Training Assessment Day 2

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BGas Painting Inspection Grade 2/3

Training Assessment Day 2

1) What speed do the particles exit a venture blast nozzle at 100 psi?
450 M.P.H.

2) Describe how would you carry out a check on air pressure of a blasting
a) Alert the operator and shut down the abrasive, b) Using a hypodermic
needle gauge by inserting into the reinforced hoses are closed as
possible to the nozzle @ 45º.

3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Venturi and straight bore?
Advantages: a) Very fast b) Faster operation c) Large area coverage d) Large
spray pattern
Disadvantages: a) Safety b) Cleaning & Maintenance c) Less Accuracy d) Cost
Straight Bore:
Advantages: a) Cheaper b) Better Accuracy c) Less wear
Disadvantages: a) Long time needed b) More work required c) operator fatigue

4) What is used to determine the presence of hygroscopic salts, in an industrial

Potassium Hexacyanoferrate, Bresle Sample Patch, Merkoquant test

5) Give another common name for Copper slag?

Iron Silicate

6) How many photographs of Flame clean standards are in BS 7079?

4 photographs

7) Name the system for pickling followed by passivation?

Footners duplex system

8) Name the three basic constituents of paint?

a) Binder b) Solvent c) Pigment & other additives

9) What are the two main advantages of Chlorinated Rubber?

a) Flame proof, durability, resistance to acid/alkaline environment, not
so relay upon surface profile

10) What would be classed as a “long Oil”

More than 60% oil to resin

11) Name six Binders?

a) epoxy b) acrylic c) alkyd d) polyurethane e) silicone e) ethyl & methyl
silicates f) chlorinated rubber g) emulsion h) vinyl

12) Describe how rouge peaks are caused?

Blasting in one area too long

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