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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Royalty, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, Omega
Kim Taehyung | V, Top Jeon Jungkook, Bottom Kim Taehyung | V,
Parenthood, Parents Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung | V, Boypussy
Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Taehyung | V Has a Vagina, Male Lactation,
Lactation Kink, Cock Warming, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Drabble, King
Jeon Jungkook, Married Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Spelling
Jeon Jungkook as Jeon Jeongguk, Bathroom Sex
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-22 Words: 2725

by smexydolltae


Jeongguk was tired. His ministers were eating his ears because of a certain bill he passed
today and he wasn't astounded by their behavior.

Expect a few, all of them had rotten values and ethics as they were bribed by the elite to
act upon their favour but Jeongguk was a man enough to tame them and do what was
required for his kingdom to cherish.

Afterall, the former king had left the throne for his son at such a young age because he
understands how Jeongguk could handle it on his own and if you are asking Jeongguk, he
would say that he is pretty confident on the fact that he
can rule well. Although, he wouldn't say that it was without any help from others.

Like his personal advisors, a few number of ministers and council members and his parents.

All had helped him a lot but the most important influence was his companion — his queen,
his love and the mother of his child, which was none other than the most beautiful and
talented omega in the kingdom — Kim Tàehyung, now known as the Jeon Tàehyung.


Please read the tags before you read the story as it contains nsfw content!
Disclaimer: None of the characters or incidents in this story are related to real-life people or


Wanted to write a fluffy drabble with zero drama and full of love and a sprinkle of smut.
So, i hope all those happily ever after lovers to love this <3

Happy reading my loves ❤️

See the end of the work for more notes

Jeongguk was so worn out after a whole day of work and he wanted nothing but to be in the
embrace of his queen.

Guards followed him as he walked towards their bed chamber and he could hear the shuffling
inside, accompanied by the laughter of some maids and as soon as he opened the doors, he was
waft upon by the fragrance of freshly plucked flowers and scented oils.

In a second, the room became pin drop silent as the maids felt the kings presence. All of them
bowing down with their heads held low, looking at the floor and in between all of them, he saw
two curious hazel eyes looking at him with utmost love.

"My king. You are early" taehyung said standing up from the vanity that he was seated on, wearing
his flismy robe which had the king swooning right from the moment he saw it.

Tàehyung walked closer with a chuckle and all he could do was hold the kings hand in his, taking
him back from the trance that he is in.

The queen soon coughed and ordered the maids to leave with a shy smile. As soon as the doors got
shut, the omega cupped the alpha's cheek and whispered

"Still astonished after all these years?"

Jeongguk smiled shyly with a chuckle, taking his lovers hand in his and kissing the tip of it.

"How can i not when i have the most beautiful bring in this world as my love?"

Taehyung smiled looking down, his cheeks getting incredibly red "Now, now. Enough flattering
me. Why are you so early?" He asked raising his browns unwinding the drape of the kings gown.

"Nothing.. today was tiring and i wanted to be near you as soon as possible" Jeongguk

said hugging taehyung by the waist and pulling him towards his chest.

His queen shrieked at that, his hand coming between them to make distance.

"Ugh.. gukkie i'm all wet by the oil. I was getting ready for my bath when you came".

"So.. ?" Jeongguk asked with his wide eyes, acting as if he is wondering

"So.. you'll also get all oily and dirty you stubborn alpha" taehyung said smacking his chest.
"I don't mind getting dirtly with you. Let's wash it off together then" Jeongguk said pecking those
rose lips and even before taehyung could realise, he was up in the air picked up by his alpha,
already walking to their bathhouse.

Jeongguk was already laying inside the tub, in all his naked glory, waiting for his love to join
inside. He could see shuffling behind the curtains inside the bathhouse where the queen was
probably removing his robe and taking the needed things to bath.

Usually it was the maids who did it but at certain times, they became each other's helping hands.

Jeongguk who had already set the bath was laying comfortably and when he saw the figure coming
out of the bundle of sheets, he couldn't help but smirk.

Taehyung walked closer and stood beside the tub placing oil and soap he had on a nearby table.
Jeongukk's hand involuntary went to grab onto the omega's waist. Taehyung smiled feeling the
caress of his husband.

"The marks will go away after some months" the omega said as he felt the alpha's fingers grazing
through the stretch marks that adorned his body.

"The healer had said so" he said looking at himself.

"It looks beautiful on you" Jeongguk said smiling, taking the omega's hand so that he could get
inside the tub. Taehyung chuckled hearing

"You would say that even if my whole body is burned" he said as a joke but it's when he settled in
the waters that he noticed the change on his alpha's face.

"Do you think that those are just sweet words and not just coming from my heart?"

"No a-alpha. That's not wh-"

"Tae.. my love. These marks are the symbol of our union. A union through which our love was
born and i can never thank you enough for birthing our son. He is the best blessing you have ever
given us and these marks... they symbolise the struggle your body took to have him in our lives. I
would never see it anything less than beautiful and i would never want to change them unless you
want to"

The alpha said, his eyes looking determined as emotions washed into it. Taehyung took a gush of
deep breath and hugged his alpha close.

"Gukkie.. you know it's not about that. I know you love us more and anything and i'm thankful for
the goddess for giving me such a loving mate"

He whisperer onto his ears, slowly gliding the alpha's head to rest on his shoulders as he soothed
him with his scent, fingers caressing through those raven locks. "And i would also never change
anything we have gone through" the omega continued

"And i love these marks just as much as you do. It's just .. the healer said that it can be removed
and i thought to try it.. sometimes i miss my old body" taehyung said looking down biting his lips.
Jeongguk slghtly moved back and took the others chin in his hand

"That i do too.. but i love this one as well. Whatever form it is, you are my taehyung and i will love
you as much as i can. Heart, mind, body—all mine to love and treasure"
The king said in a whisper gliding his lips onto the queen's, to kiss and savour them with all his
might. Taehyung pulled back from the king in some minutes.

"Is that alcohol that i taste in there?"

Jeongguk looked a bit taken aback, but then he huffed seeing the other waiting for an answer with
curious eyes.

"Today was a tough day angel. All the fuss in the higher chamber was hectic and i wanted
something to calm me down." He said trying his best to state that he needed it.

It was not that the king of a country can't drink. But it was just that taehyung had banned it
whenever they were to make love. He had told him that he wants his husband completely sane
when they devour into eachother and that he didn't want alcohol controlling his lover

"My love, it was just half a glass. See, it's still your alpha" Jeongguk said taking the other's hand
and cupping his cheeks with it.

Taehyung caressed the others cheeks for a few seconds but he looked at the other pensively, as if
he was contemplating on what to do.

"Don't you dare ban me from touching you today omega" even though the words were hard the
look on the alpha's face made taehyung laugh.

Jeongguk looked petrified at the thought of not having his lovers affection today and when
taehyung laughed, the alpha's face changed from fear to mischief.

"You little vixen, you were teasing me weren't you?" Jeongguk asked but he didn't want a response
to it because as soon as those words came out of his mouth, he hands were falling onto the omega
waist, gliding into his arms.

Jeongguk didn't mean it but the alpha's fingers along with the situation that they were in made
taehyung laugh even more.

Jeongguk didn't even notice that he was ticking the other, falling over his body why laughing like a

It was when taehyung screamed "STOP TICKLING ME ALPHA" that he knew it but that only
made him do it more.

He washed his chin directly onto the others neck wanting to make him laugh out more and it
indeed did. Half of the water was now splashed on the floor, with the two lovebirds quarelling and
rolling over inside the tub.

In some minutes, their laughter's died down when they found eachother limbs entangled and
blushing like little children.

Taehyung was a hair away from Jeongguk and the alpha could feel the curves and mounds of his
omega stuck on his body. He went closer to those cherry lips which were now bitten in between
those pearl teeths.

Taehyung whimpered when Jeongguk bit into his lips. Closing his eyes he waited for those rosy
lips to attack his and it did. They kissed as if they were starved for months. The omega moaned
into the other's mouth while grapping his alpha's hair tight. He could feel his body wanting more,
slick flowing invitingly and just then he opened his eyes and said.
"Take me to your bed, your majesty"

Jeongguk drew down the curtain around their bed. Taehyung was waiting inside with his two hands
reaching upward for his alpha to occupy.

Jeongguk grunted and fell right between those plush thighs, gripping tightly on his soft waist.

"Gukki-" the words died as his lips were shut by another. Jeongguk kissed as if his life dependent
on the beauty under his, cupping and guiding his hands through the curves he love.

They have done it a thousand times but everytime they do it again, it feel so powerful. The alpha
glided his lips through the others neck, marking it with his teeth. His mating mark laid on the other
side — healed and secure and kissed it lightly making butterflies errupt in taehyung and the next
stop was one his favorites. Both his hands cupped and squeezed through the plush mounds and as
he gave a light squeeze to the areola making tiny droplet of milk come out of it. He couldn't wait to
have his favorite drink in his mouth With a harsh stuck he started feeding from the right nipple,
taking as much as he wanted while his omega writhed below him from the wetness of his toungue.

It was not the physical feelings but the emotional ones that made them see ecstasy in such
moments. Taehyung had his eyes closed, mouth open taking in more air as he felt his alpha
fervently taking from his all the time.

In some minutes, he saw the raven hair shifting to his left chest, taking and taking as much as he
wants. He couldn't do anything but tug on those locks pushing his husband more towards himself.

Jeongguk's tongue swirled around the little bud when his lips chewed the plush mound around it
softly. All he could think of was the sweetness in his lips and about the angel under him.

Both of them didn't seem to have noticed how much time has passed away as they immersed into
eachother and taehyung knew that his alpha would drink from him all day if it was available

But the slick flowing from him and the very hard length of his husband which he can feel on his
thighs said otherwise.

He wanted his alpha now.

In a flash, Jeongguk is pulled out with force from the omega's chest.

"A-alpha, i-i want you — n-now" he says whimpering.

Jeongukk's pupils were fully blown out and his eyes gleam with a light shade of red while

taehyung's with a light one of blue. They look at eachother and they could feel their inner wolves
screaming for the bonding.

The omega can see a few droplet of white on the corner of his alpha's lips. Taehyung glides his
thump on it, caressing through those rosy lips taking the flavour, and licks it back with the most
lustrous eyes. Jeongguk grunts seeing the sin that is splayed under him. He aligns his length over
the inviting heat and he wants to do it slow and savour the moment as much as he could.

But that is the human side of him but his wolf just wants to claim and claim what's his faster and
just then taehyung feels the hard length gliding inside him. It is pure bliss that he feels as his eyes
role back, back arching towards the top, as he has produced enough slick to take his alpha smooth.

Jeongguk grunts as he falls closer to the heat under him while taehyung bites his lip whimpering.
The thrusts start out low but then after a while, they could feel the bed moving with each of those.
Jeongguk can't control the wildness inside him but he is trying his best for his queen to not go feral
and taehyung just invitingly whimpers making all the right noises and faces to lure the alpha more
into acting by his wolf's desire.

"A-alpha" taehyung moans when Jeongguk hits a right spot. The moans and grunts keep increasing
from then on making the hallways inhabitable as the two reach towards the bliss.

All they could do is hold onto to their human side so tightly when their animal sides take over them
— mating and marking eachother.

Jeongguk hugs taehyung when he feels that the omega is close. His close his eyes and focus more
on the thrust wanting to feel it together.

In seconds taehyung is moaning loud, with his mouth open, while his eyes role back as he cluches
onto the other's length.

Jeongguk sees the rapture in the others eyes and then there is a light smile forming on his lips.

He deems this as one of the most blissful moments in his life — when he sees his queen
experiencing the euphoria that he has given him but then when taehyung climbs down throughthe
low and look at him with those beautiful blue eyes,he knows it his time because his omega gives it
to him.

"T-tae" he breaths out as his thrust becomes more sloppy, cum washing through the insides of his
lover and going directly to the womb. It's pure bliss when he slouches onto the other, feeling the
heat of the other's body, while he hugs taehyung tight with all his might, giving all of it to his

"I-i love you angel" he whisperes to the other and there is lone tear gliding through the omega's
eyes — happy tears.

They sleep that way that night. Jeongguk moving to the side without leaving from his omega's
heat, to be more comfortable as they sleep hugging eachother.

Taehyung only huffs and smiles when the alpha asks with puppy eyes and pouty lips to sleep like
this — connected.

And that's exactly what they do, sleep so peacefully in the embrace of their loved one after making
love to eachother, with a sweet smile on their lips.

It is during early morning that day when he hears a knock on their chamber. He slowly detachs
himself from taehyung and looks outside moving the curtain from his side of the bed. The sun
hasn't risen yet and it must be urgent if they are knocking on his door.

Just before he asks 'what is it' he can hear light cries and whimpers from the other side. His face
goes soft at the sound from the frown that it had before, "Come in" he commands loud.

He quickly covers himself with a rob, walking out of the bed.

"Your majesty" a maid comes in with her head hanging low, with a little bundle in her hand

Jeongguk looks at it with endearment.

"The prince was crying so much. I think it's time for his earny morning feeding" the maid says with
a tight slipped smile.

Jeongguk takes his son from the maid and excuses them. The whimpers and cries has reduced as
the prince felt his father near him

"Mama is asleep my dear, but papa can wake him up" he whispers kissing that tiny red nose of his

Jeongguk goes to the other side of the bed trying to wake taehyung. The omega shrugs at the first
time, too tired and wanting to sleep but just when he hears his baby's cries — his eyes shot open
and swiftly Jeongguk could see how his omega comes out of the slumber and takes their little wolf
in his hand kisssing, hugging, all the while saying how much he missed him.

The alpha comes and sit beside the two, watching endearingly at the way his son nurses from his
omega. It makes his chest fill with pride that he has such a wonderful queen, who is the mother to
his child.

He takes an oath for the millionth time to always protect them — praying to the moon goddess that
his family stays happy and blessed like this forever.



End Notes

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