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Grammar Vocabulary Communication Listening Speaking TOTAL SCORE

80 65 25 20 60 250
% Level :
A. Put the verb in the bracket in the right form. 20 Marks
Example: He ....... (speak) English. He speaks English.
1. (be) my brother. 13. At the moment I ‘m living…….. (live) in
2. You ...are... (be) very dirty. Liverpool.
3. Luke ...has.... (have) got a nice house. 14. I …have never been ... (never be) to
4. She doesn't...speak…. (speak) English.
15. Jack usually …works……….... (work) from 8 to
5. Emily…wakes... (wake) up at six thirty.
6. What time does the programme …start…
16. She will study………... (study) in Ireland next
7. He’s reading... (read) a book now.
17. We ..were not......... (not be) at school
8. My sister...watched... (watch) TV last night.
9. I ...was… (be) very busy yesterday.
18. My brother ..will take......... (take) his guitar
10. Is he .........washing....... (wash) his hair? exam next month.
11. She …doesn’t like ……………….. (not like) 19. While I …was washing . (wash) my hair
coffee. somebody ………knocked......... (knock) at
the door.
12. The city has really changed. You …are....(be) 20. A: Why are you hungry? I didn’t have. (not
surprised! have) breakfast.

B. Give the comparative and superlative forms of the following words. 10 Marks
Example: high, higher, highest

1. Big ………bigger ….…., ……biggest ……….. 6. Little …less…….……, ……least………..

2. Heavy ……heavier..…, ……heaviest ………… 7. Slowly more slowly……, …most slowly……..
3. Terrifying more terrifying , most terrifying….. 8. Healthy …healthier……, ……healthiest….………..
4. Good……better…, …………best ……………….. 9. Thin …thinner…, …thinnest…....
5. Bad ……worse………, ……worst…………………… 10. Much …more…….…, ……most…………..

C. Write the plural form of the nouns. 8 Marks

Example: house houses
1. Man ………men………..…….… 2. City …cities…… 3. Name ……names……… 4. Watch ……watches………
5. Child…children …..…….… 6. Foot…feet…..…….… 7. Wife ………wives…..……...… 8. Chef .chefs ……..…….…

D. Choose the right word to complete the sentence. 20 Marks

Example: Give ..... the book! I/me Give me the book!

1. Is...this ........ a good example? this/those 12. We haven't got….…any ….. ice cream.
2. I can't see .. ………my …………… . car. my/me some/any
3. She doesn't want to talk to ……him……his/him 13. I need a pen. Can I borrow …yours . Joe?
4. ……………It………………….. is very late. there/it
14. I've got a friend .who . goes to school in Paris.
5 The supermarket is ....behind …... the cinema.
Behind / next
15. I'd ... …prefer ……. to go the cinema.
6. The film starts ….at ………… six o'clock. on/at
7. How ....often………………… do you swim?
16. She didn't see …us..….. at the theatre. us/our
17. ………It …..… is really cold tonight. there/it
8. She has lunch and after ……that……… she goes
for a walk. then/that 18. I want you to do this quikly …………..…
9. We haven't got .. ………….any … cassette
recorders. some/any 19. How .long ..…… does it take to get to school?
10 .Here's …an.…. English dictionary for you. a/an
20. His jacket is more expensive …than……. mine.
11. You…must ……..……. be quiet after 10.30 p.m.

E. Put the words in the right order. 10 Marks

Example: like/l/films/British/ I like British films.
1. dancing/likes/Kate/music/and/……Kate likes music and dancing
2. the/l/up/wake/in/morning/. I wake up early in the morning
3. any/sisters/you/brothers/have/got/and/? …Have you got any brothers and sisters
4. from/where/they/are/? ……Where are they from
5. your/spell/can/name/you/? …Can you spell your name
6. USA/in/from/Pittsburgh/they're/the/. They are from Pittsburgh from the USA.
7. washing/she/the/is/car/.she is washing the car.
8. the/some/there/posters/above/are/bed/. There are some posters above the bed.
9. often/he/tired/is/morning/in/the/. He is often tired in the morning.
see/you/did/in/London/them/? Did you see them in London?

F. Complete the sentences using: 12 Marks

what, where, how, when, why, who, how, how often, how much, how long .
Example: …..... are you? How are you?

1. What’s your teacher's name? 5. Where did you meet John? In Paris.
2. Where’s my calculator? On the desk. 6. When does the train from Exeter arrive?
3. How much is a bottle of mineral water? 7. Why are you late again?
4. How is your mother? Is she better? 8. How often do you study English a week?

9. Who do you go to work with on Friday? 11. How long does your dad usually spend
10. How much time do you exercise in the jogging? Not more than 30mn.
morning? For about an hour. 12. How long have you been learning English?
A. Circle the word that doesn't match the others. 10 Marks
Example: woman boy doctor girl baby woman boy doctor girl baby

1. green / white / red / glass / brown 6. brother / father / girl / daughter / sister
2. chair / table /desk / bed /eraser 7. carpet / hall / mirror / wardrobe / chair
3. five / ten / twenty / first /three 8. second / third / twenty / first/ fourth
4. thirsty / quietly / hungry / beautiful / tired 9. bread / butter / egg / carrot / knife
5. autumn / spring / summer / holidays / winter 10. pet / snake / lion / horse / sheep
B. Complete with: in, at, on, by, to. 20 Marks
Example: The dog is .... the bed. The dog is on the bed.

1. Daniel's camera is in his bag. 11. Listen to the song with me.
2. Charlie isn't at school today. 12. Laura is the only girl with red hair in the class.
3. I live in Brighton. 13. Where did they get on the train?
4. My lesson starts at six o'clock. 14. She must be at school at the moment.
5. He usually goes by bus. 15. Let's meet on Monday
6. We don't have lessons on Sunday. 16 There's a bed at the right of the door.
7. I was born in 1986. 17. The chair is next to the table.
8. She is not at home. 18. Mick usually comes by car.
9. My sister is in the kitchen. 19. You shouldn't use calculators at Maths exams.
10. I will phone you in the morning. 20. There is a picture on the wall.
C. Write the numerical expressions in words. 8 Marks
Example: 5 five

a. 54 fifty-four. e. 3rd third.

b. 2nd second. f. 36p thirty six ps.
c. 8:10 ten past eight. g. £5.75 five pound seventy-five.
d. £1.60 one pound sixty. h. 1st Aug 1965 nineteen sixty-five.
D. Give the opposites of the following words. 9 Marks
Example: good ‡bad……
1. Big ‡small 4. Boring ‡interesting/exciting. 7. Dark ‡light
2. Easy ‡difficult/hard 5. Late ‡early 8. Tall ‡short/small
3. New ‡old/modern 6. High ‡low 9. Expensive ‡cheap/inexpensive
E. Match the verbs and nouns. 18 Marks
Example: 1. watch ....B….. a video
PART 1 8. Meet B. F. a cup of tea 13. Wear B.
1 .go to D 9. Talk G. G. on the phone 14. Turn on I.
2. Write C H. a newspaper 15. Watch H.
3. Drink F. A. the homework I .to music 16. Walk F.
4. Read H. B. friends PART 2 17. Make E.
5. Close E. C. a letter 10. Call D. 18. Get on G.
6. Do A. D. the cinema 11. Take C.
7. Listen I. E. the door 12. Do A. A .the shopping
B. a jacket D. a doctor F. home H. a film
C. a photo E. the bed G. well I. the light

A. Answer these questions with full sentences. 14 Marks
Example: What's your name? My name's David.

Part1 Part 2
1. How are you? 8. What is your name?
Fine / Well Asma/Billel……….
2. Where do you live? 9. Can you tell me the way to the station, please?
In……………………………………………………………… Go along this street, then………………
3. What color is your bag? 10. Is there a post office near here?
Black/red/white………………………………………………… Yes, there is one next to the…………
4. What time is it? 11. Where do you come from?
10:30/6:30………………………………………………………… I’m from Algiers/Oran…………………
5. How old are you? 12. Do you like playing in the snow?
I am twenty years old Yes, I do/no, I don’t………………
6. What time do you get up? 13. How do you feel?
At 5:30 a.m Well/good/fine/great………………………
7. Can you swim? 14. Why are you late?
Yes I can/no, I can’t I missed the bus/I got up late…………………..

B. Circle the correct answer. 11 Marks

Example: Do you come from Spain? a) Yes, I am. b) Yes, I do. c) No, am.

1. Can I have an orange juice, please? 7. Is your brother older than you?
a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, here you are. c) All right. a) He does. b) That’s right.
c) Yes, please. d) He is older.
2. Can I use your mobile phone?
a) I'm afraid you can't. 8. Would you like a sandwich?
b) I'm afraid you don't. a) Yes, please. b) Yes, I do.
c) I'm afraid you are. c) I will. d) Yes, I want.

3 .Let's go to the cinema 9. Could you come earlier tomorrow?

a) Yes, we go. b) I like it. c) Good idea. a) No, I prefer not. b) I'm sorry, I can't.
c) No, I think not. d) No, rather not.
4. Can I have a hamburger, please?
a) Yes, you have. b) Yes, I can. 10. I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday.
c) Yes, certainly. a) That's true. b) You should.
c) Never mind. d) That's right.
5. Would you like something to drink?
a) Yes, please. b) Thirsty. c) No. d) I want. 11. Don't forget to switch off the TV when you go
to bed.
6. What did you think of the film? a) No, I won't. b) I remember.
a) I don’t think. b) Right. c) It was OK. c) That's important. d) No, I will.

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