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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the pupils should be able to:
a. Identify the different layers of the soil;
b. Create a model depicting soil layers; and
c. Appreciate the importance of soil in all living things.

II. Subject Matter: Layers of the Soil

References: Science by Lelani R. Abutay, pp. 246-248
Materials: Puzzle, Laptop, Power Point, Sticky Post-it, Activity Sheets, Soil, Realia, Oreo,
Chocolate chips, Mini marshmallows, Gummy Worms, Clear cups, Spoons, Shredded Coconut
Values Integration: Protect and value the importance of soil

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
Let us all stand and lead the prayer, Faye. Heavenly Father…Amen
2. Greetings
Good Morning class! Good Morning Teacher! Good morning classmates.
3. Checking of Attendance
Row Leaders, is there anyone absent today? None, Ma’am.

Very Good!

Kindly pick up the pieces of paper and wrappers (The pupils will arrange their chairs properly).
under your chair and align your chairs properly.

You may now take your seats

4. Review
Based on what we have learned yesterday, I have Yes, teacher.
here a jigsaw puzzle. You will be group according
to your designated column. The group who will (the pupils will do the teacher’s directions)
finish the puzzle first, will be the winner. Is all clear,


With the completed puzzle you have, identify what (the pupils will identify the type of soil shown in the
type of soil can you find in each picture.
Very well said!
5. Motivation
Class, I have here different type of soil. Now, I
(the pupils will raise their hands voluntarily)
want 3 volunteers in each column to identify the
characteristics of different types of soil using your
sense of touch.

 The pupils will identify the characteristics of
each different types of soil while their eyes
(the pupils will cover their eyes with a handkerchief)
are covered.
 They will tell what do they observe through
these guided questions: (the pupils will distinguish the characteristics of the
soil while blindfolded)
a. What did you feel to the soil when you
touch it?
b. What other characteristics of soil did
you identify?

Very well said!

B. Guided Discover

1. Discussion/Elaboration (Reading of the

Now I have here a 3D model Layers of the Soil.
Soil layers are also called horizons.

Topsoil (A-Horizon) is the uppermost layer of the

soil. It is the most productive layer of the soil. This
layer is rich with organic materials called humus
and with minerals needed for plant growth. It
comes decaying plants and animals.

What is the uppermost layer of the soil?

What organic material is found at this layer? Where
does it come from?
-Humus. It is come from the decaying plants and
Very Good!

Next, Sub-soil (B-Horizon) located below the

topsoil. It is composed of loosely arranged rocks,
sand and clay. This layer is very rich with minerals
that drain from topsoil, whenever it is washed out.
Subsoil alone cannot support plant life. It has a
less organic material. It is usually lighter in color.

What is the layer below the topsoil?

What does this layer is made of? -Subsoil.
-It made of rocks, sand and clay
Very well said!

Next layer down, is the Parent Rock (C-Horizon) it

is composed of rocks that are slowly breaking
apart. It is exposed to very little weathering. It does
not contain necessary nutrients and water needed
for plant growth. That’s why not many things live
down here.

What is the layer below the subsoil?

What does this layer is made of? -Parent Rock
-Weathered rock fragments/ rocks.
Very Good!

Last but not the least, the Bedrock is the lowest

layer of soil. It is made up of undisturbed boulders
and gravel. This layer contains materials good for
constructing buildings and making roads. No plant
life can survive in this layer.

What is the lowest part of the layer?

Where does Bedrock materials can be used for? -Bedrock
-They are good for constructing buildings and
making roads.
Very well said class!

C. Concluding Activity

1. Generalization

Based on the discussion we have tackled a while

ago, what are the layers of the soil? Topsoil
Parent Rock
Very Good! Bedrock

Which is the most productive layer? Why?

Which layer is good for constructing sites? Topsoil. Because there’s a presence of humus.

Very well said class!

2. Valuing
As a student, how can you value the importance of
soil? (the pupils will share their insights)

Very Good! Thank you.

3. Application
Before we do our activity, these are the things that
you should do or observe in doing your activity:

Set of Reminders:
 Avoid unnecessary noise during the activity.
Work silently with your groupmates.
 Follow and listen the instructions/directions (the pupils will read the reminders posted on the
given by the teacher during the activity. board)
 Be careful with materials and ingredients
 Participate in the activity.

Directions for the activity:

o The teacher and pupils with their respective
groupmates will make a food model of
layers of the soil with the use of ingredients
to identify each horizon.
o The pupils will follow the legend posted in
the board to order the ingredients inside the
clear cup.
o Each group will present their output about
food model. They will identify which part of
the model is the layer of soil.

1) Use crushed Oreo as your topsoil
2) Use shredded coconut as your
organic material and top it with
gummy worms.
(the pupils will read the legend carefully)
3) Use chocolate chips as your parent
4) Use milo powder as your subsoil.
5) Use Oreo cookie as your bedrock.
6) Label each ingredient to make a
food model of layers of soil with the
use of post-it notes.
7) Tell your teacher if you’re done.
Don’t eat the Food Model without
the teacher’s motion to do so.

Now, I will group you class into 6 groups.

You may start your activity with your groupmates. I

will give you 10 minutes to finish it.

Is that clear class?

Yes, teacher.
Presentation of Group Activity Output 5 POINTS 3 POINTS RATING
Shows proper Shows good Failed to
arrangement (Each group
setting of will manifest
present their
thefood model)
ORGANIZATION of ingredients ingredients. said criteria.
as per the
legend stated.
The food The food The food
CLEANLINESS model was model was model was
neatly done. satisfactorily done untidy.
All members Some of the Only 1-2
TEAM WORK are members members
participated participated participated
on the on the on the said
activity. activity. activity.
D. Evaluation

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and underline the word or statement that makes it FALSE and
change it to the correct answer.

____________1. The layer of the topsoil is rich with organic materials called humus.

____________2. Subsoil is composed of decaying plants and animals.

____________3. Bedrock is the lowest part of the soil layers.

____________4. The indication of the presence of humus is the soil’s light color.

____________5. Parent Rock is composed of rocks that are slowly breaking apart.

____________6. Subsoil is located below the topsoil.

____________7. Bedrock comes from decaying plants and animals.

____________8. Bedrock is also called as C-Horizon.

____________9. Bedrock is made up of large boulders and sand.

___________10. The layer of the topsoil contains materials good for constructing buildings and making roads.

E. Assignment
 Draw and label the Layers of the Soil in a short bond paper. Color each layers according to their
designated horizon. The colors are according to your preferences.
 Read in advance about Factors Affecting the Growth of Selected Plant.
Prepared by:
Calixto, Mikaela Erika M.

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________

Grade and Sec: _________________

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and underline the word or statement that makes it FALSE
and change it to the correct answer.

____________1. The layer of the topsoil is rich with organic materials called humus.

____________2. Subsoil is composed of decaying plants and animals.

____________3. Bedrock is the lowest part of the soil layers.

____________4. The indication of the presence of humus is the soil’s light color.

____________5. Parent Rock is composed of rocks that are slowly breaking apart.

____________6. Subsoil is located below the topsoil.

____________7. Bedrock comes from decaying plants and animals.

____________8. Bedrock is also called as C-Horizon.

____________9. Bedrock is made up of large boulders and sand.

___________10. The layer of the topsoil contains materials good for constructing buildings and
making roads.


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________

Grade and Sec: _________________

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and underline the word or statement that makes it FALSE
and change it to the correct answer.

____________1. The layer of the topsoil is rich with organic materials called humus.

____________2. Subsoil is composed of decaying plants and animals.

____________3. Bedrock is the lowest part of the soil layers.

____________4. The indication of the presence of humus is the soil’s light color.

____________5. Parent Rock is composed of rocks that are slowly breaking apart.

____________6. Subsoil is located below the topsoil.

____________7. Bedrock comes from decaying plants and animals.

____________8. Bedrock is also called as C-Horizon.

____________9. Bedrock is made up of large boulders and sand.

___________10. The layer of the topsoil contains materials good for constructing buildings and
making roads.

Republic of the Philippines

Rizal Street Brgy. Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga


Prepared by:
Calixto, Mikaela Erika M.
Second Semester A.Y. 2018-2019

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