"Get To Know Our Classmates Skills": By: Poppy & Bunga

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“Get to know

by : Poppy & Bunga
Can You Cook ?
The first category is cooking.
According to the data, theres 75%
responders who can cook, and
the rest which is 25% responders
can’t cook.
Can You Dance ?
The second category is dancing.
According to the data, from 8
responders, 50% of it which is 4/8
can move their body pretty good. 1
responders answered they can’t
dance at all, and 3 responders
answered that they can dance.
Can You Sing ?
The third category is sing. According to
the data, there’s 5/8 respondens that
answerd no, they can’t sing. 1 responder
answered that they can sing, and 2
responders say their voice is not that
Are You Really Good with
The next category is computer skill.
6/8 answered that they have pretty
standard computer skills. And both
the “no my computer skill is so bad”
and “yes, i’m really good with
computer software” options has 1/8
Can You Ride any
transportation ?
The fifth category is riding
transportation. 5 of the responders
answered that they can only ride
bicycle/motorcycle. 1/8 can ride
pretty much anything, and 2
reaponders answered they can’t ride
any transportation
Can You play any music
instrument ?
The next category is music
instruments. According to the data,
4/8 responders know how to play 1
specific music instrument. 1 answer
for know how to play mant music
instruments, and 3 responders can’t
play any music instruments
Are You Smart
The next category is how good the
responders in academic. 50% of the
responders answered that they
really care and actually good
academically. Both the “couldn’t
care less” and “only good at one
specific subject” has 2/8 responders
Can You play any sports?
The next category is sport. 4/8
answered that they rather do
other activities than sport. 2/8
answered that they pretty much
can do every sport that ever exist,
and the rest which is also 2/8
answered that they can only do
one specific sport
Can You draw?
The ninth category is drawing. 5
responders answered that they
have the talent for drawing, and
3/8 of the responders answered
that they can’t draw at all
Are you good with fixing
The Fixing things. According to
the data 100% of the responders.
which is 8/8 answered that they
can't fixing things at all and only
good at breaking them

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