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Group Member :

1. Ade Ryo Surya Dlaksa Budiarta (03) as Lion

2. Luh Putu Citra Kusuma (12) as Mouse
3. I Putu Jefa Kurniadi (21) as Hunter
4. I Gede Okta Widnyana Purnam Dharma (26) as Buffalo
5. Made Swastika Nata Negara (32) as Deer

The Lion & The Mouse

A lion lay asleep in the forest. His great head resting on his paws.
A timid little mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright and
haste to get away, run across the Lion’s body. Roused from his snap, the
Lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny creature to kill her.
Mouse : Spare me! I don’t even want to annoy you. Please let me go
and I will surely repay you.
Lion : Hahahaha! How can you help me, tiny mouse? How can I
belive you?
Mouse : I don’t know how to make you belive me. But I promise you,
when you get in trouble or danger, I will help you if I know it.
Lion : Okay, I will let you go. I’m so pity to see your face. I don’t
even sated if I eat you. So, go quickly before I change my
Mouse : Thank you, I will repay you.
The mouse run quickly to save her life. And she never forget about
her promise to the Lion. She walk around the forest. Suddenly the Deer
and the Buffalo come.
Deer : Hey, Mouse! I hear Lion’s roar near here. Are he here? The
Mouse : Yes, he is. Actually, he is roaring to me.
Buffalo : What? How it could be? What did you do?
Mouse : It was an accident. I run across him body and he feel annoyed.
He almost kill me, but I make a promise and he let me go.
Deer : What? A promise? What do you say?
Mouse : I promise, if he let me go I will help his if I know he is in a
denger, he is a good lion, I think.
Buffalo : Oh, lucky you are not killed. Deer and I are going to the river,
do you want to join us?
Mouse : No, thanks. I want to sleep in my room, refresh my mind.
Buffalo : Oh, okay then.
Buffalo and Deer are gone. Mouse go home and sleep in her
house. A few day later, the Lion is walking around the forest. Suddenly,
he hears a shotgun sound near him. He instantly be panic. He runs very
fast, but he lassoed by the Hunter’s trap. The Lion roar very loudly until
the forest was filled by his angry roar.
Buffalo and Deer hear Lion’s roar. They know there is a Hunter.
They afraid to help the Lion, but they want to.
Deer : What are we going to do now?
Buffalo : I don’t know, I am so afraid with the Hunter. If there is
someone want to help..
Deer : Ah! I kow! Do you remember that mouse will help the Lion
when he get in danger?
Buffalo : Yes, I do. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go to his house!
Deer : Hey! Wait me!
Deer and Buffalo go to mouse’s house. They run very fast. When
they arrived, they know the door loudly.
Deer : Mouse! Open the door! Mouse! Mouse1
Mouse : What is it?
Deer : Hunter. There is a huner. And the hunter is hunting the Lion
that you ever met.
Mouse : What? How it could be? There is no hunter in this forest for a
long time. And are you sure the lion is the lion I ever met?
Deer : we don’t know what they do in this forest, but we are very sure
that is the lion that you ever met. You must save him quickly
before the hunter gone! Before he die!
Mouse : What? I must go to that place. Why don’t you say it before? I
have to help him.
Deer : Do you realy want to go to that place? There is a hunter! That
is so dangerous.
Mouse : I have make a promise. And promise must be full-filled
Mouse run quickly to the place where the sound come from.
Hunter : Ah! Finnaly I got you! I will sell you to the collector and I will
get a lot of money! Haha.
The hunter walk to the behind of the tree near the lion. Mouse
run quickly to the lion. She want to help the Lion.
Lion : Mouse! What are you doing here? This place is dangerous.
Run away from here quickly!
Mouse : I will help you if you get in danger, right? Don’t you
remember? My promise. I am serious with that.
Lion : What can you do to help me? You are a small animal. You
can’t help me. The hunter will come for a minute again. Save
your soul!
Mouse : I won’t! I have make a promise, you save me that time. I will
repay it. I must full-fill my promise. I just need to think the
Ah! I know. I can bite this rope, so you can escaped!
Lion : Nice idea! Come on! Fast, mouse! The hunter will come back.
Mouse : I’m trying..
Mouse bite the rope. The rope finally broke. The lion get out
from the rope quickly.
Lion : Oh.. mouse. I am so thankful when you come to help me. I
think you make that promise to make yourself easy to escape
from me. But now I know that i was wrong. Do you want to
forgive me?
Mouse : Please don’t say sorry to me. Of course I will forgive you. I
have make a promise and must full-fill it. You laughed when I
said I would repay you. But now you see that even a Mouse
can help a Lion.


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