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THE WORD LORD (A numerological Pandora's Box) P1/2

(Dedicated to the Lord’s efficiency and wisdom)

REB 4– MdM (Michael D Morris)

(Looking at the below image, can one still claim that today we are better
elucidated than previous generations?)

From an English language wordplay perspective; the messages in the word LORD are
satisfying in that they confirm the coherency of the fundamental linkage to Richard as our
Creator’s capital, portal and temple; however we will state these quickly and move on to
the more significant revelations embedded in the numbers.

The hidden numbers in the word LORD are spectacular to put it mildly. Why? Because
they lead us to more secrets, by extrapolating the seed numbers provided. As my maths
skills are pretty “blah” being kind to myself, there is probably far more to extrapolate and I
would be delighted for some help in that area.

Another reason they are so significant is because they represent indisputable evidence that
our *EXACT* Longitude and Latitude format was known many hundreds, or thousands of
years go. It also proves that the LORD of Richard likely designed that very (modern)
system which we use today. I wont go into the implications at the moment, but consider Mr
Bill Gates and his whining about having to protect the IP of those Dr Cupid “shoot me
with your poison arrow” mRNA injections. As we all “know” IP is the mainstay of this
wonderful “Capitalist” system. Their IP is protected by a judicial get-up created for such
purposes, but they violate and steal the IP of the LORD and call it their own.

(Covid and Cupid – that’s how cute they think are; they continue with a dumbed down
simpleton’s version of the code game even today, and assume we are all too stupid to pick
it up)


This will be brief. L>O>R>D

The consonants are L, R and D. Though we have two Rs really because the L is for LIE, as I
repeat monotonously.

So we have the amusing Ur-Dr which is City of the Door (Dr). I strongly suspect the
biblical DER which no-one appears to have identified is another alias for the same place.

Also we can interpret the presence of an L (LIE which needs removing) a cue to just
Leave it (L) OUT. So we then we get some quite familiar toponyms popping up like
ARAD, ERIDU and further to ADRAR, if we progress to the obvious. In my experience
logical progression of simple seeds is encouraged, and almost always well rewarded.

These beautifully simple triangulated references prove over and over that simplicity
should always be our guide.

I will use my own preferred conversion method which I believe is very precise, though it’s
quite possible my procedure is not definitive and I would welcome any improvements.

Using the modern Alphabet and some processing cues in the LORD means that it contains
multiple instructions.

L is Alphabet number 12, but I interpret it as 11, for reasons some may understand is
related to our broken numbering system, bases of 10 etc..(to be covered in future) The 10%

However there is another way to get a 1 out of L and that is to treat it like the Roman I
which looks very similar. But it doesn’t matter which method we use, we will get an 11 and
our first set of co-ordinates.

First of all I will define the letters as processing cues. R equals Repeat (sometimes
also Remove) and D is for Double. Interestingly this flexibility offers different ways to
find the solution, the answer is always the same.

So we start with 11 when reading from left to right. Just to interject the O can be
interpreted as a number 0 meaning it doesn’t exist, the next number being 1. So however
you do this we get 11.


now we use the Repeat and Double cue on 11.

(11×2 is 22) now we could bring it to our 21 as 22 Remove 1 is 21.

But we will leave 22 for now as then the doubling makes more sense.


(repeat and double again the current number 22, would be 2×22 is 44)


So here we have our first set of co-ordinates which as is so often our destination – it takes
us to Richard. I interpret this as indicating the Lord's central home on this planet was
Richard. And it still is, we shall soon discover.

Now perhaps people are wondering why we have .44 left over which appears redundant
since 11.22 suffices for Richards address.

Well it gets better and better and .44 is the clue to where to go next.

We simply reverse it to 44.22.11

Now we will plot our first sets of co-ordinates.


11.22 for Richard is the lower dot. (or 21 to be exact)

44.11 is the second upper dot (we have skilled the 22) (name unknown for now, its

A line connects them.

44.11 (11.44)

11.22 (21)

Google maps.
The below is a poor quality satellite view of the seabed as 44.11

At first after plotting this co-ordinate I didn’t see any significance. Then I noticed
that it appears criss-crossed from various directions and angles as if a drafting star.
This screenshot doesn’t do it justice so I suggest people view it for themselves. As
anyone who studies satellite maps knows there are many track lines on the bed of
the ocean and they cross paths. However this point at 44.11 has far more traffic than
is usually present at one place, and they all appear to coincide with that structure/s.

The second element to stand out, and for me the most significant is that those
structures centred vertically in the screenshot appear to be large rectangular shaped
buildings. Both the lower and upper houses exhibit deep rectangular shaped reliefs
indicating an interior cavern, or space.

The Houses also appear to have vertical columns covering the entrance to these
interior spaces. Those structures must be kilometres in size, and even the entrance
with the columns are enormous.
Occidentally, I had watched a Youtube stream a few days ago which had a curious
image of a similar structure, also spotted by someone using Google Satellite maps.
The link to the stream is

The screenshot of the image at 5.22 is shown below.

Of course the structures, or Houses at 44.11 may not in fact look like this at all. It
seems the “user” responsible for this image was able to zoom in more than normal
and set up a lovely angle view shot allowing much clearer interpretation than my
screenshot of 44.11 allows.

The other reason 44.11 triggered the memory of the linked Youtube stream image is
(as mentioned previously) because even though our image is not very good, I can
still make out vertical columns, with a similar orientation and placement as in the
image above.

We will pause for now and the next installant part 2, will be released in the next
couple of days. We will continue from that 44.11 location, and extrapolate onto the
next legs of the journey, to wherever it shall take us. No resistance.

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