Week 20 - Nervous System

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The Nervous System They interpret incoming sensory

information and issue instructions based

The nervous system is a network of cells
on past experience and current
called neurons that coordinate actions and
transmit signals between different parts of
the body.
Peripheral Nervous System
The nervous system is the major controlling,
It is part of the nervous system outside
regulatory, and communicating system in
the CNS.
the body. It is the center of all mental
They link all parts of the body by
activity including thought, learning, and
carrying impulses from the sensory
memory. Together with the endocrine
receptors to the CNS and from the CNS
system, the nervous system is responsible for
to the appropriate glands or muscles.
regulating and maintaining homeostasis.
It consists mainly of the nerves that
Through its receptors, the nervous system
extend from the brain and spinal cord.
keeps us in touch with our environment,
Cranial Nerves carry impulses to and
both external and internal.
from the brain.
Spinal Nerves carry impulses to and
Like other systems in the body, the nervous
from the spinal cord.
system is composed of organs, principally
the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia.
These, in turn, consist of various tissues, What is Nerve Tissue?
including nerve, blood, and connective Nerve tissue is one of four major classes of
tissue. Together these carry out the tissues. It is specialized tissue found in the
complex activities of the nervous system. central nervous system and the peripheral
nervous system. It consists of neurons and
An Overview supporting cells called neuroglia. The
The Nervous system is the series of 100+ nervous system is responsible for the control
BILLION neurons in the body. of the body and the communication among
its parts.
Includes the following divisions
Central Nervous System What is the main function of nerve
Peripheral Nervous System tissue? Nervous tissue is composed of three
Autonomic Nervous System main parts: nerves, the spinal cord and the
brain. The primary function of nervous tissue
Functions include: is to receive stimuli and sent the impulse to
Communication ! Collecting data, the spinal cord and brain. The brain sends
interpreting, and sending messages. back a response to the muscles via the
Structural Classification of the
Nervous System: Nerve Tissue
Central Nervous System (CNS): Made up of neurons
Consists of the brain and the spinal Size and shape of neurons differ in
cord, which act as the integrating and different parts of the nervous system
command centers of the nervous system Perform same function
What is Peripheral Nervous
The peripheral nervous system refers to
parts of the nervous system outside the
brain and spinal cord. It includes the cranial
nerves, spinal nerves and their roots and
branches, peripheral nerves, and neuro
What is a Central Nervous muscular junctions. The anterior horn cells,
System? although technically part of the central
The central nervous system (CNS) controls nervous system (CNS), are sometimes
most functions of the body and mind. It discussed with the peripheral nervous
consists of two parts: the brain and the system because they are part of the motor
spinal cord. The brain is the center of our unit.
thoughts, the interpreter of our external
environment, and the origin of control over In the peripheral nervous system, bundles of
body movement. nerve fibers or axons conduct information
to and from the central nervous system. The
autonomic nervous system is the part of the
nervous system concerned with the of functioning. This is the process of
innervation of involuntary structures, such as homeostasis. These complicated and
the heart, smooth muscle, and glands within intricate processes have evolved over
the body. millions of years. For example, thermo
receptors and mechano receptors in the
The Peripheral Nervous System skin sense changes in temperature and
The Peripheral Nervous System contains pressure, respectively. Then, signals sent
all of the nerves which feed into the from them to the brain make it possible to
brain and spinal cord. detect situations that could cause injury or
Any nerves or neurons that feed into death. In addition, nerves make muscles
the central nervous system contract which moves the bones of the
skeleton, making it possible to evade
Introduction: predators/or fight. This ability to perceive
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the environment and reacting to it is critical
one of the two main parts of the to maintaining homeostasis in the body.
nervous system, the other part is the
central nervous system (CNS). The PNS Nervous System
consists of the nerves and ganglia Controls and coordinates bodily
outside of the brain and spinal cord. activities that require rapid responses
The main function of the PNS is to Detects and initiates reactions to
connect the CNS to the limbs and change in external environment
organs, essentially serving as a relay Endocrine System
between the brain and spinal cord and Secreting glands of endocrine regulate
the rest of the body. activities that require duration rather
than speed
Coordinating and Controls concentration of nutrients and,
Regulating Feedback by adjusting kidney function, controls
internal environment's volume and
electrolyte composition.
Of all the body systems, the nervous system
is the major control system of homeostasis.
It provides monitoring, response, and
regulation of all systems in the human body
and other organisms. It functions from the
tiny level of individual cells to affecting the
whole body at once.

Receptors inside and outside the body are

constantly monitoring conditions and
watching for changes. When a body system
leaves a set point and falls outside its
normal range, signals are sent through the
nervous system which trigger responses to
bring the system back into the normal range
Nervous System and
Within the process of homeostasis the
nervous system detects and responds to
adaptions within the body's internal and
external environments by sending fast
electrical impulses through nerves to the
brain which instructs an effect or and
enables them to react quickly and return
the body to a state of equilibrium.

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