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Slide 1.

Novosad Roman
Hello dear friends! My name is Roman Novosad. Today we will present you a
revolutionary game from our company "ESKADRILLIA". But first I will
introduce you to our team ……
Slide 2. Novosad Roman
I am the team leader who has learned to make the team work with a virtual bit.
And I thank them for never receiving a surrender…. Probably…. By the way, it
is much more difficult to organize cooperation remotely than in classes…. I
now have a very positive experience !!! Mykhailo Golenya had the most
difficult part of the job - to inspire us by developing a strategy and presenting
our project. It turned out that developing a project is easier than advertising
it. . . At the end of school, when a lot is still asked at school, and here you
need to finish a project… Sadness. Enthusiasm with each lesson less and
less… Therefore, our aggression was aimed at developing a project on
military issues and thanks to the "BLACK HUMOR" of our team we were able
to reach the finish line, or rather crawl “. Ilya Sokolov as the hero of the
bestseller Constantine actively fought with our "Demons" and healed our
project from them… (laziness, stress, fatigue, quarrels, etc.) (Demon "Lucifer"
if asked) ... His part of the work will tell the following slides… .. I give the floor
to Mikhail.
Slide 3. Golenya Mikhail
Hi . My name is Michael. I think we should start with the fact that we decided
to create a game on the Python platform. This is our first game. The game is
called "World At The War". And yes, a game about the Red Army and the
Third Reich. In the future, I think the game will be on all platforms. In the
meantime, it's on a PC. The following slides show the graphics elements of
our game.
Slide 4. Mikhail Golenya
Plot: It was September 1, 1939. Hitler's German attack on Poland began
World War II. Lasting 6 long years, it became one of the most important
turning points in the history of the last century.
Slide 5. Mikhail Golenya
On September 3, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Their example
was followed by the Union of Australia, New Zealand, India, the Union of
South Africa and Canada. Italy and Japan came into close alliance with
Germany, followed by Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Croatia.
Slide 6. Mikhail Golenya
Italy and Japan joined forces in a close alliance with Germany, followed by
Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Croatia. Russia also took part in
this war, forming the Red Army. The battle took place on the fields of Ukraine
on September 23, 1939. Elijah will tell you more about the project
Slide 7. Ilya Sokolov
Hello, my name is Illya
A little about the program code. In the program in my opinion the easiest was to
implement personnel management (As I did - created a change "key" and created
changes: "right", "left", "top", "bot". When "right = true", the animation returns on
the right and moves on the "A" button similarly and other changes),
it was difficult to make a menu but after many bugs and experiments I realized
what to do through the second cycle which will be the second main cycle of the
The collision I made works like this: when the first player collides with the second
character is disappears of health.
Slide8. Ilya Sokolov
The concept of our game in the confrontation between the Third Reich and the
Red Army on the fields of Ukraine. The task of the Third Reich was to obtain the
Red Army wars from Polish lands and capture them. The task of the Red Army
was to obtain the Third Reich and to prevent the capture of the lands of Ukraine.
And in the game will be possible multiplayer, where another person will play
against you.

Slide 9. Ilya Sokolov

Thank you for your attention and patience.
Novosad - We hope that our report makes it impossible to form questions from

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