Task 4 Work

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Task 4

work experience

I have not done any work experience specific to creative media but In previous years at
college I have done work experience for creating a website for a small business/ club. During
lock down I had to work in a team and create a website. I do not remember the name or who
the website was for but we were all split into groups for the design for the logo, web page
and content to go on the website and another group that built the website.

I am currently working at dominos, I could ask more about the social media and promotion
for the store and potentially be able to make promotional stuff for the store.

I also spend my Saturdays at a small local club that does RC car racing. I could also do
promotional stuff for the club to be able to widen my portfolio and have more content to post
and more video to practise editing so I can improve skills.

Freelancing jobs
For now I don’t have anywhere where I can start working for a freelancing job as I have not
looked into it as much as I could to be able to start getting noticed. There are some people I
have been watching on youtube that talk about how they got started in freelancing and what
they do for a job and how they do it. They have videos of the local businesses and the local
town that the town uses for promotional videos for tourists. The person that made this video
got paid to make this short video promoting the town.

Social media
On my Instagram I have a lot of random images that I have taken on my phone in my back
garden or on walks that I have been on or just flowers, pets and landscapes that I posted. I
stopped posting them after ahlie but recently I have started to get back into posting stuff with
the new drone videos I have been making.


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