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-VtLUv Polanid

PoLaniud tuche

4hemvd qamit

run- pulanized cle ctAode

*Reentt Elltb.vde:
T h Aefounw tubudu ann iNUUd tb hwea
kwn and conS+ant ha cel pubnta unettthd
by 40ltin Composí Efon
The pwpentfey aht
To hAe a knouwn and ConsLant pulzntial and kvlla
NtYnst untfpo.
2. 4tave VUYsí ble call ALaCtioo.
3 tlave ittle vv nd
huystoisis with ampara tuu
ma CnAnt.
4. De non- pvlaniscd
T h ommencia y uA
ALUunte u vdu an
atalid caloml elecz pae
ilve chloride elutrode -Aqel
3 Thallium chlofde Tlc
tatuuidCalml eluvtwde:
nomn tlatwe u U is

tlet bg cdt uttioos

eYntspOnd m
3Hc)+ 9U
Hg, (C) +3e
euctDde twnt fnnea qlau 07 plastit tube

eontainin t Hq201kC. Thes tube dtps înto a

and h42cl2 Hvu Ha,tda is

satalad 401 okd
tn uutu tube mude
Calle as Calomel Contuine

Las o1 plastic mauia

Plulinuum wïve fs uic for erta nal tonnetin
we chlovídi tlutkodu:

T is w t a A unu tlucka ode which Aeuponds

oncuntratiDn o anion and t h Chimica
to he
ame dioem
TLACDn is Ain puu d
/tq u silver
AqAq Cat4), kcII wintin putt o
Agct C)+t AC) +
3ThaLlium thloide:
DtHu elettzodu
T t is nDt tomnonuy u a

buttw ad vantage
ic it atains euitibium

PDantia moL LApid hun Dhuu atty chanaînq

"Ua {urnttional 4tati Allation fs:

TTtdtiat4) »kcj4a)||
Se0Y elettDdu ane dividd ineo tww typu:

IMAtal tuctvdu
Membrans ele thodu
mtal eletk vdu:
-y Thw a timilas to tefeunu elecb.dde and Ca
be subclanified nto H typt
1he fitt kind elichode
h e Scond kind tutbxpd
3 he third kind elkczodt
.the RLdon typt euckDde

The tint kin Uucvde

Thie elettkode s in diuce eutlibium with
Cationin h elckodi muka

yT u is dunotd a muta

u+ke utS)
ElectaDdu potunL-ial
b05 Looq
0 DS
w Pu is gative wganithmic o i
ase Cu,zn,
eyThe mutalu un inthis, Catqory
Aqte Pbltuad), cd
Scon4. kind eletlz,pele
electzodu fe Auupons+ve to Conuntation tl anon
P Pu ouwn fon maku pantHcipa ti Tth 1t to fovm
Complun TOn.

FDY Cumpl
Aq is w a 40ton kind tulzpde
Aqdc) +t AqCs)+Cs)+ C
Eluivde potertiat
E D.220
0-D591 Loglc]
Thu thid kind luthode
T t p n d s tb dit{aunt cutton undu wtain
ivCLmsEan tes.

Fov eaLAmpll, tta tlat&odu can be ud td duumire

Cafon contntntiorn Tn Caium solution.
4.The Redvn type tucbbde:
An eluulzwali uua4 Madi bf inut mital e
fmumuntd ?n a 4 Dh Containing a &ubttanle in
th reduted ov onidiee t a t .
T e elutpde alouivu a potiOtia) depinding

tindiny of fonx in the so tDpa from hiqhei
tala o own Atal d Onidation and vite vsa.
Th elczode polxntH is duffnc a

Ron elert.odun constuLiDn

|6ur 13-1SC
Pluti typt
9-MAmbAAL euth odt
pn 4elective tuo. membrane
memb7 ane eltavde
molectulan selttive t4pe

Ipn stuctive type

Non-(oustalline mambvant

9-Cystalline munmbrane

2.moletular seluttive tyre

aA eniíng tyPe
2Enzyme subsbai type

Ton Seluttive typ mimbane tiztawde:

Thu tietthodes have 40me elcical .eondutivity

pCL due to ibn bians e Ov AChange

yEach cel! onsi¢ a membrant electvde a

indicatov 4entoy elechodu e a r{euni elecCode
seco tuur tt
tth pdle


MLmoant activity da
- The pointja entie Celf is qíven by1

Em Em (Emz-E)
whe E *C ecDnd Atfeinte tlicttde fula6tia
tam2 is Mmbrane pplt ntia fuv thu ortiiby t
nluanat ola tolution

t m is membrane poUntjal fov t he ot4luity

b Analyl
Es is s t ,elettaode juntlur pols nt ia
E is i st tu{trurnte cletbnd pubnt ia
E Value bEm a t d :

E bDLLNdary pvtinHa!
yTh impontant aApee o fon 4tlettive minbrane

dnttvdde .ic selketiviby coefiúent

tletvity Coetitient:
ks m ds
whw dm d a ativiie k Cativnt oumbrane
on th tnna tili t thi tuwale.
EuCw CUumitg in qa mudia:

A mumben o cwmic. onid have been develapes

Dv the pay t wD decadu and ome aie 4Lill
betno deveio ped whn ftenctlon t thav
elecica ppentie tuch a dtelop ao
hange onductiviby d1
4un[ete pnic conduEIWEY
and D D, uhtn
platei n a ga me dia Ait
hest pavpe»tles ute
iven in betow
natuial îs
La Lle
ohich ie net Coptthnsive
by any Lans (omptukenSiVe
urtionat proptitfer
and utnia Applicati bns
6o 4hein epaeuntations
4lid anayi
Ionic Condutfvíty;u 2D2 mainy u O tnss
Nevn4t enuatD

LnPDa) Nas (con 4tlid elucbolyli,
many au qa
p pantal prs Uu)
Dlid ekckplyh in
Semiconductiiby, tond- f.fialumiapotuniat qenoralbn
uctvity depends on zmp Sn02 ZnD as sunsva«,manly
and patia) prene hydoCabon ga

(PD n
E actiua lun enuay orídes uck 02 enso
n Cons tant yeme C, a T i b3

K Bolkzmunn consEaNE) YSn03

3. suau PnopertyH
Ca) varístor BaliO3 Elec onit s0nsors
T1 euthitas ficta)h
d vaviStDY ConsLant
Ioldob ypícay 85-SD
C6) sfalt ionic Heumidi ty sensors

Conduct viby ZnC2Dy

Functidnaj prope»tieu and appltativns f

elerio Camics.

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