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Total points 80/100

1st Induction - Fatal & Non Fatal

Passing mark - 85%

Email *

Name *

Muhamad luqman bin mohd noor

Batch / Wave *


Trainer *

Mohd rashid mohd dahari

1. Based on the QA Evaluation *5/5

Criteria, "Create self sympathy
in order to get the sales (
begging)" can be park under
which sub criteria?

Pleasant Tone of Voice

Selling Skill / Objection Handling

Professional Conduct

Listening Skill


2. Based on the QA Evaluation *5/5

Criteria, "Reveal customer's
and company information" can
be park under which sub

Sales ConHrmation

Information Dissemination

Data Capture and VeriHcation

Sales Ethic

3. Customer gave objection; *5/5

TSP agreed and ended the call
properly. Under which criteria
and sub criteria TSP failed?

Selling Skill / Objection

Handling - Unable to recognize
or handle objection.

Selling Skill / Objection Handling -

Unable to control conversation

Selling Skill / Objection Handling -

Unable to recognize buying signal
or trial close

Selling Skill / Objection Handling -

Did not set / arrange appointment

4. The quality monitoring is to 5/5

be referring to the quality
benchmark, which is divided
into 4 categories as " Opening,
Soft Skill & Professionalism ,
Compliances, Closing



5. Based on QA Evaluation 5/5

Criteria, "Being over friendly and
/ or flirtatious" can be park
under which sub criteria?

Languange and delivery

State / Seek purpose of call and

seek permission to present

Sales ethic

Professional conduct

6. If TSP gave their personal 0/5

number or email address to
customer, under which sub
criteria TSP failed?

Reveal customer's and company


Being over friendly and /or


Fail to obtain customer details

Wrong client representation

Correct answer

Reveal customer's and company


7. All the sub criteria below falls 5/5

under fatal element EXCEPT

Reveal customer's and company


Unethical Sales

Present Product features and

beneHt wrongly

Speaks in unpleasant manner

8. Based on the QA Evaluation 5/5

Criteria "Did not speak in the
language that customer
preferred" is one of fatal



9. Based on the QA Evaluation 5/5

Criteria "Being over friendly and
/ or flirtatious" is one of fatal



10. TSP compulsory to get clear 0/5

acceptance from customer
"YES/OK/AGREE". Which criteria
can be park?

Data Capture and VeriHcation

Information Dissemination

Sales ConHrmation


Correct answer

Sales ConHrmation

11. Customer agreed to 5/5

subscribe package as per
offered by TSP but request need
to discuss first. What should
TSP need to do and classify?

Proceed with registration and

disposed on customer agreed.

Cancel sale

Pending and call back for


Proceed with registration - Sale call

12. How many main criteria in 5/5

the QA Standard Benchmark?

13. During product presentation, 5/5

customer requested TSP to call
her daughter on this package
due to customer is Housewife
and didn't understand well. TSP
did called her daughter and
informed her mother has agreed
with this plan and TSP proceed
with enrollment, submit as
sales. This scenario can park

Sale Ethic - Fraud sale

Sales ConHrmation - Sales

Enrolment ConHrmation not read as
per script

Sales ConHrmation -Incomplete

underwriting / qualifying /
enrolment questions ( as per script)

Sale Ethic - Unethical Sales

14. Which of the sub criteria 5/5

below is non fatal EXCEPT?

too pushy and forceful in the

sale call

no active listening skills

unable to control conversation

Hller words

All the above

15. The following are not 0/5

consider as an acceptance

OK but can send me the T&C Hrst.

Insya'Allah Setuju

Alright boleh !

Ok setujulah.

Correct answer

Ok setujulah.

16. Customer declines the offer 5/5

given by TSP with reason that
she/he can't afford it. TSP keep
trying to handle customer
objection but customer still
refused with same reason for
more than 3 times. This can be
park under?

A. Too pushy and forceful in the

sale call

B. Unable to recognize and or

handle the objections

C. Did not obtain clear 'acceptance'

from customer

D. Unethical Sales i.e. Threaten

customer to enroll


17. TSP presented in Malay but 5/5

no response from customer and
only said "hmm/ye/aah"
throughout the conversation
due to she/he is a
Chinese/Indian. This scenario
can be park under?

Heavy accent/ slang or used words

that customer couldn't understand

Speaks in unpleasant manner

Initiated and spoke in a

language without checking with

Did not speak in the language that

customer preferred

18. Customer interested with 5/5

the package offered by TSP.
However customer did not
understand very well in bahasa
and English as well and
preferred to speak in Chinese
langguange. What should TSP

Thank the customer and end the

call as TSP not able to converse in

Inform that there us no

Chinese/Tamil speaking TSP
available and continue to present

Thank the customer and inform

customer you'll set a call back
for another TSP to call back &
assist customer that can
converse in Chinese/Tamil

Try to explain slowly to customer

until he/she can understand

19. TSP keep asking customer 0/5

the same question and
customer need to inform / verify
the same answer. This criteria
can be park under?

No active listening skills

Unable to control conversation

Unable to recognize and or

handle the objections

Fail to repeat back info given


Correct answer

No active listening skills

20. Customer agreed to 5/5

subscribe plan as per offered by
customer and done enrolled
with customer as per script
given. However TSP failed to
remark and fill up customer
details correctly in system. This
situation can be park under?

Wrong client representation

System toggle

Unethical Sales

Fraud Sales

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