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Q6) nanequilatoq tzianle,_Dnve that thre

times the square a o n e side is equal to

touy times he squae ot one ot its

Hn equilate zal+tsiangle HBC

To prove
3R 4AP2
Qate Da

Bc2= 4Bc- 4AP

3BC =-4AP*

3 2 =4AP2

G17 lick the coyxect ansiecy and iust y lnAABC

h aale B A

Checking hethcy the tzianqle ina right _anqled

36 +3X3

_ANBin_a naht angled tziarql yiaht angled at

End a tailL
SalS PCHcad 2E No o sedemsouttorncstayouzableto beddL
No o all_posihle_outcomes

PCtal) _Outomes tavouzaae totuil

Tota no at ousttaMes

Fx-2A baq coataund- -- Out the-

islavA baL dirtdball i a bue-ball?
Sali niven
Noozcd balÄ1-
No ot blue bal_1
No yellnsuball.s 1
6tql_autcomes s- + |H+ |+|= 3

PCllos eall)
i pCcd_ball) =

i PCue bal)=LE3
equal to 4

Ans 1afalno ot autromes. in thyonin a die 6

Na:No- oAdcames aaarable to the evcnt=_2

Tn0axeatey than 2

siele outcomes o theevert

&favouzable autramcA
PCnd ess thon
PCn eaua 4)= &3

Ex4) Ohe card is dznnNn trema iwell-shuttled dack o

52 cads Lalculate the_pzobability thak_the card

(1)ha be n dLe

S Gton bt accin ar a dect z 4

PCace S2 13

lotal naaf tavauala utta.mesE 52-4148

PCnot an ace /2 =2/Ap
S2 2613
l o playezs he match

Sol (niven

PaabilHy pf 5anageta einninmthematdhE 0:62

PCRsbma sinning the math = |=o-62 =0'38|

Savtaond Honmida are

a leap yfan

lota days in_aycoy= 365

Bots or Hhem _can hve bithday on_a Aam

d byn dar on onc day snlk

kaveurable autcomrs = J65- 6

PCHoida's iday`sdittoetbam Savs

bithday :36H

s PLSata and. Homida have the
hizthday = - 3355

Ex 7)lhec oe 40=
narm at-_

Salb Ttal nuabez o outcoomcs 40
(( Eaxduza.ble outcames 25

eLcard dhron iaaqi)=s =5

Lia PCcord eith a ay name) 4

Er- H bx--- iailbe b

i whrt ? blucii ed
So1 ich
Blue oable= 3
Whe maybesE2
Red mavbles 4

aNa_of favouable outcomes


No: ot tavturable outcames 3

PlBlue hall) =31


No: at avauzable outiamcs

PCRed crads) 4

Ex-9) Hazprcet tasscs

onehcad ?

Sola Possible autonCS

Ea vouzablt atcames E(HH)(H,D(T,H

3 favowrable Outocmes
PLatlead nt hend 33
12) A axtoon
t fs_aLceptabe to Jimmy?
t is acce ptabe to uath 2
Sal otal numbey tQut tomes 100

Numey shits oueptanle to_jiramy

Shits acLeptable h Jmmy)E lo
= l0-R2

i Numbey ot Shizts acceptable t uatha= lo0-4

CShts_atceptable to Smatha) =9 =96

Ex13) w diceane blue--

he_dir ia
gia 13 i i less than ay= l2
Sall Eavsurahle atesnes (2.(35),44)6,3)2
No a aYayrahleoutoml S
6X6 =36|
otal an ot outiomeh=

Plsum a ) _ 5

gia Nadfavourable dsrtuomzsa O-

P[Sum 13) = 0

favdunable outcome

6non tavnuwnGble ta auttor+z)

Naa- toNsunoble_oute omes Q

S Na- tavauzable Outcomu =36-0=36
Psurn EI2) 36
Example 1: Find theprobability of getting a head when a coin is tossed once. Also
find the probability of getting a tail.
Solution : In the experiment of
tossing a coin once, the number of possible outcomes
is two -

Head (H) and Tail (T). Let E be the event 'getting a head'. The
number of
outcomes favourable to E, (i.e., of getting a head) is 1.
Number of outcomes favourable to E
PE) = P (head) =

Number of all possible outcomes 2

Similarly, if Fis the event 'getting a tail', then

PF) = P(tail) = (Why ?)
Example 2: A bag contains a red ball, a blue ball and a yellow ball, all the balls being
ofthe same size. Kritika takes out a ball from the bag without looking into it. What is
the probability that she takes out the
i) yellow ball? (i) red ball? (ii) blue ball?
Example 3 :
Suppose throw a die once. (i) What is the probability f gettinga
number greater than 4 ? (ii) What is the
probability of getting a number less than or
equal to 4?
A ple 4: One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Calculate the
probability that the card will
) be an ace,
(n) not be an ace.
Example 5: Two players, Sangeeta and Reshma, play atennis match. It is known
that the
probability of Sangeeta winning the match is 0.62. What is the probability of
Reshma winning the match?
Example 6: Savita and Hamida are friends. What is the probability that both will
have (i) different birthdays? (i) the same birthday? (ignoring a leap year).
Example 7
There are 40 students in Class X of a school of whom 25 are
girls and 15
are boys. The class teacher has to select student as a class representative. She
WTites the name of each student on a
separate card, the cards being identical. Then
she puts cards in a bag and stirs them thoroughly. She then draws one card from the
bag. What is the probability that the name written on the card is the name of i) a girl?
i ) a boy?
Exampample 8 A box contains 3 blue, 2 white, and 4 red marbles. f a marble is d r a w n
at random from the box, what is the probability that it will be
() white? i) blue? (ii) red?
Example 9: Harpreet tosses two different coins Simultaneously (say, one is af 3
at least one head?
and other of 2). What is the probability that she gets
Solution : We write H for head' and T for 'tail'. When two coins are tossed
simultaneously. the possible outcomes are (H, A), (A, T), (T, A), (T, T), which are all
equally likely. (H, H) means head up on the first coin (say on 1) and head up
on the second coin ( 2). Similarly (H, T) means head up on the first coin and tail up on
the second coin and so on.
The outcomes favourable to the event E, 'at least one head' are (H, H), (H, T)
and (T. H). (Why?)
So, the number of outcomes favourable to Eis 3.
Therefore, P(E)=
i.e., the probability that Harpreet gets at least one head is
Note: You can also find P(E) as follows:

P(E)= 1- P(E) =1-=-3 Since P(E) = P(no head)=

Example I2: A carton consists of 100 shirts of which 88 are good, 8 have minror
defects and 4 have major defects. Jimmy, a trader, will only accept the shirts which
are good, but Sujatha, another trader, will only reject the shirts which have maior

defects. One shirt is drawn at random from the carton. What is the probability that

i) it is acceptable to Jimmy?

(i) it is acceptable to Sujatha?

Example 13 Two dice, one blue and one grey, are thrown at the same time. Write
down all the possible outcomes. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers
appearing on the top of the dice is
(i) 8? Ci) 13? (ii) less than or equal to 12?
Paqe No.
43) 0 Nbn/tb d the last omeciing and
OCithex wasiyoud No e
nto ect ias
Co>xct zc a

-4 a In any case o disciplir.anyation l do

are requied /¢a to be takcr
Inorcct are
Single subjcck Single vcrb
-5J(alhe apitalof Yereen lbi is sihotig
C3 2190 metres abbve the Sea leve

Incoect 2 situaig
Coxyect situated
escnt Continuous tense nMll hot be Uscd

Oainq to the eauy aina Ldoa the ship
dDrtd /(Ça in te middle ot the ocean

ne nco yycct 2 d0nned

Cowect Sonk
Sink T [ Non-livirg hing 1
7 (C ]Eyou isqq clothes b) NeXe n6t
made 'of/Y
ot/ pezmeoble tabic yu il
drown/e in youx swcat

homect will dzovwn.

Caet wiLbe doWn
will be t hird torm of vezb
43. (a) I wasn't/ (b) at the last meeting and/ (c) neither was you/ (d) No error.

44. (a) In any caseno disciplinary action/ (b) are required/ (c) to be taken/ (d) No error.
45. (a) The capital of Yemen/ (b) is situating/ (c) 2190 metres above the sea level/ (d)
No error.
46. (a) Owing to the heavy rains,/ (b) the ship drowned/ (c) in the middle of the ocean./
(d) No error.

47. (a) If yourjogging clothes/ (b) were not made of/ (c) permeable fabric you will drown/
(d) in your sweat.

Answers with explanation

Page No.

0 5 You facilitic
Island Avenue-

Lth Octobey, 2022

be Cazs.e loozdinato
MoxvelInstihute ot Languaqes

Subjecti Inquixyrprding the Erebth


scek ibt6xmatorn Yegazding
diplama_couzhe bzench Xanguag

Kindly pivideme
ottezed by yauy institute
ith the tolloiving details
Pdmission pzocedure
Fee Sur
Purion of he causc
imiqs ot the clas
lyon pot fAuity

tsoulde apprccaabe iyou Could prmide

me h he he dctala_at he _elict
lhonkna Ya
ous Sitexely
Write a letter in 100-150 worde
Fort Road, Kochi.

(ii) Arun's signature all the relevant informa"

(iv) Receiver's designation the advertiser seeking
fee structure, durati
Ilike admission procedure,
(v) Date on which the letter is written the course, timing of the cla5s, transport facilitie
(a) (v). (ii), (), (ii), (iv) etc.
(8 marks)(2020
(b) (v), (i), (iv). (i), (i) of M-3, Ashok Vihar, Newn
(c) (iv), (i), (ii), (6i). (v)
You are Sonia/Sunil
with Messers Bright Pu
(d) (). (i). (iv). (ii). (v)
You placed an order Publisher
of some boo
Darya Ganj, Delhi for the supply
letter will be :
stationery items. When you checked the ceivej
C. Appropriate subject of the
parcel, you found that it contained some dama
(a) Deforestation in the hills
items. Write a letter to the publishe to replace t
(b) of accommodation
at their cost (100-150 words)
(c) Irresponsible tourists defective items
(d) Deteriorating condition
of hill stations (8 marks)2020
his letter will You have lost your original certificates of Classy
Order in which Arun should develop 7.
and XII. You want to get their duplicates issued t
Difficulty in choosing accommodation the procedure. Write a letter to t
() you do not know
(i) Question of cleanliness
Chairman, CBSE, Preet Vihar enquiring about th
(ii) Suggestions for improvement fee to be deposited, mode of payment, time taken h
(iv) Mention his visit the board for issuing duplicate certificates and an
()What he saw on the way uphill other formalities. You are Tarun/Taruna, 7/9, Ku
(a) (v), (ii), (i), (ii), (iv) Apartments, Shimla (100-120 Words).
(b) (iv). (v), (6i), (i). (iti) (8 marks)(Delhi 2019,
(c) i). 6i), (iv). (i), (v)
(d) (iv), (v), (Gii). (Gi), (i) 8.
E Choose the option containing the suggestions which ADVERTISEMENT
are most important for improvement.
Institute of Hospitality Management
() Government to build affordable guest houses
F-5, Junk Road, New Delhi
(i) Tourists to be responsible citizens
(ii) Forest officials to be more vigilant A few seats available in Housekeeping
(iv) Sanitation staff to be more efficient course.
(vHotel staff to be more guest friendly Contact immediately for further details.
(a) ). (i), (ii) (b) (i), (ii), (v) You are Ramesh Kumar/Radhika Kumari, 12A,Fort
(c) (v). (v). (i) (d) (ii), (iv), (v)
Road, Agra. You read the above advertisement
The concluding remark ofthe letter should be: in a local daily. You want to pursue the course in
(a) Ihope my letter will be read with due attention. housekeeping. Write a letter to the Director of the
(b) I hope that conservationists will get a wake-up Institute inquiring about the duration of the course
call. fees and other details. The letter should be in 100
c) I hope my letter 120 words. (8 marks) AI 2019
gets an adequate response
from the hotel industry. 9. You are Prabhu Kumar/Parvati of 17E, Ravi Das
(d) Ihope that my letter helps in promoting tourism Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to t
and environmental protection. editor of a newspaper about the nuisance cau
You Mukesh/Manju living at 7/31, Kamala
are by loudspeakers in the city during examination d
Nagar, Kanpur. There are many stray dogs in your drawing attention of the concerned authorities
colony. They chase vehicles, trouble strangers and the problem. (8 marks)2016

sometimes bite the children. They are a 10. In about 100-120 words, write letter to the e
nuisance. a
Write a letter of
complaint to the of the Daily Express, expressing your views on
Commissioner, Kanpur requesting him toMunicipal
instruct topic reckless driving and its impact.
the concerned staff to take
appropriate action. (5 marks)(Board Term 1, 20
(100-150 words) (8
marks)(2020) 11. Write a letter to the editor, Time in about
Vipul/Apoorva, living at D-424, Island Words
Avenue, Ernakulam. You have seen an expressing your views on the topic Peb
about a diploma course in French advertisement True friends using the hints given below:
be organized by Maxwell language soon to Help us get rid of loneliness and boredom.
Institute of Languages.
Loyal, caring 5 marks)(BoardTerm1.20

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