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Estimation of Iodine in iodized common salt using iodometry

Iodine is an essential element for life and one of the heaviest elements required by living
organisms. However, around one third of the world’s population
lives in areas of iodine deficiency. The practice of adding iodine to
salt is a safe, easy and effective way of overcoming iodine
deficiency in our diet. Globally two chemical forms of iodine are
used for iodization; Iodates (IO3-) and Iodides (I-). The iodides
degrade more readily in presence of impurities, exposure to
sunlight, moisture and exposure to heat, whereas the iodates
remain stable under extremes of weather and handling. USA uses
potassium iodide (77 mg/Kg) while Germany and India use
potassium iodate (25-20 mg/Kg) for iodine fortification. Today you will use iodometry to
estimate the amount of iodine in a salt sample.

Rapid test to determine the nature of iodizing reagent
Take a pinch of common salt on a watch glass and divide into two parts:

Test for iodate solution

Moisten the first part with 2-3 drops of the given solution (mixture of A, D and E). If iodate is present
the salt will turn blue/grey and the color will be retained for several minutes before turning brown.

Test for iodide solution

Moisten the second part with 2-3 drops of the given solution (mixture of A, B and C). If iodide is present
the salt will turn blue and remain blue for several minutes before fading.

Determination of iodate content (if test A is positive)

1. Weigh X g of the given salt sample and transfer into a 250 mL conical flask and dissolve it in 50 mL
2. Add 1 mL 2N H2SO4 (use dropper, do not pipette by mouth), then add 5 mL of 10% KI solution using
a measuring cylinder. The solution will turn yellow. Wrap the mouth of conical flask with a piece of
filter paper and keep it in cupboard for 10 minutes.
3. Take 60-80 mL solution of (approx.) 0.005 M Na2S2O3 in a 250/500 mL plastic beaker and use for
titration. Rinse burette and fill it in and adjust zero level.
4. Remove flask from cupboard and titrate with Na2S2O3 solution until the solution turns pale yellow.
Now add approx. 10 drops of starch indicator. The solution will turn dark purple. Continue titrating
until the solution becomes colorless.
5. Record the volume of titrant (Na2S2O3 solution) used and calculate the amount of iodine present in part
per million (ppm). Repeat three times to get average value.
Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate
1. Pipette out 10 mL copper sulfate of concentration 0.005 M in a conical flask and add 5 mL of 5% KI
solution. The solution will turn yellow in color.
2. Titrate with Na2S2O3 solution until the solution turns pale yellow. Add 7-8 drops starch indicator
solution at this stage.
3. Continue the titration until the purple color fades, then add 5-6 drops of KSCN solution and titrate
again. The end point gives a colorless solution.

CAUTION: To ensure that you have obtained the true end point, stir the flask for 20 seconds and
then wait for 20 seconds to make sure that the purple color does not reappear.

4. Repeat the titration to get concordant readings.

5. Calculate the molarity of the given sodium thiosulfate solution.

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