Nstp. Nature of Drugs

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Since June 30, 2016 when President Roa Rodrigo Duterte take over and carried out “war on
drugs”, death of drug user and pushers reached the number of 12,000 Filipinos. It is clear on the eve of
May 9, 2016 election, Duterte said that “ If I make it to the presidential palace I will do just what I did as
a mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better get out because I’l l kill you.” He
marked his words on how serious he is in fighting against drugs.

On the latest reports it has been indicated that there’s a total of 229,868 drug war operations
conducted since former President Duterte took office, and a total of 331,694 suspects were arrested.
Sadly, President Duterte’s term was done and this drug war project is not yet fulfilled. According to
PDEA there are still 11,060 barangays that are yet to be cleared, and there are 14,648 high-value targets
in these barangays. This is made up of 353 Foreign nationals, 398 elected officials, 126 uniformed
personnel, 525 government employees, 78 armed group members, 4,018 targets listed, 797 group
leaders and members, 1,556 drug den maintainers, 291 wanted lists, 24 celebrities or licensed
professional, 6,482 from high impacted operations. All through out there is P76.01 billion amount of
narcotics that are confiscated, while shabu or crystal meths is still the most discovered and seized illegal
drugs with a total of 9,915 kilograms followed by mari juana 10,110.48 kilograms and cocaine for 524.63

With high hopes we are all aiming to end this one root of bad deeds, thus we are expecting the
government to continue “oplan tokhang” and the war on drugs started by Duterte.



- Obedient at - Hard headed - Sometimes it is effective if we would imagine
first the outcomes of our actions before we are
going to choose what to follow. Compare and
contrast the possibilities that would happen if
we are going to disobey our benefits, and we
should keep in mind that our parents only wants
what’s best for us and they will never do
something that can harm us
- Soft hearted - Disobedient - One factor for a teenager to be disobedient is
when it comes because of his/her peers. Their desires were
to her affected by the favors of majority of their peer
mother/parent groups. So in we need to choose our friends
s wisely and if we feel that we are being
influenced by their bad deeds we shall take step
backward and walk away to them
- - Selfish - He should learn how to think rationally. He
should consider everything before making any
decision that he would regret. He should realize
that not everything is about him and he should
always consider the effects of his choices to the
people around him.
- Violent - Since one effect of being a drug user is
becoming violent, the most effective way to
treat this bad behavior is to apply in rehab, to
enhance have self-control and manage your
anger issues. Through rehab you can gain
knowledge and practical tips on how to act
calmly and patiently around others.
- Ungrateful - You can become grateful if you take time to
realize the sacrifices and hard works of your
parents to build you, to provide your needs.
Keep in my mind that they are your parents and
you will not be existing in this world if they are
not here. Appreciate your parents and love

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