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REB 6 – Author: (Michael Morris)


At the outset, it is important to state that as with most of the primary ancient cities or kingdoms
represented in scriptures and the ANE historiography; Jericho has likely enjoyed more than one
geographical location or site. Leaving aside etymologies which we will cover below, the “ia-rech”
phoneme has echoes of the various placenames associated with Richard, thousands of miles South
of present day Elche. This concept of mobile cities and kingdoms is writ large in the entirety of our

For instance; Genesis introduces this concept very early with the oft repeated reference to Hebron
as “Kiriat Arba”. The cue of “Kiriat” which again relates back to Richard, also referred to Iberia
as a second “Kiriat”, and specially the area around modern day Jaen, which we will cover in a
forthcoming paper on Alcanatrilla and Hazor. We can prove that area was indeed known as Kiriat
Arba, or as German maps call it Albuscharat. Fig 2 below is one such example. Also notable is the
Egyptian-Arabic spelling of Jaen as “Djian”
(Fig 2. From “22 maps” German collection, date unknown)

These maps which are very hard to track down on searches, were mostly culled or memory holed
during digitisation processes by Big technology, governments, Universities and other immoral
actors intent on erasing historical facts which otherwise drive a stagecoach through their decrepit

One last point before we move on to compartmentalise the analysis of Jericho; the regional name
“Al Andalus”, modern Andalusia, when not parsed reads Altantalus (interchanging the T for D to
highlight the similarity of the names). That doesn’t mean it is the original Atlantis of Critias
(which is almost certainly Richard), and more likely, at least in my opinion, the second, third or
perhaps even fourth coming or cycle, post flood, a sort of attempt to rebirth the concept, to bring
back the “good old days”. Much like the phenomenon of mobile cities discussed at the beginning of
the introduction.


It is odd that the science of etymology and it most certainly is a science, has been denigrated by the
very academic communities involved in ANE and Egyptology, having developed the concept in the
first place. I would argue it is the most important tool we have when needing to re-assemble the
broken histography and connect the dots. Those following this series of papers will have seen that
we can convert most words or letters into specific numbers which reflects a fundamental connection
between the two, language and numerology.

It gets crazier when one finds that ancient Kingdoms placed their cities in a spacial orientation and
sequence scarily mirroring one or other constellations. And down to the last star, some impossible
to see with the naked eye.
As previously mentioned one can see even in the modern spelling of of “Jericho”, it is a derivative
of Richard, as are so many of the cities and Kingdoms which sprang from that same unique fountain
of accelerated human development, also known as The Garden of Eden. So in that form with the J (J
is for Joke) it is simply a “babbled” or garbled version of it’s parent.

The Iberian version of the placename, “Elche” may be associated with the biblical phrase “land of
milk and honey”. In Spanish “leche” is “milk”. This type of milk may be Palm based product as
there was a 10 by 10 mile Palm grove at Elche (Jericho). Are “Malik” or “Milka” also related?
Both allude to either “Ruler” or “Goddess” from a Hebrew lens, but we won’t loiter on that detail.

Trying it backwards is quite interesting too.

“milk” becomes K-L-I-M. We have the “Kill im” and also we have “Galam” which as many know
refers to the more familiar “Sumer”. Furthermore if we revert to its Afro Asiatic format, we would
change the L for an R, resulting in “Kirim” or “Karam”. In Arabic the word “Karam” means
“generosity” which is consistent with the definition for a “land of plenty”

Again it must be stated this etymology is very ancient and would have originated from Richard
(Rich, Wreck, Arch, Car all related), to the first Garden of Eden. However the term, at least in its
biblical instances, seems to refer to the land destined after the flood, from one garden to the other,
which I suspect ties it more specifically to Iberian Jericho. And that is confirmed in a section below,
through very presise co-ordinates thanks to the Bible.

That then leaves us with locating the “Honey”. And this is where the term “Canaan” may have key
relevance to this (alleged) age old etymological conundrum. That area and many other regions of
Iberia at one-time enjoyed extensive cane fields. Even today, in less developed areas along the
Spanish Mediterranean coast; one can see wild cane growing abundantly. This type of cane crop
was utilised for many different purposes including of course “Miel de Cana”, which produces a
darker and more bitter honey, and today as with the past, it is used for general sweetening. (yes
there should be a squiggle above the n, denoting a phonetic “nyah” sound).

So at this time, I favour the theory of Miel de Cana being the Honey, in the Land of Canaan.

As mentioned in the recent Telmopylae (Almeria) paper, this same region was also known as
“Spartarius Campus”, which also refers to another product; straw crafted for upholstery and
baskets. So it seems reasonable to suggest that “Spartarius Campus” is synonymous with the land of

On this topic of Canaan and “Cana” etymology we must not forget the “Sea of Reeds” references,
as well as the fact that this type of material was also used for making rafts for canal transportation,
and perhaps these were even utilised for crossing the Mediterranean to North Africa, when weather
or lower sea levels permitted.

Canaan with a G should be considered and with rest of the set, so Gaian, or Ganin, or references to
Ghana empire, and of course the Bengamin (Yamhad) clan who were local to this same region.

Phonetically it is straight forward, Jericho, Elche, Ilici, and Helice are exactly the same words, once
we neutralise the dodgy L, and revert back to an R.

Rather straightforward as well:

Deuteronomy 34:3 “City Of Palms”

34 + 3 + (2 for the dots) = 39.

Elche is 38.3 -0.7 (it is on the Prime Meridian)

(and if we add the 0.7 to 38.3 we get exactly 39)

I haven't checked the other references but I would wager they can all be converted to direct us to
this same location.

Ironically once having realised the global co-ordinates system secretly embedded into the scriptures
it has a sort of anti-climatic effect. Similar to when one gets the cheat codes to a computer game, it
is hard not to resist the temptation of making it the go-to reference pertaining to locations. Crazy,
but in some ways it takes the fun out of further research.

To avoid this problem, I tend or (try to) do the more time consuming pattern recognition research
first, and that way use the scripture cues as a final confirmation, to self-verify one isn't seeing
illusory (bias induced) signals.


Perhaps this is just a personal quibble but it always depresses me when I see what were once wild
gardens or parks, and their ancient winding paths, mysterious nooks and crannies; then converted
into a modern vision of Empire, straight boring lines, and paths which lead from one end to the
other, a glorification of linear mediocrity.

Sadly what was once the largest wild Palm grove in Europe at least, has been obliterated. All to
accord with a monumental lie.

Below in Fig 3, we have the evidence of the extensive Palm Grove at Elche, roughly a 10 by 10
mile garden of mystery.
There are a few copies of this map-print on the internet, but most have censored out the distance
scale in miles at foot of the image. So we present the more informative version above. That is a
huge forest of Palms, and left to grow wildly, unlike the modern “City of Palms” at the other end of
the Med, where their version of this place amounts to striplings planted in neat little
those boring sterilised and empty parks. The operative word is PLANTED.


I don’t want to rub salt in wounds but these comparisons are necessary when people appear immune
to facts and truths.

First we have the modern Jericho’s claim to fame with their Palm farms in two images below. That
is not a grove; but a micromanaged farm. Nicely lined up like rows of soldiers. Israeli City of
Here is another example of the pretend version:

There are other photos which take a camera angle from afar meant to make it appear a little bit more
authentic, wilder, and more irregular but they fail to convince me. Others should judge for

Now for some 19th century black and white images of Elche’s Palms (sadly now destroyed). And
ask oneself of the two contenders for the honour; which appears to be more legitimate and which
more accurately represents the concept of “The City Of Palms”, even if only from an aesthetic

That such a unique and beautiful jewel has been demolished, excised from out cultural record, in
order to maintain the lie. The Iberian City of Palms before she was memory holed:
We will pause here and continue in Part 2, which will cover the Carthaginian historiography for
Jericho, as well as the infamous Lady of Elche statue as a representation of Rahab in Judges, the
Franco and NAZI connection and the birth of the modern state of Israel.

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