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Isabella mendez

Forensic psychology

Charles Whitman

Charles Whitman was a mass murderer in texas. He killed his mother and wife before
haphazardly shooting at other people. In 1966, Whitman shot at people from a tower with rifles
in the University of Texas and killed 14 people while injuring 31 others. Then when he was
found, he was shot dead by the police. At the time, this was one of the largest mass shootings.
Whitman was an ex-marine and said he grew up with a domineering and demanding father,
leading to a hostile relationship between them. Whitman said he was fond of his wife but
admitted to having the same tactics as his father towards her, and has physically assaulted her
twice. Though, later he did make harder efforts to not lose his temper with her. Whitman had also
said to be suffering from violent impulses and had even contacted a doctor about it, and was sent
home and never spoke to them or looked for help after that. He even said how he wanted an
autopsy done on him after his death to see if there was a physical disorder making him act like
this. Sure enough, a brain tumor was found in his autopsy, leaving people wondering if that was
the real reason for his crimes.

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