Attitude Measurement Towards Street Foods Role in Advancing Inclusive Tourism in Danao City 1

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A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty

of the College of Management and Entrepreneurship


Cebu Technological University - Danao Campus

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management


Francisco, Kaye

Hermoso, Aljhon

Lao, Crezel Mae

Lao, Janayne Jasmine

Laping, Shaina Mae

Nunez, Nicole Riegn

Tapit, Angelyn

October 2022
Chapter 1




Experience and curiosity have pushed tourist to travel to another places. This

has been the main reason for them, to explore the culture, foods and to unluck

new memories and experience. In tourism industry, magnificent tourist spots, and

astounding culture are one of the main bases for tourist to travel but for some

reason, most tourist wants to try a budget friendly price of accommodations and

foods. This is why they want to explore and try affordable foods they see along

the street.

The term "street foods" describes a wide range of ready-to-eat foods and

beverages sold and sometimes prepared in public places, notably streets. The final

preparation of street foods occurs when the customer orders the meal which can

be consumed where it is purchased or taken away. Street foods is low in cost

compared with restaurant meals and offer as an alternative to home-cooked food.

In spite of these similarities, street food differs in variety, environment, marketing

techniques and ownership. (Winarno, 1986). Consumers who are attracted by

convenience and low prices may overlook aspects of hygiene or sanitation. In

some cases, these customers lack of an understanding of proper food-handling

practices and the potential for foodborne diseases. A joint Netherlands/Indonesia

research project on street foods (1988-1992) reports that chemical analyses in

street foods have shown to have positive and negative aspects. It was reported that

the average energy content of street foods ranges from five to 679 calories per 100

grams. In this lieu, the street vendors have a huge responsibility in overlooking

aspects in terms of hygiene and sanitation. The customers lack of understanding

can possibly lead them to have food infections and diseases. The street vendors

and consumers must take their actions to protect and keep their business clean and

safe for one and the other. This study is relevant to all street vendors since this

will help those who have not known the actions and difficulties in managing their

small business. Also, this will be beneficial to the vendors and consumers, on how

to deal and cope up with this kind of discomfort.

The consumer’s experiences, their thoughts and their feelings, and their coping

mechanisms have urged the researchers' eagerness to conduct the said study. The

researchers aim is to fully analyze and evaluate the difficulties faced by the

consumers in terms of their safeness and to the street vendors in keeping the food

and the environment clean and also to determine if there is a significant

relationship of the variables. The results of this study will not be only an aid for

consumers and vendors to cope up with this matter but also for everyone.
Theoretical Background

This study is anchored in one theory namely: THEORY OF ATTITUDE

MEASUREMENT by L. L. Thurstone. In this theory, they have developed a new

psychophysical method for measuring the psychological dissimilarity of

attributes. This method assumes that if two attributes tend to coexist in the same

individual they are regarded as functionally similar while if they are mutually

exclusive so that they tend not to coexist in the same individual, then they are

functionally dissimilar. It has been the purpose of this study to make a rational

formulation for the association of attributes by which the existence of continuity

in a series of attributes may be experimentally established and by which their

functional dissimilarities, the scale separations, may be truly measured. When a

problem is so involved that no rational formulation is available, then some

quantification is still possible by the calculation of coefficients of correlation or

contingency and the like. But such statistical procedures constitute an

acknowledgment of failure to rationalize the problem and to establish the

functions that underlie the data. This theory helps in measuring the separation

between the two opinions on the attitude continuum and we want to test the

validity of the assumed continuum by means of its internal consistency. This

cannot be done if we had merely a set of correlational coefficients unless we

could also know the functional relation between the correlation coefficient and the

attitude separation which it signifies. Such a function requires the rationalization

of the problem, and this might as well be done, if possible, directly without using

the correlational coefficients as intermediaries.

The degree of similarity is measured in terms of the coefficient

which enables us to allocate the attributes along a single continuum, and to

measure the degree of similarity by scale separations on this continuum or scale.

The method may be called a method of similar attributes or a method of similar

reactions. The coefficient enables us to ascertain whether a series of attributes

really belong functionally on the same continuum. The method has been applied

to the record of endorsements of 100 respondents. It has been shown that these

questions can be allocated to a single continuum with measured scale separations.

It has been the purpose of this study to make a rational formulation for the

association of attributes by which the existence of continuity in a series of

attributes may be experimentally established and by which their functional

dissimilarities, the scale separations, may be truly measured. For these purposes

correlational procedures are inadequate because correlational coefficients are not

Theoretical Framework of the Study


Attitude Measurement
(L. L. Thurstone 1929) 1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Educational Background
1.4 Classification of Respondents
2. What is the views of tourist as to:

2.1 Affection

2.2 Hygiene

2.3 Food Quality

2.4 Service Quality
1. Conducting survey
2.5 Satisfaction
2. Collecting data
2.6 Value
3. Data Interpretation
3. If there is a significant relationship of the profile of
the respondents and their views in advancing
tourism in Danao City?

Fliers about importance of street

foods and vendors in advancing

inclusive tourism in Danao City.

Statement of the Problem

This study evaluates the Attitude Measurement Towards Street Foods Role in

Advancing Inclusive Tourism in Danao City and to determine the relationship of

the variables.

Specifically, this study aims to answers the following objectives:

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Educational Background
1.4 Classification of Respondents
2. What is the views of tourist as to:

2.1 Affection

2.2 Hygiene

2.3 Food Quality

2.4 Service Quality

2.5 Satisfaction

2.6 Value

3. If there is a significant relationship of the profile of the respondents and their

views in advancing tourism in Danao City?
4. Based on the findings, what output can be proposed?
Significance of the study

The findings of this study will truly be helpful and beneficial to the


STREET VENDORS: This study will help street vendors in acknowledging their

roles in tourism industry. Through this, they will know how to handle difficulties

in their environment and advancing their skills that will help them to gain

progress. Furthermore, the street vendors will be able to understand the

significance of the study.

TOURIST: This study will give ideas to the tourist towards their roles in tourism

industry and by this they will also know how to choose a safe and hygienic place

to eat that will give them comfort.

STUDENTS- This will be helpful to students in giving them information about

the importance of safeness and cleanliness of the food they eat.

LOCAL PEOPLE: This will be a huge help for the locals for they will know

some basic information of how street vendors helps in advancing local tourism in

Danao City.

RESEARCHERS: The researchers will be able to improve their knowledge and

skills in promoting and giving positive impact in tourism industry.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: This can be best source and guide of getting

information by the future researcher and this is helpful to them for a great

motivation based on their conducted research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This Quantitative research is limited in its scope and inquiry. The

respondents are based on the following inclusion criteria; (a) a local resident,

tourist, students and street vendors (b) Danao City; and the exclusive criterion; (a)

outside Danao City.

The study utilizes the non-probability sampling that indicates the

purposive sampling technique that selects the respondents with what is

conveniently available. The researchers will employ valid and reliable close-

ended question that specifies the completely structured questionnaire in the

statistical survey that utilize the Likert Scale to measure the attitude

The research environment covers Danao City that is convenient to both

researchers and the respondents. The success of the study depends on the

respondents with the help of answering the survey questionnaire.


This chapter presents the different methods and procedures that will be

used by the researchers in doing this study. This chapter includes research design,

research environment, research data procedure, and statistical treatment of the


Research Design

The study utilizes the correlational research design to determine whether

or not there is a significant relationship between attitude measurement of street

foods role in promoting inclusive tourism in Danao City.

Research Environment

The research environment covers Danao City and it is convenient to both

researchers and the respondents.

Research Respondents

The local residents, tourist, students and street vendors in Danao City are

the respondents of the study. A total of 100 respondents that would be involve.

Purposive sampling technique will be use in the study where the researchers

chooses 100 locals to enables researchers to squeeze a lot of information out of

the data that they have collected. This allows researchers to describe the major

impact to their findings have on the population.

Research Instruments

In this study the researcher will be using the close-ended survey

questionnaire. The survey questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged

questions carefully prepared for a group of people to answer in order

to collect facts and information. To get appropriate data needed, the

researcher will have questionnaires consisting of 3 parts. Part 1 of the

research instrument consists of the items which gathers respondents’

profile such as age, gender, educational background and classification

of respondents. Part 2 of the research instrument includes the Attitude

Measurement answer sheets, which are divided into six categories:

appreciation, hygiene, food quality, service quality, satisfaction, and

value. On the right side, it has numbers 1 to 4 where respondents can

encircle the rating that corresponds to their answer. Part 3 of the

research instrument consists the answer sheet of Contribution of

Tourism Development to poverty alleviation and the same with part 2

it has numbers 1 to 4 on the right side where respondents can encircle

the rating that corresponds to their answer. In the survey

questionnaire, we used the Likert scale method to specify the

respondent’s level of agreement with the statement. And also, we used

Rating scale to measures the weights of the response of the


Research Procedure

The researchers will create an authorization letter to the Dean of the

College of Management and Entrepreneurship in order to request permission

to undertake a study outside the school's grounds. Before beginning the data

collection method, the self-created research instrument will be submitted to

reliability and validity assessments to verify the accuracy of the data collected

from respondents.

The researchers had spent a significant amount of time, effort, and

collaboration preparing their questionnaires to serve their target respondents.

The survey was constructed utilizing appropriate questions adapted from

previous studies as well as specific questions developed by the researchers. A

panel of college professor will validate the questionnaire. The survey is

divided into six sections, each of which was connected to the respondent's

assessment of the contribution of street vendors in advancing inclusive

tourism in Danao City. A Likert scale was utilized in the questionnaire to

evaluate whether the respondents agreed or disagreed with a statement. After

the professor authorized the questionnaire, it was presented to the 100 Danao

City residents. Respondents were given time to answer before the researchers

gathered the survey questionnaires.

A letter will also be presented to important authorities, such as the City

Mayor's office, requesting permission to carry out the research. The letter will

also contain a sample questionnaire for the administration's further evaluation

and will be subject to their approval or modifications of the research. Prior to

utilizing the tools, respondents will be instructed on how to answer the

questionnaire and briefed about the objectives of the study. The researchers

will also underline that their names and privacy will be safeguarded, and that

their responses to the survey will be kept private from others. Following data

collection, the information will be statistically treated, analyzed, and


To have a better understanding about the study, the following

terms are operationally defined as:

Street Foods - prepared or cooked food sold by vendors in a street or

other public location for immediate consumption.

Local Residents – means existing in or belonging to the area where

you live. Also means persons resident in the administrative area of the


Tourist – a person or group of people who travels and visits places

for pleasure and interest.

Street Vendors – is a person who offers goods or services for sale to

the public without having a permanently built structure but with a

temporary static structure or mobile stall (or head-load).

Attitude Measurements – Is describing a new psycho-physical

method for measuring the psychological or functional similarity of


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