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1.) How is personal development linked to psychology.

Personal development is closely linked to psychology because it involves the understanding and
improvement of one's own mental and emotional well-being. Psychology is the scientific study of the
mind and behavior, and personal development often involves the application of psychological principles
and techniques to improve one's self-awareness, self-esteem, and overall sense of personal fulfillment.
Personal development may include activities such as therapy, self-reflection, and personal growth
exercises, all of which can be guided by psychological understanding.

2.) Give some popular slogans or phases that are attributable to positive psychology such as “Think

Happiness is a choice." "Change your thoughts, change your life." "Positive mindset, positive life." "The
power of positive thinking." "Choose happiness." "Think positive, be positive." "Positive thoughts create
a positive life." "A positive attitude is the key to success." "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know
that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." "Positive psychology is the study of
the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups,
and institutions."

3.) How does Age and stage of development of a person influence his or her personal development

Age and stage of development can greatly influence a person's personal development. Different
developmental stages are associated with different tasks, challenges, and milestones that a person must
navigate in order to grow and mature. For example, during childhood, a person's main task is to learn
and acquire knowledge and skills, while during adolescence, a person's main task is to develop their
identity and independence. In adulthood, a person's main task is to establish a sense of purpose and to
form and maintain relationships. As we age, the opportunities and challenges we face change, and so do
the ways in which we can work on our personal development. For example, a child will have different
developmental needs than an adult, and may require different methods of personal development.
Similarly, a person in their 20s may have different personal development goals and priorities than
someone in their 60s. Additionally, as people age, their physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities
change, which can also affect their personal development. For example, as a person's physical abilities
decline with age, they may need to adapt their personal development goals to focus on maintaining
their health and well-being rather than on achieving certain physical tasks. Overall, age and stage of
development play a significant role in shaping a person's personal development journey, as they
determine the opportunities and challenges that a person will face, as well as the methods and goals
that are most appropriate for their personal growth.

4.) Relate your spiritual and/ or religious beliefs to personal development. How does this manifest in
terms of your day-to-day behavior at home? In school?
1.) How would you relate Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to your personal life?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is often used as a framework for understanding how people prioritize and
pursue different needs in their personal lives. According to the theory, people first focus on meeting
their basic physiological needs, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing, before they can move on to
addressing other needs. Once these basic needs are met, people may then focus on addressing their
safety needs, such as protection from harm, financial stability, and a sense of security. After safety
needs are met, people may focus on belongingness and love needs, such as developing and maintaining
relationships with friends and loved ones, and feeling a sense of connection to a community. Once
belongingness and love needs are met, people may then focus on esteem needs, such as achieving
success, gaining recognition and respect, and having a sense of self-worth. Finally, once all of these
lower-level needs are met, people may then focus on self-actualization needs, such as personal growth,
self-expression, and the pursuit of one's full potential. It's important to note that this hierarchy is not a
rigid and fixed process, some people may be able to focus on self-actualization while they are still
struggling with meeting their basic physiological needs. And also people may have different priorities,
some might focus on their esteem needs before they focus on their belongingness and love needs and
vice versa.

2.) how can positive psychology help you become happier?

Positive psychology is the scientific study of human well-being and can help people become happier by
teaching them strategies for increasing positive emotions, building strengths, and improving overall
well-being. This includes focusing on the present moment, practicing gratitude, building positive
relationships, engaging in activities that align with personal values, and developing strengths and
positive habits. It also involves accepting and dealing with negative emotions and experiences as
opportunities for growth.

3.) What are your personal experience as an adolescent in terms of the way you think, reason, feel, and
the way you express yourself.

During adolescence, individuals typically experience significant changes in the way they think, reason,
feel, and express themselves. Adolescents are in a stage of cognitive, physical, and emotional
development that is characterized by rapid changes and increased complexity. In terms of the way they
think, adolescents tend to be more abstract and less concrete in their thinking, and they are better able
to think about hypothetical situations and ideas. They also begin to develop the ability to think about
their own thinking, also known as metacognition. In terms of the way they reason, adolescents tend to
be more logical and less dependent on authority figures. They also become better at understanding
cause-and-effect relationships and at weighing the pros and cons of different options. In terms of the
way they feel, adolescents experience a wide range of emotions, and they may have difficulty regulating
their emotions. They are also more likely to experience mood swings and to be affected by peer
pressure. In terms of the way they express themselves, adolescents may be more inclined to challenge
authority, to question traditional values, and to experiment with different forms of self-expression. They
may also be more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as experimenting with drugs or alcohol.
Overall, during adolescence, individuals are going through a process of self-discovery and self-
expression, and they are learning to navigate and understand the complex social, emotional, and
cognitive changes that are taking place in their lives.

1.) in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, where do your find yourself? What needs are being met? What
needs are not yet being met? What do you have to fulfil your needs so that you can move closer
towards self-actualization’

As the questions implies, our needs are at varying levels. These needs are not so much a hierarchy as a
constant ebb and flow. Even Maslow struggled with using the term “hierarchy” because it really did not
describe his intentions well. Physiological and safety needs seem rather easy in our modern society.
While love and belonging is hindered by how we live our lives today. Esteem is always a struggle while
we are constantly bombarded by media bent on showing how inferior we are. Self-actualization is
almost impossible while following any culture or society. Personally, my goal is to simply understand not
only myself but those people around me and the culture I am submersed in. Then, with knowledge, see
myself as an individual and what I need while separating what external influences tell me what I need.
To fulfill my “needs” it is obvious I must seek out people like myself. But this seems counterintuitive as I
do not see restricting myself that way as being self-actualizing. Original Question: In Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs, where do you find yourself? What needs are being met? What needs are not yet being met?
What do you have to do to fulfill your needs so that you can move closer toward self-actualization?

2.) What are your concerns as an adolescent?

I have many problems going around. The most common mental health disorders observed during
adolescence are anxiety and mood disorders. Social phobias and panic disorders are common among
this age group. Girls may tend to have more vulnerability to develop depressive disorders than boys .
Teenagers may have self-esteem or confidence issues.

3.) What is your definition of happiness? How is this related to your personal development?

People may have different ways of expressing happiness, but I know we all

feel the same way. I feel happy when I achieved something for myself and for
my family and for the people around me like my friends. This happiness will
somewhat triggers me to achieved more in life to be satisfied. This will
enhance my personal development. The more I am happy, The more I
achieved something great, it would result to some personal
growth and development in me. So I just have to strive hard to attained
something, achieved great, and be happy and contented in life and enjoy it.

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