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1. The Essential Role of Cloud Services through Cloud Computing Technology into the Agriculture Industry.

-Aspects of Agriculture may involve Crop management, Local Farmer’s Information, and Soil Information.

Crop Management:
To give farmers the insights that direct what to plant next, experts gather data on the crops that farmers have been cultivating recently.
Additionally, they receive regional weather information and forecasts for the coming days. Based on the data they receive via cloud
computing, farmers can make decisions in managing their crops.

Local Farmer’s Information:

Authorities employ cloud computing to maintain information on farmers, including information on crop kind, lands, yield, and needed
assistance. Such data is helpful for developing future plans and allocating resources more effectively.

The technology also offers solutions to the problems that farmers frequently run across. The speedy response from professionals makes
this feasible. Through cloud computing platforms, such as Telemedicine, they can offer solutions. The websites and apps of these
companies, on the other hand, are where farmers may access these solutions.

Soil Information:
“Analysts provide soil profiles as part of soil information. They use historical patterns of soil to forecast future trends. Soil experts
evaluate soil acidity and alkalinity, changes in the soil quality and composition. So cloud computing is used to store and analyze soil

IT infrastructures can be used by businesses without having to construct, manage, or even own them. Pay-as-you-go services from cloud
providers enable them to accomplish that. They can use this option to access databases, processing power, and storage, among other
services. Small and medium-sized firms initially did not have access to these opportunities.

One industry that has benefited from cloud computing technologies is agriculture. This is a natural union of the most recent innovation
and the most established industry. Technology is vital in agriculture because of rising population, limited farmland, unfertile soil, and
climate change.
Goal: Use technology that enables Precision Agriculture.

“Precision agriculture leans on technology to monitor and optimize everything from equipment and fertilizer to water and soil. Often
cloud computing is used to collect, analyze and store agriculture data. Cloud-connected wireless sensors capture data from the field and
machine learning algorithms analyze that real-time information, giving farmers a better understanding of crops conditions. Sensors can
continually monitor soil conditions like moisture, pH, protein content, nutrients and temperature.”

Prime Example:

From the Fields to the Cloud

“To see precision agriculture in action, consider the example of John Mitchell, a farmer near Manchester, Iowa, who’s testing precision
agriculture solutions on behalf of John Deere. When he drives his John Deere tractor through his cornfields, he’s only pondering one
type of cloud: rain clouds. But when he stops to readjust the pipes that constitute his irrigation system, he’s tapping into an entirely
different type of cloud: cloud computing farm-management software.”

“As he drives along, Mitchell can assess the moisture levels in the soil below by consulting a dashboard in his tractor. If soil in one part of
the field is already saturated, he can turn the water off. If it’s bone-dry in another part of the field, he can turn the water up.”

“At John Deere, the movement toward precision agriculture started eight years ago with the introduction of its “Farm Forward”
campaign, the ongoing objective of integrating AI into all of its farm equipment. The company’s goal is to use automated driving
technology, computer vision, AI, machine learning and cloud-based mobile applications to help farmers double or even triple their
yields, according to Lane Arthur, John Deere’s vice president of data, application and analytics.”

Term Checking:

Cloud computing - is an information technology paradigm through which users can access shared pools of configurable system
resources over the internet.

“When an organization outsources their computer infrastructure and handling to the cloud, it allows the company to focus on their core
business, instead of having to invest in computer infrastructure.”

“In sum, cloud computing can help with real-time computation, data access, and storage to users without having to know or worry about
the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services.”


Precision agriculture - can be defined as “the application of modern information technologies to provide, process and analyze
multisource data of high spatial and temporal resolution for decision making and operations in the management of crop production”
(National Research Council, 1997). It is the science of improving crop yields and assisting management decisions using high technology
sensor and analysis tools.

src: (a link of a research paper about precision agriculture)

Specificity of Study:
-Local farms here at Davao
- Agriculture business in Davao that involves crop management, soil tracking/maintenance, and storing of farmers/owners information
at a secure platform.

2. The Usage of Automated Journalism.

- Identification of what can be automated in journalism:

Automating traditional journalistic tasks, such as data collection and analysis, as well as the actual writing and publication of news stories.

Two obvious economic benefits:

- increasing the speed
-scale of news coverage.

Advocates further argue that automated journalism could potentially improve the accuracy and objectivity of news coverage. Finally, the future
of automated journalism will potentially allow for producing news on demand and writing stories geared toward the needs of the individual


“Automated journalism is starting to become a norm, at least in fields that rely heavily on data such as in sports and finance. At present, its
impact can be felt when human journalists are given more time to explore other news angles and stories instead of doing repetitive work. News
organizations are also able to publish more content and are reaching a wider audience.”

“Ultimately, though, we are more concerned about automated journalism’s impact on accountability. Human journalists are bound by their
commitment to the truth, conscience, and loyalty to the citizens. How can these ethical principles be cascaded to robot journalists? It looks like
ethical AI has to be extended to include automated journalism.”

Goal: “To free journalists from routine reporting, providing them with more time for complex tasks. Most useful in generating routine news
stories for repetitive topics for which clean, accurate, and structured data are available,” which fulfills “news organizations’ aim to both cut costs
and increase the quantity of news.”


Prime Example:

“The Associated Press became an early adopter of AI technology last year when it partnered with Automated Insights to produce quarterly
earnings reports. The partnership helped AP improve its output from about 300 reports per quarter to 3000 per quarter — and the automated
stories reportedly contained “far fewer errors” than those written by humans.

AP’s automated coverage has so far been limited to formulaic types of reporting, like game reports for college sports and minor league baseball.
And the conventional wisdom is that it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

“The things that can be automated will be automated,” Seth Lewis, Shirley Pape Chair in Electronic Media at the University of Oregon, told me in
April. “But the things that can be automated still make up a relatively short list.””

Term checking:

Automated journalism - refers to the production of news articles by machines or computer programs. It is possible thanks to artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms that allow an application to perform the following functions:

-Scanning enormous amounts of data provided

-Selecting an article template or structure

-Inserting key data points such as places, names, scores, and rankings

Specificity of Study:

Local journalism offices/firms journalists in Davao who desires to acquire assistance from technological based approaches.


3. Why can blockchain be a good technology for music distribution?

- Aspect of music production which can profit most from blockchain technology: music publishing, monetization and the relationship of artists
with their communities of fans

“At its core, the blockchain is a distributed ledger that can validate and register transactions without the need for a central authority. No one
owns the ledger — it’s spread across the nodes that constitute its network and is publicly available to everyone.

Information stored on the ledger is interrelated through cryptographic hashes, which make it virtually irreversible and tamper proof. In a
nutshell, it means that parties can make peer-to-peer exchanges of data, money or anything else of value in any amount and in a secure manner.

One of the advantages of a blockchain ledger is that it can establish a more direct relationship between creators and consumers.

In the music industry, the blockchain could transform publishing, monetization and the relationship of artists with their communities of fans.”


Goal: Use of blockchain technology can streamline not just data, but processes and a lot of middle men; intermediaries who ultimately chip away
from the artist's bottom line. Similar solutions could be found in the distribution of royalties, leveraging smart contracts like those used in Ethereum
to algorithmically and openly define royalty splits and payment.

Prime Example:

MediaChain (now a part of Spotify) is a peer-to-peer, blockchain database for sharing information across different applications and
organizations. In addition to organizing open-source information by issuing unique identifiers for each piece of information, MediaChain also
works with artists to ensure they are paid fairly. The company issues smart contracts with musicians that directly state their royalty stipulations
without the hassle of confusing third parties or contingencies.


Blockchain technology - a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, of the public in several databases, known as the
“chain,” in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Typically, this storage is referred to as a 'digital ledger. '


Related srcs:

Specificity of study:

Local artists, musicians, music producers, and music firms here in Davao.

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