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The needs for professional civil engineering services cary, and the
civil engineering firms that meet these needs vary in organizational
structure, size and capability. Many civil engineering firms provide
comprehensive services to the client, whike other firms provide
comprehensive services to the client, other firm specialize in areas
of engineering, such as geotechnical, structural, and water and
construction management, and provide their services to a prime
engineer, architect, or owner. Few civil engineering firms are
qualified to provide complete services for all
projects, and the use of associate professionals to
provide specialized services in common.

1. Streets, bridges, highways and

2. Airports and hangars
3. Portworks, canals, river and shore
improvements, light houses and dry docks
4. Buildings
5. Fixed structures for irrigation, flood
protection, drainage, water supply and
sewerage works
6. Tunnels
1. Streets, bridges, highways and railroads
2. Airports and hangars
3. Portworks, canals, river and shore improvements, light houses and dry docks
4. Buildings
5. Fixed structures for irrigation, flood protection, drainage, water supply and sewerage works
6. Tunnels

1. Consultations,research,
investigations, and reports
2. Design Services for construction
3. Construction services
4. Special services for construction projects
5. Engineering support services
6. Academic Services
7. Services as employee
2.2 Consultations,research,
investigations, and reports
2.2.1 Preliminary and Feasibility
and Reports
2.2.2 Planning Studies
2.2.3 Appraisal, Valuation, and Rate Studies

These services may include

investigations and analyses of existing
conditions; capital and operating
costs; overhead costs and costs of
financing; and revenues as needed to
evaluate a property or to recommend
establishment of prospective rates.
2.2.4 Assistance in Financial Matters

These Civil Engineer may be engaged by a client who is planning

to issue bonds, particularly revenue bonds, to finance a capital
project. The scope of services may include an evaluation of
capabilities of existing or proposed facilities to meet present and
projected future needs, statements of probable construction
costs, and estimate of annual revenue requirements, with a
determination of appropriate rates to provide this income
2.2.5 Materials Engineering and Equipment Tests
2.2.6 Direct Personal Services
2.2.7 Research and Development
2.2.8 Special Services

a.Value Engineering
b. Appraisal and valuation
j. Computer modeling
c.. Load testing
k. Safety engineering
d. Environmental evaluation
l. Topographic, soundingand
e. Traffic Engineering
boundary survey engineering
f. Forensic Engineering
m. Toxic and hazardouswaste
forstructural and other failures
g. Operational assistance
n. Permit and
h. Material process design
i. Pilot studies
o. Expert witness
p. Representation ofmunicipal
or private entities inprojects
proposed forprivatization
Civil engineering services are required for each of six typical phases of a
construction project. All services are preferably furnished by the same
Civil Engineer for consistency and efficiency. The six standard phases of
a construction project and the engineering services needed for each

· Study and Report Phase-Analysis of the clients needs. conceptual design

conceptual opinions of probable construction cost.
· Preliminary Design Phase- Preparation of final design criteria,
preliminary drawings, outline specifications, and preliminary opinions of
probable construction cost.
· Final Design Phase-Preparation of design calculations, construction
drawings, specifications, estimated construction cost, and other contract
•Bidding or Negotiating Phase-Assistance to the client with the bidding or
negotiating process for construction of the project.
•Construction Phase-Advice and Consultation on matters related to his
•Operation Phase- Assistance to the client in start-up and operation of
the project, including periodic inspections.
2.3.1 Study and Report Phase
This phase involves determination of project scope and economic and
technical evaluation of feasible alternatives. The services performed during
this phase may include:

1.Reviewing available data and consulting with the client to clarify and define
the client's requirements for the project.
2. Advising the client as to the necessity of providing or obtaining from others
additional data or services and assisting the client in obtaining such data and
3.Identifying and analyzing requirements of governmental authorities having
jurisdiction to approve the design of the project and participating in
consultations with such authorities.
4.Providing analyses of the clients needs, planning surveys, comparative
evaluations of prospective sites and solutions.
5.Providing a general economic analysis of the client's requirements applicable
to various alternatives.
6.Preparing a report and presenting alternative solutions available to the client
with the Civil Engineer's findings and recommendations.
2.3.2 Preliminary Design Phase
This phase involves the establishment of the general size and scope of
the project and its location on the selected site. The preliminary design
services may include:

1. Consulting with the client, reviewing preliminary reports, clarifying and

defining the project requirements, reviewing available data, and
discussing general scheduling.
2.Advising the client as to whether additional data or services of the type
described under the study and report phase above are required and
assisting the client in obtaining such data and services.
3.Preparing preliminary design documents consisting of final design
criteria, preliminary drawings, outline specifications, and written
descriptions of the project.
4.Preparing revised estimates of probable total project costs.
5.Providing periodic status reports
2.3.3 Final Design Phase

This phase of project development is usually undertaken only after the client has approved
the preliminary design phase material. The basic services for the final design phase may

1.Preparing construction drawings and specifications showing the character and extent of the
project based on the accepted preliminary design documents.
2.Preparing and furnishing to the client a revised estimate of probable total project costs based
on the final drawings and specifications.
3.Furnishing the necessary engineering data and assisting in the application for regulatory
permits from local, or national authorities.
4.Preparing basic documents related to construction contract
for review and approval by the client (and the client's legal and other advisors).
5.Furnishing to the client specified number of copies of drawings, specifications and other
contract documents.
6.Providing final design and construction services for designbuild contracts.
7.Providing periodic status reports.
2.3.4 Bidding or Negotiating Phase
Services under this phase may include:
1.Assisting the client in advertising for and obtaining bids or negotiating
proposals for each separate prime construction contract, maintaining a record
of prospective bidders to whom bidding documents have been issued,
attending pre-bid conferences, and receiving and processing deposits for
bidding documents.
2.Issuing addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify, expand or amend the
bidding documents.
3.Assisting the client in determining the qualifications and acceptability of
prospective contractors, subcontractors and materials suppliers.
4.Consulting with and advising the client as to the acceptability
of alternative materials and equipment proposed by the prospective
constructors when substitution prior to the award of contracts is allowed by
the bidding documents
5. Attending the bid opening, preparing bid tabulation sheets and providing
assistance to the client in evaluating bids or proposals and in assembling and
awarding contracts for construction, materials, equipment and services
2.3.5 Construction Phase
Services under this phase involve consulting with and advising the client during construction and are
usually those associated with service as the client's representative.Construction phase services may
1.Reviewing, for compliance with design concepts, shop and erection drawings submitted by the
2.Reviewing laboratory, shop, and mill test reports on materials and equipment.
3.Visiting the project siteat appropriate intervals as construction proceeds to observe and report
on the progress and the quality of the executed work.
4.Providing services during construction by a full-time resident project representative, and by
supporting staff asrequired,to enable construction to be accomplished in conformance to the
construction drawings, specifications, and other contract documents.
5.Issuing instructions from the client to the contractors, issuing necessary interpretations and
clarifications of contract documents, preparing change orders, requiring special inspections and
testing of the work, and making recommendations as to acceptability of the work.
6.Making recommendations to the client on corrective actions or contractual measures that may
be exercised by the owner.
7.Preparing sketches required to resolve problems due to actual field conditions encountered.
8.Determining amounts of progress payments due, based on degree of completion of the work,
and recommending issuance of such payments by the client.
9.Observing and assisting performance tests and initial operation of the project.
10.Preparing record drawings from information submitted by the contractor.
11.Making a final inspection and reporting on completion of the project, including
recommendations concerning final payments to contractors and release of retained percentages.
2.3.6 Operation Phase
At the completion of construction, the Civil Engineer
may as a basic service, assist in the start-up of
project operations. The Civil Engineer may be
commissioned to prepare a manual for both
operation and maintenance requirements, and may
also provide assistance in adjusting and balancing
equipment, identifying deficiencies and assisting in
obtaining corrections, and performing inspection
prior to the end of the project warranty period. The
Civil Engineer may assist in operator training, setting
up job classifications and salaries, organizing
A registered Civil Engineer may engage in construction
contracting after being licensed as a contractor by the
Contractors Accreditation Board. It is considered unethical for
a civil engineer to allow his license to be used by any other
construction company except his own.

A registered Civil Engineer may provide the services of a

supporting technical employee as required of a construction
company. He shall however, be paid the professional fees, in
addition to his regular salary, for any design work he performs
for which he signs as professional Civil Engineer and/or
engineer on

A Civil Engineer may be employed as a construction engineer,

resident Civil Engineer, project engineer, quality control
engineer, cost engineer or engineer inspector in a project. In
accordance with Section 23 of RA 544,.
2.5 SPECIAL SERVICES FOR • Geotechnical Engineering
–including test borings, sampling and analysis, and recommendations.

CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS • Special studies, tests, and process determinations to establish design
criteria or demonstrate compliance.

Special services required during the study, design, • Land surveys, establishment of boundaries and monuments,
preparation of easement descriptions, andrelated computations and
construction, and operation phases of a construction drawings.
project may include investigations, reports, and activities • Engineering the topographic surveys for design and construction.
beyond the scope of the basic services. These services,
• Mill, shop, or laboratory inspections of the materials and equipment.
many of which are also listed earlier in this section
under the category "Consultations, Investigations, and • Additional copies of reports, construction drawings, specifications,
another documents as required forbidding and construction beyond
Reports, may relate to the clients decisions as to the the number specified in the Basic Services agreement.

feasibility scope, and location of the project. The • Extra travel and subsistence as defined by the agreement for
research, compilation of engineering data, and engineering services.

acquisition of property may involve professional • Value Engineering

–including review of the work of other engineers, either within the
specialists in engineering and other fields. Special same organizationor in other firms to determine whether a proposed
services that may be provided by the Civil Engineer or solution is optimum and, if not to suggest a better
approach for meeting the project’s functional and financial c
negotiated with other firms or sub-consultants by the riteria.

Civil Engineer acting on behalf of the client could

• Redesign to reflect changes requested by he client or
necessitated by the client’s acceptance of • Preparation of environmental assessment and
substitutions proposed by the contractor. impact statements and other assistance to the
client inconnection with public hearings.
• Assistance to the client as an expert witness in litigation in
connection with the project or in hearingsbefore approving and • Additional studies and design efforts to meet
regulatory agencies. special conditions encountered during construction.

• Final investigations involving detailed consideration of • Assistance to the client in the selection and
operation, maintenance, and overhead expenses;preparation of engagement of architects, other engineers,
final rate schedules, and earning and expense statements; contractors andsubcontractors, and observation and
appraisals, valuations, andmaterial audits or inventories approval of their services or work; contacts with
required for certification of force account construction governmentalagencies to obtain permits and
performed by theclient of for extra work done by the contractor. documents; ant other services related to project
• Preparation of detailed applications and supporting documents
grants or advances for public worksprojects. • Assessment of a completed project’s ability to meet
its design intent relative to capacity, maintainability,
• Plotting, computing, and filing of subdivision plans, staking of operability, or reliability.
lots, and other planning and partitioningactivities.
• Computer simulation and modeling

The professional services described above often require engineering

support services. Geotechnical engineering, for example, frequently
requires services such as taking soil and rock borings, excavating test
pits sampling and identifying soil and earth materials, field and
laboratory tests and geophysical measurements and observations. The
engineering support services in general civil engineering practice may
involve drafting, land and construction surveying, and other data
gathering activities for specialized purposes..
These services involve full or part time teaching or training of
prospective professionals and also the upgrading of knowledge and
skills of fellow professionals. Academic services may include:

a. Teaching of civil engineering courses in engineering

colleges/universities on part/full time basis. As per RA 898
b. Lecturing in civil engineering courses designed by the Philippine
Institute of Civil Engineers for practicing engineers who want to obtain
CPD credits.
c. Conducting tutorials/refresher courses on civil engineering concepts
and related subject.
d. Serving as a Resource Speaker in Technical Session.
e. Writing technical articles and pamphlets
This is a condition when a Civil Engineer engages to perform work or fulfill duties
regularly for wages or salary being paid by an employer.
A Civil Engineer may be employed for any position or function in any commercial or
institutional organization.

A licensed Civil Engineer may not allow his licensed to be used by the company that
employs him without the proper agreement for his professional services. Where the firm
he is working for uses his license to sign and seal the plans, specifications and contract
document, the Civil Engineer much charge the professional fee for said services.

A Civil Engineer in part time employment with a firm is considered to be an employee

and at the same time a consultant of the firm.
All Government Civil Engineers employed by the instrumentalities of the Government e.g.
national and local, shall be governed by pertinent existing laws and regularities and
particularly to those prescribed by the Civil Service Commission.

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