Kyla Bolima - MIL

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Kwentong Jollibee Valentine Series 2021: Hero

1.Look for 1 commercial/advertisement and discuss its components: text, audio, and video
There’s a text that being used, and the font that they used is readable and suits the
commercial. And you can see the design and elements in the font, you can that the fonts or
the text has emphasis, they highlight the text that is important it also the proximity of the
text, the space of each letter or symbol to one another. And in the commercial and fonts is
appropriate to each other. They use only one font that show the repetition and the contrast
as well, the commercial also have alignment and organization. And the commercial has a
good audio, they use audio that suit in the commercial, and it the video has music, dialogue,
waterfall, sound effect, and silence that is under elements of design. It is a video
commercial and suitable for any ages.

2. What do you think are the possible messages of the commercial?

That even a strong person can feel being weak because we all have experience unexpected
events that will makes us feel like sad. For me, the possible message of the video is we all
experience problem and we’ll think of giving up and feels like we cannot underpass the
problem, but just keep on believing that you can overcome any problem, and don’t be shy
to accept help from other people.

3.Do you think the text, audio, and motion media elements in the commercial are effectively
used to send the creator's message to the audience? Explain.
Yes, because the three the commercial will be more interesting so with that a lot of people
will watch or listen to the commercial and a lot of people will be able to heard the message
of every commercial. And the three, has the best way to send the message to the reader.

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