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Bio Reviewer – Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration - includes both aerobic and anaerobic respiration

- Carbohydrates, Fats, and proteins as fuel
- C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (ATP + heat)

Stages of Cellular Respiration:

 Glycolysis – Breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate

 The Citric acid cycle – completes the breakdown of glucose
 Oxidative phosphorylation – accounts for most of the ATP synthesis

Aerobic Respiration

 produce energy from food for growth

 mitochondria and cytoplasm
 32 to 38 ATP per glucose molecule
 Sustainable (Produces ATP Slow and Energy Efficiently)
 Build up lactate under rest and exercise aerobic conditions
 Requires oxygen
 NADPH is oxidated to revert to NAD+ (recycling of NADH)
 Eukaryotic Cells

Anaerobic Respiration

 Produce energy or carry out respiration usually in lower plants and organisms in the absence of
oxygen (Glucose from food is broken down into alcohol and carbon dioxide, as well as energy)
 Cytoplasm
 2 ATP per glucose molecule
 Not sustainable (Produces ATP very quickly for a short burst of intense activity)
 No oxygen needed
 Conversion of 2 molecules of NADH during glycolysis to NAD+ to continue glycolysis (recycling of
 bacteria and archaea, certain prokaryotes

Fermentation/anaerobic respiration

 glycolysis plus reaction that regenerate NAD+ to be reused in glycolysis

o Alcohol Fermentation
o Lactic Acid Fermentation
Two phases of Glycolysis

1. Glycolysis I/Energy Investment Phase - the endothermic activation phase, which uses ATP
2. Glycolysis II/Energy Payoff Phase – the exothermic phase, which produces ATP molecules and

A. Two ATP (ADP) molecules are used in the first phase of glycolysis to activate glucose – C6
B. The six—carbon molecules are split to form two molecules of PGAL (glyceraldehyde-3-
C. Oxidation and phosphorylation of PGAL to from 2 NADH and 2 molecules of PGAP (1, 3-
D. Phosphorylation phosphate group from each PGAL and produces two molecules of ATP and
two molecules of PGA (3-Phosphoglycerate)
E. Oxidation of each PGA molecule removes water and forms 2 molecules of PEP
F. Phosphorylation removes a phosphate group from each PEP molecules to form 2 molecules of
ATP and two molecules of pyruvate

The citric acid cycle, also called krebs cycle, completes the breakdown of pyruvate to CO2
- 1 glucose molecules (2 pyruvic acid are formed from 1 glucose during glycolysis) = two rounds
of krebs cycle
- The cycle oxidizes organic fuel derived from pyruvate, generating 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2
per turn

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