Power Plant Engineering - Meng 4115 Chapter 2 - Analysis of Steam Cycles

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Power plant Engineering - Meng 4115

chapter 2 – Analysis of Steam Cycles

Ø Thermodynamic cycles can be primarily classified based on
their utility such as for power generation, refrigeration etc.
Ø Thermodynamic cycles can be categorized as;
(i) Power cycles,
(ii) Refrigeration and heat pump cycles.
(i) Power cycles: Thermodynamic cycles which are used in
devices producing power are called power cycles.
Ø Power production can be had by using working fluid either
in vapor form or in gaseous form.

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Analysis of Steam Cycles
Ø When vapor is the working fluid then they are called
vapor power cycles, whereas in case of working fluid
being gas these are called gas power cycles.
Power cycles shall be of two types,
(a) Vapor power cycle
(b) Gas power cycle.
Ø Vapor power cycles can be further classified as:
1. Carnot vapor power cycle
2. Rankine cycle
3. Reheat cycle
4. Regenerative cycle.

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Analysis of Steam Cycles
Ø Gas power cycles can be classified as,
1. Carnot gas power cycle
2. Otto cycle
3. Diesel cycle
4. Dual cycle
5. Stirling cycle
6. Ericsson cycle
7. Brayton cycle
(ii) Refrigeration and heat pump cycles
Ø Similar to power cycles, these cycles can be classified as
“air cycles” and “vapor cycles” based on type of working
fluid used.
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Analysis of Carnot Cycle
• Having defined the reversible process and considered some
factors that make processes irreversible. Let us pose the question.

• If the efficiency of all heat engine is less than 100%, what is the
maximum (most) efficiency cycle we can have.

• The important point to be made here is that the Carnot cycle,

regardless of what the working substance may be, always has the
same four basic processes.

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These processes are:
§ 1-2 Reversible isothermal process in which heat is transferred
to or from the high temperature reservoir.
§ 2-3 Reversible adiabatic process in which the temperature of
the working fluid decreases from the high temperature to the
low temperature.
§ 3-4 Reversible isothermal process in which heat is transferred
to or from the low temperature reservoir.
§ 4-1 Reversible adiabatic process in which the temperature of
the working fluid increases from the low temperature to the
high temperature.

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• The efficiency of the Carnot engine is

• Where TH and TL are the absolute temperatures (K).

• Carnot cycle is regarded as totally reversible cycle, and the efficiency
of Carnot cycle is the highest efficiency of a cyclic device can have, also
is used as a reference point to evaluate the real cycle performance.

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• Rankine cycle is a thermodynamic cycle derived from Carnot vapor
power cycle for overcoming its limitations.
• Carnot cycle cannot be used in practice due to certain limitations.
• Rankine cycle has the following thermodynamic processes.
Ideal Rankine Cycle Processes
1-2 Isentropic compression in pump
2-3 Constant pressure heat addition in boiler
3-4 Isentropic expansion in turbine
4-1 Constant pressure heat rejection in condenser

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Ø Ways to improve the simple Rankine cycle efficiency:

1. Lower condenser pressure
ü Less energy is lost to surroundings.
ü Moisture is increased at turbine exit.
2. Superheat the Steam to High Temperatures
ü Average temperature is higher during heat addition.
ü Moisture is reduced at turbine exit (we want x4 in the above
example > 85 percent).
3. Increase boiler pressure (for fixed maximum temperature).
ü Availability of steam is higher at higher pressures.
ü Moisture is increased at turbine exit.

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Reheat cycle
• Here steam generated in boiler is supplied to high pressure steam
turbine at state 2 and is expanded Up to state 3.
§ As the boiler pressure is increased in the simple Rankine cycle, not
only does the thermal efficiency increase, but also the turbine exit
moisture increases.
§ The reheat cycle allows the use of higher boiler pressures and
provides a means to keep the turbine exit moisture (x > 0.85 to
0.90) at an acceptable level.
• Reheat cycle is based on the simple fact of realizing high efficiency
with higher boiler pressure and yet avoid low quality of steam at
turbine exhaust.

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• This steam is sent to boiler for being reheated so that its
temperature gets increased, normally this temperature after
reheating may be equal to temperature at inlet of high pressure
steam turbine.
• Steam after reheating is supplied to subsequent turbine at state 4,
say to low pressure steam turbine.
• Steam is now expanded up to the exhaust pressure say state ‘5’.
Expanded steam is subsequently sent to condenser and condensate
at state ‘6’ is pumped back to the boiler employing feed pump at
state ‘1’.
Thus, it is possible to take advantage of high steam pressure at inlet to
steam turbine as the problem of steam becoming excessively wet with
increasing steam pressure could be regulated by reheating during the

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• Expansion occurs in two stages one beginning at high pressure and
other occurring at low pressure with reheating in between.
• The principal advantage of reheat is to increase the quality of
steam at turbine exhaust.

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• Secondary advantage of reheating is marginal improvement in
thermal efficiency when steam pressure is above 100 bar.
• At low steam pressure reheating does not show gain in cycle
thermal efficiency and even the efficiency may be less than that of
Rankine cycle due to mean temperature of heat addition being
• Generally, with modern high pressure boilers and supercritical
boilers reheating is essentially employed.

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• Reheating is disadvantageous from economy of plant perspective as
the cost of plant increases due to arrangement for reheating and
increased condensation requirements due to increased dryness
fraction of steam after expansion.
• Thermodynamic analysis of reheat cycle as shown on T–S diagram
may be carried out for estimation of different parameters as below,
Total turbine work output = WHPST + WLPST
Net work, Wnet = (Total turbine work output) – (Pump work)
Wnet = WHPST + WLPST – Wp
where different works for ms mass of steam are,
HP steam turbine, WHPST = ms (h2 –h3)

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• LP steam turbine, WLPST = ms · (h4 –h5)
Feed Pump, Wp = (h1 –h6) · ms
• Wnet = {(h2 – h3) + (h4 – h5) – (h1 – h6)} · ms
• Heat supplied for ms mass of steam;
Qadd = ms · (h2 – h1) + ms · (h4 – h3)
Cycle thermal efficiency, ηReheat =

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• Generally not more than two stages of reheat are practically
• Theoretically, the improvement in efficiency due to second reheat is
about half of that which results from single reheat.
• Also more number of reheat stages shall result into superheated
steam at turbine exhaust.
• Thus, mean temperature of heat rejection gets raised and efficiency

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• the T-s diagram of the Rankine cycle redrawn in Fig.
reveals that heat is transferred to the working fluid
during process 2-2’ at a relatively low temperature.
• This lowers the average heat addition temperature
and thus the cycle efficiency.

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• we look for ways to raise the temperature of the liquid
leaving the pump (called the feed water) before it enters
the boiler.
• One such possibility is to transfer heat to the feed water
from the expanding steam in a counter flow heat exchanger
built into the turbine, that is, to use regeneration.
• A practical regeneration process in steam power plants is
accomplished by extracting, or “bleeding,” steam from the
turbine at various points.
• The device where the feed water is heated by regeneration
is called a regenerator, or a feed water heater (FWH)

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• Regeneration not only improves cycle efficiency, but also
provides a convenient means of deaerating the feed water
(removing the air that leaks in at the condenser) to prevent
corrosion in the boiler.

• It also helps control the large volume flow rate of the steam at
the final stages of the turbine (due to the large specific volumes
at low pressures).

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Feed water heater
• The feed water heater refers to the device in which heat exchange
occurs between two fluids i.e. steam and feed water either in direct
contact or indirect contact.
• Direct contact feed water heater is the one in which bled steam and
feed water come in direct contact.
• These are also called open feed water heater.

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Feed water heater
• In open feed water heater two fluids i.e., bled steam and feed
water are at same pressure and adiabatic mixing is assumed to
take place.
• Normally, it is considered that the mixture leaves open feed water
heater as saturated liquid.
• Energy balance, ma · ha + mb · hb = (ma + mb) · hc where
subscripts a,b and c are for feed water, bled steam and mixture of
the two as shown in Figure above.
• Indirect contact feed water heater is the one in which two fluid
streams i.e, bled steam and feed water do not come in direct
contact, but the heat exc hange between two streams occurs
indirectly through metal interface.
• These are also called closed feed water heaters. In these feed
water heaters since two fluids do not contact each other so they may
be at different pressures.

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Open Feed water Heaters
• An open(or direct-contact) feed water heater is basically a
mixing chamber, where the steam extracted from the turbine
mixes with the feed water exiting the pump.
• Ideally, the mixture leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at
the heater pressure.
• The schematic of a steam power plant with one open feed
water heater (also called single-stage regenerative cycle) and
the T-s diagram of the cycle are shown in Fig.

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The ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feed water

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Closed Feed water Heaters
• the closed feed water heater, in which heat is transferred
from the extracted steam to the feed water without any
mixing taking place.
• The two streams now can be at different pressures, since
they do not mix. The schematic of a steam power plant
with one closed feed water heater shown in Fig.

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• The open and closed feed water heaters can be compared
as follows.

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Feed water heater
• The arrangement comprises of steel, copper or brass tubes of solid
drawn type placed in a shell. The heat transfer takes place through
tube surface.
• Feed water flows inside the tube and is heated by extracted steam
from outside.
• Steam enters in the shell and comes in contact with the tubes and then
condenses over tubes.
• Steam condenses and trickles down and is collected in shell.
• Figure below gives schematic of surface type feed water heater.
• Performance of feed water heater is quantified using a parameter
called “terminal temperature difference”.

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• Terminal temperature difference (T.T.D.) refers to the difference of
temperature between temperature of feed water outlet and
saturation temperature of steam entering the heater.

• T.T.D. has its value lying around 5–8ºC.

• T.T.D. shall be zero in desuperheater type heaters where
superheated steam is used for feed water heating up to saturation
temperature of steam.

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• In feed water heaters where steam pressure is quite high, the
condensate from heater is expanded in an expander called ‘flash
tank’ or ‘drain expander’ or ‘drain cooler’.

• In this flash tank some portion of condensate gets converted into

steam which is further used for heating feed water.

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• Direct contact heaters or open type heaters are more efficient than
indirect contact type due to direct contact between two fluids.

• Feed water can achieve saturation temperature corresponding to

the pressure of heating steam.

• In this case the terminal temperature difference is zero.

• During heating the non-condensable gases dissolved in water get

released and are thrown out through vent passage.

Deaerator is a type of open type feed water heater employed for the
removal of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide from the feed water.

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• The dissolved oxygen when not removed with oxygen at high
temperature and pressure and forms iron oxide upon coming in
contact with metal.
• This iron oxide formed causes pitting on the metal surface.
• At high temperature and pressure, dissolved CO 2 combines with
metal and forms carbolic acid which causes mild pitting on metal
surfaces. Therefore, it becomes necessary to remove dissolved gases
from the feed water.
• Normally added water is 3-5% of total boiler feed.
Deaeration of water is based on the principle of decreasing partial
pressure of gas for removal of dissolved gases.

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§ Many system and industries require energy input in the form of
heat, called process heat.
§ Some industries such as chemical, pulp and paper rely heavily on
process heat.
§ The process heat is typically supplied by steam at 5 to 7 atm and
150 to 200 C.
§ These plants also require large amount of electric power.
§ Therefore, it makes economical and engineering sense to use the
already-existing work potential (in the steam entering the
condenser) to use as process heat.
§ This is called cogeneration.

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• In the cogeneration cycle shown in the figure, at times of
high demands for process heat, all the steam is routed to
the process heating unit and none to the condenser.

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Ø A combination of any two working fluids which are well suited

together such as mercury and water.
Ø In such cases two vapor cycles operating on two different working
fluids are put together and the arrangement is called binary
vapor cycle.
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• Water is used as working fluid in vapor power cycle as it
is found to be better than any other fluid if looked from
the point of view of desirable characteristics of working
• Water is poor in respect to the following desired
characteristics of working fluid.
ü Fluid should have critical temperature well above the
highest temperature set by metallurgical limits of
construction material.
ü Fluid should have a saturation pressure at the maximum
cycle temperature that posses no strength problems and a
saturation pressure at the minimum cycle temperature that
posses no difficulty of leakage from atmosphere.
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• Water is found to exhibit poor characteristics as; Water
has critical temperature of 374ºC which is about 300 ºC
less than the temperature limits set by metallurgical
properties. The saturation pressure of water is quite high
even at moderate temperatures so it does not have
desirable properties at higher temperatures.
• Therefore in high temperature region a substance which
has low saturation pressure should be used and the fluid
sh o u l d h a ve i t s’ c ri t i c a l t e m p e ra t u re we l l a b o ve
metallurgical limits of about 600ºC.
• Therefore, it can be concluded that no single working fluid
satisfies all the desirable requirements of working fluid,
different working fluids may have different attractive
features in them, but not all. 36
• Mercury has comparatively small saturation pressures at
high temperature values but due to excessively low
pressure values and large specific volume values at low
temperatures it cannot be used alone as working fluid.
• Mercury also does not wet the surface in contact so there is
inefficient heat transfer although 0.002% of solution of
magnesium and potassium is added to give it wetting
property of steel.
• Thus in combination of mercury-steam, the mercury is used
for high pressures while steam is used for low pressure
• Layout for mercury-steam binary vapor cycle is shown on
Figure above along with it’s depiction on T-S diagram.
• Here, mercury vapor are generated in mercury boiler and sent for
expansion in mercury turbine and expanded fluid leaves turbine and
enters into condenser.
• From condenser the mercury condensate is pumped back into the
mercury boiler.
• In mercury condenser the water is used for extracting heat from
mercury so as to condense it.
• The amount of heat liberated during condensation of mercury is too
large to evaporate the water entering mercury condenser.
• Thus, mercury condenser also acts as steam boiler.
• For superheating of steam an auxiliary boiler may be employed or
superheating may be realized in the mercury boiler itself.

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