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What inspires the inspirational?

What goes on in our mind ia as individual as we are, yet it has the power to define our lives and
change the world. To find out more about that, we put the questions to a scientist, a ballerina and an
R & B artist.

A scientist

Kevin Warwick is a scientist that once attempted to become a being with both biological and artificial
parts by having computer chips implanted in his body. He likes to read the biographies of people who
really achieved something in their life like Michael Faraday, Albert Einstain or Captian Scott. He
admire people who deal with severe disabilities because their effort and problems they have to
overcome drive him forward. He finds nature inspiring. He can look at it and think deeply about what
he is trying to achieve. It helps him to clear his mind. He sometimes gets criticism from journalists
and jealousies because he is trying to push the boundaries. They often say that what he wants to do
is impossible. However, he has a driving force inside of him and it is more a case of reining it in. He
believes in himself and he wants to succeed and he is sure he is not going to go through life without
achieving things in science.

A ballerina

Darcey Bussell is a ballerina that is inspired by bright colours and beautiful views. She lives in a big
city with long winters so she have always painted her walls vivid colours, torevive her enthusiasm.
Her mother was also into colours and she loved to mix them. She love red and pink together
although she don´t wear enough colour herself. She once had a costume made for her that was red
chiffon with Indian trousers. It was for the part of Nikiya in Bayadere.

R & B artist

Craig David is a R&B artist whose greatest idol was Michael Jackson. His favourite song was always
´Leave me alone´. It was the first record he went out and bought. When he saw him perform, he
thought that was what he would like to do. Terence Trent D´Arby was the first artist he saw perform
live. He and his mum were right up and he was impresed by the perfomance. His first ablum was very
inpirational and it made him want to write but then nothing happend. Now, when he is looking for
inspiration, he plays ´One more chance´ by The Notorious. It remembers him of his DJ-ing day and it
remembers him how he wanted to succeess and prove himself to the world.

I cut off my arm to suvive

Doug Goodale is a lobster fisherman from Maine in the USA who has told a documentary on human
instincts of the extraordinary lengths he went to in order to preserve his own life. It was an
exstremely stormy day out at sea and Doug was trying to haul lobster pots up from the sea floor,
when he had got caught in a winch, and could not free himself. The power of a winch left him
hanging over the side of the boat. His mind started racing and his heart started pounding like crazy.
His head felt like it was going to explode and he thought it was over. He managed to to haul himself
but he was still trapped in the winch.his only option was to pick up a knife and cut through his right
arm. He managed to pilot his boat back to get medical help. Survival instincts are abilities and
reactions which are imprinted in us by millions of years of evolution. And modern phobias, say
scientists, are leftovers from times when spiders and snakes represented a genuine treat to life. From
the first years of Gfe , humans develop a tuned sense of disgust which can protect themfom items
which spread disease. They also develop a classic fight responde which drives swift brain activity to
flood the body with adrenaline, readying it for action.

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