequate for most exterior sealing applications. While transmission rate and cannot be used
construction applications and is Initial cost of the sealant is relatively in an insulated glass as the only -
comparable to the polysulfides. high, silicones are found to be more sealant of a single seal unit.
Urethanes are used in many of the than competitive when "life cycle" These sealants are also used to seal
same construction applications as costs are calculated. curtajn walls where movement is within
polysulfides, such as curtain wall Some caution is warranted against the material capability ot ± 25 percent.
sealing, perimeter glazing, expansion overestimating the cost of a silicone. It should not be used on masonry
joints and precast concrete joints. Use Silicones stiould be generally applied substrates because ttie acid released
in insulating glass i.s just being in a 2/1 width lo depth ratio (!!2 in. during cure weakens the concrete
developed. The foot traffic and high wide , •;. in. deep) while the strate and adhesion is ruined.
abrasion areas are really their special recommended practice for many other These sealants cure very fast and
niche . high performance sealants is a 1 to 1 are tack-free in less than 30 minutes.
ratio (1;, jn. wide . '1% in. deep) . Some This is a mixed blessing in that it
Silicone Sealants joint preparation is always required reduces dirt entrapment but it also
Silicone sealants used in and priming is sometimes required. requires tooling very soon after
construction are one-pan materials This depends upon the type of silicone application, ideally within 5 minutes-
that cure by reacting with atmospheric and the appl ication. Most silicones
moisture. They are available in three manufactured today are rather soft and
are not recommended for fool traffic Low Modulus Silicones
basic types (low, medium and high
modulus) with a rang e of properties. All areas. High modulus sealants are used A second type of silicone is a very
ulillze the same ba·sic polymer , bul to seal aquariums while most of the low modulus sealant with a neutral
low modulus products are not cure . The most common is a
differ fn cure and the modulus of the
recommended for below grade one-package material that gives off an
cured material.
applications. amide during cure . This material has
It the solvent acrylics, polysulfides
and polyurethanes are considered high excellent adhesion to a variety of
High Modulus Silicones substrates including masonry and is
performance sealants than the
silicones should be classed as ··super The original silicone sealant (and the especially suited for applications where
high performance" because in several most famillar} Is the acid cure type , the a high degree of movement is
important properties they outperform material that evolves the familiar expected.
all other materials. vinegar odor during cure . Acid cure The low modulus characteristics of

Specification Associate/November-December 1978 35

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Sealants-their properties
and performance
Michael G. Kasperski
Jerome M. Klosowski

The one-part polysulfide materials

This article concludes an exclusive two-part study of con- are slow to cure, especially at low
struction sealants prepared for Specification Associate by temperatures. The two-part materials
Dow Coming Canada Ltd. The authors are acknowledged cure much faster , but thorough mixing
experts working for the company in research and develop- is required and working time, when
mixed is short. Primers are required to
ment, and we congratulate them on such a comprehensive obtain good adhesion to masonry and
work. The first article was published in our September-Oc- many other substrates, and both one·
tober issue, and focussed on factors to be taken into ac- and two-part materials have a
count when selecting a sealant: such as determining joint characteristic odor.
movement, temperature changes, possible deformation Weatherability and ultraviolet
resistance of the polysulfides is
and recovery . This concluding section examines the satisfactory for applications where
characteristics of the many sealants available to us today. direct long term exposure to weather is
not encountered and long-term
consistency. Advantages are that they ultraviolet resistance is not required .
As stated in our first article , the range
come in a wide range of colors and Performance is usually good tor 1Oto
of caulks and sealants available today
offer good adhesion with little joint 15 years although some surface
may seem virtually limitless-acrylics,
preparation and no priming. changes may occur during this time.
butyl, oil-based polysulfide,
Solvent-type acrylics are used for One of the major uses of polysulfide
polyurethane , silicone; one-part ,
panel to panel sealing and caulking of sealants is in the fabrication of
two-part, low-modulus ek. The
precast joints and perimeter joints insulated glass, but they are being
characteristics of each sealant will
where movement is within sealant gradually replaced by sealants that
make it suitable for certain
capabilities . In glazing, they are used have better aging Gharacteristics.
applications, but no one sealant can
over tapes and for heel beads and Polysulfides are also used in
prove ideal for all purposes. In
back bedding. Solvent acrylics are not expansion joints, curtain wall sealing
selecting a sealant, we should assess
recommended for traffic-bearing joints, and sealing of corrugated roofing.
its individual properties as follows.
underwater uses or interior uses where They are not recommended for
food contact may occur . insulated glass sealing ii the insulated
Solvent-Type Acrylics unit will be used in a flush glazing
Polysulfides system for the same reason .
Solvent-type acrylics are normally
classed as high performance materials Polysulfides were the first
because of their good weatherability elastomeric joint sealants to be used in
and ultraviolet resistance. II rated construction and they still occupy a Polyurethanes
strictly on movement capability, they large segment of this market. They are Polyurethanes are among the most
would be only medium range. These available as both one- and two-part versatile polymers used in sealant
materials cure by solvent evaporation, sealants in a wide range of mechanical formulation. Some urethanes are
not a chemical reaction, and curing is properties . Maximum joint movement combined with other organic polymers
slow . An unpleasant odor is noticeable capability is :t25 percent. Recovery is to provide an even greater range of
during cure , and the surface remains somewhat better than the solvent properties. Polyurethanes and the
tacky tor several days. Solvent-type acrylic, about 60 to 80 percent , but modified urethanes. are available as
acrylics have poor recovery, failure can occur if movement is great. one- and two-part materials. They
approximately 25 percent, so their use The polysulfides have good resistance have good elongation and excellent
is limited to joints with a maximum to deterioration when immersed in abrasion resistance and tear strength.
movement of :t 10 percent. water and are often used in sealing Because of their toughness , they are
A disadvantage of acrylics in cool swimming pools, reservoirs and often used in floor joints for buildings ,
weather is that they must be heated to culverts. Solvent resistance is also patios , decks and parking garages.
70 degrees F to obtain a gunnable good . Recovery from deformation is

34 Specification Associate/November-December 1978


· ~- -
broader than the other silicones-and
Modulus Application Precaution in most cases, no primer is required.
High •glazing Joint not to move Their cure rate is almost ideal tor
• structural glazing > ± 25 percent. exterior construction, allowing 15 to 45
-• adhesive Never against con- minutes after application for tooling
• perimeter seals (limited crete and cementa- and become tack free in two to four
use) tious materials . hours.
• can be used under water The neutral cure products, low and
against some substrates medium modulus silicones are not
(glass) recommended for use in foot traffic
Medium •glazing Joint not to move joints nor under conditions of total
.. adhesive ,_ > ± 40 percent. immersion. This detail is important in
• perimeter seals (limited Not for below understanding silicone sealants
use) grade . because most people will only say
• against any substrate silicone when specifying a silicone
sealant. They should consider the
Low • expansion joints Too pliable to be
substrates involved, the other
• non-structural glazing an adhesive . Not
application requirements and specify
•perimeter seals for structural
by sealant modulus.
• highway seals glazing . Not for
below grade . Not The ability of a sealant to elongate
• against any substrate
without rupture is another key property
for foot traffic.
to consider. The elongation capabilities
of the various classes of sealants listed
Modulus defined as:
above is indicated here (elongation
High Modulus 100-150 psi tensile @ 150 percent measured in an ASTM tensile bar
elongation configuration) :
Medium Modulus 80-100 psi tensile @ 150 percent elongation High Modulus 300-500 percent
Low Modulus 20-40 psi tensile @ 150 percent elongation Medium Modulus 450-700 percent
Low Modulus > 1000 percent (typical
1500 percent)
this material is important because it Medium Modulus Sealants
reduces the stress at the The third type of silicone sealant for
bond / substrate intertace . In a tensile construction uses is also a neutral cure
bar configuration (as described in sealant. It is a medium modulus Sealant Summary
ASTM-0412) a force of 20 to 40 psi is material that has sufficient strength to
required to extend the low modulus After reviewing these high
be used in many of the acid cure
sealant by 150 percent. The high performance materials, it should be
applications (95 psi at 150 percent
modulus acid cure sealant apparent that no one sealant is ideal
elongation) and enough movement
typically requires a force of 110 psi. for all applications . We have found that
capability (±40 percent in dynamic
In addition to the low modulus, this solvent acrylics have good ultraviolet
ASTM tests) for many of the low
sealant is also capable of very high resistance and weatherability, but only
modulus applications. As with any
extension. In the same ASTM limited movement capability.
relative term like "medium modulus ",
configuration, low modulus silicones Polysulfides offer greater movement
one should look at the fine print for a
can be extended more than 1500 capability and water immersion
definition. Some sealant manufacturers
percent before failure occurs. In an resistance than the solvent acrylics,
define ±40 percent as low modulus
actual simulated concrete joint, the but ultraviolet resistance is inferior.
while others define it as medium.
sealants are capable of more than 650 Polyurethanes are generally "tough"
percent extension-far beyond any materials that are extensively used in
normal requirements. This provides a In general, a medium modulus traffic joints, especially foot traffic
significant safety factor. sealant is a good general purpose areas. They have good, but limited,
Low modulus sealants also have the construction sealant and can be used weatherability, and recovery . They
good recovery typical of silicone in many applications but it is still not have a broader application and service
sealants and so they withstand ideal for all uses. It does not provide temperature range and a fast cure but
repeated extension and compression. the insurance factor of the truly low generally are not recommended for
The cylic movement capability of this modulus silicones in problem joint foot traffic joint applications. Those that
material is rated at greater than ±50 applications. It is not as high strength can be used against concrete are not
percent. as the high modulus to give the recommended for continuous
The high movement capability of the insurance factor in the structural immersion.
low modulus sealants make them ideal glazing applications. These sealants Finally, silicones-with their
for such applications as expansion are satisfactory for normal, unsurpassed aging , weatherability, and
joints and curtain wall sealing. They nonstructural glazing and for most useful temperature range-are the
are also finding increased use in perimeter seals which are designed to sealants of choice in many different
highway joint sealing . Use on have less than =40 percent joint applications. These uses range from
highways requires installation slightly movement. They can be characterized structural glazing and solar collectors
below the joint surface to prevent as high performance, general purpose to difficult joints in highway seals,
damage from traffic. sealants possessing all of the typical depending on which silicone you
Because the movement capability of silicone properties (long life , choose.
low modulus silicones is great, they weatherability, and good recovery) . With any application, careful
are not considered as having sufficient selection of the sealant is essential to
strength to be used in applications like All neutral-cure silicones , low and good performance. Know what you
structural glazing. They are considered medium modulus, offer good adhesion want and pick the sealant
too soft and pliable. to a broad variety of substrates , accordingly. •

36 Specification Associate/November-DecembPr 1 Q7R

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