Scan 992689 2023-01-30-12-08-03

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ual: sa" Candidate Authentication form “This declaration must be completed and signed by the student and countersigned by the tutor ar assessor. Guidance for candidate ‘You have been asked to sign this Candidate Authentication frm ani place It al the rant of your portfolio It confirms thatthe work you have submited for assessments your own andthat you have Ft copied i ftom someone else or slowed another eancate to copy from you, ‘Candidate declaration Teonfim that the attached portale all my own week* and dons no ince any work completed by anyone ner than mysot. ‘Qualification te Creative. media _praductiows and fechnology William Roger Andrew Don | up Ba 30 /o1/ 23] ‘unless olherwise stated, candidates can work together but should show sections which are their own work. ‘Candidate's full nam Candidate's signat UAL Awarding Body is collecting images of students work for is online gallery an fr use in materials to hep teach this qualfcation to other students, Tai wil largely happen via our website but we may also use ‘Some images in ou prnted publications euch asthe course specication for his qualification ‘Approval for use of own work ‘Should we dentfy your work or use inthis way, we would be vey grateflif you wous allow us to photograph i [you are happy for us to use Images of your work in this way, then please sign below: | Prt name: mene yea signature: Centre confirmation of authenticity (On behalf of (insert contre name) | confirm tha the above mentioned ‘Candidate, othe best of my knowiedge, le the sole author ofthe completed assignmentportolio. ‘tached and the assessments have been completed under the requited conditions, ‘Tutor or assessor declaration T confi that. inne wth the requirements ofthe course and the quay procedures cperated by the ‘entre, all reasonable steps have been taken to monitor the authentic of students’ work fr this ‘assessment session, Penta Sea LSD =| Ei ar ia ash 12s _| UAL Awarding Body candidate authentication frm V2

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