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Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143

11th International Conference on Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques,

MBMST 2013
Field Testing of Old Narrow-Gauge Railway Steel Truss Bridge
Darius Bacinskasa,*, Zenonas Kamaitisa, Donatas Jatulisa, Arturas Kilikeviciusb
Department of Bridges and Special Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio ave. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Department of Machine Building, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J. Basanaviciaus str. 28, LT-03224 Vilnius, Lithuania


Investigation results of a historic narrow-gage railway steel truss bridge built in 1936, still in use, is presented. During the World War II
the bridge was exploded and has been restored later after the war (1946). The original design documentation was lost. The aim of this
study is to investigate the structural condition and the behaviour of the riveted steel truss bridge with the aid of full-scale static and
dynamic testing. The field load tests have been conducted to develop an analytical model, to be used for assessment of bridge capacity.
Static and dynamic tests of the bridge using two original locomotives were performed. Supplementary dynamic tests using impulse
excitation were also carried out. The responses (stresses, static and dynamic displacements, accelerations, mode shapes, corresponding
resonant frequencies and modal damping values) of bridge superstructure were determined. Research has shown that the bridge exhibit
sufficient reserve of capacity for safe operation.

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Keywords: narrow-gauge railway; heritage; steel truss bridge; full-scale testing.

1. Introduction

Many narrow-gauge railways are usually built in the 19th century in many parts of the world primary for industrial
purposes in mountainous or difficult terrain where standard gauge would have been too expensive. Today most existing
narrow-gauge railways have gauges between 610 mm and 1067 mm. Many of these historic railways are used today for
tourist purposes. In many countries narrow-gauge railways are preserved as cultural resources including bridges and tunnels
located on these lines. Inspection, evaluation and rehabilitation of older historic bridges became very important and specific
task for structural engineers to preserve of cultural heritage. Frequently, these bridges are found deficient because of aging
and deterioration of structural elements.
The narrow gauge railway in Lithuania was built by the Russian Tsarist government at the end of 19th century. It is
750 mm gauge with total length of 179 km. The main traffic was freight with forest as well as to transport passengers. The
complex of narrow gauge railway is cultural object of the Republic of Lithuania and has a status of cultural heritage. The
line Anyksciai–Rubikiai (total length is 68,4 km) is well known for its tourist train which offers a romantic trip to the
fascinating lake Rubikiai. Tourist trains run along this line crossing old steel bridge on the Sventoji River using the original
two locomotives and four carriages. The riveted steel bridge was constructed in 1936 to replace the old wooden one. During
the World War II the bridge was heavily damaged by explosion and later after the war (1946) was restored on the ancient
piers and abutments and locally strengthened.

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+370 5 2370615; fax: +370 5 2700112.

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1877-7058 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143 137

Static and dynamic tests of the bridge using two original locomotives were performed to obtain valuable information on
the service behaviour and performance of the old structure. The knowledge gained will help to determine whether there
exists sufficient reserve of capacity for safe operation of the bridge. The results of this investigation are presented in the
present paper.

2. Bridge description and instrumentation

The three-span bridge is a symmetric simply supported riveted truss bridge with two said spans of 26.7 m each and
central span of 30.0 m with a total length of 96.64 m. The deck is 4.5 m wide and accommodates one 750 mm gauge track
on wooden sleepers mounted directly on steel floor beams and stringers. The main girders are two riveted parallel trusses
3.80 m high and 4.12 m apart (Fig 1) simply supported through two restraining and two roller bearings on massive
reinforced concrete piers. The depth-to-span ratio of truss spans is in the range of 1/7–1/8.
The main truss girder consists of the riveted longitudinal parallel top and bottom chords, verticals (posts) and diagonals.
The chords and diagonals are box shaped consisting of standard rolled channel sections connected with laces. Vertical posts
are composed of angles and plates. At the upper and lower chords, the main trusses are connected with the two vertical
transverse bracings at supports and horizontal top and bottom lateral cross bracing systems. All bracing systems are made of
angles and also are riveted to connection plates. It should be noted that original drawings of the bridge were lost.

Fig. 1. Elevation (a) and typical cross-section (b) of the bridge

The detailed inspection, analytical work and field load testing were performed to assess the condition of the bridge. The
bridge was inspected with the purpose to identify any defects that may be present and to establish their causes. Detailed
inspection revealed the defects and damages such as corrosion of steel, aging, deformations and distortions, various local
defects (buckling, lost rivets, seized bearings) that are en general typical for old riveted steel structures [1–4]. Due to the
limited space of paper they are not analysed here.
In-situ bridge testing was performed using two test locomotives TY-2. The two tandem locomotives had a total weight of
640 kN and 8 axles with distances shown in Fig 2. For tests spans 2 and 3 a total of 20 sensors were installed on the bridge
superstructure at locations where a maximum response was expected, as shown in Fig. 3. These sensors included linear
variable differential transducers (LVDT) at mid-spans and supports, vertical and lateral accelerometers at mid spans.

Fig. 2. Two tandem original locomotives TY-2 used for load testing
138 Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143

Fig 3. Typical instrumentation of the bridge deck: Il1-IL11 – linear variable differential transducers (LVDT);
SK1, SK3 – vertical accelerometers; SK2, SK4 – transversal accelerometers

3. Static tests

Two static live load cases were set up to determine the displacements and strains at different sections of two spans of the
bridge. The first load case simulate the maximum test live load on the superstructures at supports and the second load case
cause the maximum moment at the center of the spans. The deflections were measured at mid-spans of the decks and near
supports for recording possible settlement of the bearings (Fig 3).
Typical example of vertical displacement history at mid-span is presented in the Fig 4. The average maximum deflection
recorded at mid-span 2 was 9.4 mm or only 1/3190 of the span and at mid-span 3 was 6.13 mm or only 1/4350 of the span,
well under allowable value of L/600 imposed by codes. The response behaviour was symmetric for span 3 and asymmetric
(within 10%) for span 2 showing the torsional response of the deck. Tests showed the residual deflections at mid-spans after
removal of the test load: 0,022 mm for span 2 and 0,049 mm for span 3. The residual deflections were only in the range of
0,23% and 0,8% of the maximum recorded.

Fig. 4. Vertical displacement history of bridge deck during static load tests of span 3

To determine the critical members of the truss decks the internal forces in these members due to permanent load and two
tandem locomotives (32 t) and one carriage (19.8 t) were computed. Members theoretical resistance was taken as the
product of members cross sectional areas (section losses ignored) and the steel yield strength fy = 165 MPa according to
LST EN 1993-1-1 and LST EN 1993-2 specifications. Characteristic dead and live load values were used. According to tests
results dynamic factor 1 + φ ≈1,10. For comparison purposes, the internal forces in each member were divided by those
members’ yield strength. This parameter is referred as the ratio k, the values of which are given in Table 1.
The calculated k values ranged from a minimum value of 0,03 to a maximum value of 0,70. These results show that the
maximum actual actions in the members were significantly lower than their bearing capacity predicted by standard.
Results of the static test showed that the bridge superstructures remained essentially in elastic state in the service load
test. Stresses in the members of steel deck truss bridge superstructures due to dead and live loads are below allowable
Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143 139

Table 1. Values of ratio k for members of the truss decks

Truss member Span 2 Span 3

min max min max
Top chord 0.09 0.59 0.06 0.48
Lower chord 0.40 0.53 0.30 0.55
Verticals 0.05 0.20 0.03 0.20
Diagonals 0.14 0.70 0.10 0.62
Floor beam - 0.53 - 0.57
Stringer - 0.34 - 0.46

4. Dynamic tests

The speed of tourist train on railroad segment of which the bridge is a part not exceeds 30 km/h. Dynamic load tests were
performed using tandem locomotives passing over the bridge at speeds varying from 15 to 45 km/h. As an alternative,
supplementary dynamic tests were performed using impact excitation by dropping the weight and by instrumented hammer.
The bridge response to impact excitation was measured as acceleration-time records. The tests were performed with a
sampling frequency of 200 Hz. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique was used to find the bridge fundamental
Impact excitation tests. The purpose of the impact vibration tests was to extract bridge superstructure’s dynamic
characteristics to be used for comparison with those obtained from the test locomotives. From impact excitation tests
approximately a total of 7 resonant modes in each span in the range of 0-20Hz from simultaneous measurements of vertical
and lateral vibrations can be observed (Figs 5 and 6). The most distinguished are the first four peaks appearing in the
frequency range of 0-10 Hz in the span 2 and 0-12 Hz in the span 3 (Table 2). Higher mode responses are more difficult to
distinguish confidently due to higher relative noise level and having closely spaced modes. The non-resonant peaks are
present in this phase as well. Note that the peaks at 4.28 Hz (span 2) and 5.24 Hz (span 3) are appeared only in frequency
response spectrum of lateral vibrations. Consequently, mode 1 is a 1st lateral bending mode. The next three dominant modes
show that the bridge decks exhibit coupled torsional and flexural modes. The measured natural frequencies for a given span
were found to be repeatable to within only 1.5% in all 14 impact tests.

Table 2. . Experimental modes and corresponding natural frequencies along with statistical characteristics obtained by impact excitation

Mode Span 2 Span 3 Mode type

NN f, Hz σf, Hz COV, % f, Hz σf, Hz COV, %

1 4.28 0.07 1.64 5.24 0 0 1st bending lateral
2 6.49 0.01 0.15 7.86 0.10 1.27 1st bending vertical
3 8.68 0.01 0.12 9.74 0.11 1.13 1st torsional
4 9.63 0.03 0.31 11.55 0.10 0.87 2nd torsional

The experimental results were compared with analytical procedures which modelled the bridge deck as a beam of
equivalent cross section or as a simple truss. Only actual truss members were included in the model. Whereas, stringers,
floor beams, bracing, and rails were omitted. The first fundamental frequencies obtained from the first model are 6.81Hz
and 8.56 Hz for spans 2 and 3, accordingly and these from the second model are 6.15 Hz and 7.43 Hz.
The first fundamental vibration mode usually predominates the structures overall response. The first vertical bending
natural frequency of a simply supported railway bridge deck can be predicted using the formula n0 = 17.75 / δ0 (LST EN
1991-2/AC), where δ0 (mm) is the deflection at mid-span due to permanent actions. Computed deflection at mid-span due to
dead load δ0 = 6.8 mm for span 2 and δ0 = 4.36 mm for span 3. When, natural frequencies are n0 = 6.81 Hz and n0 = 8.50 Hz
for spans 2 and 3, respectively. The measured natural frequencies (mode 2) for both spans showed relatively good
agreement (within 5% and 7%, respectively) with presented formula predictions.
The mean value of the first natural frequency for simple supported steel truss bridge deck can be determined according to
simple empirical formula [5], as follows f1 = 306.75L–1.07 with the confidence limits of 95%, i.e. within the limits of 5.92
Hz < f1< 8.65 Hz for span 2 and 6.13 < f1< 9.65 Hz for span 3. Experimental values of 6.49 Hz and 7.86 Hz are within these
140 Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143

Fig. 5. Typical vertical acceleration time history and corresponding frequency spectra due to impact excitation at mid-span 2 by dropping the weight on the
centreline of the bridge deck and on the truss (peaks 6.49, 8.68, 9.61 Hz)

(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Typical FFT frequency spectra of lateral vibrations of span 2 due to vertical (a) and lateral (b) impact excitations (peaks 4.37 and 4.8, 6.49, 8.61 and
8.74, 9.61 and 10.61 and 9.74, 11.74, 15.61 Hz)

Using the logarithmic decrement method the modal damping ratio of 1.171% (COV=6.05%) for the span 2 and 2.59%
(COV=6.69%) for the span 3 of the critical damping were obtained for the first vertical mode. The first modes of vibration
have quite high damping ratios which are much higher than recommended by the design standard LST 1991-2/AC (0.5%)
for normal track railway bridges.
Bridge responses due to test locomotives. We observe from the Fig 7 that the free vibrations of the bridge deck are
induced when the locomotives approach to the bridge and when they have left the span. During the passage of the
locomotives over the bridge forced vibrations occur. As can be seen, the maximum response of the bridge increases as the
locomotives speed increases. Some acceleration signals contains distinct peaks which correspond to high frequencies and
are often due to wheel flats and/or rail surface defects. The vertical and lateral maximum peak responses after filtering the
data with a 30 Hz low-pass filter can be read as 1.020 m/s2 and 1.062 m/s2 for span 2 and 1.032 m/s2 and 0.953 m/s2 for
span 3 for the highest speeds considered (Fig 8).
Analysis of FFT spectral peaks for both spans and all locomotives speeds showed that it is difficult to distinguish
between natural frequencies of the bridge spans and those induced by the locomotives. The natural frequencies of the bridge
are accompanied by many harmonics due to the motion of the locomotives. Therefore only the segments of free vibrations
when test locomotives have left the bridge were analysed. Statistical properties of natural frequencies for the first four mode
shapes are reported in Table 3. The fundamental frequencies an general are identical to those of the eigenfrequency analysis
results obtained from the impact tests.
Fig 9 demonstrates the dynamic vertical displacement measurements taken at different passages of the locomotives at
mid-spans 2 and 3 of the bridge. The passage of the two locomotives is clearly detectable in the displacement history curve.
The highest vertical displacement measured is 0.911mm for span 2 and 0.807 mm for span 3 for the highest test speed of 39-
45 km/h. The increase in dynamic excitations with increasing speed can clearly be seen. It should be noted that the bridge
decks are more excited in the torsion mode than in the bending one.
Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143 141

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Acceleration time histories of vertical (a, c) and lateral (b, d) vibrations from test-locomotives crossing the bridge span 2
at speeds 13 km/h (a, b) and 45 km/h (c, d)

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Vertical (a) and lateral (b) accelerations at mid-span section of span 2 and 3 due to the passage of test- locomotives at different speeds
142 Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143

Table 3. Experimental modes and corresponding natural frequencies along with statistical characteristics obtained for the free vibration phase

Mode Span 2 Span 3

NN f, Hz σf, Hz COV, % f, Hz σf, Hz COV, %

1 4,25 0,03 0,71 5,24 0,19 3,63
2 6,37 0,13 2,04 7,80 0,22 2,82
3 8,58 0,13 1,52 9,57 0,37 3,87
4 9,68 0,22 2,27 11,52 0,52 4,51



Fig. 9. Vertical dynamic displacement time histories of the mid-span 2 (a) and mid-span 3 (b) for different locomotive speeds.

Results of the static and dynamic maximum vertical deck displacement measurements at the center of the spans were
used to estimate the bridge’s experimental impact factors. The results show that the dynamic factors increase when the
locomotives speeds become higher (Table 4).

Table 4. Experimental and theoretical impact factors

Speed Span 2 Span 3

km/h (1 + φ)exp (1 + φ)cal (1 + φ)exp/((1 + φ)cal) Φ (1 + φ)exp (1 + φ)cal (1 + φ)exp/((1 + φ)cal) Φ

13 1,033 1,022 0,989 1,040 1,032 0,992

21 1,055 1,033 0,979 1,054 1,052 0,998
1,159 1,185
39 1,080 1,057 0,979 1,094 1,097 1,003
45 1,094 1,065 0,973 1,117 1,112 0,996
Darius Bacinskas et al. / Procedia Engineering 57 (2013) 136 – 143 143

Lithuanian standard LST EN 1991-2/AC suggests simplified method to evaluate the dynamic factor 1 + φ = 1 + φ’+ φ’’
resulting from actual service trains on the standard track gauge bridges. The values of the dynamic factors derived from the
standard are compared in Table 4 with the experimental data. The comparison of calculated theoretical to experimental
dynamic factors is quite good, with an average difference of only 2%. For comparison dynamic factor Φ3 to be used for the
design of new railway bridges is also presented in the Table 4. The value of impact factor used during design of the present
bridge is not known.

5. Conclusions

Present study investigates the field performance of the historic narrow-gage railway steel truss bridge. Static and
dynamic field load tests have been conducted to develop an analytical model for assessment of bridge condition. The
following conclusions can be drawn:
• the average maximum deflection recorded at mid-span 2 was 9.4 mm or only 1/3190 of the span and at mid-span 3 was
6,13 mm or only 1/4350 of the span, well under allowable value of L/600 imposed by codes. The response behaviour
was symmetric for span 3 and asymmetric (within 10%) for span 2 showing the torsional response of the deck. The
residual deflections at mid-spans after removal of the test load were only in the range of 0.23% and 0.8% of the
maximum recorded.
• from impact excitation tests approximately a total of 7 resonant modes in each span in the range of 0-20Hz from
simultaneous measurements of vertical and lateral vibrations were observed. The most distinguished are the first four
peaks 4.25; 6.37; 8.58 and 9.68 in the span 2 and 5.24; 7.80; 9.57 and 11.52 Hz in the span 3. Higher mode responses are
more difficult to identify confidently due to higher relative noise level and having closely spaced modes. The measured
natural frequencies for a given span were found to be repeatable to within only 1.5% in all 14 impact tests.
• theoretical values of the first natural frequency determined using LST EN 1991-2/AC specifications are 6.81 Hz and
8.50 Hz for spans 2 and 3, respectively. The measured natural frequencies (mode 2) for both spans showed relatively
good agreement (within 5% and 7%, respectively) with analytical predictions. Experimental values are within the
allowable limits 3,93–9,86 Hz specified in LST EN 1991-2/AC.
• vertical and lateral maximum peak responses of forced vibrations recorded during the passage of the locomotives over
the bridge are 1.020 m/s2 and 1.062 m/s2 for span 2 and 1.032 m/s2 and 0.953 m/s2 for span 3 under the highest speeds
considered. These values are significantly lower the limit maximum value of 3.50 m/s2 presented in LST EN 1991-2/AC
• results of the static and dynamic maximum vertical deck displacement measurements at the centre of the spans were
used to estimate the bridge’s experimental dynamic factors which were compared to theoretical values calculated using
LST EN 1991-2/AC specifications. Very good agreement between the theoretical and test results can be stated. Average
difference of only 2% has been achieved.
• analysis results have shown that the bridge superstructures remained essentially in elastic state in the service load test.
Stresses in members of steel deck truss bridge superstructures due to dead and live loads are below allowable values.


The first author wishes to express his gratitude for the financial support provided by European Social Fund within the
project “Development and application of innovative research methods and solutions for traffic structures, vehicles and their
flows”, project code VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-020.


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[3] Ermopoulos, T., Spyrakos, C. C., 2006. Validated analysis and strengthening of a 19th century railway bridge, Engineering Structures 28, p. 792.
[4] Hai, D. T. 2006. Current status of existing railway bridges in Vietnam: an overview of steel deficiencies, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62,
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[5] Fryba, L., 1996. Dynamics of Railway Bridges. London (UK): Thomas Telford Ltd, p. 332.

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