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UNSW Enterprise Risk Criteria and Categories

Consequence Criteria
The consequence table defines the nature of a potential impact that results from a risk being realised. The rating is determined by the highest rated impact irrespective of impact

Impact type
Academic (Research &
Facilities & Operations People & Community Financial Global Standing Partners & Authorities
Severe Systemic academic or Loss of critical facilities (i.e. VC and/ or key Executive Fraud event ($1M) Engagement with Total loss of confidence by
research fraud labs) for 1+ yr. resigns Misappropriation of $1M partners/entities not aligned Government/ Student
Long term or Loss of signature high profile Critical IT systems not Board restructure funds, including with RAS – connection with Community / Authorities/
widespread impact research capability available for greater than 6 Philanthropic donations tobacco and gambling Funding and Research
requiring Senior Pervasive loss of University industries etc. Bodies
Closure of signature course months and irretrievable loss community confidence Financial loss, including
Executive and Council of this stored data. Legal action with material Key strategic partner/
time and effort over Multiple (>10) students Reckless, work-related harm teaching revenue exceeding
Data integrity/loss and IP $50M and, or have the basis of negligence alliance ceases engagement
multiple months and suspended or unenrolled to people / Multiple work- with UNSW
deviation from from courses loss associated with related deaths or serious potential to incur additional International and
strategic plan. sensitive research and permanent disabilities costs in more than the widespread prolonged
Multiple (>10) student’s commercial endeavours current year (>1month) adverse media
degrees are retracted Widespread, permanent (including social media)
Large scale release of environmental harm Key 3rd party withdrawal of
Compromised student and sensitive and personal funding Global Higher Education
research data information to public QILT rankings drop community raise concerns
Multiple academic research domains Significant personal liability over UNSW actions
papers are retracted Inability to deliver key &/or potential custodial Loss of provider status
project benefits / Critical sentence of directors &/or
operations unable to be employees

Major Withdrawal of or conditions Partial loss of a critical Faculty Dean, VP or DVC Financial loss, including International and Investigation by ACNC,
imposed on Research funds facility between 6mths to 1 termination teaching revenue, between widespread short-term (1 ATO, ANSTO or AONSW
Impact requiring Unable to continue research year Single work-related death or $20M- $50M month) adverse media Targeted enquiry or
Senior Executive and or teaching in a FOS Loss of central teaching or permanent disability (including social media) investigation by Authorities.
management and research facilities for 3 terms Suspension or conditional
oversight and Withdrawal or retraction of Long term damage to the Widespread disaffected
publications Regulatory sanction / environment Provider Status student community
notification to Council.
Retraction of a student suspension of licence / Ongoing disruptive Industrial Loss of standing in the Corporate partners (existing
qualification accreditation conditions action (> 1 month) Australasian Research and and potential) disassociate
Loss of critical IT system for Academic Community visible themselves from UNSW
Loss of a defined group of Widespread Student and, or to global partners
students and research 1-2 terms Staff body protest / outcry Legal dispute with Corporate
projects’ data Sensitive and personal data Community outcry and partner (e.g. IP and
released to public action / Sstaff performance commercialization rights)
Major project benefits are no across the University eroded Major partner disengages
longer viable / Critical
operations compromised
Impact type
Academic (Research
Facilities & Operations People & Community Financial Global Standing Partners & Authorities
& Teaching)
Substantial Capability to complete A building is not able to be Key person loss Financial loss between $5M Adverse state-based and Authorities & government
research or teaching occupied for between 1-6 Staff performance issues - $20M social media traffic (mainly register strong concerns /
Impact requiring commitments is undermined mths during teaching year (>1 area of the University) Costs and or loss unable to spurious) lasting 2 weeks threaten investigation
Executive oversight impacting quality, cost and Loss of central teaching or be consumed in the current Persistent short-term Media Corporate partners (existing
and HOS, Director timeframes Work-related injury requiring
research facilities between 1 hospitalisation Divisional or Faculty budget. enquiries over the events and potential) voice strong
action Unable to continue research to 2 terms concerns
Localised environmental Australian Higher Education
and or teaching in a FOS for Core IT systems are Community query UNSW Breach of contracts
a term harm lasting >1 mth weeks
inconsistently available to Research and Academic Enforceable penalties or
Erosion of student GPA and staff and students Industrial action (up to 1 Integrity
month) civil action
progression rates throughout the terms Pursuit of a new opportunity
A student group lodges Increased partner
Loss of a student cohort or Irretrievable loss of non- is compromised complaints
research project’s data research data complaints
New course unable to be Project / operations A Community group voice
progressed or introduced cost/time over-runs concerns
Load sharing to support Legal action from a group of
signature course and or students, staff or community
research group

Medium Program development Compromised access to Localised staff performance Financial loss between $50k Active adverse student Authority formally seeks
deferred or not progressed research equipment and or issues - $5M social media traffic (mainly clarification.
Localised impact for a Capability to complete facilities for 1 month Community member/, staff/ Costs and or loss unable to spurious) lasting 2 weeks Issue of infringement notice
Divisional Unit or research or teaching A building is not able to be student legal action be consumed in the current External queries over
School commitments is occupied for 1-2 wks during Unit or School budget. UNSW Research and
Student groups register
compromised in the short term separate concerns Unauthorised spend up to Academic Integrity
term Basic IT systems availability $500K One-off adverse media
Work-related injury/illness
Increased reliance on is unstable for staff and requiring medical/ health report with local coverage or
unexperienced casual students for less than 1 prof. intervention intra-industry knowledge of
teaching staff month incident
Localised environmental
harm <1mth

Insignificant Unit development is Facilities are unable to be Disaffected group of Financial loss less than N/A Authority registers issue
postponed or not occupied for the day students and or staff $50k only
Issue that is managed progressed Localised user group unable Minor work-related incident Unauthorised spend up to Minor complaints that can
as part of BAU Casual teaching staff are to access IT systems (<3 requiring first aid treatment $50k be managed within the
unable to be sourced days). only business unit
impacting quality IT systems do not operate No material environmental
Research data or samples efficiently harm – on-site, immediately
impacted but recovered Operational performance contained, no ongoing
within three days impacting day-to-day impact
activities or project
Likelihood Criteria Risk Matrix
The likelihood rating indicates the potential for an occurrence The Likelihood and Consequence ratings provide the overall risk rating.
Risk Rating
Likelihood Description Matrix
Almost Certain Expected (90+% chance) to occur in most circumstances Almost Certain

Likely Will probably occur (61- 90% chance) i.e. More likely to occur than not. Likely

Possible Possible occurrence (21-60% chance) Possible

Unlikely Remote chance of occurring (1-20% chance) Unlikely

Rare May occur in exceptional circumstances (<1% chance) Rare

Insignificant Medium Substantial Major Severe

Control Effectiveness Criteria Velocity Criteria

The Control Effectiveness rating indicates the level of maturity of controls to either mitigate The Velocity rating identified the potential speed at which the impact will
the consequence or likelihood of a risk. materialise and impact the University.
Description Velocity
Controls are adequate, appropriate and effective. They provide a
The impact of the risk will affect the University’s operations,
Effective reasonable assurance that risks are being managed and objectives Immediate
its reputation and or ability to operate immediately.
should be met.
A few specific control weaknesses are noted. However, many controls The impact of the risk will take up to six months to be realized
Well based are adequate, appropriate and effective to provide a solid basis for Short Term and thus provides some lead time to convene a working party
assurance that risks are being managed and objectives should be met. to prepare for and manage the expected impact.
The impact of the risk will take over six months to be realized
Numerous specific control weaknesses were noted. Controls evaluated
Improvement and provides substantial lead time to establish a working
are unlikely to provide reasonable assurance that risks are being Long Term
desired team to plan and execute mitigation activities to manage the
managed and objectives should be met.
expected impact.
Controls are not adequate, appropriate or effective. They do not provide
Ineffective reasonable assurance that risks are being managed and objectives
should be met.

Opportunity Criteria
Opportunity Description
The opportunity is easily identifiable, tangible steps can be taken to
realise upside.
The opportunity, requires more investigation to confirm its potential and
viability, however it appears to have a sound basis for upside.
The opportunity has a potential for upside, although it may be restricted
and its potential limited.
Risk Categories
Risk categories are used to analyse and consolidate risk information by categorising them by the source of risk. They do not provide the level of detail required to understand
the nature of risk. It is for this reason they are not rated.

Risk Category Includes risks related to Risk Category Includes risks related to
Strategic planning and delivery of initiatives IT / Cyber Digital services and security; Data security and IT incident
Related external environmental and market shifts response/DR
Facilities, infrastructure, and service and project People & Culture
Facilities / Safety and security, recruitment, retention, culture, behaviour;
delivery by associated ‘enabling functions’; Business
Operational change readiness
Financial/budget reporting & control; Research and Teaching Quality, Standards and Conduct;
Financial (Research /
Treasury/Investment strategy & management Student progression and load
Legislation, regulation and standards compliance and Student
Legal/Regulatory Student experience, safety and security
Expectations of and engagement with third parties, Governance Reporting to and oversight by Council, sub-committees of
i.e. partners, community, Corporates and government Council and governance forums
Table 2 Priority for Treating Group Level Risk (Risk Response Criteria & related protocol)

Residual Risk Control Action Timeframe
Velocity Action Governance Oversight Frequency
Risk Effectiveness to establish critical

A: Expectation that ongoing continuous Quarterly via

= Effective All N/A Risk Committee of Council (RC)
Very High improvement and monitoring is in place normal/exception reporting
MB & SLT Monthly
Immediate & Take action to reduce rating & exposure by
3 months
Short Term building control effectiveness RC Quarterly via
A: normal/exception reporting
< Effective
Very High MB & SLT Monthly
Take action to reduce rating & exposure by
Long Term 6 months
building control effectiveness RC Quarterly via
normal/exception reporting
Dean / DVC / VP Via normal/exception
B: Expectation that ongoing continuous reporting
= Effective All N/A
High improvement and monitoring is in place
MB & SLT Quarterly
Dean / DVC /VP Monthly
MB & SLT Quarterly
Immediate & Build control effectiveness in keeping with the
3 months
Short Term business plan
< Effective RC Quarterly via
normal/exception reporting

Build control effectiveness in keeping with the Dean / DVC / VP Executive Via normal/exception
Long Term 6 months reporting
business plan RC
Immediate & Build control effectiveness in keeping with all As part of performance
6 months monitoring
C: Short Term other priorities
< Effective Director / HOS
Moderate Build control effectiveness in keeping with the
Long Term 12 months
business plan
As part of performance
D. Build control effectiveness in keeping with all
< Effective All 18 months Director / HOS monitoring
Minor other priorities

Lower priority. Build control effectiveness as As part of performance

< Effective All part of usual business improvement 18 months Risk Owner monitoring
Monitoring will be required.

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