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SYSTEM Learning Cadiz East II Accreditation and

Weekly Lesson Log Center ALS CLC Equivalency (A&E)
Learning JEFFRY F.
Literacy Level
Facilitator PATIÑO AE
April & 4th
Month and Learning LS2 Scientific and Critical
Quarter 2021
Quarter Strand Thinking Skills (Science)
(April 7, 2021)

A Content Standards Demonstrate understanding on various biological concepts and their
B Performance Standards Apply biological science concepts in different life situations
C Learning Competencies Describe some common diseases associated with the nervous system, e.g.,
headache, dizziness, numbness and paralysis
II. CONTENT Nervous System
A References,,,,, &
1. Teacher’s Session Guide None
2. Learner’s Material Page
3. Additional Materials form None
Learning Resources (LR)
A. Unlocking of Direction: Identify the following definition. Choose your answer on the box
Difficulties below.
____________ 1. It is a pain in any region of the head. It may occur on
one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate
across the head from one point, or have a viselike quality.
____________ 2. It is described as a range of sensations, such as feeling
faint, woozy, weak or unsteady.
____________ 3. Describe as a loss of sensation or feeling in a part of
your body. It's often accompanied by or combined with other changes in
sensation, such as a pins-and-needles feeling or burning.
____________ 4. A loss of strength in and control over a muscle or group
of muscles in a part of the body.

Paralysis Dizziness
Headache Numbness

B. Motivation “Four Picks One Word”

Game Mechanics: Learners will identify the correct word being describe by
the four pictures.

1. _ I Z _ _ _ E S S

2. H _ _ D A _ _ E

3. P A _ _ L _ S I _

4. _ _ M _ N E S S

C. Presentation Ask the learners with the following questions in relation to previous activity
“Four Picks One Word”.
1. Do you know what are those words all about?
2. Have you experienced one those common diseases?

- Today, we will learn more about those common diseases.

- Present the objective to the learners and let them read.

“Describe some common diseases associated with the nervous

system, e.g., headache, dizziness, numbness and paralysis”.
D. Activity Group Activity:
Divide the class into 4 groups, and let them do their assigned activity/task.

Group 1: Direction: Read and understand the poem to give you an idea about
Headache. Then try to describe what is Headache. Write your answer on a piece
of manila paper.

My Headache
By. Lauren

A throbbing pain,
A moment in which I hear nothing.
A bullet to the head.
A scream to leave me alone.
Doctors say “if a headache lasts more than 24 hours than there is something
“What about 24/7?” I scream in my brain.
My headache is not a scream for your help;
It is a scream for the God I left years ago to hurry up and **** me.
For as long as I can remember my headache has been there for me.
My headache comes over at the worst of times banging on my door refusing to

Group 2: Direction: Read and understand the statement of Carol from his story to
give you an idea about Diziness. Then try to describe what is Dizziness. Write your
answer on a piece of manila paper.
Carol's Story

In October 2015, Carol began to feel light-headed and slightly dizzy.  “It
happened a few times, and I just thought I was tired or dehydrated,” recalls
Carol. Then, on October 24, 2015, she said she was in her office about to start a
work-day and she immediately began to feel dizzy. “The room was spinning, I was
nauseous and I couldn’t stop the swirls in my head. It felt like I was on a
carousel, and there was vertical spinning,” remembers Carol. “I called my
daughter on the phone, and she came down to help me. I told her to call an
ambulance and they took me to our local community hospital.”

Group 3: Direction: Sing and understand the chorus of the song Numb by Linkin
Park to give you an idea about Numbness. Then try to describe what is
Numbness. Write your answer on a piece of manila paper.
Linkin Park

I've become so numb

I can't feel you there
Become so tired
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Group 4: Direction: Read and understand the script of a man in Bible Story Jesus
Heals a Paralyzed Man to give you an idea about Paralysis. Then try to describe
what is Paralysis. Write your answer on a piece of manila paper.

JESUS HEALS A PARALYZED MAN - Drama / Skit - Bible Story

Luke 5:17-26

Man: I have been paralyzed for so long. I can't even sit up or move my legs and
arms. I am here day after day after day and wait for my friends to bring my food.
Today, I heard some people outside my window talking about Jesus being in
Capernaum. When my friends come today, I am going to ask them if they can
take me to see Jesus.

Man: Jesus has forgiven my sins and He has made me well!

E. Analysis Let the Learners present their work.

F. Abstraction (Making Ask the learners the following questions.
Generalizations about 1. What are the common diseases associated with the nervous system?
the lesson) 2. Who can describe Headache?
3. What about Dizziness?
4. Next, who will try to describe Numbness?
5. Lastly, who can describe Paralysis?
G. Application Direction: Select the emoticon or emoji below that best describe the
(Developing mastery) common diseases associated in nervous system.

Headache Dizziness Numbness Paralysis

H. Valuing (Finding Ask the learners with the following questions.

practical applications 1. If you will be given the chance to choose one emoji or emoticon to
of concepts and skills describe your feeling regarding our lesson, what would it be? And why?
in daily living) 2. How would you apply our lesson to your daily life experiences?
I. Evaluation Direction: Describe the following common diseases associated with the
(Assessing Learners) nervous system.
1. Headache
2. Dizziness
3. Numbness
4. Paralysis
Assignment: Research on other common diseases with the nervous system
J. Agreement
and then describe.
(Additional activities
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
process observer/
education program
specialist II-ALS or
supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

ALS Mobile Teacher

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