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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Challenge and achievement
Choose the word from the box which can be used in each pair of sentences, a and b.

ambition challenge chance failure motivation success

1 a Reaching the mountain peak proved to be a formidable _________.

b We were convinced he would rise to the _________ of swimming right round the island.
2 a The sales launch of our new product was met with complete _________.
b The government’s housing policy was a dismal _________, leading to an increase in homelessness.
3 a I’d jump at the _________ of working in a different country.
b I know I didn’t do very well on my first attempt, but I’d like a second _________.
4 a His first film was a resounding _________.
b It can take a long time to reach your full potential – not everyone is an overnight _________.
5 a I like going to the gym, but I lack the _________ to go every day.
b My primary _________ for studying English is to improve my job prospects.
6 a I’ve had an _________ to be an athlete since I was a child.
b Recently, I realised a lifelong _________ to run a marathon.
7 a I’m thinking of ways to increase my _________ to exercise more.
b What increased my _________ to study Portuguese was meeting my now best friend, who is from Rio.
8 a We have a daunting _________ ahead of us, but we will do our best to meet it.
b It’s good to have a new _________ in life, from time to time, to prevent things from becoming dull.
9 a I’ve finally realised my _________ to become a pilot, after years of training.
b Olivia has already achieved her main _________ in life – to buy a big house.
10 a Unless you make proper preparations, it’s likely that your plans will end in _________.
b The film was a costly _________, with an underwhelming performance at the box office.

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Read the article. Find and correct eight spelling mistakes.
Coaching the future?
In recent years, there has been a noticable increase in career coaching, with many blue chip companies
encouraging their employees to see coaches to find out if they are happy in their role and to discuss career
Coaching is a form of learning through one-to-one conversacions that enables development. It started in
sports, with athletes looking to improve their perfomance, but has spread to other areas. Once regarded with
suspicion by employers and employees alike, coaching has become more professional and regulated.
Coaches are more flexible and willing to try different aproaches and clients are more willing to admit that they
need help. For some, it can even be seen as a sign of emotional intelligence and insight.
As yet, there is no agreed measure of the affectiveness of coaching, but the evidence so far indicates that
much depends on personality and the relationship between client and coach, which determines how gentle or
challenging the experence will be.
Does it work? In truth, if you know what you want and how to get there, you probabley don’t need a coach. If
you are unsure, a coach might give you the skills to ask the right questions, but you will still have to find the
answers yourself.
1 _____________
2 _____________
3 _____________
4 _____________
5 _____________
6 _____________
7 _____________
8 _____________

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Language focus
Modal verbs: Might, could, may and can
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 I’ve sent everyone a reminder about the party next week because some people can / could have forgotten.
2 Try this cake – you may / can like it.
3 This car can / might reach speeds of 300km an hour, although it’s not possible to go that fast on the road!
4 I didn’t know why you weren’t speaking to me. I thought I can / may have done something wrong.
5 Our football coach can / may be really strict sometimes, although he always gets the best out of us.
6 I could / might not be the best cook in the world, but I know how to make a few nice dishes.
7 You can’t / might not use your phone in here – please switch it off.
8 I wasn’t expecting a conversation, but you could / may at least have said ‘hello’ to me when I arrived!
9 Can / May you try opening the window for me, please? It seems to be stuck.
10 I’m only halfway through my work, so I might / could not finish it before tomorrow morning.
11 We couldn’t / can’t go climbing today – look at the weather.
12 There’s nothing interesting showing at the cinemas, so we might / could as well stay at home.

Adverbs of degree
Complete the sentences with the correct answers (A, B, C or D).
1 My brother is a _____ qualified swimming instructor.
A fully B wholly C totally D completely
2 You can’t speak like that to me. It’s _____ unacceptable.
A fairly B extremely C bitterly D wholly
3 I _____ regret not training properly for the competition. I could have won.
A bitterly B fiercely C highly D entirely
4 I didn’t go to the beach at the weekend like I usually do. I went somewhere _____ different.
A fully B entirely C perfectly D bitterly
5 I don’t need help carrying these bags. I’m _____ capable of doing it myself, thanks.
A extremely B fiercely C too D perfectly
6 Leo is only eight years old, but it’s already clear that he’s _____ gifted when it comes to playing the piano.
A highly B utterly C totally D completely
7 I thought my test results were _____ good, although I could have done better.
A quite B utterly C completely D absolutely
8 I’m _____ ambitious when it comes to sports – I always want to win, no matter what.
A entirely B perfectly C fiercely D absolutely
9 We’re _____ exhausted after driving for nine hours.
A totally B very C too D fully
10 It can be _____ tiring to smile and be polite to people all day long.
A highly B wholly C completely D very

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Word formation
Complete each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 We are performing on stage tomorrow, but we are meeting tonight for one final _________ (rehearse).
2 The _________ (neighbour) I live in is popular with families with young children.
3 It’s important to eat a _________ (vary) of food to get as much nutrition as possible.
4 The children walked into the cinema after the film had started, much to our _________ (annoy).
5 The writer’s latest novel has been praised for its _________ (origin).
6 I had to go online to find an _________ (explain) of how this software works.
7 After three attempts, I managed to reach the top of the mountain – my _________ (persist) finally paid off.
8 Due to a long period of hot, dry weather, there is a _________ (short) of water in the region.
9 It’s important to encourage children to read for _________ (please) and develop a love of books.
10 There is a _________ (vacant) for the role of coach in our local football team.
11 I get a great deal of _________ (enjoy) from taking long rides on my bike at weekends.
12 Thanks to my _________ (careless), I dropped my new phone and now the screen is cracked.
13 The _________ (member) fee of the gym is going up with 10% next year.
14 You have to admire Will’s _________ (commit) – he never ever gave up.
15 Increased _________ (expose) to the sun can easily cause skin damage or worse.

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Reading and Use of English

Part 3 Word formation
For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your
Example: (0) DETECTION
A (0) ………………. technique normally used by dolphins to locate objects DETECT
is being adopted by blind people. By making high-pitched clicking sounds,
they are able to locate obstacles with remarkable (1) ………………. . ACCURATE
The system is based on animal sonar techniques and helps humans
form mental maps of their immediate (2) ………………. . When the sound LOCATE
waves hit an object, they bounce back to the ear to enable a blind person.
A mental image of the object’s size, depth of structure and (3) ………………. CLOSE
to the person can then be built up. Scientific (4) ………………. has shown EVIDENT
something interesting about this process. Apparently, it bears some
(5) ………………. to what happens with vision in normal-sighted people. SIMILAR
People who do not have a visual (6) ………………. seem to make use of patterns DISABLE
of returning light in order to actually process visual information. In fact, neural
scientists believe there is a (7) ………………. that the same parts of the brain LIKELY
used in visual processing are also being deployed by blind people using the
clicking technique. The World Access for the Blind organisation is trying to
spread the use of the technique to help blind people navigate their environment
with a greater sense of (8) ………………. . ASSURE

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Reading and Use of English

Part 5 Multiple choice
You are going to read a newspaper article about going to a training camp. For questions 1–6, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Rugby and Roll

Sport plays an integral part in our holistic development. Interestingly, participating in sports assists
in training both mind and body. It not only helps in achieving an active lifestyle by keeping us fit and
healthy, but also encourages a positive mindset and boosts mindfulness. These days, a lot of students
consider pursuing a career in the field of sports, thus, for them, sports become more than just
extracurricular activities. It becomes an indispensable part of our education system. Outdoor sports
such as cricket, football, hockey, badminton, rugby, volleyball, baseball and so on are quite popular
among masses. Some of us, even those who do not wish to choose sports as a profession, often enjoy
being spectators and take a keen interest in following our favourite players and teams.

While it is wildly popular in countries like New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, rugby is
believed to have originated at Rugby School in Warwickshire, England. It is said that William Webb
Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it during a game of football in the 1800s, this paved the way to a
new form of football where the ball was carried and tossed. Gradually, it took the shape of a new
sport called rugby, which is a game played on a grassy field where two teams strive to move an oval
ball across the field and get it over the opponent’s goal line. There are 15 players in each team during
a Rugby Union match while both teams have 13 players each during a Rugby League match.

In 1870, rugby football gained a governing body known as the Rugby Football Union. A year later,
some official laws were formulated for the sport and this led to the rise of Rugby League. Gradually,
as the sport started garnering popularity, a new form emerged, which was distinguished as Rugby
Union. Though there is only a slight difference between the two, besides the number of players in
each team, Rugby Union allows a possibility of only seven substitutions, while Rugby League allows

The scoring method including tries, penalties and drop goals remain common to both Rugby Union
and Rugby League. However, there are differences in the weighting of points for each score. In
Rugby Union, a try nets five points after which the players can attempt a conversion kick worth two
points to bring the total to seven points, whereas in Rugby League, each try is worth just four points
and the conversion kick can then tack on an extra two points. In Rugby Union, drop goals and
penalties are worth three points each, while in Rugby League, a drop goal scores one point, and a
penalty returns two points.

The gameplay of the two forms is also slightly different. A player, after being tackled, must place the
ball on the ground between their legs and then roll it back with their foot to a teammate in Rugby
League. This is vernacularly known as a ‘chicken scratch’. This is allowed for up to six times per
possession of the ball to each team, after which, if they have still failed to score a try, they must kick
the ball away in the direction of their opposition.

In Rugby Union, a player must release the ball after being tackled, however, any player can pick it up
as long as they are on their feet and onside – which means they come into play from their own team’s
end. If the ball is kicked outside of the field’s boundaries during a Rugby League match or a Rugby
Union match, the game is restarted. In Rugby League, the game restarts with a six-player scrum, and
in Rugby Union, it restarts with an eight-player scrum.

Another form of rugby, Rugby Sevens, which originated in Scotland in 1883, is a variation of Rugby
Union and has gained great popularity over time. This game is played on a standard Rugby Union
field but with seven players in each team, instead of the original 15. In comparison to Rugby Union

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

game, which lasts is 80 minutes, the duration of a Rugby Sevens game is only 15 minutes. Although
rugby, in all its forms, is perceived as somewhat rough, women’s rugby also became widely popular
in the United States and Canada in 1980s. Despite the rough nature of the game, the rules remain
the same for both men and women for playing rugby.
1 What does the writer wish to explain in the first paragraph?
A Sports is the only essential education.
B Sports is an indispensable component of our education system.
C We should choose sports as a profession.
D Students should treat sports as just an extracurricular activity.

2 What is conveyed in the third paragraph?

A Rugby originated in England because of what William Webb Ellis did.
B There are 15 players in Rugby Union.
C Rugby gradually became popular and then its variation started emerging.
D Rugby League allows ten substitutions.

3 What is the difference between Rugby Union and Rugby League according to the writer?
A The number of players
B The points for each score
C The gameplay
D All of the above

4 What is a ‘chicken scratch’ as explained in the article?

A The gameplay during Rugby Union
B The strategy followed during Rugby Sevens
C The gameplay during Rugby League
D The method of kicking a ball during any rugby match

5 According to the writer, what is a game of Rugby Sevens?

A A game with 15 players of 80-minute duration
B A game with 6 players of 15-minute duration
C A game with 13 players of 80-minute duration
D None of the above

6 Which of these statements is true with respect to the article?

A There are three forms of rugby discussed by the writer.
B The writer talks about two forms of rugby.
C Women’s rugby is different from men’s rugby.
D Rugby Sevens is a variation of Rugby League.

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Part 1 Multiple choice
You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits
best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Extract One
You hear a phone conversation about piano lessons.

1 Why does the boy want to stop his piano lessons?

A He doesn’t think he’ll ever be good enough to make a career out of it.
B He feels that he has already fulfilled his piano-playing ambitions.
C He would prefer not to be taught by his father.

2 The piano teacher believes that

A the boy’s father has a better chance of motivating him than she does.
B she has a better chance of motivating the boy than his father does.
C the boy needs to be internally motivated.

Extract Two
You hear two friends talking about childhood ambitions.

3 The man didn’t realise his childhood ambition because

A his parents persuaded him to do something different.
B he didn’t commit to pursuing it.
C he didn’t have the right skills or tools.

4 The man and the woman both think

A he’s too old to change careers.
B it wouldn’t be safe for him to leave his job.
C it would be possible to work and study at the same time.

Extract Three
You hear two friends talking about an award.

5 How does the woman feel about the award?

A guilty
B proud
C jealous

6 What is the man doing?

A reassuring the woman of her ability
B sympathising with her lack of confidence
C persuading her to try harder

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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Part 1 Essay
Your class has recently discussed ways of encouraging young people to do more exercise. You have
made the notes below:
How can we encourage young people to do more exercise?
• explain the benefits
• make it a social activity
• make it part of your routine

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘Exercise is good for the mind as well as the body.’
‘Exercise can be done in teams as well as individually.’
‘Instead of taking a bus or asking for a lift, try walking or cycling.’

Write an essay discussing two of the ideas in your notes. You should explain which idea is more useful
and likely to be successful, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of
the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use you own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220–260 words in an appropriate style.

















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C1 Advanced Unit 1 Test

Part 1 Interview
You will be asked some of the following questions:
 Where are you from?
 What do you do?
 How long have you been studying English?
 What do you enjoy most about studying English?
 What activities do you enjoy doing in your free time?
 What are some of your ambitions for the future?
 Do you think you are an ambitious person? Why? / Why not?
 Are you good at dealing with failure? Why? / Why not?
 Have you had to face any challenges recently?
 Who has been a positive influence on you?
 How important is it for you to look after your physical health?
 Do you think it is important to set goals for yourself? Why? / Why not?

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