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Calaca Academy,



Calaca Academy,

This term paper entitled “THE BEHAVIORAL EFFECT OF


INC.” prepared and submitted by DOMINIC A. MAGPANTAY and

CHARLS ANGELU P. MASANGKAY in fulfillment as a requirement in






Signed and approved by English for Academic and Professional Purposes



Subject Teacher
Calaca Academy,



RESEARCHERS : Dominic A. Magpantay

Charls Angelu P. Masankay

NAME AND ADDRESS : Calaca Academy, Inc

OF INSTITUTION Admana St. Poblacion 2, Calaca City,

STRAND : Science, Technology, Engineering and


YEAR : 2022

SUBJECT TEACHER : Billy Joe A. Pagadora, LPT


This paper entitled “The Behavioral Effect of Digital Games for every

student of Calaca Academy Inc.” aimed to determine and understand distinct

matters regarding to the various effects of digital games to individuals when it

comes to their behavioral factors in terms of moral, performance and intellectual

character and such. Further, the paper has been developed to explore, ascertain

and address diverse effects of circumstances regarding to the students’ reaction

upon their experienced related to digital games and how their parents reacted
Calaca Academy,
and dealt with them which pointed out the complimentary and adverse issues of

action as well as others.

The researchers were able to study the behavioral effects of digital

games which gave them enough instance to reflect on how to handle themselves

when it comes to digital games so that, it doesn’t completely affect their

behavior. Having enough knowledge about the effects of digital games if not

done in a proper manner is such a great help for everyone especially the students

to come up with their decision in handling themselves responsibly and properly

to makes their doings lightly. Moreover, the researchers is also intended to delve

much further for better understanding so that everyone will be inform


In accordance with subsequent information by personal interpretation

and fastidious gathering data, the researchers came up with the conclusion of the

paper which affirms the possible effects of digital games on proper sides with

proper needs and vague sides because of losing boundaries. Herewith, the digital

games can be said to have been discussed and elaborated properly where the

connection will be seen with the help of the explicit evidences that are stated by

the different authors. Occasionally, the researchers occurred that digital games

can be good and not that will depend to the players, so play moderately for the

betterment of all.
Calaca Academy,

In the days of the digital revolution, majority of activities in our daily

lives have been digitally transformed. From work-related applications to grocery

shopping, there are now new ways which involve digital intervention. Even

leisurely activities have been digitalized, such as mobile and other console

games. As console games further developed, the size of devices in which these

games can be played even became more compact. And from games with local

area network (LAN) connectivity, games have further evolved to become

online, utilizing the internet to virtually limitless connectivity. Thus, the age of

online games is born.

Online games are designed as leisurely activities, meant to serve as

stress-relievers to its target market: the younger generation. Online games

appeal more to the generation who prefer mobile devices, as internet

connectivity is easier, and games have become more diverse. From puzzle

games to role-playing games (RPG), to first-person (FP) shooters, almost all

formats of previously offline games can now be played online. This makes

players more engaged, with a wider variety of potential playmates. Potentially,

online games can be a social networking facility which caters connectivity

among its users. However, due to lack of controls and inability to properly

enforce controls, online games have gone down to be socially toxic to some

extent, and games have become more addicting, then refreshing. Without proper
Calaca Academy,
time-management habits, players tend to be online more, rather than spending

time with family and doing activities outdoors. This has been a problem for

some time now, since the dawn of the digital games industry, as some

consumers tend to isolate themselves into playing video games. As time went

through, the isolation that these games have brought to users lead them to a path

of depression and other mental and psycho-social problems which became

problems along the way.

Every day, millions of players interact with other players in online

environments. Playing computer digital games has become a social experience.

The shared experience in the virtual society, the collaborative nature of most

activities, makes players different experience from in the offline games. Despite

many researchers focus on the influence of digital games such as addiction,

lonely and depression and so on, a few researches the relationship between

social experience in the digital game and in the real world. The best way to

resolve this in most cases is to encourage parents to be present in the gaming

world of their children. Play together, help set healthy limits and actively find a

variety of activities for children to consume online. The results of the study

showed that playing online games leads students away from stress, enhances

teamwork, and makes them listen actively to class activities. In terms of their

academic performance, students can relate to the lesson based on the online

games they played.

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Playing online is a way for an individual to develop behavior that should

not be overlooked and encouraged. This happens due to negligence which

forgets self-limitation and the importance of having boundaries. This will affect

the essential part of humans especially the mentality of a person because it

becomes the person's escape when facing with problems particularly, those

problems that cannot be overcome immediately where the person becomes more

immersed in it to drown himself in playing to forget the problem where is

improper because playing online games further triggers the thoughts that are

buried and hidden which makes the tension and such. In addition, online matters

or digital games affect a person's behavior especially students but the effect of it

will depends on how long the gadgets are used because it cannot be denied that

it leads to addiction if it continues without thinking about the boundaries that

must and should be the uppermost of precedence.

Justifying, Piliang (2011) explains that the children’s behavior was

changed due to the lack of traditional games and it caused by the online games

and also the limit space to play the traditional games, this is also due to

technological developments. People living in modern era tend to have high

entertainment and the children is also pretend to do it as an adult. One of the

entertainment facilities for children is online games.

Calaca Academy,
According to Dengah, Snodgrass, Else, and Polzer (2018), the

relationship between social support and involvement and experience in game

online has been investigated. The social behavior related to social bonding

which support their play tend to report enjoyment of their game online. The

intensive or “hardcore” games force gamers to behave and judge their behavior

with certain positive and negative way, so it becomes the cause which underlie

the relationship between social support and involvement and experience in game

online However, Kim, Namkoong, Ku, and Kim, (2008) stated that the level of

online game addiction among adolescents is strongly related to their attitude and

time they spend to play the game. It is confirmed by the facts that personality

characters, such as aggression and narcissistic, are positively correlated with

online game addiction. Whilst, Ellis and Fisher (1994) explain that the influence

of online games on adolescents ‘social behavior is strongly related to role and

norm which become general standard for social behavior.

Notwithstanding, there are some effects of playing video games.

Initially, Anderson and Bushman (2001) states that it increases aggressive

behavior as the consequence of playing violent game. On the other hand, Perry,

et al. (2018) states that playing game online supports welfare by contributing to

involvement suitable with the game. In addition, the social interaction in video

games, particularly multiplayer online games, is effective to build social modal,

and play the game that is suitable with the aim and value.
Calaca Academy,
Subsequently, digital games affects the behavioral aspects  of anyone

most especially the students with the fact that the essence of having such

behavior is related to the matters we choose to engage which according to

Attard (2013), “behavioral engagement encompasses the idea of active

participation and involvement; emotional engagement includes students’

reactions to school, including teachers and peers; and cognitive engagement

involves the idea of investment and recognition of the value of learning” (p.

570). By working on homework, participating in discussion, and following the

rules, students are behaviorally engaged. Emotional engagement encompasses a

student’s feelings towards the class, teachers, and peers. Cognitive engagement

includes a student’s motivation and effort to go beyond the requirements and

being open to challenges (Chang et al., 2016). It proves that our engagement,

participation or involvement becomes the way for us to show our true behavior

where we cannot say if it is good or bad like some students who choose to

engage themselves in various digital games that leading to unconscious behavior

changes. In fact, digital games affect a person's behavior in different aspects and

methods which is good if there is a limit and not if there is no.

Asserting to this, Birk et al. (2016) opined that allowing players to

manipulate their virtual presence in the game environment satisfies not only

their need for self-expression, but at the same time reinforces the merge of

identity between the player and the game protagonist leading to higher
Calaca Academy,
motivation. On the one hand, Rigby and Ryan (2011) self-expression generates

feelings of autonomy and the players’ expectations for opportunities of self-

expression in virtual environments has increased dramatically in the past couple

of decades. On the other hand, self-expression supports behavioral changes that

are desirable in learning context. By customizing their virtual presence, learners

tend to construct a virtual identity closer to their ideal self, constituting the

merge of the two identities easier.

Moreover, children's and adolescents’ attractions to the computer games

cause many mental, physical and social problems for them. These effects are

stimulating anger and violence, obesity, epilepsy due to games, social isolation,

and other physical and mental damages. Many psychologists and mental health

professionals have paid attention to the effects of these games

Nevertheless, the impact of digital games (mobile games, computer

games, etc.) is a relevant topic that attracts the attention of many scientists.

Research has shown mixed results in terms of how digital games affect player’s

behavior. Some studies reported negative implications, such as increased

aggressiveness, health issues, and psychosocial struggles, and others found that

video games were able to improve hand eye coordination and self-esteem.

Digital games that require teamwork make learners communicate with each

other to discuss and agree upon the following steps, thereby improving their
Calaca Academy,
social skills. A well-designed digital game can provide powerful interactive

experiences fostering young children’s learning, skill building, and healthy

development. Further, children displaying low social competence demonstrate

peer rejection and lower school performance than children who are more

socially competent. Low social competence can also be a source of behavioral

issues, such as internalizing (e.g., anxiety and withdrawal) and externalizing

(e.g., acting out and conduct disorders) behaviors, as well as over-control

(inhibited, and dependent) and under-control (impulsive, inattention, and

aggressive) behaviors.

Calaca Academy,

Some of the authors stated that digital games can be good and bad. This

is advisable, if there are guidelines to be followed and if parents pay attention to

their children whenever they play and they can also bond using digital games by

a proper manner. Digital games are beneficial in terms of reducing stress from a

tiring work because it helps to divert oneself to something else that helps to

forget the problem for a while. Meanwhile, the description of digital games will

be adversely, if the player loses control and limitations because instead of just

running around and turning around when there is free time, it may be led to

accustomed and this might even be the cause of other conflicts because the

game brings a person's unexplained psychological sense which can be a source

of stress, anxiety, depression and many more. It should be remembered that the

limitations is require to everything and keep in mind the purpose of the things to

a person so that, it does not cause an unexpected problem. We are free to do

something that we like, we have a freedom because it is our right but every right

has control to makes things appropriate and acceptable free will.

Therefore, the effect of digital games on the behavior of a student is

divided into two parts especially if there is no basis and limitations. It cannot be

denied that the aforementioned by various authors have confirmed many

assumptions about its possible effects on some students in reality. Furthermore,

the authors affirmed the advantageous and disadvantageous of digital games in a

Calaca Academy,
person's behavior by analyzing and giving their suggestions about the stated

issue. However, it should be noted that digital games has a definitely good

intention why it is thoroughly recognized and keep increasing and grow. In fact,

digital games are really good not until it changes our characters, so to avoid this,

it is necessary to teach ourselves to stop playing when necessary to avoid

possible things that will cause illness and such.

Generally, the behavioral effects of digital games on people, especially

to students, it cannot say bad or good because it really depends on the purpose

of each player. Accordingly, it cannot be denied that many students are

drowning in sadness due to various reasons, it may be because of family or

anything else, many people can think of negative things that can be avoided

with the help of digital games because this is where they turn their attention and

emotions which can be considered good because they are free to think out of the

box but they still need someone to remind them of the limitations that are

required when playing. It is a fact that digital games are spreading in our

country particularly around the world but we cannot remove it and ignore it

because it helps a lot in different ways. Just play digital games in the right way

and keep in mind the appropriate behavior for mental stability towards the

common good.
Calaca Academy,

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