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Data structure in python :-

- Tuples
- List - sequence, duplicates allowed, mutable(can change / modify)
- Dictionary
- Set - non-sequence, duplicate not allowed

list1 = [4,5,6,7,8,8]
mySet = set(list1)
print(mySet) = {4,5,6,7,8}

Tuples :-
Tuples is an ordered collection of elements enclosed within ().
Tuples are immutable (once created cannot be update(change))

tup1 = (1, 'a', True, 4.7)

=> first element
tup1[0] // 1
=> last element
tup1[-1] // 4.7
=> sequence of element
tup1[1:3] // 'a', True,

=> you cannot modify a tuple because it is immutable

tup1[2] = "test" // error

=> Finding length of Tuple

len(tup1) // 4

=> concatenating tuples (join two tuples)

tup1 = (1,2,3)
tup2 = (4,5,6)
output => (1,2,3,4,5,6)
also tup2+tup1

=> Repeating tuple elements or Repeating with concatenating

tup1 = ('test', 500)
('test', 500,'test', 500,'test', 500)

=> Tuple functions

minimum value :-
maximum value :-

ASCII(American standard code for information interchange)

a=97 +26 = 122(z)
A=65 +26 = 90(Z)
0 = 48 + 9 (57)

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