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UNIT 5 TEST A Imię i nazwisko: ________________________ Klasa: ______

Listening Functions
1 3.42 Posłuchaj dwukrotnie pięciu wypowiedzi. 4 Połącz linią fragmenty zdań 1–4 z odpowiednimi
Dopasuj osoby 1–5 do odpowiednich fragmentami zdań a–f. Jeden z fragmentów a–f
fragmentów zdań a–f. Jeden fragment nie nie pasuje do żadnego fragmentu 1–5.
pasuje do żadnej osoby.
a drop litter.
He/She is talking about 1 I’m giving you b so sorry.
1 Alice a studying for a test. 2 It’s important c to follow the school
3 You mustn’t rules.
2 Mark b school building.
d my best.
3 Lucy c some of the school rules. 4 You must e a warning.
4 Sean d his/her favourite teacher. 5 I’m ever f return your library
books on time.
5 Chrissy e a school subject.
__ / 5
f his/her typical day at school. Grammar
1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach
w czasie Present continuous.
__ / 10
Vocabulary 1 We _________________ (not dance) now.
2 Kate _________________ (watch) a film on
2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.
TV at the moment.
1 We have lunch in the school _____________. 3 I _________________ (not go) to the
2 We play football outside on the football cinema now.
_____________. 4 My friends _________________ (play)
3 We do experiments in the _____________. a computer game at the moment.
4 We learn IT in the _____________
__ / 4
_____________. 6 Z podanych wyrazów ułóż pytania.
__ / 4
1 they / singing / song / a / are / ?
3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.
2 she / writing / what / is / ?
My favourite school subject is 1 __________ . ___________________________________
3 going / now / you / where / are / ?
I think it’s very 2 difficult / interesting to learn about
nature. I can learn new facts very quickly. I also like
__ / 3
. I’m good at running and 7 Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: a lub b.

it’s really 4 easy / difficult for me to run fast. But I 1 My mum ____ dinner now.
a cooks b is cooking
don’t like 5 ________________ . I can’t play 2 I ____lunch at home on Mondays.
any instrument, and I can’t sing either! a don’t eat b am not eating

__ / 5 3 ____ to the cinema every weekend?

a Do you go b Are you going
4 My friends ____ basketball at the moment.
a don’t play b aren’t playing
__ / 4

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 5 © Macmillan Polska 2018

UNIT 5 TEST A Imię i nazwisko: ________________________ Klasa: ______

Reading 9 Opisz swoją wymarzoną szkołę. Napisz pięć

zdań. Uwzględnij informacje o tym:
8 Przeczytaj dwa wpisy na blogu. Zdecyduj, czy  co się w niej znajduje,
zdania 1–5 są prawdziwe (True), czy fałszywe  jakich przedmiotów się uczysz,
(False).  jakie reguły obowiązują w tej szkole.


Alice, 14 ________________________________________
It’s 5:00 pm now, and I’m in my bedroom. I often
stay at home on Friday afternoons because my ________________________________________
parents usually go out, so I have to look after
my younger sister. My parents are at the cinema ________________________________________
today, but I’m not looking after my sister
because our grandma is staying with us. She
and my sister are in the living room, and they’re
playing a game. My sister loves board games.
Tommy, 12
It’s 5:00 pm on Friday afternoon. At the moment ________________________________________
I’m sitting at my desk. I am usually out with my
friends at this time on Friday. We often play ________________________________________
football in the park near my home. But today it’s ________________________________________
cold and rainy, so I’m not going out. My brother
is at home, too. He likes computer games, but ________________________________________
he isn’t playing one at the moment. He’s
studying for his maths exam. __ / 10
Total: ___ / 50
Extra task
1 Alice usually goes out on Fridays.
True / False 10 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane
w nawiasach na język angielski.
2 Alice’s parents are staying at home today.
True / False 1 ____________________ (Nie wolno Ci
3 Alice’s sister is now playing with her używać) your mobile phone in class!
2 ____________________ (Powinienem
True / False
porozmawiać) to my geography teacher.
4 Tommy often plays football on Fridays.
True / False 3 We’re going to the ____________________
5 Tommy’s brother is playing a computer (sekretariatu teraz).
game at the moment.
4 ____________________ (Czy uczysz się)
True / False
__ / 5 for your exams at the moment?
5 You must ____________________
(zmieniać buty) before you enter the
__ / 5
Total : ___ / 55

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 5 © Macmillan Polska 2018

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