P.E WK 5-6

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Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
- 1 John 4:8
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Score: _____________

Physical Education 9
Quarter 1 Week 5
Lesson/Topic: First Aid for Sports Events
First aid is an immediate help provided to a sick or injured person until professional medical help arrives
or becomes available. It aims to preserve life, prevent further harm and complication, to seek medical help and provide
Sports Injuries
1. Acute Injuries – it happen suddenly and unexpectedly.
2. Chronic Injuries – it develop when the same groups of muscles or joints are overused for a long period of time.
Here are some common sport injuries:
a. Sprain – happens when the ligaments that connect the bone are stretched or twisted.
b. Ankle sprain – happens when the ligaments in the ankle bone are stretched, twisted, resulting in pain,
swelling or stiffness.
c. Bruise – caused by bumps of falls.
d. Concussion – a minor head trauma caused by a blow to a head.
e. Cut and abrasion – happens when the skin rubs off or tears.
f. Dehydration – happens when the body loses too much fluid.
g. Dental damage – happens when a tooth or a teeth are dislodged, crack, or break.
h. Dislocation – happens in the elbows and shoulders because of fall.
i. Fracture – happens when a high-impact force cause a bone to break.
j. Strain – happens when the muscle is stretched or pulled too much.
k. Knee-joint injury – happens when the ligaments, tendons, and cartilages are damaged, causing pain, swelling
and stiffness of the knee.
l. Nose injury – happens when the nose is hit forcefully.

Lesson Objective/s:
 determine the possible injuries that may occur in a sport setting;
 sustain interest in the importance of having first aid kit at home;
 execute a first aid treatment.
Activity 1
Watch the video and find out why learning first aid is important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=P3qZ1rT3HSo. Answer the following questions:

Guide Questions:
1. In a sport setting, what are the possible injuries that may occur?
2. Have you experienced a minor accident or injury? What were the actions that you took?
3. Do you think it is important for teenagers or young adults to learn first aid? Justify your answer by citing

Things to remember when applying first-aid:

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

First Aid for Nose Bleeding

 Stop the activity. Signs and Symptoms:
 Sit with head leaning forward.  Chest pain
 Pinch the nostrils together and breathe  Discomfort or intense chest pressure
through your mouth. Steps on applying first aid:
 Hold the nose for at least 10 minutes.  Have the patient stop what s/he doing and let
 If bleeding continues for more than 30 him lie down in a comfortable position. Don’t let
minutes, seek for medical advice. the person move around.
 Have someone call the physician or an
First Aid for Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries ambulance.
(P.R.I.C.E.)  If the person is under medical care, assist the
 Protection person in taking his/her prescribes medicines.
 Rest  Check breathing and pulse continuously and be
 Immobilize prepared to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 Compress (CPR), if necessary.
 Elevation
Heat cramps – are painful involuntary muscle cramps
First Aid for Head and Spine Injuries that can occur during and after exercise or working in a
 Call the local emergency number or make hot environment.
someone make the call for you. Steps to apply first aid:
 Minimize the movements of the head, neck  Remove the patient from a hot environment.
and back.  Encourage the patient to drink a beverage that
 Check for life-threatening conditions. contains salt.
 Maintain open airways.  If Oral Rehydration Solution packets are not
 Control any external bleeding with direct available, make one by mixing 6 teaspoons of
pressure, unless the bleeding is located sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt in a liter of clean
directly over a suspected fracture. water.
 Help the victim maintain a normal body  Stretch the affected and massage the area once
temperature. the spasm has passed.

Other Sports-related Emergencies and Their First Exhaustion – a milder form of heat-related illness that
Aid Procedures can develop after being expose to high temperature.
Fainting – partial or complete loss of consciousness Signs and Symptoms:
resulting from a temporary reduction of blood to the  Heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps,
brain. dizziness and tiredness
Sign and Symptoms:  Headache, nausea, fainting, moist skin and weak
 Dizziness pulse rate
 Signs of shock such as pale, cool, nausea Steps to apply first aid:
 Numbness in fingers and toes  Remove the patient in the hot environment. Fan
Steps on applying first aid on a fainting person: the body, place ice bags, or spray water on the
 Position the victim on his/her back. skin.
 Keep the victim in a lying position.  Start oral rehydration salts packet or make one
 Loosen any restrictive clothing. using the recipe mentioned earlier.
 Check for other conditions.
 Do not give anything to eat or drink to the Heatstroke – a form of hyperthermia. Prolonged
victim. exposure to high temperature can cause the body’s
temperature control system to fail.
Heart attack – called myocardial infraction. It occurs Signs and Symptoms:
when the blood and oxygen supply to the heart is  Strange behavior, headache, dizziness,
reduced, causing damage to the heart muscle and hallucination, confusion, agitation, disorientation
preventing blood from circulating effectively. and coma.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

 High body temperature, absence of sweating, Signs and Symptoms:

rapid pulse and difficulty in breathing.  Unusual sensation, irregular breathing patterns,
 Nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weakness. drooling, upward rolling of the eyes, rigid body,
uncontrollable, rhythmic muscle contractions
Steps to apply first aid: and convulsions;
 Call the local emergency number.  Decreased level of responsiveness, loss of
 Move the person to a cool place. bladder or bowel movement
 Cool the patient immediately by immersing Steps to apply first aid:
him/her with cool water.  Reassure the victim that you’re going to help.
 If water immersion is not possible or delayed do  Remove nearby objects that might cause injury.
the following:  Protect the victim’s head by placing a thinly
 Douse the patient with copious amount folded towel beneath it.
of cold water.  Do not hold the patient when a seizure is in
 Spray the patient with water. progress.
 Fan the patient.  Do not put anything in the victim’s mouth.
 Cover the patient with ice towels.  Loosen clothing and fan the victim if the
seizure is caused by a sudden rise in body
 Surround the patient with ice bags.
 Respond to any life-threatening conditions that
 Ensure that the victim’s airway is open and
may occur.
check for breathing and other injuries once the
seizure is over.
Hyperventilation – occurs when a person’s breathing is
 Stay and watch over the victim until the victim
faster and more shallow than normal.
is fully conscious.
Signs and Symptoms:
 Afraid, anxious, confused
 Dizziness, numbness of fingers and toes. Aquatic Emergencies
Steps to apply first aid:
 Help the person rest in a comfortable position. Near-drowning
 If the person is conscious, check for other  Make sure that area is safe.
conditions.  Always check first to see whether a lifeguard or
 Try to reassure the person to reduce his/her trained professional is present before helping
anxiety. someone in trouble in the water.
 If bystanders are present, ask them what they  Do not swim out to a victim unless you have the
know about the person’s condition. proper training, skills, and equipment.
 Tell the person to relax and breathe slowly.  If the appropriate safety equipment is not
 Seek for medical help immediately. available and there is a chance that you cannot
safely help a person in trouble, call for help
Open wound – occurs when an outer layer of skin is immediately.
broken.  If you will assist someone who is having
Steps to apply first aid: trouble in the water, you must have the
 Use a barrier between your hand and the wound. appropriate equipment for your safety and the
 Apply direct pressure. victim.
 Wash abrasions and other superficial wounds.  Send someone else to call the local emergency
 Apply a povidone-iodine antiseptic solution or if number while you start the rescue.
available, a triple antibiotic ointment or cream.
 Cover the wound with a sterile dressing. Submerged Victim
 Wash your hands immediately after giving care.  If the victim is at the bottom of the pool in the
deep water, call for help immediately.
Seizures – occur when normal functions of the brain are  If the victim is in shallow water that is less than
disrupted by injury, disease, fever, poison or infection. chest deep, carefully wade into the water with
some kind of floating equipment.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

 Reach down and grasp the victim.

 Pull the victim to the surface.
 Turn the victim face up, and bring him/her into safety.
 Remove the victim from the water.
 Provide emergency care.

First Aid Kit – helps to ensure the safety of an injured person in an emergency.

Things that must be included in the first aid kit:

 Sets of adhesive strips (small, medium and large wounds)
 One hypoallergenic medical tape (1.25cm x 91cm)
 Conforming bandage (5cm)
 Triangular bandage (110cm x 110cm)
 Large wound dressing
 Two antiseptic swabs
 Metal tweezers (8cm)
 Disposable scissors
 One set of assorted safety pins
 Resealable plastic bags (100cm x 180cm) (150cm x 230cm)
 Disposable gloves
 First aid quick reference guide
Activity 2
Take a picture of the first aid kit together with your family members, and list the materials inside it. The first aid
kit is not limited to the things listed previously. You can add other items that you think is important.

Guide Questions:
1. Why is it necessary to have first aid kit at home?
2. Have you experienced treating someone? Cite your experiences.

Performance Task
There will be a medical mission in your barangay. You are one of the medical practitioners. You volunteer to help
the mission. You are asked to perform a first aid in any injuries cited above. You must tell what you should perform first.
Record your performance through a video. Your audience will be your teacher that will serve as your head physician. You
will be graded with the following criteria : organization, intro, outro and credits, information, creativity and elements of
design and music, sounds, effect and voice.
Beginning Developing Accomplished Distinguished

8 12 16 20
Organization Difficult to follow. Portions may be poorly Fairly well documented Program shows a
Poor quality shows documented and/or and organized. Format continuous progression
poor effort. organized. Hard to is easy to follow. Good of ideas and tells a
follow the progressions explanation shows good complete, easily
of the video. effort. followed content. Well
Explanation shows organized.
some effort.
Intro, Outro, and The video either has an The video has an intro The video has an intro Intro and outro add to
Credits intro or and outro. The and an outro and it is of and an outro. It is the high level attained
intro/outro is of low moderate quality. consistent with the rest by this video.
quality. The video does Credits/citations may or of the video. Credits/citations are
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

not use credits/citations may not be present. Credit/citations is given given to appropriate
Activity 2 at all. to appropriate sources. sources.
Information Project’s usefulness is Project has problems Video is focused on an Video is laser focused
in question. Does not staying focused on informative topic. on the topic. The topic
inform; does not stay topic. Information is Video makes is very easy to
focused on the topic. incoherent at times. understanding the topic understand. The video
The video shows a fairly accessible and demonstrates an
shallow depth of easy. Video obvious depth of
knowledge on the topic. demonstrates a depth of knowledge on the topic.
knowledge on the topic. Student went beyond
the scope of the
assignment and the hard
work shows.
Creativity & Elements Use of elements Minimal use of design Good use of graphics Excellent sense of
of Design detracts from video. elements. No and/or other design design. Effective
Too many or too gaudy transitions. Sound is elements. Some camera techniques used
graphics; transitions, lacking or inappropriate transitions are for the video and
too many clips, or scratchy. Some inappropriately placed. pictures. Video and
backgrounds and/or pictures or video clips Sound quality is OK. pictures are in focus
sounds detract from may be out of focus or Video clips or pictures and of good quality.
content. Pictures or “shaky”. Some screens are clear and in focus. Smooth transitions are
video clips may be out do not change Images or camera appropriate and aid in
of focus or “shaky”. angles/colors/words angles change every 7 delivery of the
One image on screen very frequently. seconds or so. presentation.
for an elongated period
of time.
Music/Sound The audio or video is The audio and/or video The audio and video Audio/video effects
Effects/Voice garbled and hard to effects are of moderate effects are of acceptable flow exceeding well
decipher. Too much quality. Some background quality. There are few and are of high quality.
background interference noises not related to the distracting aspects to
and/or the video is of low presentation are heard.
the audio/video.

Guided Questions:
1. Are you willing to help other people, even strangers, in time of emergencies? Justify your answer.
2. In your own opinion, is it important to have a mini first aid kit in your bag wherever you go? Explain.
3. Helping others in times of needs was one of the good deeds that anyone can do. As a citizen of your country, how
can you help others especially during this time of pandemic? What are the possible actions that can you do? Give
some and explain.
4. Having a first aid kit at home is really appropriate. But nowadays, families at home don’t have any first aid kit.
How can you encourage them to have some alcohol, betadine, cotton etc. at home? Elaborate your answer.

Good luck! God bless!

Ms. Donna Mae L. Bautro
CP# 0906-434-8950
FB Account: Donna Mae Bautro

Practical MAPEH 9, Jeffrey Raymond C. Abanto pp. 206-214

Prepared by: Checked by:

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com


Subject Teacher Principal

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