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Operation Power-up Inl During power up, the transmitter willbe engaged in the self-test mode. The sel-est wl test the proximity probe system, the transmitter circuitry, and the system functionality, The total ime is roughly 5 seconds. After te inhibit ime, andthe menitor tested OK, the output willbe within the 4A to 20mA range. Set-up Procedure — Utilize Voltmeter 4) Mount the probe against the shatt 2) Connect the probe, the extension cable, and the TR4102. 3) Connect he voltmeter to GAP V and COM on TR#102 4) Tun the power of TR4102 on 5) Gap the probe against the shaft; read the voltmeter unl it shows 10V- 8) Tighten the probe. 4-20mA Calibration Procedure (for certified Engineer only) Callbrtion of 420mA can only be done by experienced (certed) engineer. Special equipments are needed. Please contact wth ProvibTech for more details 1) Remove the seal of"ZERO" and “SPAN from th top ofthe transmit. 2) Connect the TR transmiter, extension cable and eddy probe, Mounting the probe to the static calibrator, gap the 2sv, ‘eddy-probe to untl the gap voltage shows “OV. This i the center ofthe linear range. Note this “central gap" 3) Turn the statc-calibrator 1.0mm toward the probe tip from the “central gap’. Adjust the “ZERO potential meter Unt the 4-20 output indicates 4.0mA, 4) Tum the statc-caliorator 1.0mm away rom the probe tip rom the “central gap". Adjust the “SPAN" potential meter Lntl the 4-20mA output indicates 20.0mA, 5) Repeat procedure 3) and 4) four times. 6) Putthe seals back to the transmit. ‘CAUTION The 4-20mA output has been factory calibrated before the shipment, Uniess you are sure you understand the conversion factor, and you have the special tools, otherwise, please do not try to calibrate it. The follwing equaton represen the relalonship between he target poston and the lop curent (Current(mA)—12) 8 Distance * (Full Scale Range) Units: The transmitter current output is nearly proportional to the probe gap (Position) between 4 mA and 20 mA, EXAMPLE: Measured mA Ful Seale Vibration] Actual Vibration Be 5.0 mis, ok pk Probe Fal a0 S.0 mils, ok pk BO ms BICBE 7g 5.0 mils, pk ‘mils pR-pk 20.0 5.0 mils, ok pk 5.0 mils, pak ProvibTech Phone: +1-713-830-7801Fax: +1-413-783-8109Emall: sales@provibtech,comWeb: 7 321292

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