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Name: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam Scholar No.

22U02050 Date: 23/11/2022

Assignment I

1)Write a program to print your name, scholar number and branch name
on the screen.
Programme created by: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam
Scholar No.: 22U02050
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("\nHello, my name is Prathamesh Prashant Nikam,\nmy scholar no. is
22U02050,\nand my branch is Computer Science and Engineering.");
    return 0;

Hello, my name is Prathamesh Prashant Nikam,
my scholar no. is 22U02050,
and my branch is Computer Science and Engineering.
Name: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam Scholar No. 22U02050 Date: 23/11/2022

2)Write a c program to declare and initialize two integer variable and

perform arithmetic operation like addition subtraction multiplication and
Programme created by: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam
Scholar No.: 22U02050
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int num1=0;
    int num2=0;
    printf("Enter your first number:");
    scanf("%d", &num1);
    printf("\nEnter your second number:");
    scanf("%d", &num2);
    int sum= num1+num2;
    int diff= num1-num2;
    int prod= num1*num2;
    float div= num1/(float)num2;
    printf("\nSum of the two numbers is %d", sum);
    printf("\nDifference of the two numbers is %d", diff);
    printf("\nProduct of the two numbers is %d", prod);
    printf("\nDivision of the two numbers is %f", div);

    return 0;

5, 10.

Sum of the two numbers is 15
Difference of the two numbers is -5
Product of the two numbers is 50
Division of the two numbers is 0.500000
Name: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam Scholar No. 22U02050 Date: 23/11/2022

3)Write a c program to calculate area & circumference of the circle using

the radius. The radius a circle is input through the keyboard.
Programme created by: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam
Scholar No.: 22U02050
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float rad=0;
    printf("Enter the radius of a circle in metres:");
    scanf("%f", &rad);
    const float PI=3.1415926;
    float area= PI*rad*rad;
    float circum= 2.0*PI*rad;
    printf("\nThe area of the circle is %f and circumference of the
circle is %f m.", area, circum);

    return 0;


The area of the circle is 615.752136 and circumference of the
circle is 87.964592 m.
Name: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam Scholar No. 22U02050 Date: 23/11/2022

4)Write a program to calculate the area & perimeter of the rectangle. The
length & breadth of a rectangle are input through the keyboard.
Programme created by: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam
Scholar No.: 22U02050
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float length=0;
    float breadth=0;
    printf("Enter the length of the rectangle:");
    printf("\nEnter the breadth of the rectangle:");
    float perimeter= 2.0*(length+breadth);
    float area= (length*breadth);
    printf("\nPerimeter of the rectangle is %f and area of the rectangle is
%f", perimeter, area);
    return 0;

14, 8.

Perimeter of the rectangle is 44.000000 and area of the rectangle is
Name: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam Scholar No. 22U02050 Date: 23/11/2022

5)Write a c program to convert money in rupee by given amount in

dollar. Money in dollar is input through the keyboard.
Programme created by: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam
Scholar No.: 22U02050
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float dollars=0;
    printf("Enter the amount of your money in dollars:");
    scanf("%f", &dollars);
    float rupees=dollars*82.50;
    printf("The amount of your money in rupees is %f", rupees);

    return 0;


The amount of your money in rupees is 4558.125000.
Name: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam Scholar No. 22U02050 Date: 23/11/2022

6)Write a c program to convert temperature given in Fahrenheit to

centigrade. Temperature of a city in Fahrenheit degrees is input through
the keyboard.
Programme created by: Prathamesh Prashant Nikam
Scholar No.: 22U02050
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float fahren=0;
    printf("Enter the temperature of city in Fahrenheit:");
    float cel= (fahren-32)*(5/(float)9);
    printf("The temperature of city in Centigrade is %f",cel);

    return 0;


The temperature of city in Centigrade is -40.000000

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