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Athabasca University

Design Standards Manual

Table of
The brand
5 Personality Attributes
6 Brand Values Wheel
9 Tagline and Positioning Statement

visual identity
11 Logo
12 Logo Variations
14 Logo Colours
16 Colour Palette
18 Typography
19 Logos for Faculties
21 Positioning Statement with Logo
22 Logo Clear Space
23 Web URL Application
24 Logo Minimum Size
25 Correct Logo Application
26 Incorrect Logo Application
27 AU Shield Application

logo usage
29 Business Card
30 Letterhead
31 Letterhead (Faculty)
32 Letterhead (second page) and Envelope
33 E-Signature
34 Presentation Folder
35 PowerPoint
36 Report Cover®

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 1

our AU
Athabasca University. We are open, innovative, and anchored in a We Are focused on
history of excellence and integrity. We are world leaders in online
distance learning. Our brand is a reflection of our commitment to the future of learning.
advancing the way students learn and grow. We are proud to be
learner focused, meeting the needs of people around the globe
who look to us for flexible, accessible education options. We take
people from where they are today to where they want to be.

2 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

The guidelines in this manual have been created to establish
and maintain a strong, consistent and distinctive brand for
Athabasca University. Inside you will find the tools, templates,
and guidelines that will enable you to create compelling and
consistent communications.
If you have any questions about how to use the AU brand, please
contact the Director, Brand, Marketing and Recruitment, Office of

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 3

4 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13
Personality Attributes
Athabasca University’s personality attributes inform the
appearance and tone of all communications. These attributes
influence everything from how a brochure is designed, to how
a student is helped, to how the phone is answered.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 5

Brand Values Wheel
Athabasca University is committed to being a leader in online The centre of the wheel shows our brand essence—our driving
learning. AU provides students with accessible, flexible education brand value. The four values around it are our core values;
services delivered through innovative technologies. these represent the ideals we portray to our students, staff,
We dispense warm, welcoming, learner-focused service every and partners. The outer ring indicates our extended values;
step of the way: from first contact, to admissions, throughout the they support and enhance our core values and essence.
education lifecycle, to graduation and continuing on to alumni When we talk about ourselves, we use words like: innovative,
engagement. flexible, accessible, open-minded, reputable, responsible,
excellent, warm, personable, learner-focused, caring, honest,
fair, team-oriented, professional, user-oriented, future focused,
leaders in education and online distance learning.

Environment Focused on You
Innovative • Responsive
• User oriented
• Made to fit you
• Approachable • Open minded • Learner focused
• Team-oriented • New technologies • Practical application
• Valued staff • New learning techniques of skills-based EXTENDED VALUE
& faculty • Unique programming learning
• Striving to provide
Flexible History of excellent service
• Accommodating
• Self-directed • Teaching
• Embrace change
• Anywhere, anytime,
• Research
anyplace FUTURE • Scholarly
OF LEARNING communications
• Student satisfaction
Leader in
Exceptional Online Education Caring
People & Approach
Programming • Global Accessible
• Recognized & accredited • Open to all • Services
• Professional • Reliable • Removing barriers • Relationships
culture & staff • In research to learning • Community focused
• Committed to • Warm & personable
community development, • Fair & honest
government, and business

6 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

The Athabasca University ‘Brand Essence’ is presented in one
simple statement: Focused on the future of learning.
The following explains how the core and extended values
help support our brand essence.

Flexible. We embrace change and are responsive to the needs
of students. Our service delivery model is accommodating,
giving our learners self-directed program options. Providing
rich learning experiences that can be accessed all over the
world is part of what makes us unique. We live by the idea that
students should have the opportunity to learn on their own
terms, anytime, anywhere, anyplace.
Innovative. Building on a solid foundation and a rich history, we
continue to push the boundaries of learning in new and exciting
ways. Focused and invigorated, we continue to be pioneers in
our field, and remain flexible for our students.
Whether it is at home or around the world, Athabasca University
is energized and positioned to provide an unrivaled learning
experience for everyone, everywhere.
History of Excellence. With a long-established tradition of
innovation and excellence in higher education, we can look
back and be proud of our accomplishments. With excellence in
teaching, and research, we have been the perceived leader in
distance and online education. We have set the bar high
for others. We carry our history of academic achievements
forward by committing ourselves to scholarly research,
advancement and communication.
We have achieved much in more than 40 years and our high
student satisfaction rate speaks volumes about the quality of our
Leading in Online Distance Learning. AU is at the forefront
of global academic trends and the business of education. Our
professors and our programming are recognized and respected
around the world. Continuing to offer reliable and leading-
edge programs and services to our students, partners, and
staff keeps us relevant. Our research continues to win awards
and recognition and we will push to continue this success. We
continue to leverage existing and new technologies to enhance
our courses and programs for students, by offering students a
learning experience without limits.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 7

Extended Values
Focused on Students. As an experienced team of faculty
and staff, we are responsive to the needs of students. We are
committed to excellence, with programs that are made to fit
a wide variety of learners. Across all departments we work to
deliver solutions that expand and enhance the success of our
programs. We are focused on providing skill-based and practical,
everyday applications that allow our students to excel beyond
completing their education.
A Caring Approach. Our relationships with our students
are personal. We celebrate their successes with them
during their time at AU, as well as after they have left.
We are community-minded. We are fair and we continue
to serve our students with honesty and integrity.
Welcoming Environment. We value our faculty, staff and
students. Each campus, office, and remote work environment
strives to create a team-oriented culture that, in turn, empowers
our staff. Students are always made to feel like we are here to
serve them with an informed friendliness that helps them get
to where they need to go.
We Are Exceptional. We are a team of highly-trained experts
and academic leaders who are here to create a professional
culture that stimulates learning. Our expert knowledge is a
magnet for attracting professional staff from all over the world.
Our students go on to become leaders. We are always striving
to provide an exceptional learning experience that advances
individual goals and careers. 

8 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Positioning Statement
and Taglines
AU is innovative - focused on the future of learning. We are We are open. No matter where you are in life across the world,
developing new ways of learning that fit students busy lives. AU will take you from where you are today to where you want
Athabasca University. Open. Everywhere. to be. AU is everywhere you learn.

Focused on the future of learning.

Athabasca University is a research-based online university that is innovative, open, and forward-looking.

Athabasca University is everywhere you are, everywhere you learn.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 9

10 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13
Our logo is the visual sign of our brand. It represents who we are Symbol Logotype
as an open university, our long-established tradition of higher
education, and the forward thinking that will help us succeed
into the future. The mark is bold, vibrant, and iconic.

OUR Shield
The classic shield shape denotes university, higher learning
and tradition. The shield’s open window symbolizes our
difference: a commitment to open, accessible learning for all
students everywhere.
Vibrant, yet traditional, the shield harmonizes both sides of the
brand’s personality: energy, innovation, and open accessibility
balanced with academic tradition and excellence. Shield’s Window: The open window/portal
suggests openness, accessibility, flexibility,
our logotype and endless possibilities.
Using a modern typeface with a classic appeal symbolizes a
University that is proud of its past but is focused on the future. Shield’s Shape: The classic crest shape
A dark navy blue helps offset the vibrancy at the orange shield, references the crest in our coat of arms and
anchoring the logo. The logotype has been typeset for maximum speaks to a rich history and long-established
legibility to be used in a wide variety of applications (print, tradition in higher education.
digital media, online, promotional items).

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 11

Logo Variations
We have developed a unique logo that is rich in its diversity
of application. In some instances, variations will need to be used.
The principal variations of the mark are as follows:

horizontal — Full Colour

This is the primary representation of the Athabasca University
logo. It should be used before any other variation.

horizontal — single colour/Black

In some cases (faxing, black and white advertising) a black
version of the logo may be required.

horizontal — Orange/knocked out

Use only when placing logo on navy background.

horizontal — white/knocked out

This variation is to be used when colour is not an option
and there is a black background.

12 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

The following is the stacked version of the logo. This form of the
logo should be used when the space surrounding the logo is
better suited to a vertical representation.

Stacked — Full Colour

This is the primary stacked representation of the Athabasca
University logo. It should be used before any other variation.

Stacked — Orange/knocked out

Use only when placing logo on navy background.

Stacked — white/knocked out

This variation is to be used when colour is not an option
and there is a black background.

Stacked — single colour/Black

In some cases (faxing, black and white advertising)
a black version of the logo may be required.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 13

Logo Colours
Colour is a powerful means of visual identification. Consistent
use of our identity colours will build visibility and recognition
for the Athabasca University brand and its personality.
Any attempt to modify or alter our logo is a direct violation
of our brand standards.


To be used in offset printing, particularly when the logo is small.

AU Orange
C0 M70 Y100 K0

AU Blue
C95 M74 Y7 K44


To be used on screen. (i.e. websites, electronic banners,
television and PowerPoint® presentations).

AU Orange
R255 G103 B31

AU Blue
R27 G54 B93

14 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Single colour LOGO USAGE
On rare occasions a single colour option will need to be used.
When presented with this situation use the black variation
of the logo only.

C100 M100 Y100 K100
R0 G0 B0

Single colour knocked out

When only one colour is available, the AU logo may be used
as a knocked out white on AU blue background or black.

AU Blue
C95 M74 Y7 K44
R27 G54 B93

C100 M100 Y100 K100
R0 G0 B0

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 15

Colour Palette
A vibrant, energetic orange paired with traditional navy blue The secondary grays and yellows are to be used as accent
is our colour palette. The orange speaks to technological colours to support the brand in advertising and online media.
innovation that will orient Athabasca University toward the The colours presented here are only a representation. Please
future, and the classic navy blue grounds the university view a Pantone swatch book to ensure 100% accuracy in colours.
in a rich history of educational excellence.

Primary Brand Colours

C0 M70 Y100 K0
R255 G103 B31

C95 M74 Y7 K44
R27 G54 B93

Secondary Brand Colours

C0 M19 Y89 K0
R255 G199 B44


C30 M22 Y17 K57
R117 G120 B123

16 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

The Thertiary Colour Palette is an additional palette selection to be used
primarily for marketing, merchandise and promotional purposes. It is
a colour palette that offers flexibility of choice through the four main
colours and corresponding value variations.
This palette can also be used for web design projects in combination
with the primary and secondary palettes,

tertiary Brand Colours

C29 M1 Y100 K18
R168 G173 B0

C05 M96 Y80 K22
R175 G39 B47

C48 M96 Y0 K0
R152 G29 B151

C100 M22 Y2 K18
R0 G107 B166

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 17

We married Century Schoolbook to the contemporary simplicity
of Myriad Pro to create a legible typographic hierarchy.
* Only if fonts are not available should a similar font be used.

Myriad Pro - Primary font

If font is unavailable, Arial or Calibri can be used. It is ideal for headlines and
Myriad Pro Regular complementary to Century
Schoolbook when used together.
As an option, this font can be used
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz for short body copy such as articles,
1234567890!@#$%^&*() short letters, ad copy. Serif fonts
Myriad Pro Bold are recommended for applications

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ where there is lengthy copy, such

as manuscripts and books.
This font is suitable for institutional
1234567890!@#$%^&*() materials, annual reports,
institutional collateral, and
documents of this kind due to its
strong legibility.

Century Schoolbook - SecondAry font

If font is unavailable, Palatino or Cambria can be used.
This font is most suitable for body
Century Schoolbook Regular copy in long documents.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Century Schoolbook can be used
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz as a strong display type as well,
for advertising and marketing
1234567890!@#$%^&*() applications like headers, tag lines,
Century Schoolbook Bold and positioning statements in

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (see Advertising section).

1234567890!@#$%^&*() This font is recommended for body

copy as it has high legibility and
serif fonts are most readable.

18 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Logos for Faculties
The Athabasca University logotype has been adjusted primary logo
for faculties to ensure readability while maintaining the
visual balance of the crest and logotype. Please use these
variations when applying the faculty logos in print and online
communications materials.

Please contact Marketing and Communication department

directly to discuss exceptional circumstances for logo
FaculTy logos







Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 19

FaculTy logos with sub categories


Centre for Innovative Management


Centre for Nursing & Health Studies


Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology


Centre for Humanities


Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies


Centre for Social Sciences


Centre for Science


School of Computing & Information Systems

20 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Tagline and Positioning
Statement with Logo
More than just a tagline, Focused on the future of learning is AU’s Pro Regular, and the positioning statement everywhere is
promise to continue to be innovative, accessible and flexible, in formatted in Century Schoolbook Regular. They can be used in
both our research and our approach to learning. either the AU orange or the AU blue.
AU’s secondary tagline everywhere conveys our commitment to Separate from a copy block, the positioning statement
learning everywhere, for everyone. everywhere should be presented solely in lowercase type, with
These statements need to be used in a consistent manner to a period at the end. It should be capitalized only when next to
ensure maximum brand value. Please ensure that the tagline body copy.
Focused on the future of learning is formatted in Myriad

Statement positioNS

Focused on the future of learning.

Focused on the future of learning.


Focused on the future of learning. everywhere.

Statement position with copy

You have places to go, but no time to get a degree. So, we bring learning to you. We’re a world leader in online distance learning, with
courses and degree programs that take you everywhere you want to go, wherever you find yourself in the world.
Athabasca University. Open. Everywhere.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 21

Logo Clear Space
Always position our logo for maximum impact and give it plenty and the outside edge of printed materials. The examples shown
of room to breath. Clear space frames the logo, separating it represent the minimum amount of clear space.
from other elements such as headlines, text, imagery,

primary logos
The “a” from “Athabasca University” defines the minimum
protective space around the logo.

logo with positioning statement

The “a” from “Athabasca University” also defines the minimum
protective space around the logo with the positioning statement.



space between shield and wordmark

The “a” from “Athabasca University” defines the space between the
shield and the wordmark. This space cannot be altered.

22 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Web URL Application
The Athabasca University web URL will accompany the logo
in many instances, both in print and digital media. To ensure
consistency, there are only two positions where the web URL can
be properly positioned when used in conjunction with the logo:
horizontally and vertically.

URL position horizontal

When positioning the web URL horizontally, it is imperative
that the URL is displayed to the right of the logo and on the
second line of the AU wordmark with a two letter distance
between the URL and the wordmark.

URl position vertical

When using the Web URL in a vertical position, make
sure the URL is aligned in the centre of the AU Logo and
wordmark and at a distance of one letter between the two.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 23

Logo Minimum Size
When reproducing our logotype, consider its size and legibility.
To ensure quality, only high quality vector (e.g. .eps, .ai) logo
formats should be shared with external partners.
Vector logos can be scaled to any size without any loss in
quality. Follow these guidelines when considering sizing
for your documents.

primary logo
The minimum size of the logo is determined by the AU shield.
The shield should not be smaller than 0.25 inches tall.

0.25 inch 0.25 inch

faculty logos logos with positioning statement

The minimum size of the logo is determined by the AU shield. The minimum size of the logo is determined by the AU shield.
The shield should not be smaller than 0.375 inches tall. The shield should not be smaller than 0.375 inch.

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES 0.375 inch 0.375 inch



Centre for Humanities

24 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Correct Logo Application
All applications shown below apply to all variations of the logo.
The following guidelines are to be followed to maintain a strong
visual identity.

On white Single colour on white

On Pantone 534 C On solid colour (black and white only)

On Pantone 165 C On photograph (dark)

On solid colour On photograph (light)

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 25

Incorrect Logo Application
The following are examples of incorrect logo usage.
Please do not attempt any of these examples.

The shield colour should not be altered to any other

colour than the approved variations. Logotype should not be altered.


Never alter colours. Logo should not be knocked out of complex photo.

Full colour logo should not be knocked out on

photographic background.

26 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

AU Shield Application
The shield can be used on its own for advertising purposes represents Athabasca University’s ‘Open’ value. It symbolizes our
or in graphic presentations. However, in all cases, the centre competitive difference and speaks to our history. Never place
of the shield should never be violated. The centre of the shield anything inside of it.

Correct use of the Shield INCorrect use of the Shield

White is inside of the shield. There should never be icons inside of the shield.

Do not use orange shield on a coloured

The shield is on the navy background. background.

The shield should not have an image in the

On coloured background, only use white or black. background.

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 27

28 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13
Business Card
Size and placement of elements should not be altered.
Business cards are printed on both sides.
Business cards will be available for each university location
(Athabasca location is used as sample only).
Department /Faculty
Myriad Pro Bold
7pt/8pt leading
(*) indicates required field
Address block/contact info
Business card front Myriad Pro Regular
Prints with two colours 7pt/8pt leading
Pantone Orange 165 C, AU horizontal logo
1.25” wide * Required information
Pantone Navy 534 C

Department or Faculty *
1 University Drive Full paragraph
Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3
Canada return

P 780.675.1234 *
C 780.675.6234
Name: Century Schoolbook 10pt/12pt leading F 780.675.7234
Title/Centre/Program/Unit: TF 1.800.788.9041 #1234 *
Myriad Pro 8pt/10pt leading Name * E *
Credentials (if applicable)
TW @twittername
NOTE: Credentials will follow the name as long as Title/Position * SK
there is adequate space. If not, they will go to the Centre/Program/Unit (if applicable) *
line under the name. Align 0.25”
from the bottom
Everything aligns to bottom 0.25” from the bottom

Align Address block

Align 2” from the left

Business card BACK

Prints with two colours
Pantone Orange 165 C,
Pantone Navy 534 C

Focused on the future of learning.

Center of the card.
Myriad Pro 11pt Regular,
Pantone 165 C

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 29

Letterhead is composed of two pages: page one and page two
(including subsequent pages).
Suggested body copy style:
Myriad Pro Regular 9 pt/12 pt leading

AU Tagline
Letterhead first page Align 0.85” from
0.85” the top; -.65” from the top
AU Horizontal logo Myriad Pro 10pt Regular
Align 0.5” from AU Orange Pantone 165C
the left and the top
Focused on the future of learning. 0.65”
Width: 1.6” wide
0.5” 2”

Letter area Dear Mr. Smith,

1” from the left Maximaionse nes aut adis alias culpari berchiliquat fugitat ende parchil ra ad mincim fuga.
1” Onsequisitat perchitatio est, nusapictem volore ped et mosant pe laudand uciliquiat et expernam 1”
1” from the right alique netur ma conem laudae ventum quam ratquiam, veleseq uibus, volorro offici nobitio bere
veliquo volupta quiantiunt quis aut audistiur rehendisqui simo illa que duntusa pideliati ut quo quia
2” from the top pos reperi ipidentum ut enias aut facita deres rest liquos ex eum, quiae voles doluptio odit, occatur
Vertically align with the “A” . ma nimporectium illa dolupta tinvendus.

Vid qui blabo. Solumque nulpa que volore plitae quo is dolescia conseque conse omnis evelitiunt lam
as rae nimus maximoluptam quo im quamusdam estius, in pliquam, non rero il ex est que derum
ea siminis magnam, eumquo tem hilique molupic ipsam, volupiene nihicium dolorunt ut esequae
secearunt. At fugit lanti comnim iur susapient.

Esequodi sitat vel et que volum faccuptat. Agnamusantia ea di arum aspeditate porunt molupta
vid qui corepta quam laborit aliquatium exere con eicillenist, con parum est ut qui optaquiandit
eum acerum labo. Ut ipiciae nonsequi aborehendae quate sintor ande con et everum eum velique
voluptiorest quaepelique in cor audant versped quaspellori con esto ipsamus, suntium hariae volut
ut parumquo dipsusdae. Gia expedis cillupta velecabo. Rum aut eum quam, se corecta ectaturerae
parunt aditium sit fugit, ut a sit que dolupienis dolorum a pereptature vit doluptatur ma ditaquatem
rem corrum, elendan teniscia sum.

Suntusae. Itaquassi con nis susant, que moles si aliquia ventem atum quo blatur? Qui iumquam
reptat ut ex et perspid quia volendae plit ommolum nobitia qui recto endelest, nos quam re sectur,
alia sum ent occae quas aut lam exeraep udaerio od experes sitaece arciate coribea tquodi tetur
sae sam quisima ionsern atiberr ovitis alist eum sum ipsam hit eatur, qui totatquam, cuptas dolla
sumque ommolupta quam con re volupti nim et, quate il ipidunt ma sume vendictus si at imus,
unt mo berum reptaerovite commod quis sam, sequas et que et officit, saped ma vel maio. Ribus,
sum am laborum ditas unt hitis dolupta speditiate parupictiae ventur aceptur, in nus res que ex
es sandento minvenime velitis de odigente sin eatiis everumquid ut lautem rempe plabores parum
sitatur rehendam, sae des del elique perum quiam as verferi busam, omniendelis erum id mod
quatque sitatquatur ad qui sedistia qui volorepero voluptiam non expliqu iatur, temporis ma quam
nos aboress equaestis quo voloratia con non et fuga. Ipiciti orectium et ut et moluptaspe assitempori
del excestiur?

Us non ea non con conseque conectem laborectum evenis cus, quatio tem fuga. Et eum libus eos
doluptat eosandi quae voluptat omnis arum acerum et alitaque dem harum qui odit, tempori bustem
explia nus demporr orporent es idelent, con

Thank you,

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
Director, Marketing and Communication

Advancement Office (optional dept. name)

1200, 10011 109 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3S8 Canada
780.675.6100 | Toll-free (CAN/U.S.) 1.800.788.9041

Address block
Align 0.65” from the right and the bottom Myriad Pro 8pt leading

30 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Letterhead (Faculty)
Letterhead is composed of two pages: page one and page two Suggested body copy style:
(including subsequent pages). Myriad Pro Regular 9 pt/12 pt leading

AU Tagline
Letterhead first page Align 0.85” from
0.85” the top; -.65” from the top
AU Horizontal Faculty logo Myriad Pro 10pt Regular
Align 0.5” from AU Orange Pantone 165C
the left and the top
Width: 2.415” wide FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Focused on the future of learning..

0.5” 2”

Letter area Dear Mr. Smith,

1” from the left Maximaionse nes aut adis alias culpari berchiliquat fugitat ende parchil ra ad mincim fuga.
1” Onsequisitat perchitatio est, nusapictem volore ped et mosant pe laudand uciliquiat et expernam
1” from the right alique netur ma conem laudae ventum quam ratquiam, veleseq uibus, volorro offici nobitio bere
2” from the top veliquo volupta quiantiunt quis aut audistiur rehendisqui simo illa que duntusa pideliati ut quo quia
pos reperi ipidentum ut enias aut facita deres rest liquos ex eum, quiae voles doluptio odit, occatur
Vertically align with the “A” . ma nimporectium illa dolupta tinvendus.

Vid qui blabo. Solumque nulpa que volore plitae quo is dolescia conseque conse omnis evelitiunt lam
as rae nimus maximoluptam quo im quamusdam estius, in pliquam, non rero il ex est que derum
ea siminis magnam, eumquo tem hilique molupic ipsam, volupiene nihicium dolorunt ut esequae
secearunt. At fugit lanti comnim iur susapient.

Esequodi sitat vel et que volum faccuptat. Agnamusantia ea di arum aspeditate porunt molupta
vid qui corepta quam laborit aliquatium exere con eicillenist, con parum est ut qui optaquiandit
eum acerum labo. Ut ipiciae nonsequi aborehendae quate sintor ande con et everum eum velique
voluptiorest quaepelique in cor audant versped quaspellori con esto ipsamus, suntium hariae volut
ut parumquo dipsusdae. Gia expedis cillupta velecabo. Rum aut eum quam, se corecta ectaturerae
parunt aditium sit fugit, ut a sit que dolupienis dolorum a pereptature vit doluptatur ma ditaquatem
rem corrum, elendan teniscia sum.

Suntusae. Itaquassi con nis susant, que moles si aliquia ventem atum quo blatur? Qui iumquam
reptat ut ex et perspid quia volendae plit ommolum nobitia qui recto endelest, nos quam re sectur,
alia sum ent occae quas aut lam exeraep udaerio od experes sitaece arciate coribea tquodi tetur
sae sam quisima ionsern atiberr ovitis alist eum sum ipsam hit eatur, qui totatquam, cuptas dolla
sumque ommolupta quam con re volupti nim et, quate il ipidunt ma sume vendictus si at imus,
unt mo berum reptaerovite commod quis sam, sequas et que et officit, saped ma vel maio. Ribus,
sum am laborum ditas unt hitis dolupta speditiate parupictiae ventur aceptur, in nus res que ex
es sandento minvenime velitis de odigente sin eatiis everumquid ut lautem rempe plabores parum
sitatur rehendam, sae des del elique perum quiam as verferi busam, omniendelis erum id mod
quatque sitatquatur ad qui sedistia qui volorepero voluptiam non expliqu iatur, temporis ma quam
nos aboress equaestis quo voloratia con non et fuga. Ipiciti orectium et ut et moluptaspe assitempori
del excestiur?

Us non ea non con conseque conectem laborectum evenis cus, quatio tem fuga. Et eum libus eos
doluptat eosandi quae voluptat omnis arum acerum et alitaque dem harum qui odit, tempori bustem
explia nus demporr orporent es idelent, con

Thank you,

Joe Smith, PhD
Professor, Psychology

Centre/Program name (optional)

1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3 Canada
Optional faculty/centre phone numbe | Toll-free (CAN/U.S.) 1.800.XXX.XXXX , ext. XXXX (optional centre URL) |

Address block
Align 0.65” from the right and the bottom Myriad Pro 8pt leading

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 31

Letterhead and Envelope
Suggested body copy style:
Myriad Pro Regular 9 pt/12 pt leading

Letterhead SUBSEQUENT PAGES and #10 Envelope

AU shield
Align 0.5” from
the right and the top
Letter area
6.5” x 8.5”
1” 1”

The future of learning..

Align 0.5” from the right
Myriad Pro 12 pt font.

Focused on the future of learning.

The future of learning.


Advancement Office
1 University Drive
1200, 10011 109 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5J 3S8 Athabasca, AB
T9S 3A3

1” Return address block

Align left under wordmark, 1.25” from the top
Myriad Pro 8pt/9pt leading

AU horizontal logo
Align left under wordmark
Height of shield: 0.5”

32 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Size and order of elements should not be altered.
Use Myriad Pro. If Myriad Pro is unavailable, use Arial.

Employee name
Arial Regular
12 pt, dark blue
Title and department
Arial Regular
12 pt, dark blue
Contacts block
Arial Regular
12 pt, dark blue

Confidentiality notice
Arial Regular
11 pt, med. gray
Social media may be
listed after AU URL
separated by |

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 33

Presentation Folder
SIZE: Folds to 9” x 12”
COLOURS: Pantone 534 C, Pantone 165 C

AU shield Myriad Pro - Regular 19.5pt
.65” off-centre from spine (front ) AU logo
Total shield width 6.3”w x 9”h Bottom right corner of folder 2.5” w x .87”h

1 University Drive
Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3

P: 780.675.6100
Toll-free CAN/U.S.

Contact information
Myriad Pro
Regular 12pt

Positioning Statement Business card holder

Centered to the flap Century Schoolbook 32pt

34 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13

Presentations are often crucial communication tools for internal Typeface
and external audiences. An effective and well conceived Myriad Pro is to be used for headings and Century Schoolbook is
presentation can inform, motivate, and entertain. Multiple points to be used for body text for all PowerPoint® presentations.
are best made with short, bullet items, or on multiple slides,
revealed as the speaker makes each point. Simple, strong visuals
are recommended for support graphics.

Main title screen

Use solid colour and avoid complex photos and graphic backgrounds.
Use strong, large bold Myriad Pro for the main title.
Myriad Pro Bold 40pt Orange PMS165


Myriad Pro Bold 36pt White

Myriad Pro 8pt Orange PMS165
Align right
Focused on the future of learning.

Individual slides
Slide Heading
Myriad Pro Bold 36pt

Slide Subheading
Our Business
Myriad Pro Bold 20pt Slide Subheading 2

• Bullet point goes here

• Bullet point
Bullet Points
Century Schoolbook Regular
• Bullet point
“I’m first and proud of it. Working
full time and raising a family on my own,
I never thought I’d be the first one
in my family to ever earn a degree.”
Century Schoolbook Italic

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 35

Report Cover
SIZE: 8.5” x 11” - standard report size
COLOURS: Pantone 534 C, Pantone 165 C



TITLE: Myriad Pro

18pt Bold - All Caps
SUBTITLE: Myriad Pro
14pt Regular
- Sentence Case report title
Pantone 534 C
Report Subtitle

Authored by: Name 0.5”

Myriad Pro 10pt Regular
Title Dark Blue: PMS534
Date: Month, day, year

36 Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13




Start typing here.

1” Copy: Century Schoolbook 10pt Regular, Black 1”

Department Name Page number Date

Myriad Pro 6pt Regular, Black

Design Standards Manual - 09/23/13 37

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