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A Correlational Study on the Effect of Arc Welding Hazard on the

Performance of Smaw Students in Naga Senior High School

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Naga Ntional High School – Senior High School

West Poblacion , City of Naga , Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Subject

Practical Research 2


Satumcacal Jasen I.

Cornelio Clint John S.

Galeos Bradley R.

Abunda Jay Lourenz B.

Alferez Jude Frederick L.

Alguno Clint M.

Ligan James

Selim John Rey


January 2023
Table of Contents

Cover Page…………………………………………….. 1

Table of Contents……………………………………… 2

Chapter 1 The Problem and its Scope

Rationale………………………………………………. 3

Theoretical and Conceptual Background…………… 4

Statement of the Problem……………………………. 5

Significance of the Study……………………………… 6

Scope and Limitations of the Study………………… 7

Definitions of Terms……………………………………8

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature

Chapter 3 Methodology

Research Design……………………………………….9

Research Environment……………………………… 10

Research Subject……………………………………. 11

Research Instrument………………………………….12

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………13

Chapter 1

The Problem and its Scope


Performance of SMAW Students in welding is very important when learning

how to weld.But,hazard can affect your performance that can result a bad outcome like

accidents, injuries and health disease.According to World Health Organization

(WHO),there are 250 million cases of work related injuries per year worldwide.One of

the jobs that contribute to the occupational is the arc welding process.It is an

established fact that no occupations exist without a risk of hazard.

SMAW Students in Naga National High School have potential exposures to a

number of hazards.Major hazards that SMAW Students in NSHS encountered are

fire,electric shock,arc rays, sparks, and sharp tools or metals.Welding operations lead to

production of gasses and small particles , together known as welding smoke.Arc

Welding produces full spectrum of Ultraviolet Radiation(UVR).Futhermore,burns from

hot metals can occur when performing welding that can cause a skin damage.Electric

shocks also can be hazardous because welding uses a electric current when performing

welding and cutting equipment can result in severe cut injuries.

Dirty working area in schools can also affect your performance because after

welding it produce a lot of small particles like fumes ,dust , and metals slags. Small

particles are more hazardous than a larger particles cause its can pass through the

nose , throat, and lodge in the lungs causing lung damage and heart damage. These

fumes can be harmful to students and also teachers when inhaled through the nose and

mouth of the students.The content of the fumes may be toxic that can affect the

performance and health of SMAW Students in Naga National High School.

Theoretical and Conceptual Background

In this study,we will provide the theories which can support our research

study.This theories is about the Domino Theory by Heinrich and Ferrer Theory by

Dr.Russel Ferrer.

Domino theory

Heinrich Domino theory (1980) presented a set of theorems known as the

axioms of industrial safety .The first axiom dealt with accidents causation,stating that

the occurrence of an injury invariable results from complicated sequence of factors,the

last one of which being the accidents itself. The Heinrich domino theory is structured on

theory that accidents is caused by a single cause.Peterson (1971) develop a model

based management system rather than a individual.Peterson believed that there are

major features of the events leading to a accidents , namely an unsafe acts and unsafe


Ferrer theory

Doctor Russel Ferrer (1997) developed his theory of accidents based on a chain

og human factors causes.He believed that human errors are the main cause of

accidents occurrence and they are caused by the following factors.

I. Overload; the reflects the incompatibility between the load and capability of

human. The result of this mismatch is anxiety,pressure,fatigue and emotion that

can be intensified in physical invoronment such as dust , light, noise,fumes, etc.

where the person are working.

II. Incorrect response; the inccorect response by the person is caused by the

incompatible situations where he/she working

III. Improper activity; the person peform the activity improperly either due to lack of

knowledge of appropriate way of performing the activity or intentionally take the

Performance of SMAW
Arc Welding Hazard Students
 Welding Task

 Gender
 Age
 Section
 Strand

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the affects of the Arc Welding Hazards on the

performance of SMAW Students in NSHS. Specifically,it answers the following:

1. What are the effects of a Arc Welding hazards on the performance of SMAW


2. What are the risk of hazard when performing a welding?

3. What are the impacts of SMAW students knowing what are the hazards of Arc


4. What are the Health effects of the Arc Welding hazards on the SMAW students?

Significance of the Study

Students: In particular, the SMAW students it helps them to know the hazards in arc

welding .Its is important to know the hazard and risk in arc welding.Welding operations

present several hazards to both those undertaking the activity and others in the vicinity,

therefore its important that you are aware of the risk and hazard welding poses, and

understand what precaution you can take to protect yourself and ohers.

Teachers: The result of this study will also be helpful for them to know the risk and

hazard of an Arc Welding and encourage them to teach the effects of welding hazards

and to improve the safety precautions in the welding area.

Future Researchers: This study can serve as a related literature for a future researchers

who plan to explore the same topic.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research focuses on the effects of Arc Welding Hazard on the performance

of SMAW Students in Naga Senior High School.This study will be done by asking

question about the effects of the Arc Welding as a reference.This study shall have a

SMAW Students of Naga Senior High School in grade 11 and 12.

This study will not cover the other welder and other students that are not

necessarily connected on SMAW Students.This study only applicable to a SMAW

Students that are enrolled in Naga National High Schools.

Definition of Terms

Welding . Is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics,

by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool, causing fusion.

Arc Welding . A technique in which metals are welded using heat generated by a

electric arc.

SMAW . Shielded Metal Arc Welding also known as manual arc welding is a process

that uses a consumable electrode covered with flux to lay the weld

Hazard . Is a potential source of harm or damage health effects on something or

Chapter 3


Research Design

This study utilizes the use of descriptive research design in order to achieve

what are the effect of arc welding hazard on the performance of SMAW students in

Naga Senior High School.Through this descriptive research design, it provides a

relavant and accurate information and is used to represent the stundent feedback.

Since we aim to to know what are the effect of arc welding hazard on the performance

of smaw student. On the other hand, it also uses correlation study to check the degree

of relationship between two variables namely, effect of arc welding hazard welding

hazards and welding performance of SMAW students.

Research Environment

The study was conducted in Naga National High School – Senior High School,

located in Barangay West Poblacion, City of Naga , Cebu. The respondents were

gathered in their own respective classroom at the time of 12:00 – 12:20 at their lunch

time. This study were done in the new building room 101 and 103.

Research Subject

The subject of the study are mainly the grade 11 and 12 students of Naga

Senior High School. Naga Senior High School, SMAW strand has two section each

grade. When conducting our research we do not force students to participate in our

research we only ask some students who are willing to. To be eligible to our study it

must be a SMAW student and must willing to cooperate in the study.

Research Instrument

The instrument used to collect data was the interview quistionaire the question

we asked is , what are the major hazard encountered by the SMAW students in welding

area that can affect your welding performance. This was used becaused it gathered

data faster than the other methods. Beside the respondents were the same strand as

we are and is in Naga Senior High School. They could answer the question with ease

because the topic is all about the SMAW strand.

The researcher prepared the questionnaire and the draft of the questionnaire was

based on the research study. The question is asked to the respondent of the study to be

answered to collect data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will ask permission to the head of Naga Senior High School, to

conduct the study through personal interviews to the selected respondents. Also

another permission will be sent to the advisory of the respondent to conduct study in

their respective classroom.

A proper setting will be chosen for the conduct of the interview. The purpose of

the interview will be fully explained and the interviewee will be assured of the

confidentiality of the response. The interview will be done in an informal manner, a

conversational type with the guide questions as basis so as to follow the degree of

freedom and adaptability in getting the information from the respondent. Questionaire

will be asked once a time giving a sample time for the respondent to think and answer

the question. All the answer of the respondent will be written down for encoding

purposes and ensured proper data will be collective.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents different related literature and studies to provide

significant information and to give better understanding to the study. This serve as

guideline to the proponents to pursue our topic about the effects of arc welding hazard

on the perpormance of SMAW students.

Our study anchored on the theory of Antonini (2008) named Health effects on

welding theory. Welding has numerous risk factors, including physical , chemical and

psychological. Exposure to these conditions may contribute to specific health problems

and occupational hazard that can affect performance of SMAW students. Stern(1985)

said that health risk in welding is considered based on a discussion of the major

sources of harm to welders like accident and inhalation of fumes and gasses. The

physical and often acute effects associated with metal arc welding , such as death by

electrocution or physical injuries are well recognized,Hewitt(1996).

Adewaye (2003) stated that not wearing proper PPE or personal protective

equipment can affect your performance. There are high chance of getting burned when

you are not wearing proper PPE and health effects of such exposure of smoke and

metal fumes that increased risk diseases. It is well known that welding areas emit

intense untraviolet radiation, Okuno (1987) determined that ultraviolet effective

irradiance was at a hazardous level for both those who conduct welding operation and

those who work near it. UVR could pose a serious health risk for eyes and skin

according to Wolska ( 2019 ).

In conclusion welding has numerous risk factors, including physical , chemical

and psychological. Exposure to these conditions may contribute to specific health

problems and occupational hazard that can affect performance of SMAW students.

There are high chance of getting burned when you are not wearing proper PPE and

health effects of such exposure of smoke and metal fumes that increased risk diseases.

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