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NOMBRE Lengua extranjera

Defective verbs. May (possibility-permision). Must. (obligation). Mustn’t (prohibition).
Indefinite pronouns:no-other-onother-each. All,every,few,a few, lettle, a letle, uther,
another, none, each of trem, some of them. There is/there are. Compound adjectives.
Comparatives; less...than/ Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself,
herself/himself/itself/and plural. Past. Indefinite tense. Affirmative. Negative and
interrogative form. Defective verbs; have to, should. Adverbs: adverbs of manner:
quickly, well, etc. Adverbs of frequency: often, sometimes, etc. Prepositions of
place/the/movement. Compound indefinitive pronouns: something/ anything/ notbody/
everybody/ someone/ anyone/ everyone/ some where/ any where ,now here, every whe.
Conversation past continuous. Tense affirmative. Interrogative and negative forms.
While/when. Absolute participial construction. Comparative: (not) as
good/well/much/many as...possessive case ( genitive case) prepositions after adjectives:
pleased with, worried about, good at, interested in, etc. Business letters form Present
perfect tense. Affirmative, interrogative and negative...form adverbs: just, abuady,
never, for, sence, ever. How...long?. The pronouns: one/ones future and indefinite tense.
Affirmative, negative and interrogative form. Defective verbs: able to/used to/need.
Comparesons of adverbs: slowly/more slowly, faster, more faster
Phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs. Ex: breakout, switch on/off, set up, send to, look
for, consis t of, change into,etc. Inchoactive verbs: become, get, grow. Present perfect
continuous. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms. Questions tags ( hasn’t it/ /can
he? ). Conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating. Reading. Vocabulary and
conversation. Passive voice. Present tense. Past tense. Future tense. Deductive verbs.
“ing” form: noun adjective, verb. Uses of “should instructions, specifications,
expectations. Word formation: profixation: negative. Prefixes. Reversative or private
prefixes. Reading. Vocabulary and conversation. Uses of “wil”: futurity, capability,
timeless prediction. Conditional sentences typel ( probable conditional ). Type2
( improbable conditional ) . Type3 ( impossible conditional ). Use of “unless”. Past
perfect tense. Conjunctions. Coordinating conjutions. Subor dinating conjunctions.
Interrogative pronouns. Adverbial clauses. Noun classes. Suffixation: noun suffixes,
adjectives suffixes. Verbs suffixes. Past perfect tense. Affirmative, interrogative and
negative. Emphafic: “do”. Conditional mood. Future perfect tense. Affirmative,
interrogative and negative. Causative use of “have” (to have something done).
Transitive and intransitive verbs. Passive voice. Past cont. Tense. Past perfect, may/be
done, it must/ be done/could. Parts of speech. Bruf analysis of the different categories
and functions. Direct and indirect speech. Word study: adjectives forthmed from nouns
and verbs. Nouns formed from verbs and adjectives. The plural of nouns. Inchoative
verbs: to breakout, swintch on, set up, brake off, brake on. Present perfect continuous.
Interrogative affirmative and negative forms. Questions tags. Vocabulary. Reading and
conversation. Interrogative pronouns. Relative pronouns. Reduced relative clauses.
Adverbial clauses. Noun clauses. Word formation, prefixation. Negative prefixes.
Privete prefixes. Prefixes of attitude. Lative prefixes. Suffixation: noun suffixes.
Introductory “it” and impersonal passive. Past participles of irregular verbs. Conditional
mood. Conditional sentences. Tenses of verbs. Relative clauses. Contextual references.
Connectors. Word study. Adjetives formed from nouns and verbs. Nouns formed from
verbs and adjetives. Patterns expressing result. The use of time expressions. Tense of
The plural of nouns. Inchoative verbs: to breakout, swintch on, set up, brake off, brake
on. Present perfect continuous. Interrogative affirmative and negative forms. Questions
tags. Vocabulary. Reading and conversation. Interrogative pronouns. Relative pronouns.
Reduced relative clauses. Adverbial clauses. Noun clauses. Word formation,
prefixation. Negative prefixes. Privete prefixes. Prefixes of attitude. Lative prefixes.
Suffixation: noun suffixes. Introductory “it” and impersonal passive. Past participles of
irregular verbs. Conditional mood. Conditional sentences. Tenses of verbs. Relative
clauses. Contextual references. Connectors. Word study. Adjetives formed from nouns
and verbs. Nouns formed from verbs and adjetives. Patterns expressing result. The use
of time expressions. Tense of verbs.

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