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Scythe Cheat Sheet

On your turn: On your turn you will take 1 of 4 top row actions and if you are able to pay the resource cost, you may
also take the corresponding bottom row action.

Top Row Actions – Basic actions

1) Move - (Move 2 units 1 space each [Can be upgraded] or take coin)

2) Produce - (Produce resources on quadrants where you have workers)
3) Trade - (Pay some money to obtain some resources)
4) Bolster - (Increase power or take combat card/cards)

Bottom Row Actions – (Cost resources to complete)

1) Deploy - (cost metal) - Deploy a mech onto an area where you have a worker.
2) Build - (cost wood) - Build one of your buildings on an area where you have a worker.
3) Upgrade - (cost oil) - Make your actions more efficient. Move 1 cube from top row to bottom on action board.
4) Enlist - (cost food) - Gain a recruit, which leads to immediate bonus, and ongoing benefit when opponents take
certain actions.

Objectives: Achieve in any order

1) Complete 4 mechs. (cost metal)- These will assist with movement, open up new areas of the board for
exploration, help with area control, and also with Combat (Each mech in combat lets you add a combat card to
increase chances of winning).
2) Complete 4 Buildings. (cost wood) – These will assist in area control (Each building you put on the board allows
you to control a quadrant of the board as though you had a unit there provided none of your opponents have
units in that quadrant).
1) Mine - Allows you to place a tunnel on the board that is automatically connected to all other tunnels on the
2) Armory – Whenever you take the trade action, the armory also gives you plus 1 power.
3) Monument – Whenever you take the bolster action, also gain 1 popularity.
4) Mill – Whenever you take the produce action, the Mill will produce 1 resource as if it were a worker.
Resource will match the territory where the mill is placed.
3) Complete 6 Upgrades. (cost oil) – Upgrades remove cubes from top row action benefits (granting more benefits
of top row actions) and allow you to cover cost of bottom row actions (they become cheaper).
4) Enlist 4 recruits. (cost food) – Recruits give an immediate 1x bonus, but they give a recurring benefit that you
gain every time one of your opponents on left or right complete specific bottom row actions.
5) Seek out Encounter Cards – These provide immediate benefits when you leader moves into certain spaces.
6) Get your leader to the central factory – Gives you access to a new action card that only you can take.
7) Increase your popularity

End Game Scoring: Game ends as soon as one player places their 6th Star.

• Popularity track determines final multiplier.

• 3 Final factors:
(1) How many Stars you have placed
(2) How many areas you control (central factory counts as three)
(3) How many resources you possess.
• Winner is the one who ends the game with the most money.

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