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Chapter 5 Internet and Web

Fill in the blanks

1. To transmit data for sharing on a network, it has to be divided into smaller chunks
called __________. (Ans. packets)
2. The set of rules that decide the functioning of a network is called ________. (Ans.
3. A LAN can be extended up to a distance of __________ km. (Ans. 1 or ONE)
4. The __________ connects a local area network to the internet. (Ans. router)
5. The _______ topology is of hierarchical nature. (Ans. tree)
6. ________ is a standard naming convention used for accessing resources over the
Internet. (Ans. URL)
7. _____ is a collection of related web pages. (Ans. Website)
8. A _________ is a computer that provides services to other programs or computers.
(Ans. Server)

Expand the following

1. ARPANET – Advanced Research Project Agency Network
2. ISP – Internet Service Provider
3. URL – Uniform Resource Locator

The next section of NCERT Solutions IP class 12 Chapter 5 Internet and Web consists of
device identification.

Name the device for the following

1. It stands for Modulator Demodulator – Modem
2. It regenerates the signals – Repeater

Differentiate between
a) MAN and WAN

The WAN network spans over a relatively
The MAN network spans an entire city/town. broad
a geographical area like intercity or country.
It can be extended up to 30-40 kms. It covers an unlimited distance.
Many LAN networks can be connected Many MAN networks can be connected
together and form MAN. together and form WAN.
Ex. Cable TV network Ex. Internet
Differentiate between MAN and WAN

b) Website and web page

Website Webpage
A collection of related web pages created It is a document on www having text,
for a images, audio, video etc that is viewed
particular purpose is known as website. in a web browser.
The website contains various elements and
Webpage is a part of any website.
links to other web pages.
Websites don’t depend on any particular
A webpage is dependent on a website.
web pages.
Website does not have any specific type of A webpage have different extenstions like .html
extension. or .htm ot .aspx or .php etc.

c) Router and Gateway

Router Gateway
The router is used to connect LAN to the It is an access point which acts as gate
internet. between LAN and internet.
Router analyzes the data, decides or alters
It creates the entry and exit point of the
how data packaged and sent to another type of
A gateway can be any other network device
A router can be wired or wireless. and can be implemented as software or
The router can provide access to multiple
It expands the functionality of routers.
devices like mobile, tables, laptops etc.

d) Bus and Star topology

Bus Topology Star Topology

Bus topology uses a single-length Star topology uses central device to connect other
cable to connect the network. devices with network
The single-length cable has a In star topology, one end of the cable is connected to
terminator at both ends. a device and another to a central device.
Mostly it used coaxial cable. Mostly it used ethernet cable.
It is mostly suitable for a network
It is suitable for a short distance.
where cable length is long.

e) Static and Dynamic web pages

Static Web Pages Dynamic Web Pages

The static web page never get
The dynamic web pages change on every page load.
In dynamic web pages, the content and layout of the web
In static web pages, the content and
page may vary according to the time the web page
layout of the web page are fixed.
It can be created using HTML, Dynamic web pages can be created using PHP, ASP,
DHTML, and CSS JSP etc.
Statis pages are very easy to create. The dynamic web pages are complex to contruct.
The next section of NCERT Solutions IP class 12 Chapter 5 Internet and Web consists of
subjective type questions.

Subjective type questions

5. Define a network. What is the need of forming a network?

A network is a group of computers connected together for sharing information and resources.
A network is needed to share information and resources. To make work with distribution and
control over the network for various devices. It is also needed for communication.

6. Give any two examples of networks.

1. Various Computers connected in school from Office, Labs, Libraries, Staff room etc.
2. Mobile Networking
3. Social Networking
4. Airlines, Hospitals, Railways, Banks, Hospitals

7. Give any three applications on the Internet.

1. Chat
2. Email
3. VoIP

8. Name any two mail service providers.

1. Google – gmail
2. Yahoo – yahoo mail
3. Rediff – rediff mail

9. Explain VoIP.

 Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP, allows us to have a voice calls (telephone
service) over the Internet.
 These services are either free or very economical.
 People use them to save on costs.
 The only disadvantage of VoIP is that its call quality is dependent on Internet
connection speed.

10. What is DNS?

Domain Name Server converts the alphabetic domain name to the corresponding IP address.
We prefer to use alphabetic names than IP address as it is easier to remember.

The next section of NCERT Solutions IP class 12 Chapter 5 Internet and Web consists of
knowledge and application based questions.

11. Identify the type of topology from the following:

a) Each node is connected with the help of a single cable: BUS
b) Each node is connected with central switching through independent cables. STAR

12. Sahil, a Class X student, has just started understanding the basics of Internet and
web technologies. He is a bit confused in between the terms “World Wide Web” and
“Internet”. Help him in understanding both the terms with the help of suitable
examples of each.

 Internet is a huge network of computers all connected together.

 WWW or web is the actual content found in this huge network, which is stored in the
form of numerous interlinked web pages.
 Internet existed much before www.

13. Murugan wants to send a report on his trip to the North East to his mentor. The
report contains images and videos. How can he accomplish his task through the

He can send his report through email.

14. Mampi is planning to open a company that deals with rural handicrafts. She wants
to advertise about handicrafts on a social platform. Which Internet service she should
use and why?

Mampi will be using World Wide Web. As she wants to make the details about her
handicrafts available to people across the globe, she should be using www to make her web
resource available to all.

15. Ruhani wants to edit some privacy settings of her browser. How can she accomplish
her task?

 Open browser
 From the right corner choose the settings option from a dropdown.
 From there choose the “Privacy and security“ tab from the left panel.
 Once u click on here it will show all the options concerned to it.

16. Shubham wants to play a video in his browser but he is not able to do so. A message
on the screen instructs him to install the Adobe Flash Player plugin. Help him to add it
in his browser.

To add plug-ins, click Plug-ins options on the left side of the browser window. Make the
desired selections to enable or disable the required plug-ins.

17. When Joe typed a URL in the address bar of his browser, Error 404 was displayed?
Why did this happen? What can be done to avoid it?

 404 error indicates that the server itself was found, but that the server was not able to
retrieve the requested page.
 It is mainly triggered when website content has been removed or moved to another
URL without adjusting the internal links accordingly.

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